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[gecko.git] / gfx / layers / wr / OMTASampler.h
1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
2 /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
3 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
7 #ifndef mozilla_layers_OMTASampler_h
8 #define mozilla_layers_OMTASampler_h
10 #include <unordered_map>
11 #include <queue>
13 #include "base/platform_thread.h" // for PlatformThreadId
14 #include "mozilla/layers/OMTAController.h" // for OMTAController
15 #include "mozilla/Atomics.h"
16 #include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
17 #include "mozilla/StaticMutex.h"
18 #include "mozilla/StaticPtr.h"
19 #include "mozilla/webrender/WebRenderTypes.h" // For WrWindowId, WrEpoch, etc.
21 namespace mozilla {
23 class TimeStamp;
25 namespace wr {
26 struct Transaction;
27 class TransactionWrapper;
28 } // namespace wr
30 namespace layers {
31 class Animation;
32 class CompositorAnimationStorage;
33 class OMTAValue;
34 struct CompositorAnimationIdsForEpoch;
35 struct LayersId;
36 struct WrAnimations;
38 /**
39 * This interface exposes OMTA methods related to "sampling" (i.e. calculating
40 * animating values) and "". All sampling methods should be called on the
41 * sampler thread, all some of them should be called on the compositor thread.
43 class OMTASampler final {
46 public:
47 OMTASampler(const RefPtr<CompositorAnimationStorage>& aAnimStorage,
48 LayersId aRootLayersId);
50 // Whoever creates this sampler is responsible for calling Destroy() on it
51 // before releasing the owning refptr.
52 void Destroy();
54 void SetWebRenderWindowId(const wr::WrWindowId& aWindowId);
56 /**
57 * This function is invoked from rust on the render backend thread when it
58 * is created. It effectively tells the OMTASampler "the current thread is
59 * the sampler thread for this window id" and allows OMTASampler to remember
60 * which thread it is.
62 static void SetSamplerThread(const wr::WrWindowId& aWindowId);
64 static void Sample(const wr::WrWindowId& aWindowId, wr::Transaction* aTxn);
66 /**
67 * Sample all animations, called on the sampler thread.
69 void Sample(wr::TransactionWrapper& aTxn);
71 /**
72 * These funtions get called on the the compositor thread.
74 void SetSampleTime(const TimeStamp& aSampleTime);
75 void ResetPreviousSampleTime();
76 void SetAnimations(uint64_t aId, const LayersId& aLayersId,
77 const nsTArray<layers::Animation>& aAnimations);
78 bool HasAnimations() const;
80 /**
81 * Clear AnimatedValues and Animations data, called on the compositor
82 * thread.
84 void ClearActiveAnimations(
85 std::unordered_map<uint64_t, wr::Epoch>& aActiveAnimations);
86 void RemoveEpochDataPriorTo(
87 std::queue<CompositorAnimationIdsForEpoch>& aCompositorAnimationsToDelete,
88 std::unordered_map<uint64_t, wr::Epoch>& aActiveAnimations,
89 const wr::Epoch& aRenderedEpoch);
91 // Those two methods are for testing called on the compositor thread.
92 OMTAValue GetOMTAValue(const uint64_t& aId) const;
93 /**
94 * There are two possibilities when this function gets called, either 1) in
95 * testing refesh driver mode or 2) in normal refresh driver mode. In the case
96 * of 2) |aTestingSampleTime| should be Nothing() so that we can use
97 * |mPreviousSampleTime| and |mSampleTime| for sampling animations.
99 void SampleForTesting(const Maybe<TimeStamp>& aTestingSampleTime);
102 * Returns true if currently on the "sampler thread".
104 bool IsSamplerThread() const;
106 void EnterTestMode() { mIsInTestMode = true; }
107 void LeaveTestMode() { mIsInTestMode = false; }
109 protected:
110 ~OMTASampler() = default;
112 static already_AddRefed<OMTASampler> GetSampler(
113 const wr::WrWindowId& aWindowId);
115 private:
116 WrAnimations SampleAnimations(const TimeStamp& aPreviousSampleTime,
117 const TimeStamp& aSampleTime);
119 RefPtr<OMTAController> mController;
120 // Can only be accessed or modified while holding mStorageLock.
121 RefPtr<CompositorAnimationStorage> mAnimStorage;
122 mutable Mutex mStorageLock MOZ_UNANNOTATED;
124 // Used to manage the mapping from a WR window id to OMTASampler. These are
125 // only used if WebRender is enabled. Both sWindowIdMap and mWindowId should
126 // only be used while holding the sWindowIdLock. Note that we use a
127 // StaticAutoPtr wrapper on sWindowIdMap to avoid a static initializer for the
128 // unordered_map. This also avoids the initializer/memory allocation in cases
129 // where we're not using WebRender.
130 static StaticMutex sWindowIdLock MOZ_UNANNOTATED;
131 static StaticAutoPtr<std::unordered_map<uint64_t, RefPtr<OMTASampler>>>
132 sWindowIdMap;
133 Maybe<wr::WrWindowId> mWindowId;
135 // Lock used to protected mSamplerThreadId
136 mutable Mutex mThreadIdLock MOZ_UNANNOTATED;
137 // If WebRender is enabled, this holds the thread id of the render backend
138 // thread (which is the sampler thread) for the compositor associated with
139 // this OMTASampler instance.
140 Maybe<PlatformThreadId> mSamplerThreadId;
142 Mutex mSampleTimeLock MOZ_UNANNOTATED;
143 // Can only be accessed or modified while holding mSampleTimeLock.
144 TimeStamp mSampleTime;
145 // Same as |mSampleTime|, can only be accessed or modified while holding
146 // mSampleTimeLock.
147 // We basically use this time stamp instead of |mSampleTime| to make
148 // animations more in sync with other animations on the main thread.
149 TimeStamp mPreviousSampleTime;
150 Atomic<bool> mIsInTestMode;
153 } // namespace layers
154 } // namespace mozilla
156 #endif // mozilla_layers_OMTASampler_h