Merge fixes from branch 'xorn'
[geda-gaf.git] / xorn / src / gaf /
1 # gaf - Python library for manipulating gEDA files
2 # Copyright (C) 1998-2010 Ales Hvezda
3 # Copyright (C) 1998-2010 gEDA Contributors (see ChangeLog for details)
4 # Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Roland Lutz
6 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 # (at your option) any later version.
11 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 # GNU General Public License for more details.
16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
18 # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
20 ## \namespace gaf.clib
21 ## The component library system
23 # The <b>component library</b> is made up of a number of <b>component
24 # sources</b>, each of which in turn makes available a number of
25 # component <b>symbols</b>. Each source is represented by a Python
26 # object which implements the methods \c list() to retrieve a list of
27 # symbol names, and \c get(symbol) to retrieve the symbol data for a
28 # given symbol name.
30 # There are two predefined source types: a DirectorySource represents
31 # a directory on disk containing symbol files, and a CommandSource
32 # represents a command in the system \c PATH which can generate gEDA
33 # symbol data (e.g. from a database).
35 # Each symbol is identified by its name, which is stored in the saved
36 # schematic file. The name must be valid for storage in a gEDA
37 # schematic file as the "basename" of a "component" object. For
38 # symbols from directory sources, the filename of the symbol is taken
39 # as the symbol name. For a command source, the name may be any
40 # permissible string. Guidelines to follow:
42 # -# Do not begin a symbol name with "EMBEDDED"
43 # -# Do not use whitespace, or any of the characters "/", ":", "!",
44 # "*", or "?".
45 # -# Try to use unique names.
47 # The component database may be queried using \ref search. A revision
48 # object containing the symbol data may be obtained using \ref
49 # get_symbol. If the source of a symbol isn't known, the symbol data
50 # may be requested using the convenience function \ref lookup_symbol.
52 import collections, fnmatch, os, shlex, stat, subprocess, sys
53 from gettext import gettext as _
54 import
55 import gaf.ref
56 import xorn.proxy
57 import
59 ## Decide based on filename whether a file in a directory source is
60 ## considered a symbol.
62 def sym_filename_filter(basename):
63 return basename.lower().endswith('.sym') or \
64 basename.lower().endswith('.sym.xml')
66 ## Named tuple class for storing data about a particular component source.
68 Source = collections.namedtuple('Source', ['callback', 'symbols', 'name'])
70 ## List of source triples for all known component sources.
72 _sources = []
74 ## Cache for search results of \ref search.
76 # The key of the hashtable is a pair <tt>(pattern, glob)</tt>
77 # describing the search that was carried out, and the value is a list
78 # of pairs <tt>(source, symbol)</tt>.
80 _search_cache = {}
82 ## Symbol data cache.
84 # The key of the hashtable is a pair <tt>(source, symbol)</tt>, and
85 # the value is the data.
87 _symbol_cache = {}
89 ## Whether to load pixmaps referenced by symbols.
91 # This should be set before reading any symbols. Otherwise, cached
92 # symbols loaded with the wrong \a load_pixmaps flag may be returned.
94 load_pixmaps = False
97 ## Raised on symbol lookup if the symbol isn't found in the library.
99 class NotFoundError(Exception):
100 pass
102 ## Raised on symbol lookup if there are multiple matching symbols.
104 class DuplicateError(Exception):
105 pass
108 ## Source object representing a directory of symbol files.
110 # This class allows a directory which contains one or more symbol
111 # files in gEDA format to be used as a component source. Only files
112 # ending in ".sym" (case insensitive) are considered to be symbol
113 # files. Symbol files with filenames starting with a period "." are
114 # ignored.
116 class DirectorySource:
117 def __init__(self, directory, recursive):
118 ## Path to directory
119 = directory
120 ## Whether to recurse into subdirectories.
121 self.recursive = recursive
123 ## Scan the directory for symbols.
125 def list(self):
126 if not self.recursive:
127 # skip subdirectories and anything else that isn't a
128 # regular file (this is what libgeda does)
129 entries = (entry for entry in os.listdir(
130 if stat.S_ISREG(
131 os.stat(os.path.join(, entry)).st_mode))
132 else:
133 entries = (entry for dirpath, dirnames, filenames
134 in sorted(os.walk(
135 for entry in sorted(filenames))
137 return (entry for entry in entries
138 # skip hidden files ("." and ".." are excluded by
139 # os.walk but not by os.listdir)
140 if entry[0] != '.'
141 # skip filenames which don't have the right suffix
142 and sym_filename_filter(entry))
144 ## Get symbol data for a given symbol name.
146 def get(self, symbol):
147 if not self.recursive:
148 path = os.path.join(, symbol)
149 if not os.path.isfile(path): # resolves symlinks
150 path = None
151 else:
152 path = None
153 for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in \
154 sorted(os.walk(
155 if symbol in filenames:
156 path = os.path.join(dirpath, symbol)
157 break
159 if path is not None:
160 return, load_pixmaps = load_pixmaps)
162 raise ValueError, 'symbol "%s" not found in library' % symbol
165 ## Source object representing a pair of symbol-generating commands.
167 # This class allows a program or pair of programs in the system search
168 # path which can generate symbols to be used as a component source.
170 # \a list_cmd and \a get_cmd should be pre-tokenized invocations
171 # consisting of an executable name followed by any arguments required.
172 # Executables are resolved using the current \c PATH.
174 # The list command will be executed with no additional arguments, and
175 # should output a list of available symbol names on the stdandard
176 # output. The get command will have a symbol name appended to it as
177 # the final argument, and should output gEDA symbol data on standard
178 # output.
180 # If the command cannot successfully complete, it should exit with
181 # non-zero exit status. Anything it has output on stdout will be
182 # ignored, so stderr should be used for diagnostics.
184 class CommandSource:
185 def __init__(self, list_cmd, get_cmd):
186 ## Command and arguments for listing available symbols
187 self.list_cmd = list_cmd
188 ## Command and arguments for retrieving symbol data
189 self.get_cmd = get_cmd
191 ## Poll the library command for symbols.
193 # Runs the library command, requesting a list of available
194 # symbols, and returns the new list.
196 def list(self):
197 # Run the command to get the list of symbols
198 lines = _run_source_command(shlex.split(self.list_cmd),
199 lambda f: f.readlines())
201 for line in lines:
202 if not line or line[-1] != '\n':
203 raise ValueError, "Missing newline at end of command output"
204 if line == '\n':
205 raise ValueError, "Command printed an empty line"
206 if line[0] == '.':
207 raise ValueError, "Command printed line starting with '.'"
209 return (line[:-1] for line in lines)
211 ## Get symbol data for a given symbol name.
213 def get(self, symbol):
214 return _run_source_command(
215 shlex.split(self.get_cmd) + [symbol],
216 lambda f:
217 f, '<pipe>', load_pixmaps = load_pixmaps))
220 ## Execute a library command.
222 # Executes the command given by the first item of the argument
223 # sequence \a args, using the system search path to find the program
224 # to execute. Calls the function \a callback with a file-like object
225 # representing the pipe connected to the command's standard output as
226 # a single argument. Once \a callback finishes, discards all data
227 # left on the pipe and waits for the program to terminate.
229 # \returns the value returned by \a callback
231 # \throws ValueError if the command returns a non-zero exit status or
232 # is terminated by a signal
234 def _run_source_command(args, callback):
235 p = subprocess.Popen(
236 args, bufsize = 4096, executable = executable,
237 stdout = subprocess.PIPE, close_fds = True) # cwd = virtual_cwd
239 try:
240 return callback(p.stdout)
241 finally:
242 try:
243 # avoid deadlock
244 finally:
245 p.wait()
246 if p.returncode < 0:
247 raise ValueError, "Library command failed [%s]: " \
248 "Uncaught signal %i" % (args[0], -p.returncode)
249 if p.returncode != 0:
250 raise ValueError, "Library command failed [%s]: "\
251 "returned exit status %d" % (args[0], p.returncode)
253 ## Update list of symbols available from a component source.
255 # Calls \c source.callback.list() and performs type and uniqueness
256 # checks on the returned list. If no errors are found, replaces the
257 # list of available symbols with the returned list.
259 # \throws TypeError if \a symbols is not iterable
260 # \throws TypeError if \a symbols yields an item that isn't a string
261 # \throws ValueError if \a symbols yields a duplicate item
263 def _update_symbol_list(source):
264 try:
265 symbols = list(source.callback.list())
266 except TypeError:
267 raise TypeError, "Failed to scan library [%s]: " \
268 "Python function returned non-list" %
270 found = set()
271 duplicate = set()
272 for symbol in symbols:
273 if not isinstance(symbol, str) and \
274 not isinstance(symbol, unicode):
275 raise TypeError, "Non-string symbol name " \
276 "while scanning library [%s]" %
277 if symbol in found:
278 duplicate.add(symbol)
279 found.add(symbol)
281 if duplicate:
282 if
283 sys.stderr.write(_("Library \"%s\" contains symbols with "
284 "conflicting names:\n") %
285 else:
286 sys.stderr.write(_("Library contains symbols with "
287 "conflicting names:\n"))
288 for symbol in sorted(duplicate):
289 sys.stderr.write(_("\t%s\n") % symbol)
291 symbols.sort()
292 source.symbols[:] = symbols
295 ## Add a component source to the library.
297 # \a callback must implement two methods: \c callback.list() to return
298 # a list of symbol names, and \c callback.get(symbol) to return the
299 # symbol data for a given a symbol name.
301 # \param callback source object which implements \c list and \c get
302 # \param name unique descriptive name for the component source
304 # \throws ValueError if another source with this name already exists
306 def add_source(callback, name):
307 if name is None:
308 raise ValueError, "Cannot add source: name not specified"
309 for source in _sources:
310 if == name:
311 raise ValueError, "There is already a source called '%s'" % name
313 # Sources added later get scanned earlier
314 source = Source(callback, [], name)
315 _update_symbol_list(source)
316 _sources.insert(0, source)
318 _search_cache.clear()
319 _symbol_cache.clear()
321 ## Get a component source by name.
323 # Iterates through the known component sources, checking if there is a
324 # source with the given \a name.
326 # \throws ValueError if no matching source was found
328 def lookup_source(name):
329 for source in _sources:
330 if == name:
331 return source
333 raise ValueError
335 ## Make sure a source name is unique.
337 # Checks if a source with the given \a name already exists. If it
338 # does, appends a number in angular brackets to the source name making
339 # it unique. If \a name is not already in use, returns it as is.
341 def uniquify_source_name(name):
342 i = 0
343 newname = name
345 while True:
346 try:
347 lookup_source(newname)
348 except ValueError:
349 break
350 i += 1
351 newname = '%s<%i>' % (name, i)
353 return newname
355 ## Rescan all available component libraries.
357 # Resets the list of symbols available from each source, and
358 # repopulates it from scratch. Useful e.g. for checking for new
359 # symbols.
361 def refresh():
362 for source in _sources:
363 _update_symbol_list(source)
365 _search_cache.clear()
366 _symbol_cache.clear()
368 ## Remove all component library sources.
370 def reset():
371 del _sources[:]
372 _search_cache.clear()
373 _symbol_cache.clear()
376 ## Get symbol object for a given source object and symbol name.
378 # Returns a gaf.ref.Symbol object containing the symbol called
379 # \a symbol from the component source \a source.
381 # \throws ValueError if the source object's \c get function doesn't
382 # return a or
383 # xorn.proxy.RevisionProxy instance
385 def get_symbol(source, symbol):
386 assert source is not None
387 assert symbol is not None
389 # First, try the cache.
390 try:
391 return _symbol_cache[id(source), symbol]
392 except KeyError:
393 pass
395 # If the symbol wasn't found in the cache, get it directly.
396 data = source.callback.get(symbol)
397 if isinstance(data, xorn.proxy.RevisionProxy):
398 data = data.rev
399 if not isinstance(data,
400 raise ValueError, "Failed to load symbol data [%s] " \
401 "from source [%s]" % (symbol,
402 data.finalize()
404 symbol_ = gaf.ref.Symbol(symbol, data, False)
406 # Cache the symbol data
407 _symbol_cache[id(source), symbol] = symbol_
409 return symbol_
411 ## Invalidate cached data about a symbol.
413 def invalidate_symbol_data(source, symbol):
414 try:
415 del _symbol_cache[id(source), symbol]
416 except KeyError:
417 pass
420 ## Find all symbols matching a pattern.
422 # Searches the library, returning all symbols whose names match \a
423 # pattern. If \a glob is \c True, then \a pattern is assumed to be a
424 # glob pattern; otherwise, only exact matches are returned.
426 # \returns a list of pairs <tt>(source, symbol)</tt>
428 # \throws DuplicateError if one library contains multiple matching symbols
430 def search(pattern, glob = False):
431 # Check to see if the query is already in the cache
432 try:
433 return _search_cache[pattern, glob]
434 except KeyError:
435 pass
437 result = []
438 for source in _sources:
439 if glob:
440 for symbol in fnmatch.filter(source.symbols, pattern):
441 result.append((source, symbol))
442 elif pattern in source.symbols:
443 if source.symbols.count(pattern) > 1:
444 raise DuplicateError, \
445 "More than one component found with name [%s]" % pattern
446 result.append((source, pattern))
448 _search_cache[pattern, glob] = result
449 return result[:]
451 ## Get source for a given symbol name.
453 # Returns the source of the first symbol found with the given \a name.
454 # If more than one matching symbol is found, emits a warning to stderr.
456 # \throws NotFoundError if the symbol was not found
457 # \throws DuplicateError if one library contains multiple matching symbols
459 def lookup_symbol_source(name):
460 symlist = search(name)
462 if not symlist:
463 raise NotFoundError, "Component [%s] was not found in the " \
464 "component library" % name
466 if len(symlist) > 1:
467 sys.stderr.write(_("More than one component found "
468 "with name [%s]\n")% name)
470 source, symbol = symlist[0]
471 assert symbol == name
472 return source
474 ## Get symbol object for a given symbol name.
476 # Returns the gaf.ref.Symbol object for the first symbol found
477 # with the given name. This is a helper function for the schematic
478 # load system, as it will always want to load symbols given only their
479 # name.
481 # \throws NotFoundError if the component was not found
482 # \throws DuplicateError if one library contains multiple matching symbols
483 # \throws ValueError if the source object's \c get function doesn't
484 # return a or
485 # xorn.proxy.RevisionProxy instance
487 def lookup_symbol(name):
488 return get_symbol(lookup_symbol_source(name), name)
491 ## Return a list of symbols used in a revision.
493 # The list is free of duplicates and preserves the order of the
494 # symbols as they appear first in the file. Each symbol is
495 # represented by its actual gaf.ref.Symbol object.
497 def used_symbols0(rev):
498 symbols = []
499 for ob in rev.all_objects():
500 data =
501 if isinstance(data, \
502 and data.symbol not in symbols:
503 symbols.append(data.symbol)
504 return symbols
506 ## Return a list of symbols used in a revision.
508 # Scan a revision looking for symbols, look them up in the library,
509 # and return them as a list. Each symbol is represented by a pair
510 # <tt>(source, symbol)</tt>. The returned list only contains symbols
511 # that were found in the library and is sorted in alphabetical order.
513 # \bug Only includes components which are not embedded, but they
514 # should (probably) also appear in the list.
516 def used_symbols1(rev):
517 result = []
519 for ob in rev.all_objects():
520 data =
521 if not isinstance(data,
522 continue
524 # ignore embedded symbols
525 if data.symbol.embedded:
526 continue
528 # Since we're not looking at embedded symbols, the first
529 # component with the given name will be the one we need.
530 # N.b. we don't use lookup_symbol_source() because it's
531 # spammeh.
532 symlist = search(data.symbol.basename)
533 if not symlist:
534 continue
535 result.append(symlist[0])
537 result.sort(key = lambda (source, symbol): symbol)
538 return result