Bug 1856942: part 5) Factor async loading of a sheet out of `Loader::LoadSheet`....
[gecko.git] / testing / cppunittest.ini
1 [ShowSSEConfig]
2 [TestPrintf]
3 [TestAlgorithm]
4 [TestArray]
5 [TestArrayUtils]
6 [TestAtomicBitfields]
7 [TestAtomics]
8 [TestBinarySearch]
9 [TestBitSet]
10 [TestBloomFilter]
11 [TestBufferList]
12 [TestCasting]
13 [TestCeilingFloor]
14 [TestCheckedInt]
15 [TestCompactPair]
16 [TestCountPopulation]
17 [TestCountZeroes]
18 [TestCrossProcessWin]
19 skip-if = os != 'win'
20 [TestDefineEnum]
21 [TestDoublyLinkedList]
22 [TestDllBlocklistAssumptions]
23 skip-if = os != 'win'
24 [TestDllInterceptor]
25 skip-if = os != 'win'
26 [TestEndian]
27 [TestEnumeratedArray]
28 [TestEnumSet]
29 [TestEnumTypeTraits]
30 [TestFastBernoulliTrial]
31 [TestFloatingPoint]
32 [TestFunctionRef]
33 [TestFunctionTypeTraits]
34 [TestHashTable]
35 [TestIATPatcher]
36 skip-if =
37 os != 'win'
38 bits == 32 # fails on windows10x32
39 [TestIntegerPrintfMacros]
40 [TestIntegerRange]
41 [TestJSONWriter]
42 [TestLauncherRegistryInfo]
43 skip-if = os != 'win'
44 [TestLinkedList]
45 [TestMacroArgs]
46 [TestMacroForEach]
47 [TestMathAlgorithms]
48 [TestMaybe]
49 [TestMemoryPressureWatcherLinux]
50 skip-if = os != 'linux'
51 [TestMMPolicy]
52 skip-if = os != 'win'
53 [TestMozJemallocUtils]
54 [TestNativeNt]
55 skip-if = os != 'win'
56 [TestUriValidation]
57 skip-if = os != 'win'
58 [TestSameBinary]
59 skip-if = os != 'win'
60 [TestTimeStampWin]
61 skip-if = os != 'win'
62 [TestSafeThreadLocal]
63 skip-if = os != 'win'
64 [TestBaseProfiler]
65 skip-if = tsan # Bug 1804081
66 [TestNonDereferenceable]
67 [TestNotNull]
68 [TestPEExportSection]
69 skip-if = os != 'win'
70 [TestPoisonArea]
71 skip-if = asan || tsan # Not built on sanitizer builds
72 [TestRange]
73 [TestRandomNum]
74 [TestRefPtr]
75 [TestResult]
76 [TestRollingMean]
77 [TestScopeExit]
78 [TestSegmentedVector]
79 [TestSHA1]
80 [TestSIMD]
81 [TestSmallPointerArray]
82 [TestSaturate]
83 [TestSplayTree]
84 [TestSPSCQueue]
85 [TestStackCookie]
86 skip-if = os != 'win'
87 [TestTextUtils]
88 [TestThreadSafeWeakPtr]
89 [TestTypedEnum]
90 [TestUniquePtr]
91 [TestUtf8]
92 [TestVariant]
93 [TestVector]
94 [TestWeakPtr]
95 [TestWrappingOperations]
96 [TestXorShift128PlusRNG]