Bug 1856942: part 5) Factor async loading of a sheet out of `Loader::LoadSheet`....
[gecko.git] / testing / mozharness / tox.ini
1 [tox]
2 envlist = py39-hg5.2
4 [base]
5 deps =
6 coverage
7 distro
8 nose
9 rednose
10 PyYAML==6.0
11 {toxinidir}/../mozbase/mozlog
12 mozbase = {toxinidir}/../mozbase/
15 [testenv]
16 setenv =
17 HGRCPATH = {toxinidir}/test/hgrc
18 PYTHONPATH = $PYTHONPATH:{[base]mozbase}/manifestparser:{[base]mozbase}/mozfile:{[base]mozbase}/mozinfo:{[base]mozbase}/mozprocess
20 commands =
21 coverage run --source configs,mozharness,scripts --branch {envbindir}/nosetests -v --with-xunit --rednose --force-color {posargs}
23 [testenv:py39-hg5.2]
24 deps =
25 {[base]deps}
26 mercurial==5.2.1