Bug 1687263: part 4) Defer and in some cases avoid removing spellchecking-ranges...
[gecko.git] / uriloader / exthandler / nsExternalHelperAppService.cpp
1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
2 * vim:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:tabstop=2:cin:
3 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
7 #include "base/basictypes.h"
9 /* This must occur *after* base/basictypes.h to avoid typedefs conflicts. */
10 #include "mozilla/ArrayUtils.h"
11 #include "mozilla/Base64.h"
12 #include "mozilla/ResultExtensions.h"
14 #include "mozilla/dom/ContentChild.h"
15 #include "mozilla/dom/BrowserChild.h"
16 #include "mozilla/dom/CanonicalBrowsingContext.h"
17 #include "mozilla/dom/WindowGlobalParent.h"
18 #include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_security.h"
19 #include "nsXULAppAPI.h"
21 #include "nsExternalHelperAppService.h"
22 #include "nsCExternalHandlerService.h"
23 #include "nsIURI.h"
24 #include "nsIURL.h"
25 #include "nsIFile.h"
26 #include "nsIFileURL.h"
27 #include "nsIChannel.h"
28 #include "nsAppDirectoryServiceDefs.h"
29 #include "nsICategoryManager.h"
30 #include "nsDependentSubstring.h"
31 #include "nsString.h"
32 #include "nsUnicharUtils.h"
33 #include "nsIStringEnumerator.h"
34 #include "nsMemory.h"
35 #include "nsIStreamListener.h"
36 #include "nsIMIMEService.h"
37 #include "nsILoadGroup.h"
38 #include "nsIWebProgressListener.h"
39 #include "nsITransfer.h"
40 #include "nsReadableUtils.h"
41 #include "nsIRequest.h"
42 #include "nsDirectoryServiceDefs.h"
43 #include "nsIInterfaceRequestor.h"
44 #include "nsThreadUtils.h"
45 #include "nsIMutableArray.h"
46 #include "nsIRedirectHistoryEntry.h"
47 #include "nsOSHelperAppService.h"
48 #include "nsOSHelperAppServiceChild.h"
49 #include "nsContentSecurityUtils.h"
51 // used to access our datastore of user-configured helper applications
52 #include "nsIHandlerService.h"
53 #include "nsIMIMEInfo.h"
54 #include "nsIHelperAppLauncherDialog.h"
55 #include "nsIContentDispatchChooser.h"
56 #include "nsNetUtil.h"
57 #include "nsIPrivateBrowsingChannel.h"
58 #include "nsIIOService.h"
59 #include "nsNetCID.h"
61 #include "nsIApplicationReputation.h"
63 #include "nsDSURIContentListener.h"
64 #include "nsMimeTypes.h"
65 // used for header disposition information.
66 #include "nsIHttpChannel.h"
67 #include "nsIHttpChannelInternal.h"
68 #include "nsIEncodedChannel.h"
69 #include "nsIMultiPartChannel.h"
70 #include "nsIFileChannel.h"
71 #include "nsIObserverService.h" // so we can be a profile change observer
72 #include "nsIPropertyBag2.h" // for the 64-bit content length
74 #ifdef XP_MACOSX
75 # include "nsILocalFileMac.h"
76 #endif
78 #include "nsPluginHost.h"
79 #include "nsEscape.h"
81 #include "nsIStringBundle.h" // XXX needed to localize error msgs
82 #include "nsIPrompt.h"
84 #include "nsITextToSubURI.h" // to unescape the filename
86 #include "nsDocShellCID.h"
88 #include "nsCRT.h"
89 #include "nsLocalHandlerApp.h"
91 #include "nsIRandomGenerator.h"
93 #include "ContentChild.h"
94 #include "nsXULAppAPI.h"
95 #include "nsPIDOMWindow.h"
96 #include "ExternalHelperAppChild.h"
98 #ifdef XP_WIN
99 # include "nsWindowsHelpers.h"
100 #endif
102 #include "mozilla/Components.h"
103 #include "mozilla/ClearOnShutdown.h"
104 #include "mozilla/Preferences.h"
105 #include "mozilla/ipc/URIUtils.h"
107 using namespace mozilla;
108 using namespace mozilla::ipc;
109 using namespace mozilla::dom;
111 // Download Folder location constants
112 #define NS_PREF_DOWNLOAD_DIR "browser.download.dir"
113 #define NS_PREF_DOWNLOAD_FOLDERLIST "browser.download.folderList"
114 enum {
120 LazyLogModule nsExternalHelperAppService::mLog("HelperAppService");
122 // Using level 3 here because the OSHelperAppServices use a log level
123 // of LogLevel::Debug (4), and we want less detailed output here
124 // Using 3 instead of LogLevel::Warning because we don't output warnings
125 #undef LOG
126 #define LOG(args) \
127 MOZ_LOG(nsExternalHelperAppService::mLog, mozilla::LogLevel::Info, args)
128 #define LOG_ENABLED() \
129 MOZ_LOG_TEST(nsExternalHelperAppService::mLog, mozilla::LogLevel::Info)
131 static const char NEVER_ASK_FOR_SAVE_TO_DISK_PREF[] =
132 "browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk";
133 static const char NEVER_ASK_FOR_OPEN_FILE_PREF[] =
134 "browser.helperApps.neverAsk.openFile";
136 // Helper functions for Content-Disposition headers
139 * Given a URI fragment, unescape it
140 * @param aFragment The string to unescape
141 * @param aURI The URI from which this fragment is taken. Only its character set
142 * will be used.
143 * @param aResult [out] Unescaped string.
145 static nsresult UnescapeFragment(const nsACString& aFragment, nsIURI* aURI,
146 nsAString& aResult) {
147 // We need the unescaper
148 nsresult rv;
149 nsCOMPtr<nsITextToSubURI> textToSubURI =
151 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
153 return textToSubURI->UnEscapeURIForUI(aFragment, aResult);
157 * UTF-8 version of UnescapeFragment.
158 * @param aFragment The string to unescape
159 * @param aURI The URI from which this fragment is taken. Only its character set
160 * will be used.
161 * @param aResult [out] Unescaped string, UTF-8 encoded.
162 * @note It is safe to pass the same string for aFragment and aResult.
163 * @note When this function fails, aResult will not be modified.
165 static nsresult UnescapeFragment(const nsACString& aFragment, nsIURI* aURI,
166 nsACString& aResult) {
167 nsAutoString result;
168 nsresult rv = UnescapeFragment(aFragment, aURI, result);
169 if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) CopyUTF16toUTF8(result, aResult);
170 return rv;
174 * Given a channel, returns the filename and extension the channel has.
175 * This uses the URL and other sources (nsIMultiPartChannel).
176 * Also gives back whether the channel requested external handling (i.e.
177 * whether Content-Disposition: attachment was sent)
178 * @param aChannel The channel to extract the filename/extension from
179 * @param aFileName [out] Reference to the string where the filename should be
180 * stored. Empty if it could not be retrieved.
181 * WARNING - this filename may contain characters which the OS does not
182 * allow as part of filenames!
183 * @param aExtension [out] Reference to the string where the extension should
184 * be stored. Empty if it could not be retrieved. Stored in UTF-8.
185 * @param aAllowURLExtension (optional) Get the extension from the URL if no
186 * Content-Disposition header is present. Default is true.
187 * @retval true The server sent Content-Disposition:attachment or equivalent
188 * @retval false Content-Disposition: inline or no content-disposition header
189 * was sent.
191 static bool GetFilenameAndExtensionFromChannel(nsIChannel* aChannel,
192 nsString& aFileName,
193 nsCString& aExtension,
194 bool aAllowURLExtension = true) {
195 aExtension.Truncate();
197 * If the channel is an http or part of a multipart channel and we
198 * have a content disposition header set, then use the file name
199 * suggested there as the preferred file name to SUGGEST to the
200 * user. we shouldn't actually use that without their
201 * permission... otherwise just use our temp file
203 bool handleExternally = false;
204 uint32_t disp;
205 nsresult rv = aChannel->GetContentDisposition(&disp);
206 bool gotFileNameFromURI = false;
207 if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
208 aChannel->GetContentDispositionFilename(aFileName);
209 if (disp == nsIChannel::DISPOSITION_ATTACHMENT) handleExternally = true;
212 // If the disposition header didn't work, try the filename from nsIURL
213 nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri;
214 aChannel->GetURI(getter_AddRefs(uri));
215 nsCOMPtr<nsIURL> url(do_QueryInterface(uri));
216 if (url && aFileName.IsEmpty()) {
217 if (aAllowURLExtension) {
218 url->GetFileExtension(aExtension);
219 UnescapeFragment(aExtension, url, aExtension);
221 // Windows ignores terminating dots. So we have to as well, so
222 // that our security checks do "the right thing"
223 // In case the aExtension consisted only of the dot, the code below will
224 // extract an aExtension from the filename
225 aExtension.Trim(".", false);
228 // try to extract the file name from the url and use that as a first pass as
229 // the leaf name of our temp file...
230 nsAutoCString leafName;
231 url->GetFileName(leafName);
232 if (!leafName.IsEmpty()) {
233 gotFileNameFromURI = true;
234 rv = UnescapeFragment(leafName, url, aFileName);
235 if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
236 CopyUTF8toUTF16(leafName, aFileName); // use escaped name
241 // If we have a filename and no extension, remove trailing dots from the
242 // filename and extract the extension if that is possible.
243 if (aExtension.IsEmpty() && !aFileName.IsEmpty()) {
244 // Windows ignores terminating dots. So we have to as well, so
245 // that our security checks do "the right thing"
246 aFileName.Trim(".", false);
247 // We can get an extension if the filename is from a header, or if getting
248 // it from the URL was allowed.
249 bool canGetExtensionFromFilename =
250 !gotFileNameFromURI || aAllowURLExtension;
251 // ... , or if the mimetype is meaningless and we have nothing to go on:
252 if (!canGetExtensionFromFilename) {
253 nsAutoCString contentType;
254 if (NS_SUCCEEDED(aChannel->GetContentType(contentType))) {
255 canGetExtensionFromFilename =
256 contentType.EqualsIgnoreCase(APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM) ||
257 contentType.EqualsIgnoreCase("binary/octet-stream") ||
258 contentType.EqualsIgnoreCase("application/x-msdownload");
262 if (canGetExtensionFromFilename) {
263 // XXX RFindCharInReadable!!
264 nsAutoString fileNameStr(aFileName);
265 int32_t idx = fileNameStr.RFindChar(char16_t('.'));
266 if (idx != kNotFound)
267 CopyUTF16toUTF8(StringTail(fileNameStr, fileNameStr.Length() - idx - 1),
268 aExtension);
272 return handleExternally;
276 * Obtains the directory to use. This tends to vary per platform, and
277 * needs to be consistent throughout our codepaths. For platforms where
278 * helper apps use the downloads directory, this should be kept in
279 * sync with DownloadIntegration.jsm.
281 * Optionally skip availability of the directory and storage.
283 static nsresult GetDownloadDirectory(nsIFile** _directory,
284 bool aSkipChecks = false) {
285 nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> dir;
286 #ifdef XP_MACOSX
287 // On OS X, we first try to get the users download location, if it's set.
288 switch (Preferences::GetInt(NS_PREF_DOWNLOAD_FOLDERLIST, -1)) {
290 (void)NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_OS_DESKTOP_DIR, getter_AddRefs(dir));
291 break;
293 Preferences::GetComplex(NS_PREF_DOWNLOAD_DIR, NS_GET_IID(nsIFile),
294 getter_AddRefs(dir));
295 if (!dir) break;
297 // If we're not checking for availability we're done.
298 if (aSkipChecks) {
299 dir.forget(_directory);
300 return NS_OK;
303 // We have the directory, and now we need to make sure it exists
304 bool dirExists = false;
305 (void)dir->Exists(&dirExists);
306 if (dirExists) break;
308 nsresult rv = dir->Create(nsIFile::DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0755);
309 if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
310 dir = nullptr;
311 break;
313 } break;
315 // This is just the OS default location, so fall out
316 break;
319 if (!dir) {
320 // If not, we default to the OS X default download location.
321 nsresult rv = NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_OSX_DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_DIR,
322 getter_AddRefs(dir));
323 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
325 #elif defined(ANDROID)
326 return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
327 #else
328 // On all other platforms, we default to the systems temporary directory.
329 nsresult rv = NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_OS_TEMP_DIR, getter_AddRefs(dir));
330 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
332 # if defined(XP_UNIX)
333 // Ensuring that only the current user can read the file names we end up
334 // creating. Note that Creating directories with specified permission only
335 // supported on Unix platform right now. That's why above if exists.
337 uint32_t permissions;
338 rv = dir->GetPermissions(&permissions);
339 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
341 if (permissions != PR_IRWXU) {
342 const char* userName = PR_GetEnv("USERNAME");
343 if (!userName || !*userName) {
344 userName = PR_GetEnv("USER");
346 if (!userName || !*userName) {
347 userName = PR_GetEnv("LOGNAME");
349 if (!userName || !*userName) {
350 userName = "mozillaUser";
353 nsAutoString userDir;
354 userDir.AssignLiteral("mozilla_");
355 userDir.AppendASCII(userName);
358 int counter = 0;
359 bool pathExists;
360 nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> finalPath;
362 while (true) {
363 nsAutoString countedUserDir(userDir);
364 countedUserDir.AppendInt(counter, 10);
365 dir->Clone(getter_AddRefs(finalPath));
366 finalPath->Append(countedUserDir);
368 rv = finalPath->Exists(&pathExists);
369 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
371 if (pathExists) {
372 // If this path has the right permissions, use it.
373 rv = finalPath->GetPermissions(&permissions);
374 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
376 // Ensuring the path is writable by the current user.
377 bool isWritable;
378 rv = finalPath->IsWritable(&isWritable);
379 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
381 if (permissions == PR_IRWXU && isWritable) {
382 dir = finalPath;
383 break;
387 rv = finalPath->Create(nsIFile::DIRECTORY_TYPE, PR_IRWXU);
388 if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
389 dir = finalPath;
390 break;
391 } else if (rv != NS_ERROR_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS) {
392 // Unexpected error.
393 return rv;
396 counter++;
400 # endif
401 #endif
403 NS_ASSERTION(dir, "Somehow we didn't get a download directory!");
404 dir.forget(_directory);
405 return NS_OK;
409 * Structure for storing extension->type mappings.
410 * @see defaultMimeEntries
412 struct nsDefaultMimeTypeEntry {
413 const char* mMimeType;
414 const char* mFileExtension;
418 * Default extension->mimetype mappings. These are not overridable.
419 * If you add types here, make sure they are lowercase, or you'll regret it.
421 static const nsDefaultMimeTypeEntry defaultMimeEntries[] = {
422 // The following are those extensions that we're asked about during startup,
423 // sorted by order used
424 {IMAGE_GIF, "gif"},
425 {TEXT_XML, "xml"},
426 {APPLICATION_RDF, "rdf"},
427 {IMAGE_PNG, "png"},
428 // -- end extensions used during startup
429 {TEXT_CSS, "css"},
430 {IMAGE_JPEG, "jpeg"},
431 {IMAGE_JPEG, "jpg"},
432 {IMAGE_SVG_XML, "svg"},
433 {TEXT_HTML, "html"},
434 {TEXT_HTML, "htm"},
436 {"application/xhtml+xml", "xhtml"},
437 {"application/xhtml+xml", "xht"},
438 {TEXT_PLAIN, "txt"},
439 {APPLICATION_JSON, "json"},
442 {VIDEO_OGG, "ogv"},
443 {VIDEO_OGG, "ogg"},
444 {APPLICATION_OGG, "ogg"},
445 {AUDIO_OGG, "oga"},
446 {AUDIO_OGG, "opus"},
447 {APPLICATION_PDF, "pdf"},
448 {VIDEO_WEBM, "webm"},
449 {AUDIO_WEBM, "webm"},
450 {IMAGE_ICO, "ico"},
451 {TEXT_PLAIN, "properties"},
452 {TEXT_PLAIN, "locale"},
453 {TEXT_PLAIN, "ftl"},
454 #if defined(MOZ_WMF)
455 {VIDEO_MP4, "mp4"},
456 {AUDIO_MP4, "m4a"},
457 {AUDIO_MP3, "mp3"},
458 #endif
459 #ifdef MOZ_RAW
460 {VIDEO_RAW, "yuv"}
461 #endif
465 * This is a small private struct used to help us initialize some
466 * default mime types.
468 struct nsExtraMimeTypeEntry {
469 const char* mMimeType;
470 const char* mFileExtensions;
471 const char* mDescription;
475 * This table lists all of the 'extra' content types that we can deduce from
476 * particular file extensions. These entries also ensure that we provide a good
477 * descriptive name when we encounter files with these content types and/or
478 * extensions. These can be overridden by user helper app prefs. If you add
479 * types here, make sure they are lowercase, or you'll regret it.
481 static const nsExtraMimeTypeEntry extraMimeEntries[] = {
482 #if defined(XP_MACOSX) // don't define .bin on the mac...use internet config to
483 // look that up...
484 {APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM, "exe,com", "Binary File"},
485 #else
486 {APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM, "exe,com,bin", "Binary File"},
487 #endif
488 {APPLICATION_GZIP2, "gz", "gzip"},
489 {"application/x-arj", "arj", "ARJ file"},
490 {"application/rtf", "rtf", "Rich Text Format File"},
491 {APPLICATION_ZIP, "zip", "ZIP Archive"},
492 {APPLICATION_XPINSTALL, "xpi", "XPInstall Install"},
493 {APPLICATION_PDF, "pdf", "Portable Document Format"},
494 {APPLICATION_POSTSCRIPT, "ps,eps,ai", "Postscript File"},
495 {APPLICATION_XJAVASCRIPT, "js", "Javascript Source File"},
496 {APPLICATION_XJAVASCRIPT, "jsm,mjs", "Javascript Module Source File"},
498 {"application/vnd.android.package-archive", "apk", "Android Package"},
499 #endif
501 // OpenDocument formats
502 {"application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text", "odt", "OpenDocument Text"},
503 {"application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation", "odp",
504 "OpenDocument Presentation"},
505 {"application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet", "ods",
506 "OpenDocument Spreadsheet"},
507 {"application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics", "odg",
508 "OpenDocument Graphics"},
510 // Legacy Microsoft Office
511 {"application/msword", "doc", "Microsoft Word"},
512 {"application/vnd.ms-powerpoint", "ppt", "Microsoft PowerPoint"},
513 {"application/vnd.ms-excel", "xls", "Microsoft Excel"},
515 // Office Open XML
516 {"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document",
517 "docx", "Microsoft Word (Open XML)"},
518 {"application/"
519 "vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation",
520 "pptx", "Microsoft PowerPoint (Open XML)"},
521 {"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet",
522 "xlsx", "Microsoft Excel (Open XML)"},
524 // Note: if you add new image types, please also update the list in
525 // contentAreaUtils.js to match.
526 {IMAGE_ART, "art", "ART Image"},
527 {IMAGE_BMP, "bmp", "BMP Image"},
528 {IMAGE_GIF, "gif", "GIF Image"},
529 {IMAGE_ICO, "ico,cur", "ICO Image"},
530 {IMAGE_JPEG, "jpg,jpeg,jfif,pjpeg,pjp", "JPEG Image"},
531 {IMAGE_PNG, "png", "PNG Image"},
532 {IMAGE_APNG, "apng", "APNG Image"},
533 {IMAGE_TIFF, "tiff,tif", "TIFF Image"},
534 {IMAGE_XBM, "xbm", "XBM Image"},
535 {IMAGE_SVG_XML, "svg", "Scalable Vector Graphics"},
536 {IMAGE_WEBP, "webp", "WebP Image"},
537 {IMAGE_AVIF, "avif", "AV1 Image File"},
538 {IMAGE_JXL, "jxl", "JPEG XL Image File"},
540 {MESSAGE_RFC822, "eml", "RFC-822 data"},
541 {TEXT_PLAIN, "txt,text", "Text File"},
542 {APPLICATION_JSON, "json", "JavaScript Object Notation"},
543 {TEXT_VTT, "vtt", "Web Video Text Tracks"},
544 {TEXT_CACHE_MANIFEST, "appcache", "Application Cache Manifest"},
545 {TEXT_HTML, "html,htm,shtml,ehtml", "HyperText Markup Language"},
546 {"application/xhtml+xml", "xhtml,xht",
547 "Extensible HyperText Markup Language"},
548 {APPLICATION_MATHML_XML, "mml", "Mathematical Markup Language"},
549 {APPLICATION_RDF, "rdf", "Resource Description Framework"},
550 {"text/csv", "csv", "CSV File"},
551 {TEXT_XML, "xml,xsl,xbl", "Extensible Markup Language"},
552 {TEXT_CSS, "css", "Style Sheet"},
553 {TEXT_VCARD, "vcf,vcard", "Contact Information"},
554 {TEXT_CALENDAR, "ics,ical,ifb,icalendar", "iCalendar"},
555 {VIDEO_OGG, "ogv", "Ogg Video"},
556 {VIDEO_OGG, "ogg", "Ogg Video"},
557 {APPLICATION_OGG, "ogg", "Ogg Video"},
558 {AUDIO_OGG, "oga", "Ogg Audio"},
559 {AUDIO_OGG, "opus", "Opus Audio"},
560 {VIDEO_WEBM, "webm", "Web Media Video"},
561 {AUDIO_WEBM, "webm", "Web Media Audio"},
562 {AUDIO_MP3, "mp3", "MPEG Audio"},
563 {VIDEO_MP4, "mp4", "MPEG-4 Video"},
564 {AUDIO_MP4, "m4a", "MPEG-4 Audio"},
565 {VIDEO_RAW, "yuv", "Raw YUV Video"},
566 {AUDIO_WAV, "wav", "Waveform Audio"},
567 {VIDEO_3GPP, "3gpp,3gp", "3GPP Video"},
568 {VIDEO_3GPP2, "3g2", "3GPP2 Video"},
569 {AUDIO_AAC, "aac", "AAC Audio"},
570 {AUDIO_FLAC, "flac", "FLAC Audio"},
571 {AUDIO_MIDI, "mid", "Standard MIDI Audio"},
572 {APPLICATION_WASM, "wasm", "WebAssembly Module"}};
574 static const nsDefaultMimeTypeEntry sForbiddenPrimaryExtensions[] = {
575 {IMAGE_JPEG, "jfif"}};
578 * File extensions for which decoding should be disabled.
579 * NOTE: These MUST be lower-case and ASCII.
581 static const nsDefaultMimeTypeEntry nonDecodableExtensions[] = {
583 {APPLICATION_GZIP, "tgz"},
584 {APPLICATION_ZIP, "zip"},
586 {APPLICATION_GZIP, "svgz"}};
589 * Mimetypes for which we enforce using a known extension.
591 * In addition to this list, we do this for all audio/, video/ and
592 * image/ mimetypes.
594 static const char* forcedExtensionMimetypes[] = {
595 // Note: zip and json mimetypes are commonly used with a variety of
596 // extensions; don't add them here. It's a similar story for text/xml,
597 // but slightly worse because we can use it when sniffing for a mimetype
598 // if one hasn't been provided, so don't re-add that here either.
603 * Primary extensions of types whose descriptions should be overwritten.
604 * This extension is concatenated with "ExtHandlerDescription" to look up the
605 * description in unknownContentType.properties.
606 * NOTE: These MUST be lower-case and ASCII.
608 static const char* descriptionOverwriteExtensions[] = {
609 "avif", "jxl", "pdf", "svg", "webp", "xml",
612 static StaticRefPtr<nsExternalHelperAppService> sExtHelperAppSvcSingleton;
615 * On Mac child processes, return an nsOSHelperAppServiceChild for remoting
616 * OS calls to the parent process. On all other platforms use
617 * nsOSHelperAppService.
619 /* static */
620 already_AddRefed<nsExternalHelperAppService>
621 nsExternalHelperAppService::GetSingleton() {
622 if (!sExtHelperAppSvcSingleton) {
623 #ifdef XP_MACOSX
624 if (XRE_IsParentProcess()) {
625 sExtHelperAppSvcSingleton = new nsOSHelperAppService();
626 } else {
627 sExtHelperAppSvcSingleton = new nsOSHelperAppServiceChild();
629 #else
630 sExtHelperAppSvcSingleton = new nsOSHelperAppService();
631 #endif /* XP_MACOSX */
632 ClearOnShutdown(&sExtHelperAppSvcSingleton);
635 return do_AddRef(sExtHelperAppSvcSingleton);
638 NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(nsExternalHelperAppService, nsIExternalHelperAppService,
639 nsPIExternalAppLauncher, nsIExternalProtocolService,
640 nsIMIMEService, nsIObserver, nsISupportsWeakReference)
642 nsExternalHelperAppService::nsExternalHelperAppService() {}
643 nsresult nsExternalHelperAppService::Init() {
644 // Add an observer for profile change
645 nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> obs = mozilla::services::GetObserverService();
646 if (!obs) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
648 nsresult rv = obs->AddObserver(this, "profile-before-change", true);
649 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
650 return obs->AddObserver(this, "last-pb-context-exited", true);
653 nsExternalHelperAppService::~nsExternalHelperAppService() {}
655 nsresult nsExternalHelperAppService::DoContentContentProcessHelper(
656 const nsACString& aMimeContentType, nsIRequest* aRequest,
657 BrowsingContext* aContentContext, bool aForceSave,
658 nsIInterfaceRequestor* aWindowContext,
659 nsIStreamListener** aStreamListener) {
660 // We need to get a hold of a ContentChild so that we can begin forwarding
661 // this data to the parent. In the HTTP case, this is unfortunate, since
662 // we're actually passing data from parent->child->parent wastefully, but
663 // the Right Fix will eventually be to short-circuit those channels on the
664 // parent side based on some sort of subscription concept.
665 using mozilla::dom::ContentChild;
666 using mozilla::dom::ExternalHelperAppChild;
667 ContentChild* child = ContentChild::GetSingleton();
668 if (!child) {
669 return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
672 nsCString disp;
673 nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri;
674 int64_t contentLength = -1;
675 bool wasFileChannel = false;
676 uint32_t contentDisposition = -1;
677 nsAutoString fileName;
678 nsCOMPtr<nsILoadInfo> loadInfo;
680 nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> channel = do_QueryInterface(aRequest);
681 if (channel) {
682 channel->GetURI(getter_AddRefs(uri));
683 channel->GetContentLength(&contentLength);
684 channel->GetContentDisposition(&contentDisposition);
685 channel->GetContentDispositionFilename(fileName);
686 channel->GetContentDispositionHeader(disp);
687 loadInfo = channel->LoadInfo();
689 nsCOMPtr<nsIFileChannel> fileChan(do_QueryInterface(aRequest));
690 wasFileChannel = fileChan != nullptr;
693 nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> referrer;
694 NS_GetReferrerFromChannel(channel, getter_AddRefs(referrer));
696 Maybe<mozilla::net::LoadInfoArgs> loadInfoArgs;
697 MOZ_ALWAYS_SUCCEEDS(LoadInfoToLoadInfoArgs(loadInfo, &loadInfoArgs));
699 nsCOMPtr<nsIPropertyBag2> props(do_QueryInterface(aRequest));
700 // Determine whether a new window was opened specifically for this request
701 bool shouldCloseWindow = false;
702 if (props) {
703 props->GetPropertyAsBool(u"docshell.newWindowTarget"_ns,
704 &shouldCloseWindow);
707 // Now we build a protocol for forwarding our data to the parent. The
708 // protocol will act as a listener on the child-side and create a "real"
709 // helperAppService listener on the parent-side, via another call to
710 // DoContent.
711 RefPtr<ExternalHelperAppChild> childListener = new ExternalHelperAppChild();
712 MOZ_ALWAYS_TRUE(child->SendPExternalHelperAppConstructor(
713 childListener, uri, loadInfoArgs, nsCString(aMimeContentType), disp,
714 contentDisposition, fileName, aForceSave, contentLength, wasFileChannel,
715 referrer, aContentContext, shouldCloseWindow));
717 NS_ADDREF(*aStreamListener = childListener);
719 uint32_t reason = nsIHelperAppLauncherDialog::REASON_CANTHANDLE;
721 RefPtr<nsExternalAppHandler> handler =
722 new nsExternalAppHandler(nullptr, ""_ns, aContentContext, aWindowContext,
723 this, fileName, reason, aForceSave);
724 if (!handler) {
728 childListener->SetHandler(handler);
729 return NS_OK;
732 NS_IMETHODIMP nsExternalHelperAppService::CreateListener(
733 const nsACString& aMimeContentType, nsIRequest* aRequest,
734 BrowsingContext* aContentContext, bool aForceSave,
735 nsIInterfaceRequestor* aWindowContext,
736 nsIStreamListener** aStreamListener) {
737 MOZ_ASSERT(!XRE_IsContentProcess());
739 nsAutoString fileName;
740 nsAutoCString fileExtension;
741 uint32_t reason = nsIHelperAppLauncherDialog::REASON_CANTHANDLE;
742 uint32_t contentDisposition = -1;
744 // Get the file extension and name that we will need later
745 nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> channel = do_QueryInterface(aRequest);
746 nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri;
747 int64_t contentLength = -1;
748 if (channel) {
749 channel->GetURI(getter_AddRefs(uri));
750 channel->GetContentLength(&contentLength);
751 channel->GetContentDisposition(&contentDisposition);
752 channel->GetContentDispositionFilename(fileName);
754 // Check if we have a POST request, in which case we don't want to use
755 // the url's extension
756 bool allowURLExt = !net::ChannelIsPost(channel);
758 // Check if we had a query string - we don't want to check the URL
759 // extension if a query is present in the URI
760 // If we already know we don't want to check the URL extension, don't
761 // bother checking the query
762 if (uri && allowURLExt) {
763 nsCOMPtr<nsIURL> url = do_QueryInterface(uri);
765 if (url) {
766 nsAutoCString query;
768 // We only care about the query for HTTP and HTTPS URLs
769 if (uri->SchemeIs("http") || uri->SchemeIs("https")) {
770 url->GetQuery(query);
773 // Only get the extension if the query is empty; if it isn't, then the
774 // extension likely belongs to a cgi script and isn't helpful
775 allowURLExt = query.IsEmpty();
778 // Extract name & extension
779 bool isAttachment = GetFilenameAndExtensionFromChannel(
780 channel, fileName, fileExtension, allowURLExt);
781 LOG(("Found extension '%s' (filename is '%s', handling attachment: %i)",
782 fileExtension.get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(fileName).get(),
783 isAttachment));
784 if (isAttachment) {
785 reason = nsIHelperAppLauncherDialog::REASON_SERVERREQUEST;
789 LOG(("HelperAppService::DoContent: mime '%s', extension '%s'\n",
790 PromiseFlatCString(aMimeContentType).get(), fileExtension.get()));
792 // We get the mime service here even though we're the default implementation
793 // of it, so it's possible to override only the mime service and not need to
794 // reimplement the whole external helper app service itself.
795 nsCOMPtr<nsIMIMEService> mimeSvc(do_GetService(NS_MIMESERVICE_CONTRACTID));
798 // Try to find a mime object by looking at the mime type/extension
799 nsCOMPtr<nsIMIMEInfo> mimeInfo;
800 if (aMimeContentType.Equals(APPLICATION_GUESS_FROM_EXT,
801 nsCaseInsensitiveCStringComparator)) {
802 nsAutoCString mimeType;
803 if (!fileExtension.IsEmpty()) {
804 mimeSvc->GetFromTypeAndExtension(""_ns, fileExtension,
805 getter_AddRefs(mimeInfo));
806 if (mimeInfo) {
807 mimeInfo->GetMIMEType(mimeType);
809 LOG(("OS-Provided mime type '%s' for extension '%s'\n", mimeType.get(),
810 fileExtension.get()));
814 if (fileExtension.IsEmpty() || mimeType.IsEmpty()) {
815 // Extension lookup gave us no useful match
816 mimeSvc->GetFromTypeAndExtension(
817 nsLiteralCString(APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM), fileExtension,
818 getter_AddRefs(mimeInfo));
819 mimeType.AssignLiteral(APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM);
822 if (channel) {
823 channel->SetContentType(mimeType);
826 // Don't overwrite SERVERREQUEST
827 if (reason == nsIHelperAppLauncherDialog::REASON_CANTHANDLE) {
828 reason = nsIHelperAppLauncherDialog::REASON_TYPESNIFFED;
830 } else {
831 mimeSvc->GetFromTypeAndExtension(aMimeContentType, fileExtension,
832 getter_AddRefs(mimeInfo));
834 LOG(("Type/Ext lookup found 0x%p\n", mimeInfo.get()));
836 // No mimeinfo -> we can't continue. probably OOM.
837 if (!mimeInfo) {
841 *aStreamListener = nullptr;
842 // We want the mimeInfo's primary extension to pass it to
843 // nsExternalAppHandler
844 nsAutoCString buf;
845 mimeInfo->GetPrimaryExtension(buf);
847 // NB: ExternalHelperAppParent depends on this listener always being an
848 // nsExternalAppHandler. If this changes, make sure to update that code.
849 nsExternalAppHandler* handler =
850 new nsExternalAppHandler(mimeInfo, buf, aContentContext, aWindowContext,
851 this, fileName, reason, aForceSave);
852 if (!handler) {
856 NS_ADDREF(*aStreamListener = handler);
857 return NS_OK;
860 NS_IMETHODIMP nsExternalHelperAppService::DoContent(
861 const nsACString& aMimeContentType, nsIRequest* aRequest,
862 nsIInterfaceRequestor* aContentContext, bool aForceSave,
863 nsIInterfaceRequestor* aWindowContext,
864 nsIStreamListener** aStreamListener) {
865 // Scripted interface requestors cannot return an instance of the
866 // (non-scriptable) nsPIDOMWindowOuter or nsPIDOMWindowInner interfaces, so
867 // get to the window via `nsIDOMWindow`. Unfortunately, at that point we
868 // don't know whether the thing we got is an inner or outer window, so have to
869 // work with either one.
870 RefPtr<BrowsingContext> bc;
871 nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMWindow> domWindow = do_GetInterface(aContentContext);
872 if (nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> outerWindow = do_QueryInterface(domWindow)) {
873 bc = outerWindow->GetBrowsingContext();
874 } else if (nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowInner> innerWindow =
875 do_QueryInterface(domWindow)) {
876 bc = innerWindow->GetBrowsingContext();
879 if (XRE_IsContentProcess()) {
880 return DoContentContentProcessHelper(aMimeContentType, aRequest, bc,
881 aForceSave, aWindowContext,
882 aStreamListener);
885 nsresult rv = CreateListener(aMimeContentType, aRequest, bc, aForceSave,
886 aWindowContext, aStreamListener);
887 return rv;
890 NS_IMETHODIMP nsExternalHelperAppService::ApplyDecodingForExtension(
891 const nsACString& aExtension, const nsACString& aEncodingType,
892 bool* aApplyDecoding) {
893 *aApplyDecoding = true;
894 uint32_t i;
895 for (i = 0; i < ArrayLength(nonDecodableExtensions); ++i) {
896 if (aExtension.LowerCaseEqualsASCII(
897 nonDecodableExtensions[i].mFileExtension) &&
898 aEncodingType.LowerCaseEqualsASCII(
899 nonDecodableExtensions[i].mMimeType)) {
900 *aApplyDecoding = false;
901 break;
904 return NS_OK;
907 nsresult nsExternalHelperAppService::GetFileTokenForPath(
908 const char16_t* aPlatformAppPath, nsIFile** aFile) {
909 nsDependentString platformAppPath(aPlatformAppPath);
910 // First, check if we have an absolute path
911 nsIFile* localFile = nullptr;
912 nsresult rv = NS_NewLocalFile(platformAppPath, true, &localFile);
913 if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
914 *aFile = localFile;
915 bool exists;
916 if (NS_FAILED((*aFile)->Exists(&exists)) || !exists) {
917 NS_RELEASE(*aFile);
920 return NS_OK;
923 // Second, check if file exists in mozilla program directory
924 rv = NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_XPCOM_CURRENT_PROCESS_DIR, aFile);
925 if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
926 rv = (*aFile)->Append(platformAppPath);
927 if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
928 bool exists = false;
929 rv = (*aFile)->Exists(&exists);
930 if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && exists) return NS_OK;
932 NS_RELEASE(*aFile);
938 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
939 // begin external protocol service default implementation...
940 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
941 NS_IMETHODIMP nsExternalHelperAppService::ExternalProtocolHandlerExists(
942 const char* aProtocolScheme, bool* aHandlerExists) {
943 nsCOMPtr<nsIHandlerInfo> handlerInfo;
944 nsresult rv = GetProtocolHandlerInfo(nsDependentCString(aProtocolScheme),
945 getter_AddRefs(handlerInfo));
946 if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
947 // See if we have any known possible handler apps for this
948 nsCOMPtr<nsIMutableArray> possibleHandlers;
949 handlerInfo->GetPossibleApplicationHandlers(
950 getter_AddRefs(possibleHandlers));
952 uint32_t length;
953 possibleHandlers->GetLength(&length);
954 if (length) {
955 *aHandlerExists = true;
956 return NS_OK;
960 // if not, fall back on an os-based handler
961 return OSProtocolHandlerExists(aProtocolScheme, aHandlerExists);
964 NS_IMETHODIMP nsExternalHelperAppService::IsExposedProtocol(
965 const char* aProtocolScheme, bool* aResult) {
966 // check the per protocol setting first. it always takes precedence.
967 // if not set, then use the global setting.
969 nsAutoCString prefName("network.protocol-handler.expose.");
970 prefName += aProtocolScheme;
971 bool val;
972 if (NS_SUCCEEDED(Preferences::GetBool(prefName.get(), &val))) {
973 *aResult = val;
974 return NS_OK;
977 // by default, no protocol is exposed. i.e., by default all link clicks must
978 // go through the external protocol service. most applications override this
979 // default behavior.
980 *aResult = Preferences::GetBool("network.protocol-handler.expose-all", false);
982 return NS_OK;
985 static const char kExternalProtocolPrefPrefix[] =
986 "network.protocol-handler.external.";
987 static const char kExternalProtocolDefaultPref[] =
988 "network.protocol-handler.external-default";
991 nsExternalHelperAppService::LoadURI(nsIURI* aURI,
992 nsIPrincipal* aTriggeringPrincipal,
993 BrowsingContext* aBrowsingContext,
994 bool aTriggeredExternally) {
997 if (XRE_IsContentProcess()) {
998 mozilla::dom::ContentChild::GetSingleton()->SendLoadURIExternal(
999 aURI, aTriggeringPrincipal, aBrowsingContext, aTriggeredExternally);
1000 return NS_OK;
1003 nsAutoCString spec;
1004 aURI->GetSpec(spec);
1006 if (spec.Find("%00") != -1) return NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI;
1008 spec.ReplaceSubstring("\"", "%22");
1009 spec.ReplaceSubstring("`", "%60");
1011 nsCOMPtr<nsIIOService> ios(do_GetIOService());
1012 nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri;
1013 nsresult rv = ios->NewURI(spec, nullptr, nullptr, getter_AddRefs(uri));
1014 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
1016 nsAutoCString scheme;
1017 uri->GetScheme(scheme);
1018 if (scheme.IsEmpty()) return NS_OK; // must have a scheme
1020 // Deny load if the prefs say to do so
1021 nsAutoCString externalPref(kExternalProtocolPrefPrefix);
1022 externalPref += scheme;
1023 bool allowLoad = false;
1024 if (NS_FAILED(Preferences::GetBool(externalPref.get(), &allowLoad))) {
1025 // no scheme-specific value, check the default
1026 if (NS_FAILED(
1027 Preferences::GetBool(kExternalProtocolDefaultPref, &allowLoad))) {
1028 return NS_OK; // missing default pref
1032 if (!allowLoad) {
1033 return NS_OK; // explicitly denied
1036 // Now check if the principal is allowed to access the navigated context.
1037 // We allow navigating subframes, even if not same-origin - non-external
1038 // links can always navigate everywhere, so this is a minor additional
1039 // restriction, only aiming to prevent some types of spoofing attacks
1040 // from otherwise disjoint browsingcontext trees.
1041 if (aBrowsingContext && aTriggeringPrincipal &&
1042 !StaticPrefs::security_allow_disjointed_external_uri_loads() &&
1043 // Add-on principals are always allowed:
1044 !BasePrincipal::Cast(aTriggeringPrincipal)->AddonPolicy() &&
1045 // As is chrome code:
1046 !aTriggeringPrincipal->IsSystemPrincipal()) {
1047 RefPtr<BrowsingContext> bc = aBrowsingContext;
1048 WindowGlobalParent* wgp = bc->Canonical()->GetCurrentWindowGlobal();
1049 bool foundAccessibleFrame = false;
1051 // Also allow this load if the target is a toplevel BC and contains a
1052 // non-web-controlled about:blank document
1053 if (bc->IsTop() && !bc->HadOriginalOpener() && wgp) {
1054 RefPtr<nsIURI> uri = wgp->GetDocumentURI();
1055 foundAccessibleFrame =
1056 uri && uri->GetSpecOrDefault().EqualsLiteral("about:blank");
1059 while (!foundAccessibleFrame) {
1060 if (wgp) {
1061 foundAccessibleFrame =
1062 aTriggeringPrincipal->Subsumes(wgp->DocumentPrincipal());
1064 // We have to get the parent via the bc, because there may not
1065 // be a window global for the innermost bc; see bug 1650162.
1066 BrowsingContext* parent = bc->GetParent();
1067 if (!parent) {
1068 break;
1070 bc = parent;
1071 wgp = parent->Canonical()->GetCurrentWindowGlobal();
1074 if (!foundAccessibleFrame) {
1075 // See if this navigation could have come from a subframe.
1076 nsTArray<RefPtr<BrowsingContext>> contexts;
1077 aBrowsingContext->GetAllBrowsingContextsInSubtree(contexts);
1078 for (const auto& kid : contexts) {
1079 wgp = kid->Canonical()->GetCurrentWindowGlobal();
1080 if (wgp && aTriggeringPrincipal->Subsumes(wgp->DocumentPrincipal())) {
1081 foundAccessibleFrame = true;
1082 break;
1087 if (!foundAccessibleFrame) {
1088 return NS_OK; // deny the load.
1092 nsCOMPtr<nsIHandlerInfo> handler;
1093 rv = GetProtocolHandlerInfo(scheme, getter_AddRefs(handler));
1094 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
1096 nsCOMPtr<nsIContentDispatchChooser> chooser =
1097 do_CreateInstance("@mozilla.org/content-dispatch-chooser;1", &rv);
1098 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
1100 return chooser->HandleURI(handler, uri, aTriggeringPrincipal,
1101 aBrowsingContext, aTriggeredExternally);
1104 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1105 // Methods related to deleting temporary files on exit
1106 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1108 /* static */
1109 nsresult nsExternalHelperAppService::DeleteTemporaryFileHelper(
1110 nsIFile* aTemporaryFile, nsCOMArray<nsIFile>& aFileList) {
1111 bool isFile = false;
1113 // as a safety measure, make sure the nsIFile is really a file and not a
1114 // directory object.
1115 aTemporaryFile->IsFile(&isFile);
1116 if (!isFile) return NS_OK;
1118 aFileList.AppendObject(aTemporaryFile);
1120 return NS_OK;
1124 nsExternalHelperAppService::DeleteTemporaryFileOnExit(nsIFile* aTemporaryFile) {
1125 return DeleteTemporaryFileHelper(aTemporaryFile, mTemporaryFilesList);
1129 nsExternalHelperAppService::DeleteTemporaryPrivateFileWhenPossible(
1130 nsIFile* aTemporaryFile) {
1131 return DeleteTemporaryFileHelper(aTemporaryFile, mTemporaryPrivateFilesList);
1134 void nsExternalHelperAppService::ExpungeTemporaryFilesHelper(
1135 nsCOMArray<nsIFile>& fileList) {
1136 int32_t numEntries = fileList.Count();
1137 nsIFile* localFile;
1138 for (int32_t index = 0; index < numEntries; index++) {
1139 localFile = fileList[index];
1140 if (localFile) {
1141 // First make the file writable, since the temp file is probably readonly.
1142 localFile->SetPermissions(0600);
1143 localFile->Remove(false);
1147 fileList.Clear();
1150 void nsExternalHelperAppService::ExpungeTemporaryFiles() {
1151 ExpungeTemporaryFilesHelper(mTemporaryFilesList);
1154 void nsExternalHelperAppService::ExpungeTemporaryPrivateFiles() {
1155 ExpungeTemporaryFilesHelper(mTemporaryPrivateFilesList);
1158 static const char kExternalWarningPrefPrefix[] =
1159 "network.protocol-handler.warn-external.";
1160 static const char kExternalWarningDefaultPref[] =
1161 "network.protocol-handler.warn-external-default";
1164 nsExternalHelperAppService::GetProtocolHandlerInfo(
1165 const nsACString& aScheme, nsIHandlerInfo** aHandlerInfo) {
1166 // XXX enterprise customers should be able to turn this support off with a
1167 // single master pref (maybe use one of the "exposed" prefs here?)
1169 bool exists;
1170 nsresult rv = GetProtocolHandlerInfoFromOS(aScheme, &exists, aHandlerInfo);
1171 if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
1172 // Either it knows nothing, or we ran out of memory
1173 return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
1176 nsCOMPtr<nsIHandlerService> handlerSvc =
1178 if (handlerSvc) {
1179 bool hasHandler = false;
1180 (void)handlerSvc->Exists(*aHandlerInfo, &hasHandler);
1181 if (hasHandler) {
1182 rv = handlerSvc->FillHandlerInfo(*aHandlerInfo, ""_ns);
1183 if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) return NS_OK;
1187 return SetProtocolHandlerDefaults(*aHandlerInfo, exists);
1191 nsExternalHelperAppService::SetProtocolHandlerDefaults(
1192 nsIHandlerInfo* aHandlerInfo, bool aOSHandlerExists) {
1193 // this type isn't in our database, so we've only got an OS default handler,
1194 // if one exists
1196 if (aOSHandlerExists) {
1197 // we've got a default, so use it
1198 aHandlerInfo->SetPreferredAction(nsIHandlerInfo::useSystemDefault);
1200 // whether or not to ask the user depends on the warning preference
1201 nsAutoCString scheme;
1202 aHandlerInfo->GetType(scheme);
1204 nsAutoCString warningPref(kExternalWarningPrefPrefix);
1205 warningPref += scheme;
1206 bool warn;
1207 if (NS_FAILED(Preferences::GetBool(warningPref.get(), &warn))) {
1208 // no scheme-specific value, check the default
1209 warn = Preferences::GetBool(kExternalWarningDefaultPref, true);
1211 aHandlerInfo->SetAlwaysAskBeforeHandling(warn);
1212 } else {
1213 // If no OS default existed, we set the preferred action to alwaysAsk.
1214 // This really means not initialized (i.e. there's no available handler)
1215 // to all the code...
1216 aHandlerInfo->SetPreferredAction(nsIHandlerInfo::alwaysAsk);
1219 return NS_OK;
1222 // XPCOM profile change observer
1224 nsExternalHelperAppService::Observe(nsISupports* aSubject, const char* aTopic,
1225 const char16_t* someData) {
1226 if (!strcmp(aTopic, "profile-before-change")) {
1227 ExpungeTemporaryFiles();
1228 } else if (!strcmp(aTopic, "last-pb-context-exited")) {
1229 ExpungeTemporaryPrivateFiles();
1231 return NS_OK;
1234 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1235 // begin external app handler implementation
1236 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1238 NS_IMPL_ADDREF(nsExternalAppHandler)
1239 NS_IMPL_RELEASE(nsExternalAppHandler)
1241 NS_INTERFACE_MAP_BEGIN(nsExternalAppHandler)
1242 NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY_AMBIGUOUS(nsISupports, nsIStreamListener)
1243 NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIStreamListener)
1244 NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIRequestObserver)
1245 NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIHelperAppLauncher)
1246 NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsICancelable)
1247 NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIBackgroundFileSaverObserver)
1252 nsExternalAppHandler::nsExternalAppHandler(
1253 nsIMIMEInfo* aMIMEInfo, const nsACString& aTempFileExtension,
1254 BrowsingContext* aBrowsingContext, nsIInterfaceRequestor* aWindowContext,
1255 nsExternalHelperAppService* aExtProtSvc,
1256 const nsAString& aSuggestedFilename, uint32_t aReason, bool aForceSave)
1257 : mMimeInfo(aMIMEInfo),
1258 mBrowsingContext(aBrowsingContext),
1259 mWindowContext(aWindowContext),
1260 mSuggestedFileName(aSuggestedFilename),
1261 mForceSave(aForceSave),
1262 mCanceled(false),
1263 mStopRequestIssued(false),
1264 mIsFileChannel(false),
1265 mShouldCloseWindow(false),
1266 mHandleInternally(false),
1267 mReason(aReason),
1268 mTempFileIsExecutable(false),
1269 mTimeDownloadStarted(0),
1270 mContentLength(-1),
1271 mProgress(0),
1272 mSaver(nullptr),
1273 mDialogProgressListener(nullptr),
1274 mTransfer(nullptr),
1275 mRequest(nullptr),
1276 mExtProtSvc(aExtProtSvc) {
1277 // make sure the extention includes the '.'
1278 if (!aTempFileExtension.IsEmpty() && aTempFileExtension.First() != '.')
1279 mTempFileExtension = char16_t('.');
1280 AppendUTF8toUTF16(aTempFileExtension, mTempFileExtension);
1282 // Get mSuggestedFileName's current file extension.
1283 nsAutoString originalFileExt;
1284 int32_t pos = mSuggestedFileName.RFindChar('.');
1285 if (pos != kNotFound) {
1286 mSuggestedFileName.Right(originalFileExt,
1287 mSuggestedFileName.Length() - pos);
1290 // replace platform specific path separator and illegal characters to avoid
1291 // any confusion.
1292 // Try to keep the use of spaces or underscores in sync with the Downloads
1293 // code sanitization in DownloadPaths.jsm
1294 mSuggestedFileName.ReplaceChar(KNOWN_PATH_SEPARATORS, '_');
1295 mSuggestedFileName.ReplaceChar(FILE_ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS, ' ');
1296 mSuggestedFileName.ReplaceChar(char16_t(0), '_');
1297 mTempFileExtension.ReplaceChar(KNOWN_PATH_SEPARATORS, '_');
1298 mTempFileExtension.ReplaceChar(FILE_ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS, ' ');
1300 // Remove unsafe bidi characters which might have spoofing implications (bug
1301 // 511521).
1302 const char16_t unsafeBidiCharacters[] = {
1303 char16_t(0x061c), // Arabic Letter Mark
1304 char16_t(0x200e), // Left-to-Right Mark
1305 char16_t(0x200f), // Right-to-Left Mark
1306 char16_t(0x202a), // Left-to-Right Embedding
1307 char16_t(0x202b), // Right-to-Left Embedding
1308 char16_t(0x202c), // Pop Directional Formatting
1309 char16_t(0x202d), // Left-to-Right Override
1310 char16_t(0x202e), // Right-to-Left Override
1311 char16_t(0x2066), // Left-to-Right Isolate
1312 char16_t(0x2067), // Right-to-Left Isolate
1313 char16_t(0x2068), // First Strong Isolate
1314 char16_t(0x2069), // Pop Directional Isolate
1315 char16_t(0)};
1316 mSuggestedFileName.ReplaceChar(unsafeBidiCharacters, '_');
1317 mTempFileExtension.ReplaceChar(unsafeBidiCharacters, '_');
1319 // Remove trailing or leading spaces that we may have generated while
1320 // sanitizing.
1321 mSuggestedFileName.CompressWhitespace();
1322 mTempFileExtension.CompressWhitespace();
1324 EnsureCorrectExtension(originalFileExt);
1326 mBufferSize = Preferences::GetUint("network.buffer.cache.size", 4096);
1329 nsExternalAppHandler::~nsExternalAppHandler() {
1330 MOZ_ASSERT(!mSaver, "Saver should hold a reference to us until deleted");
1333 bool nsExternalAppHandler::ShouldForceExtension(const nsString& aFileExt) {
1334 nsAutoCString MIMEType;
1335 if (!mMimeInfo || NS_FAILED(mMimeInfo->GetMIMEType(MIMEType))) {
1336 return false;
1339 bool canForce = StringBeginsWith(MIMEType, "image/"_ns) ||
1340 StringBeginsWith(MIMEType, "audio/"_ns) ||
1341 StringBeginsWith(MIMEType, "video/"_ns);
1343 if (!canForce &&
1344 StaticPrefs::browser_download_sanitize_non_media_extensions()) {
1345 for (const char* mime : forcedExtensionMimetypes) {
1346 if (MIMEType.Equals(mime)) {
1347 canForce = true;
1348 break;
1352 if (!canForce) {
1353 return false;
1356 // If we get here, we know for sure the mimetype allows us to overwrite the
1357 // existing extension, if it's wrong. Return whether the extension is wrong:
1359 bool knownExtension = false;
1360 // Note that aFileExt is either empty or consists of an extension
1361 // *including the dot* which we remove for ExtensionExists().
1362 return (
1363 aFileExt.IsEmpty() || aFileExt.EqualsLiteral(".") ||
1364 (NS_SUCCEEDED(mMimeInfo->ExtensionExists(
1365 Substring(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aFileExt), 1), &knownExtension)) &&
1366 !knownExtension));
1369 void nsExternalAppHandler::EnsureCorrectExtension(const nsString& aFileExt) {
1370 // If we don't have an extension (which will include the .),
1371 // just short-circuit.
1372 if (mTempFileExtension.Length() <= 1) {
1373 return;
1376 // After removing trailing whitespaces from the name, if we have a
1377 // temp file extension, there are broadly 2 cases where we want to
1378 // replace the extension.
1379 // First, if the file extension contains invalid characters.
1380 // Second, for document type mimetypes, if the extension is either
1381 // missing or not valid for this mimetype.
1382 bool replaceExtension =
1384 kNotFound) ||
1385 ShouldForceExtension(aFileExt);
1387 if (replaceExtension) {
1388 int32_t pos = mSuggestedFileName.RFindChar('.');
1389 if (pos != kNotFound) {
1390 mSuggestedFileName =
1391 Substring(mSuggestedFileName, 0, pos) + mTempFileExtension;
1392 } else {
1393 mSuggestedFileName.Append(mTempFileExtension);
1398 * Ensure we don't double-append the file extension if it matches:
1400 if (replaceExtension ||
1401 aFileExt.Equals(mTempFileExtension, nsCaseInsensitiveStringComparator)) {
1402 // Matches -> mTempFileExtension can be empty
1403 mTempFileExtension.Truncate();
1407 void nsExternalAppHandler::DidDivertRequest(nsIRequest* request) {
1408 MOZ_ASSERT(XRE_IsContentProcess(), "in child process");
1409 // Remove our request from the child loadGroup
1410 RetargetLoadNotifications(request);
1413 NS_IMETHODIMP nsExternalAppHandler::SetWebProgressListener(
1414 nsIWebProgressListener2* aWebProgressListener) {
1415 // This is always called by nsHelperDlg.js. Go ahead and register the
1416 // progress listener. At this point, we don't have mTransfer.
1417 mDialogProgressListener = aWebProgressListener;
1418 return NS_OK;
1421 NS_IMETHODIMP nsExternalAppHandler::GetTargetFile(nsIFile** aTarget) {
1422 if (mFinalFileDestination)
1423 *aTarget = mFinalFileDestination;
1424 else
1425 *aTarget = mTempFile;
1427 NS_IF_ADDREF(*aTarget);
1428 return NS_OK;
1431 NS_IMETHODIMP nsExternalAppHandler::GetTargetFileIsExecutable(bool* aExec) {
1432 // Use the real target if it's been set
1433 if (mFinalFileDestination) return mFinalFileDestination->IsExecutable(aExec);
1435 // Otherwise, use the stored executable-ness of the temporary
1436 *aExec = mTempFileIsExecutable;
1437 return NS_OK;
1440 NS_IMETHODIMP nsExternalAppHandler::GetTimeDownloadStarted(PRTime* aTime) {
1441 *aTime = mTimeDownloadStarted;
1442 return NS_OK;
1445 NS_IMETHODIMP nsExternalAppHandler::GetContentLength(int64_t* aContentLength) {
1446 *aContentLength = mContentLength;
1447 return NS_OK;
1450 NS_IMETHODIMP nsExternalAppHandler::GetBrowsingContextId(
1451 uint64_t* aBrowsingContextId) {
1452 *aBrowsingContextId = mBrowsingContext ? mBrowsingContext->Id() : 0;
1453 return NS_OK;
1456 void nsExternalAppHandler::RetargetLoadNotifications(nsIRequest* request) {
1457 // we are going to run the downloading of the helper app in our own little
1458 // docloader / load group context. so go ahead and force the creation of a
1459 // load group and doc loader for us to use...
1460 nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> aChannel = do_QueryInterface(request);
1461 if (!aChannel) return;
1463 bool isPrivate = NS_UsePrivateBrowsing(aChannel);
1465 nsCOMPtr<nsILoadGroup> oldLoadGroup;
1466 aChannel->GetLoadGroup(getter_AddRefs(oldLoadGroup));
1468 if (oldLoadGroup) {
1469 oldLoadGroup->RemoveRequest(request, nullptr, NS_BINDING_RETARGETED);
1472 aChannel->SetLoadGroup(nullptr);
1473 aChannel->SetNotificationCallbacks(nullptr);
1475 nsCOMPtr<nsIPrivateBrowsingChannel> pbChannel = do_QueryInterface(aChannel);
1476 if (pbChannel) {
1477 pbChannel->SetPrivate(isPrivate);
1481 nsresult nsExternalAppHandler::SetUpTempFile(nsIChannel* aChannel) {
1482 // First we need to try to get the destination directory for the temporary
1483 // file.
1484 nsresult rv = GetDownloadDirectory(getter_AddRefs(mTempFile));
1485 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
1487 // At this point, we do not have a filename for the temp file. For security
1488 // purposes, this cannot be predictable, so we must use a cryptographic
1489 // quality PRNG to generate one.
1490 // We will request raw random bytes, and transform that to a base64 string,
1491 // as all characters from the base64 set are acceptable for filenames. For
1492 // each three bytes of random data, we will get four bytes of ASCII. Request
1493 // a bit more, to be safe, and truncate to the length we want in the end.
1495 const uint32_t wantedFileNameLength = 8;
1496 const uint32_t requiredBytesLength =
1497 static_cast<uint32_t>((wantedFileNameLength + 1) / 4 * 3);
1499 nsCOMPtr<nsIRandomGenerator> rg =
1500 do_GetService("@mozilla.org/security/random-generator;1", &rv);
1501 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
1503 uint8_t* buffer;
1504 rv = rg->GenerateRandomBytes(requiredBytesLength, &buffer);
1505 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
1507 nsAutoCString tempLeafName;
1508 nsDependentCSubstring randomData(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buffer),
1509 requiredBytesLength);
1510 rv = Base64Encode(randomData, tempLeafName);
1511 free(buffer);
1512 buffer = nullptr;
1513 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
1515 tempLeafName.Truncate(wantedFileNameLength);
1517 // Base64 characters are alphanumeric (a-zA-Z0-9) and '+' and '/', so we need
1518 // to replace illegal characters -- notably '/'
1521 // now append our extension.
1522 nsAutoCString ext;
1523 mMimeInfo->GetPrimaryExtension(ext);
1524 if (!ext.IsEmpty()) {
1526 if (ext.First() != '.') tempLeafName.Append('.');
1527 tempLeafName.Append(ext);
1530 // We need to temporarily create a dummy file with the correct
1531 // file extension to determine the executable-ness, so do this before adding
1532 // the extra .part extension.
1533 nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> dummyFile;
1534 rv = NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_OS_TEMP_DIR, getter_AddRefs(dummyFile));
1535 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
1537 // Set the file name without .part
1538 rv = dummyFile->Append(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(tempLeafName));
1539 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
1540 rv = dummyFile->CreateUnique(nsIFile::NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0600);
1541 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
1543 // Store executable-ness then delete
1544 dummyFile->IsExecutable(&mTempFileIsExecutable);
1545 dummyFile->Remove(false);
1547 // Add an additional .part to prevent the OS from running this file in the
1548 // default application.
1549 tempLeafName.AppendLiteral(".part");
1551 rv = mTempFile->Append(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(tempLeafName));
1552 // make this file unique!!!
1553 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
1554 rv = mTempFile->CreateUnique(nsIFile::NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0600);
1555 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
1557 // Now save the temp leaf name, minus the ".part" bit, so we can use it later.
1558 // This is a bit broken in the case when createUnique actually had to append
1559 // some numbers, because then we now have a filename like foo.bar-1.part and
1560 // we'll end up with foo.bar-1.bar as our final filename if we end up using
1561 // this. But the other options are all bad too.... Ideally we'd have a way
1562 // to tell createUnique to put its unique marker before the extension that
1563 // comes before ".part" or something.
1564 rv = mTempFile->GetLeafName(mTempLeafName);
1565 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
1567 NS_ENSURE_TRUE(StringEndsWith(mTempLeafName, u".part"_ns),
1570 // Strip off the ".part" from mTempLeafName
1571 mTempLeafName.Truncate(mTempLeafName.Length() - ArrayLength(".part") + 1);
1573 MOZ_ASSERT(!mSaver, "Output file initialization called more than once!");
1574 mSaver =
1576 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
1578 rv = mSaver->SetObserver(this);
1579 if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
1580 mSaver = nullptr;
1581 return rv;
1584 rv = mSaver->EnableSha256();
1585 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
1587 rv = mSaver->EnableSignatureInfo();
1588 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
1589 LOG(("Enabled hashing and signature verification"));
1591 rv = mSaver->SetTarget(mTempFile, false);
1592 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
1594 return rv;
1597 void nsExternalAppHandler::MaybeApplyDecodingForExtension(
1598 nsIRequest* aRequest) {
1599 MOZ_ASSERT(aRequest);
1601 nsCOMPtr<nsIEncodedChannel> encChannel = do_QueryInterface(aRequest);
1602 if (!encChannel) {
1603 return;
1606 // Turn off content encoding conversions if needed
1607 bool applyConversion = true;
1609 // First, check to see if conversion is already disabled. If so, we
1610 // have nothing to do here.
1611 encChannel->GetApplyConversion(&applyConversion);
1612 if (!applyConversion) {
1613 return;
1616 nsCOMPtr<nsIURL> sourceURL(do_QueryInterface(mSourceUrl));
1617 if (sourceURL) {
1618 nsAutoCString extension;
1619 sourceURL->GetFileExtension(extension);
1620 if (!extension.IsEmpty()) {
1621 nsCOMPtr<nsIUTF8StringEnumerator> encEnum;
1622 encChannel->GetContentEncodings(getter_AddRefs(encEnum));
1623 if (encEnum) {
1624 bool hasMore;
1625 nsresult rv = encEnum->HasMore(&hasMore);
1626 if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && hasMore) {
1627 nsAutoCString encType;
1628 rv = encEnum->GetNext(encType);
1629 if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !encType.IsEmpty()) {
1630 MOZ_ASSERT(mExtProtSvc);
1631 mExtProtSvc->ApplyDecodingForExtension(extension, encType,
1632 &applyConversion);
1639 encChannel->SetApplyConversion(applyConversion);
1642 already_AddRefed<nsIInterfaceRequestor>
1643 nsExternalAppHandler::GetDialogParent() {
1644 nsCOMPtr<nsIInterfaceRequestor> dialogParent = mWindowContext;
1646 if (!dialogParent && mBrowsingContext) {
1647 dialogParent = do_QueryInterface(mBrowsingContext->GetDOMWindow());
1649 if (!dialogParent && mBrowsingContext && XRE_IsParentProcess()) {
1650 RefPtr<Element> element = mBrowsingContext->Top()->GetEmbedderElement();
1651 if (element) {
1652 dialogParent = do_QueryInterface(element->OwnerDoc()->GetWindow());
1655 return dialogParent.forget();
1658 NS_IMETHODIMP nsExternalAppHandler::OnStartRequest(nsIRequest* request) {
1659 MOZ_ASSERT(request, "OnStartRequest without request?");
1661 // Set mTimeDownloadStarted here as the download has already started and
1662 // we want to record the start time before showing the filepicker.
1663 mTimeDownloadStarted = PR_Now();
1665 mRequest = request;
1667 nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> aChannel = do_QueryInterface(request);
1669 nsresult rv;
1670 nsAutoCString MIMEType;
1671 if (mMimeInfo) {
1672 mMimeInfo->GetMIMEType(MIMEType);
1674 // Now get the URI
1675 if (aChannel) {
1676 aChannel->GetURI(getter_AddRefs(mSourceUrl));
1679 mDownloadClassification =
1680 nsContentSecurityUtils::ClassifyDownload(aChannel, MIMEType);
1682 if (mDownloadClassification == nsITransfer::DOWNLOAD_FORBIDDEN) {
1683 // If the download is rated as forbidden,
1684 // cancel the request so no ui knows about this.
1685 mCanceled = true;
1686 request->Cancel(NS_ERROR_ABORT);
1687 return NS_OK;
1690 nsCOMPtr<nsIFileChannel> fileChan(do_QueryInterface(request));
1691 mIsFileChannel = fileChan != nullptr;
1692 if (!mIsFileChannel) {
1693 // It's possible that this request came from the child process and the
1694 // file channel actually lives there. If this returns true, then our
1695 // mSourceUrl will be an nsIFileURL anyway.
1696 nsCOMPtr<dom::nsIExternalHelperAppParent> parent(
1697 do_QueryInterface(request));
1698 mIsFileChannel = parent && parent->WasFileChannel();
1701 // Get content length
1702 if (aChannel) {
1703 aChannel->GetContentLength(&mContentLength);
1706 if (mBrowsingContext) {
1707 mMaybeCloseWindowHelper = new MaybeCloseWindowHelper(mBrowsingContext);
1708 mMaybeCloseWindowHelper->SetShouldCloseWindow(mShouldCloseWindow);
1709 nsCOMPtr<nsIPropertyBag2> props(do_QueryInterface(request, &rv));
1710 // Determine whether a new window was opened specifically for this request
1711 if (props) {
1712 bool tmp = false;
1713 if (NS_SUCCEEDED(
1714 props->GetPropertyAsBool(u"docshell.newWindowTarget"_ns, &tmp))) {
1715 mMaybeCloseWindowHelper->SetShouldCloseWindow(tmp);
1720 // retarget all load notifications to our docloader instead of the original
1721 // window's docloader...
1722 RetargetLoadNotifications(request);
1724 // Close the underlying DOMWindow if it was opened specifically for the
1725 // download. We don't run this in the content process, since we have
1726 // an instance running in the parent as well, which will handle this
1727 // if needed.
1728 if (!XRE_IsContentProcess() && mMaybeCloseWindowHelper) {
1729 mBrowsingContext = mMaybeCloseWindowHelper->MaybeCloseWindow();
1732 // In an IPC setting, we're allowing the child process, here, to make
1733 // decisions about decoding the channel (e.g. decompression). It will
1734 // still forward the decoded (uncompressed) data back to the parent.
1735 // Con: Uncompressed data means more IPC overhead.
1736 // Pros: ExternalHelperAppParent doesn't need to implement nsIEncodedChannel.
1737 // Parent process doesn't need to expect CPU time on decompression.
1738 MaybeApplyDecodingForExtension(aChannel);
1740 // At this point, the child process has done everything it can usefully do
1741 // for OnStartRequest.
1742 if (XRE_IsContentProcess()) {
1743 return NS_OK;
1746 rv = SetUpTempFile(aChannel);
1747 if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
1748 nsresult transferError = rv;
1750 rv = CreateFailedTransfer();
1751 if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
1752 LOG(
1753 ("Failed to create transfer to report failure."
1754 "Will fallback to prompter!"));
1757 mCanceled = true;
1758 request->Cancel(transferError);
1760 nsAutoString path;
1761 if (mTempFile) mTempFile->GetPath(path);
1763 SendStatusChange(kWriteError, transferError, request, path);
1765 return NS_OK;
1768 // Inform channel it is open on behalf of a download to throttle it during
1769 // page loads and prevent its caching.
1770 nsCOMPtr<nsIHttpChannelInternal> httpInternal = do_QueryInterface(aChannel);
1771 if (httpInternal) {
1772 rv = httpInternal->SetChannelIsForDownload(true);
1776 if (mSourceUrl->SchemeIs("data")) {
1777 // In case we're downloading a data:// uri
1778 // we don't want to apply AllowTopLevelNavigationToDataURI.
1779 nsCOMPtr<nsILoadInfo> loadInfo = aChannel->LoadInfo();
1780 loadInfo->SetForceAllowDataURI(true);
1783 // now that the temp file is set up, find out if we need to invoke a dialog
1784 // asking the user what they want us to do with this content...
1786 // We can get here for three reasons: "can't handle", "sniffed type", or
1787 // "server sent content-disposition:attachment". In the first case we want
1788 // to honor the user's "always ask" pref; in the other two cases we want to
1789 // honor it only if the default action is "save". Opening attachments in
1790 // helper apps by default breaks some websites (especially if the attachment
1791 // is one part of a multipart document). Opening sniffed content in helper
1792 // apps by default introduces security holes that we'd rather not have.
1794 // So let's find out whether the user wants to be prompted. If he does not,
1795 // check mReason and the preferred action to see what we should do.
1797 bool alwaysAsk = true;
1798 mMimeInfo->GetAlwaysAskBeforeHandling(&alwaysAsk);
1799 if (alwaysAsk) {
1800 // But we *don't* ask if this mimeInfo didn't come from
1801 // our user configuration datastore and the user has said
1802 // at some point in the distant past that they don't
1803 // want to be asked. The latter fact would have been
1804 // stored in pref strings back in the old days.
1806 bool mimeTypeIsInDatastore = false;
1807 nsCOMPtr<nsIHandlerService> handlerSvc =
1809 if (handlerSvc) {
1810 handlerSvc->Exists(mMimeInfo, &mimeTypeIsInDatastore);
1812 if (!handlerSvc || !mimeTypeIsInDatastore) {
1813 if (!GetNeverAskFlagFromPref(NEVER_ASK_FOR_SAVE_TO_DISK_PREF,
1814 MIMEType.get())) {
1815 // Don't need to ask after all.
1816 alwaysAsk = false;
1817 // Make sure action matches pref (save to disk).
1818 mMimeInfo->SetPreferredAction(nsIMIMEInfo::saveToDisk);
1819 } else if (!GetNeverAskFlagFromPref(NEVER_ASK_FOR_OPEN_FILE_PREF,
1820 MIMEType.get())) {
1821 // Don't need to ask after all.
1822 alwaysAsk = false;
1825 } else if (MIMEType.EqualsLiteral("text/plain")) {
1826 nsAutoCString ext;
1827 mMimeInfo->GetPrimaryExtension(ext);
1828 // If people are sending us ApplicationReputation-eligible files with
1829 // text/plain mimetypes, enforce asking the user what to do.
1830 if (!ext.IsEmpty()) {
1831 nsAutoCString dummyFileName("f");
1832 if (ext.First() != '.') {
1833 dummyFileName.Append(".");
1836 nsCOMPtr<nsIApplicationReputationService> appRep =
1837 components::ApplicationReputation::Service();
1838 appRep->IsBinary(dummyFileName + ext, &alwaysAsk);
1842 int32_t action = nsIMIMEInfo::saveToDisk;
1843 mMimeInfo->GetPreferredAction(&action);
1845 // OK, now check why we're here
1846 if (!alwaysAsk && mReason != nsIHelperAppLauncherDialog::REASON_CANTHANDLE) {
1847 // Force asking if we're not saving. See comment back when we fetched the
1848 // alwaysAsk boolean for details.
1849 alwaysAsk = (action != nsIMIMEInfo::saveToDisk);
1852 // If we're not asking, check we actually know what to do:
1853 if (!alwaysAsk) {
1854 alwaysAsk = action != nsIMIMEInfo::saveToDisk &&
1855 action != nsIMIMEInfo::useHelperApp &&
1856 action != nsIMIMEInfo::useSystemDefault;
1859 // if we were told that we _must_ save to disk without asking, all the stuff
1860 // before this is irrelevant; override it
1861 if (mForceSave) {
1862 alwaysAsk = false;
1863 action = nsIMIMEInfo::saveToDisk;
1865 // Additionally, if we are asked by the OS to open a local file,
1866 // automatically downloading it to create a second copy of that file doesn't
1867 // really make sense. We should ask the user what they want to do.
1868 if (mSourceUrl->SchemeIs("file") && !alwaysAsk &&
1869 action == nsIMIMEInfo::saveToDisk) {
1870 alwaysAsk = true;
1872 if (alwaysAsk) {
1873 // Display the dialog
1874 mDialog = do_CreateInstance(NS_HELPERAPPLAUNCHERDLG_CONTRACTID, &rv);
1875 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
1877 // this will create a reference cycle (the dialog holds a reference to us as
1878 // nsIHelperAppLauncher), which will be broken in Cancel or CreateTransfer.
1879 nsCOMPtr<nsIInterfaceRequestor> dialogParent = GetDialogParent();
1880 rv = mDialog->Show(this, dialogParent, mReason);
1882 // what do we do if the dialog failed? I guess we should call Cancel and
1883 // abort the load....
1884 } else {
1885 // We need to do the save/open immediately, then.
1886 #ifdef XP_WIN
1887 /* We need to see whether the file we've got here could be
1888 * executable. If it could, we had better not try to open it!
1889 * We can skip this check, though, if we have a setting to open in a
1890 * helper app.
1891 * This code mirrors the code in
1892 * nsExternalAppHandler::LaunchWithApplication so that what we
1893 * test here is as close as possible to what will really be
1894 * happening if we decide to execute
1896 nsCOMPtr<nsIHandlerApp> prefApp;
1897 mMimeInfo->GetPreferredApplicationHandler(getter_AddRefs(prefApp));
1898 if (action != nsIMIMEInfo::useHelperApp || !prefApp) {
1899 nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> fileToTest;
1900 GetTargetFile(getter_AddRefs(fileToTest));
1901 if (fileToTest) {
1902 bool isExecutable;
1903 rv = fileToTest->IsExecutable(&isExecutable);
1904 if (NS_FAILED(rv) ||
1905 isExecutable) { // checking NS_FAILED, because paranoia is good
1906 action = nsIMIMEInfo::saveToDisk;
1908 } else { // Paranoia is good here too, though this really should not
1909 // happen
1911 "GetDownloadInfo returned a null file after the temp file has been "
1912 "set up! ");
1913 action = nsIMIMEInfo::saveToDisk;
1917 #endif
1918 if (action == nsIMIMEInfo::useHelperApp ||
1919 action == nsIMIMEInfo::useSystemDefault) {
1920 rv = LaunchWithApplication(mHandleInternally);
1921 } else {
1922 rv = PromptForSaveDestination();
1925 return NS_OK;
1928 // Convert error info into proper message text and send OnStatusChange
1929 // notification to the dialog progress listener or nsITransfer implementation.
1930 void nsExternalAppHandler::SendStatusChange(ErrorType type, nsresult rv,
1931 nsIRequest* aRequest,
1932 const nsString& path) {
1933 const char* msgId = nullptr;
1934 switch (rv) {
1936 // No memory
1937 msgId = "noMemory";
1938 break;
1941 // Out of space on target volume.
1942 msgId = "diskFull";
1943 break;
1946 // Attempt to write to read/only file.
1947 msgId = "readOnly";
1948 break;
1951 if (type == kWriteError) {
1952 // Attempt to write without sufficient permissions.
1953 #if defined(ANDROID)
1954 // On Android this means the SD card is present but
1955 // unavailable (read-only).
1956 msgId = "SDAccessErrorCardReadOnly";
1957 #else
1958 msgId = "accessError";
1959 #endif
1960 } else {
1961 msgId = "launchError";
1963 break;
1968 // Helper app not found, let's verify this happened on launch
1969 if (type == kLaunchError) {
1970 msgId = "helperAppNotFound";
1971 break;
1973 #if defined(ANDROID)
1974 else if (type == kWriteError) {
1975 // On Android this means the SD card is missing (not in
1976 // SD slot).
1977 msgId = "SDAccessErrorCardMissing";
1978 break;
1980 #endif
1981 [[fallthrough]];
1983 default:
1984 // Generic read/write/launch error message.
1985 switch (type) {
1986 case kReadError:
1987 msgId = "readError";
1988 break;
1989 case kWriteError:
1990 msgId = "writeError";
1991 break;
1992 case kLaunchError:
1993 msgId = "launchError";
1994 break;
1996 break;
1999 MOZ_LOG(
2000 nsExternalHelperAppService::mLog, LogLevel::Error,
2001 ("Error: %s, type=%i, listener=0x%p, transfer=0x%p, rv=0x%08" PRIX32 "\n",
2002 msgId, type, mDialogProgressListener.get(), mTransfer.get(),
2003 static_cast<uint32_t>(rv)));
2005 MOZ_LOG(nsExternalHelperAppService::mLog, LogLevel::Error,
2006 (" path='%s'\n", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(path).get()));
2008 // Get properties file bundle and extract status string.
2009 nsCOMPtr<nsIStringBundleService> stringService =
2010 mozilla::components::StringBundle::Service();
2011 if (stringService) {
2012 nsCOMPtr<nsIStringBundle> bundle;
2013 if (NS_SUCCEEDED(stringService->CreateBundle(
2014 "chrome://global/locale/nsWebBrowserPersist.properties",
2015 getter_AddRefs(bundle)))) {
2016 nsAutoString msgText;
2017 AutoTArray<nsString, 1> strings = {path};
2018 if (NS_SUCCEEDED(bundle->FormatStringFromName(msgId, strings, msgText))) {
2019 if (mDialogProgressListener) {
2020 // We have a listener, let it handle the error.
2021 mDialogProgressListener->OnStatusChange(
2022 nullptr, (type == kReadError) ? aRequest : nullptr, rv,
2023 msgText.get());
2024 } else if (mTransfer) {
2025 mTransfer->OnStatusChange(nullptr,
2026 (type == kReadError) ? aRequest : nullptr,
2027 rv, msgText.get());
2028 } else if (XRE_IsParentProcess()) {
2029 // We don't have a listener. Simply show the alert ourselves.
2030 nsCOMPtr<nsIInterfaceRequestor> dialogParent = GetDialogParent();
2031 nsresult qiRv;
2032 nsCOMPtr<nsIPrompt> prompter(do_GetInterface(dialogParent, &qiRv));
2033 nsAutoString title;
2034 bundle->FormatStringFromName("title", strings, title);
2036 MOZ_LOG(
2037 nsExternalHelperAppService::mLog, LogLevel::Debug,
2038 ("mBrowsingContext=0x%p, prompter=0x%p, qi rv=0x%08" PRIX32
2039 ", title='%s', msg='%s'",
2040 mBrowsingContext.get(), prompter.get(),
2041 static_cast<uint32_t>(qiRv), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(title).get(),
2042 NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(msgText).get()));
2044 // If we didn't have a prompter we will try and get a window
2045 // instead, get it's docshell and use it to alert the user.
2046 if (!prompter) {
2047 nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> window(do_GetInterface(dialogParent));
2048 if (!window || !window->GetDocShell()) {
2049 return;
2052 prompter = do_GetInterface(window->GetDocShell(), &qiRv);
2054 MOZ_LOG(nsExternalHelperAppService::mLog, LogLevel::Debug,
2055 ("No prompter from mBrowsingContext, using DocShell, "
2056 "window=0x%p, docShell=0x%p, "
2057 "prompter=0x%p, qi rv=0x%08" PRIX32,
2058 window.get(), window->GetDocShell(), prompter.get(),
2059 static_cast<uint32_t>(qiRv)));
2061 // If we still don't have a prompter, there's nothing else we
2062 // can do so just return.
2063 if (!prompter) {
2064 MOZ_LOG(nsExternalHelperAppService::mLog, LogLevel::Error,
2065 ("No prompter from DocShell, no way to alert user"));
2066 return;
2070 // We should always have a prompter at this point.
2071 prompter->Alert(title.get(), msgText.get());
2079 nsExternalAppHandler::OnDataAvailable(nsIRequest* request,
2080 nsIInputStream* inStr,
2081 uint64_t sourceOffset, uint32_t count) {
2082 nsresult rv = NS_OK;
2083 // first, check to see if we've been canceled....
2084 if (mCanceled || !mSaver) {
2085 // then go cancel our underlying channel too
2086 return request->Cancel(NS_BINDING_ABORTED);
2089 // read the data out of the stream and write it to the temp file.
2090 if (count > 0) {
2091 mProgress += count;
2093 nsCOMPtr<nsIStreamListener> saver = do_QueryInterface(mSaver);
2094 rv = saver->OnDataAvailable(request, inStr, sourceOffset, count);
2095 if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
2096 // Send progress notification.
2097 if (mTransfer) {
2098 mTransfer->OnProgressChange64(nullptr, request, mProgress,
2099 mContentLength, mProgress,
2100 mContentLength);
2102 } else {
2103 // An error occurred, notify listener.
2104 nsAutoString tempFilePath;
2105 if (mTempFile) {
2106 mTempFile->GetPath(tempFilePath);
2108 SendStatusChange(kReadError, rv, request, tempFilePath);
2110 // Cancel the download.
2111 Cancel(rv);
2114 return rv;
2117 NS_IMETHODIMP nsExternalAppHandler::OnStopRequest(nsIRequest* request,
2118 nsresult aStatus) {
2119 LOG(
2120 ("nsExternalAppHandler::OnStopRequest\n"
2121 " mCanceled=%d, mTransfer=0x%p, aStatus=0x%08" PRIX32 "\n",
2122 mCanceled, mTransfer.get(), static_cast<uint32_t>(aStatus)));
2124 mStopRequestIssued = true;
2126 // Cancel if the request did not complete successfully.
2127 if (!mCanceled && NS_FAILED(aStatus)) {
2128 // Send error notification.
2129 nsAutoString tempFilePath;
2130 if (mTempFile) mTempFile->GetPath(tempFilePath);
2131 SendStatusChange(kReadError, aStatus, request, tempFilePath);
2133 Cancel(aStatus);
2136 // first, check to see if we've been canceled....
2137 if (mCanceled || !mSaver) {
2138 return NS_OK;
2141 return mSaver->Finish(NS_OK);
2145 nsExternalAppHandler::OnTargetChange(nsIBackgroundFileSaver* aSaver,
2146 nsIFile* aTarget) {
2147 return NS_OK;
2151 nsExternalAppHandler::OnSaveComplete(nsIBackgroundFileSaver* aSaver,
2152 nsresult aStatus) {
2153 LOG(
2154 ("nsExternalAppHandler::OnSaveComplete\n"
2155 " aSaver=0x%p, aStatus=0x%08" PRIX32 ", mCanceled=%d, mTransfer=0x%p\n",
2156 aSaver, static_cast<uint32_t>(aStatus), mCanceled, mTransfer.get()));
2158 if (!mCanceled) {
2159 // Save the hash and signature information
2160 (void)mSaver->GetSha256Hash(mHash);
2161 (void)mSaver->GetSignatureInfo(mSignatureInfo);
2163 // Free the reference that the saver keeps on us, even if we couldn't get
2164 // the hash.
2165 mSaver = nullptr;
2167 // Save the redirect information.
2168 nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> channel = do_QueryInterface(mRequest);
2169 if (channel) {
2170 nsCOMPtr<nsILoadInfo> loadInfo = channel->LoadInfo();
2171 nsresult rv = NS_OK;
2172 nsCOMPtr<nsIMutableArray> redirectChain =
2173 do_CreateInstance(NS_ARRAY_CONTRACTID, &rv);
2174 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
2175 LOG(("nsExternalAppHandler: Got %zu redirects\n",
2176 loadInfo->RedirectChain().Length()));
2177 for (nsIRedirectHistoryEntry* entry : loadInfo->RedirectChain()) {
2178 redirectChain->AppendElement(entry);
2180 mRedirects = redirectChain;
2183 if (NS_FAILED(aStatus)) {
2184 nsAutoString path;
2185 mTempFile->GetPath(path);
2187 // It may happen when e10s is enabled that there will be no transfer
2188 // object available to communicate status as expected by the system.
2189 // Let's try and create a temporary transfer object to take care of this
2190 // for us, we'll fall back to using the prompt service if we absolutely
2191 // have to.
2192 if (!mTransfer) {
2193 // We don't care if this fails.
2194 CreateFailedTransfer();
2197 SendStatusChange(kWriteError, aStatus, nullptr, path);
2198 if (!mCanceled) Cancel(aStatus);
2199 return NS_OK;
2203 // Notify the transfer object that we are done if the user has chosen an
2204 // action. If the user hasn't chosen an action, the progress listener
2205 // (nsITransfer) will be notified in CreateTransfer.
2206 if (mTransfer) {
2207 NotifyTransfer(aStatus);
2210 return NS_OK;
2213 void nsExternalAppHandler::NotifyTransfer(nsresult aStatus) {
2214 MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread(), "Must notify on main thread");
2215 MOZ_ASSERT(mTransfer, "We must have an nsITransfer");
2217 LOG(("Notifying progress listener"));
2219 if (NS_SUCCEEDED(aStatus)) {
2220 (void)mTransfer->SetSha256Hash(mHash);
2221 (void)mTransfer->SetSignatureInfo(mSignatureInfo);
2222 (void)mTransfer->SetRedirects(mRedirects);
2223 (void)mTransfer->OnProgressChange64(
2224 nullptr, nullptr, mProgress, mContentLength, mProgress, mContentLength);
2227 (void)mTransfer->OnStateChange(nullptr, nullptr,
2228 nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_STOP |
2229 nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_IS_REQUEST |
2230 nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_IS_NETWORK,
2231 aStatus);
2233 // This nsITransfer object holds a reference to us (we are its observer), so
2234 // we need to release the reference to break a reference cycle (and therefore
2235 // to prevent leaking). We do this even if the previous calls failed.
2236 mTransfer = nullptr;
2239 NS_IMETHODIMP nsExternalAppHandler::GetMIMEInfo(nsIMIMEInfo** aMIMEInfo) {
2240 *aMIMEInfo = mMimeInfo;
2241 NS_ADDREF(*aMIMEInfo);
2242 return NS_OK;
2245 NS_IMETHODIMP nsExternalAppHandler::GetSource(nsIURI** aSourceURI) {
2246 NS_ENSURE_ARG(aSourceURI);
2247 *aSourceURI = mSourceUrl;
2248 NS_IF_ADDREF(*aSourceURI);
2249 return NS_OK;
2252 NS_IMETHODIMP nsExternalAppHandler::GetSuggestedFileName(
2253 nsAString& aSuggestedFileName) {
2254 aSuggestedFileName = mSuggestedFileName;
2255 return NS_OK;
2258 nsresult nsExternalAppHandler::CreateTransfer() {
2259 LOG(("nsExternalAppHandler::CreateTransfer"));
2261 MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread(), "Must create transfer on main thread");
2262 // We are back from the helper app dialog (where the user chooses to save or
2263 // open), but we aren't done processing the load. in this case, throw up a
2264 // progress dialog so the user can see what's going on.
2265 // Also, release our reference to mDialog. We don't need it anymore, and we
2266 // need to break the reference cycle.
2267 mDialog = nullptr;
2268 if (!mDialogProgressListener) {
2269 NS_WARNING("The dialog should nullify the dialog progress listener");
2271 // In case of a non acceptable download, we need to cancel the request and
2272 // pass a FailedTransfer for the Download UI.
2273 if (mDownloadClassification != nsITransfer::DOWNLOAD_ACCEPTABLE) {
2274 mCanceled = true;
2275 mRequest->Cancel(NS_ERROR_ABORT);
2276 return CreateFailedTransfer();
2278 nsresult rv;
2280 // We must be able to create an nsITransfer object. If not, it doesn't matter
2281 // much that we can't launch the helper application or save to disk. Work on
2282 // a local copy rather than mTransfer until we know we succeeded, to make it
2283 // clearer that this function is re-entrant.
2284 nsCOMPtr<nsITransfer> transfer =
2285 do_CreateInstance(NS_TRANSFER_CONTRACTID, &rv);
2286 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
2288 // Initialize the download
2289 nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> target;
2290 rv = NS_NewFileURI(getter_AddRefs(target), mFinalFileDestination);
2291 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
2293 nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> channel = do_QueryInterface(mRequest);
2294 if (mBrowsingContext) {
2295 rv = transfer->InitWithBrowsingContext(
2296 mSourceUrl, target, u""_ns, mMimeInfo, mTimeDownloadStarted, mTempFile,
2297 this, channel && NS_UsePrivateBrowsing(channel),
2298 mDownloadClassification, mBrowsingContext, mHandleInternally);
2299 } else {
2300 rv = transfer->Init(mSourceUrl, target, u""_ns, mMimeInfo,
2301 mTimeDownloadStarted, mTempFile, this,
2302 channel && NS_UsePrivateBrowsing(channel),
2303 mDownloadClassification);
2306 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
2308 // If we were cancelled since creating the transfer, just return. It is
2309 // always ok to return NS_OK if we are cancelled. Callers of this function
2310 // must call Cancel if CreateTransfer fails, but there's no need to cancel
2311 // twice.
2312 if (mCanceled) {
2313 return NS_OK;
2315 rv = transfer->OnStateChange(nullptr, mRequest,
2316 nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_START |
2317 nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_IS_REQUEST |
2318 nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_IS_NETWORK,
2319 NS_OK);
2320 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
2322 if (mCanceled) {
2323 return NS_OK;
2326 mRequest = nullptr;
2327 // Finally, save the transfer to mTransfer.
2328 mTransfer = transfer;
2329 transfer = nullptr;
2331 // While we were bringing up the progress dialog, we actually finished
2332 // processing the url. If that's the case then mStopRequestIssued will be
2333 // true and OnSaveComplete has been called.
2334 if (mStopRequestIssued && !mSaver && mTransfer) {
2335 NotifyTransfer(NS_OK);
2338 return rv;
2341 nsresult nsExternalAppHandler::CreateFailedTransfer() {
2342 nsresult rv;
2343 nsCOMPtr<nsITransfer> transfer =
2344 do_CreateInstance(NS_TRANSFER_CONTRACTID, &rv);
2345 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
2347 // We won't pass the temp file to the transfer, so if we have one it needs to
2348 // get deleted now.
2349 if (mTempFile) {
2350 mTempFile->Remove(false);
2353 nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> pseudoTarget;
2354 if (!mFinalFileDestination) {
2355 // If we don't have a download directory we're kinda screwed but it's OK
2356 // we'll still report the error via the prompter.
2357 nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> pseudoFile;
2358 rv = GetDownloadDirectory(getter_AddRefs(pseudoFile), true);
2359 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
2361 // Append the default suggested filename. If the user restarts the transfer
2362 // we will re-trigger a filename check anyway to ensure that it is unique.
2363 rv = pseudoFile->Append(mSuggestedFileName);
2364 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
2366 rv = NS_NewFileURI(getter_AddRefs(pseudoTarget), pseudoFile);
2367 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
2368 } else {
2369 // Initialize the target, if present
2370 rv = NS_NewFileURI(getter_AddRefs(pseudoTarget), mFinalFileDestination);
2371 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
2374 nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> channel = do_QueryInterface(mRequest);
2375 if (mBrowsingContext) {
2376 rv = transfer->InitWithBrowsingContext(
2377 mSourceUrl, pseudoTarget, u""_ns, mMimeInfo, mTimeDownloadStarted,
2378 nullptr, this, channel && NS_UsePrivateBrowsing(channel),
2379 mDownloadClassification, mBrowsingContext, mHandleInternally);
2380 } else {
2381 rv = transfer->Init(mSourceUrl, pseudoTarget, u""_ns, mMimeInfo,
2382 mTimeDownloadStarted, nullptr, this,
2383 channel && NS_UsePrivateBrowsing(channel),
2384 mDownloadClassification);
2386 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
2388 // Our failed transfer is ready.
2389 mTransfer = std::move(transfer);
2391 return NS_OK;
2394 nsresult nsExternalAppHandler::SaveDestinationAvailable(nsIFile* aFile) {
2395 if (aFile)
2396 ContinueSave(aFile);
2397 else
2400 return NS_OK;
2403 void nsExternalAppHandler::RequestSaveDestination(
2404 const nsString& aDefaultFile, const nsString& aFileExtension) {
2405 // Display the dialog
2406 // XXX Convert to use file picker? No, then embeddors could not do any sort of
2407 // "AutoDownload" w/o showing a prompt
2408 nsresult rv = NS_OK;
2409 if (!mDialog) {
2410 // Get helper app launcher dialog.
2411 mDialog = do_CreateInstance(NS_HELPERAPPLAUNCHERDLG_CONTRACTID, &rv);
2412 if (rv != NS_OK) {
2414 return;
2418 // we want to explicitly unescape aDefaultFile b4 passing into the dialog. we
2419 // can't unescape it because the dialog is implemented by a JS component which
2420 // doesn't have a window so no unescape routine is defined...
2422 // Now, be sure to keep |this| alive, and the dialog
2423 // If we don't do this, users that close the helper app dialog while the file
2424 // picker is up would cause Cancel() to be called, and the dialog would be
2425 // released, which would release this object too, which would crash.
2426 // See Bug 249143
2427 RefPtr<nsExternalAppHandler> kungFuDeathGrip(this);
2428 nsCOMPtr<nsIHelperAppLauncherDialog> dlg(mDialog);
2429 nsCOMPtr<nsIInterfaceRequestor> dialogParent = GetDialogParent();
2431 rv = dlg->PromptForSaveToFileAsync(this, dialogParent, aDefaultFile.get(),
2432 aFileExtension.get(), mForceSave);
2433 if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
2438 // PromptForSaveDestination should only be called by the helper app dialog which
2439 // allows the user to say launch with application or save to disk.
2440 NS_IMETHODIMP nsExternalAppHandler::PromptForSaveDestination() {
2441 if (mCanceled) return NS_OK;
2443 mMimeInfo->SetPreferredAction(nsIMIMEInfo::saveToDisk);
2445 if (mSuggestedFileName.IsEmpty()) {
2446 RequestSaveDestination(mTempLeafName, mTempFileExtension);
2447 } else {
2448 nsAutoString fileExt;
2449 int32_t pos = mSuggestedFileName.RFindChar('.');
2450 if (pos >= 0) {
2451 mSuggestedFileName.Right(fileExt, mSuggestedFileName.Length() - pos);
2453 if (fileExt.IsEmpty()) {
2454 fileExt = mTempFileExtension;
2457 RequestSaveDestination(mSuggestedFileName, fileExt);
2460 return NS_OK;
2462 nsresult nsExternalAppHandler::ContinueSave(nsIFile* aNewFileLocation) {
2463 if (mCanceled) return NS_OK;
2465 MOZ_ASSERT(aNewFileLocation, "Must be called with a non-null file");
2467 nsresult rv = NS_OK;
2468 nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> fileToUse = aNewFileLocation;
2469 mFinalFileDestination = fileToUse;
2471 // Move what we have in the final directory, but append .part
2472 // to it, to indicate that it's unfinished. Do not call SetTarget on the
2473 // saver if we are done (Finish has been called) but OnSaverComplete has not
2474 // been called.
2475 if (mFinalFileDestination && mSaver && !mStopRequestIssued) {
2476 nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> movedFile;
2477 mFinalFileDestination->Clone(getter_AddRefs(movedFile));
2478 if (movedFile) {
2479 // Get the old leaf name and append .part to it
2480 nsAutoString name;
2481 mFinalFileDestination->GetLeafName(name);
2482 name.AppendLiteral(".part");
2483 movedFile->SetLeafName(name);
2485 rv = mSaver->SetTarget(movedFile, true);
2486 if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
2487 nsAutoString path;
2488 mTempFile->GetPath(path);
2489 SendStatusChange(kWriteError, rv, nullptr, path);
2490 Cancel(rv);
2491 return NS_OK;
2494 mTempFile = movedFile;
2498 // The helper app dialog has told us what to do and we have a final file
2499 // destination.
2500 rv = CreateTransfer();
2501 // If we fail to create the transfer, Cancel.
2502 if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
2503 Cancel(rv);
2504 return rv;
2507 return NS_OK;
2510 // LaunchWithApplication should only be called by the helper app dialog which
2511 // allows the user to say launch with application or save to disk.
2512 NS_IMETHODIMP nsExternalAppHandler::LaunchWithApplication(
2513 bool aHandleInternally) {
2514 if (mCanceled) return NS_OK;
2516 mHandleInternally = aHandleInternally;
2518 // Now check if the file is local, in which case we won't bother with saving
2519 // it to a temporary directory and just launch it from where it is
2520 nsCOMPtr<nsIFileURL> fileUrl(do_QueryInterface(mSourceUrl));
2521 if (fileUrl && mIsFileChannel) {
2523 nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> file;
2524 nsresult rv = fileUrl->GetFile(getter_AddRefs(file));
2526 if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
2527 rv = mMimeInfo->LaunchWithFile(file);
2528 if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) return NS_OK;
2530 nsAutoString path;
2531 if (file) file->GetPath(path);
2532 // If we get here, an error happened
2533 SendStatusChange(kLaunchError, rv, nullptr, path);
2534 return rv;
2537 // Now that the user has elected to launch the downloaded file with a helper
2538 // app, we're justified in removing the 'salted' name. We'll rename to what
2539 // was specified in mSuggestedFileName after the download is done prior to
2540 // launching the helper app. So that any existing file of that name won't be
2541 // overwritten we call CreateUnique(). Also note that we use the same
2542 // directory as originally downloaded so the download can be renamed in place
2543 // later.
2544 nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> fileToUse;
2545 (void)GetDownloadDirectory(getter_AddRefs(fileToUse));
2547 if (mSuggestedFileName.IsEmpty()) {
2548 // Keep using the leafname of the temp file, since we're just starting a
2549 // helper
2550 mSuggestedFileName = mTempLeafName;
2553 #ifdef XP_WIN
2554 fileToUse->Append(mSuggestedFileName + mTempFileExtension);
2555 #else
2556 fileToUse->Append(mSuggestedFileName);
2557 #endif
2559 nsresult rv = fileToUse->CreateUnique(nsIFile::NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0600);
2560 if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
2561 mFinalFileDestination = fileToUse;
2562 // launch the progress window now that the user has picked the desired
2563 // action.
2564 rv = CreateTransfer();
2565 if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
2566 Cancel(rv);
2568 } else {
2569 // Cancel the download and report an error. We do not want to end up in
2570 // a state where it appears that we have a normal download that is
2571 // pointing to a file that we did not actually create.
2572 nsAutoString path;
2573 mTempFile->GetPath(path);
2574 SendStatusChange(kWriteError, rv, nullptr, path);
2575 Cancel(rv);
2577 return rv;
2580 NS_IMETHODIMP nsExternalAppHandler::Cancel(nsresult aReason) {
2583 if (mCanceled) {
2584 return NS_OK;
2586 mCanceled = true;
2588 if (mSaver) {
2589 // We are still writing to the target file. Give the saver a chance to
2590 // close the target file, then notify the transfer object if necessary in
2591 // the OnSaveComplete callback.
2592 mSaver->Finish(aReason);
2593 mSaver = nullptr;
2594 } else {
2595 if (mStopRequestIssued && mTempFile) {
2596 // This branch can only happen when the user cancels the helper app dialog
2597 // when the request has completed. The temp file has to be removed here,
2598 // because mSaver has been released at that time with the temp file left.
2599 (void)mTempFile->Remove(false);
2602 // Notify the transfer object that the download has been canceled, if the
2603 // user has already chosen an action and we didn't notify already.
2604 if (mTransfer) {
2605 NotifyTransfer(aReason);
2609 // Break our reference cycle with the helper app dialog (set up in
2610 // OnStartRequest)
2611 mDialog = nullptr;
2613 mRequest = nullptr;
2615 // Release the listener, to break the reference cycle with it (we are the
2616 // observer of the listener).
2617 mDialogProgressListener = nullptr;
2619 return NS_OK;
2622 bool nsExternalAppHandler::GetNeverAskFlagFromPref(const char* prefName,
2623 const char* aContentType) {
2624 // Search the obsolete pref strings.
2625 nsAutoCString prefCString;
2626 Preferences::GetCString(prefName, prefCString);
2627 if (prefCString.IsEmpty()) {
2628 // Default is true, if not found in the pref string.
2629 return true;
2632 NS_UnescapeURL(prefCString);
2633 nsACString::const_iterator start, end;
2634 prefCString.BeginReading(start);
2635 prefCString.EndReading(end);
2636 return !CaseInsensitiveFindInReadable(nsDependentCString(aContentType), start,
2637 end);
2641 nsExternalAppHandler::GetName(nsACString& aName) {
2642 aName.AssignLiteral("nsExternalAppHandler");
2643 return NS_OK;
2646 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2647 // The following section contains our nsIMIMEService implementation and related
2648 // methods.
2650 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2652 // nsIMIMEService methods
2653 NS_IMETHODIMP nsExternalHelperAppService::GetFromTypeAndExtension(
2654 const nsACString& aMIMEType, const nsACString& aFileExt,
2655 nsIMIMEInfo** _retval) {
2656 MOZ_ASSERT(!aMIMEType.IsEmpty() || !aFileExt.IsEmpty(),
2657 "Give me something to work with");
2658 MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(aFileExt.FindChar('\0') == kNotFound,
2659 "The extension should never contain null characters");
2660 LOG(("Getting mimeinfo from type '%s' ext '%s'\n",
2661 PromiseFlatCString(aMIMEType).get(),
2662 PromiseFlatCString(aFileExt).get()));
2664 *_retval = nullptr;
2666 // OK... we need a type. Get one.
2667 nsAutoCString typeToUse(aMIMEType);
2668 if (typeToUse.IsEmpty()) {
2669 nsresult rv = GetTypeFromExtension(aFileExt, typeToUse);
2670 if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE;
2673 // We promise to only send lower case mime types to the OS
2674 ToLowerCase(typeToUse);
2676 // First, ask the OS for a mime info
2677 bool found;
2678 nsresult rv = GetMIMEInfoFromOS(typeToUse, aFileExt, &found, _retval);
2679 if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
2680 return rv;
2683 LOG(("OS gave back 0x%p - found: %i\n", *_retval, found));
2684 // If we got no mimeinfo, something went wrong. Probably lack of memory.
2685 if (!*_retval) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
2687 // The handler service can make up for bad mime types by checking the file
2688 // extension. If the mime type is known (in extras or in the handler
2689 // service), we stop it doing so by flipping this bool to true.
2690 bool trustMIMEType = false;
2692 // Check extras - not everything we support will be known by the OS store,
2693 // unfortunately, and it may even miss some extensions that we know should
2694 // be accepted. We only do this for non-octet-stream mimetypes, because
2695 // our information for octet-stream would lead to us trying to open all such
2696 // files as Binary file with exe, com or bin extension regardless of the
2697 // real extension.
2698 if (!typeToUse.Equals(APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM,
2699 nsCaseInsensitiveCStringComparator)) {
2700 rv = FillMIMEInfoForMimeTypeFromExtras(typeToUse, !found, *_retval);
2701 LOG(("Searched extras (by type), rv 0x%08" PRIX32 "\n",
2702 static_cast<uint32_t>(rv)));
2703 trustMIMEType = NS_SUCCEEDED(rv);
2704 found = found || NS_SUCCEEDED(rv);
2707 // Now, let's see if we can find something in our datastore.
2708 // This will not overwrite the OS information that interests us
2709 // (i.e. default application, default app. description)
2710 nsCOMPtr<nsIHandlerService> handlerSvc =
2712 if (handlerSvc) {
2713 bool hasHandler = false;
2714 (void)handlerSvc->Exists(*_retval, &hasHandler);
2715 if (hasHandler) {
2716 rv = handlerSvc->FillHandlerInfo(*_retval, ""_ns);
2717 LOG(("Data source: Via type: retval 0x%08" PRIx32 "\n",
2718 static_cast<uint32_t>(rv)));
2719 trustMIMEType = trustMIMEType || NS_SUCCEEDED(rv);
2720 } else {
2724 found = found || NS_SUCCEEDED(rv);
2727 // If we still haven't found anything, try finding a match for
2728 // an extension in extras first:
2729 if (!found && !aFileExt.IsEmpty()) {
2730 rv = FillMIMEInfoForExtensionFromExtras(aFileExt, *_retval);
2731 LOG(("Searched extras (by ext), rv 0x%08" PRIX32 "\n",
2732 static_cast<uint32_t>(rv)));
2735 // Then check the handler service - but only do so if we really do not know
2736 // the mimetype. This avoids overwriting good mimetype info with bad file
2737 // extension info.
2738 if ((!found || !trustMIMEType) && handlerSvc && !aFileExt.IsEmpty()) {
2739 nsAutoCString overrideType;
2740 rv = handlerSvc->GetTypeFromExtension(aFileExt, overrideType);
2741 if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !overrideType.IsEmpty()) {
2742 // We can't check handlerSvc->Exists() here, because we have a
2743 // overideType. That's ok, it just results in some console noise.
2744 // (If there's no handler for the override type, it throws)
2745 rv = handlerSvc->FillHandlerInfo(*_retval, overrideType);
2746 LOG(("Data source: Via ext: retval 0x%08" PRIx32 "\n",
2747 static_cast<uint32_t>(rv)));
2748 found = found || NS_SUCCEEDED(rv);
2752 // If we still don't have a match, at least set the file description
2753 // to `${aFileExt} File` if it's empty:
2754 if (!found && !aFileExt.IsEmpty()) {
2755 // XXXzpao This should probably be localized
2756 nsAutoCString desc(aFileExt);
2757 desc.AppendLiteral(" File");
2758 (*_retval)->SetDescription(NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16(desc));
2759 LOG(("Falling back to 'File' file description\n"));
2762 // Sometimes, OSes give us bad data. We have a set of forbidden extensions
2763 // for some MIME types. If the primary extension is forbidden,
2764 // overwrite it with a known-good one. See bug 1571247 for context.
2765 nsAutoCString primaryExtension;
2766 (*_retval)->GetPrimaryExtension(primaryExtension);
2767 if (!primaryExtension.EqualsIgnoreCase(PromiseFlatCString(aFileExt).get())) {
2768 if (MaybeReplacePrimaryExtension(primaryExtension, *_retval)) {
2769 (*_retval)->GetPrimaryExtension(primaryExtension);
2773 // Finally, check if we got a file extension and if yes, if it is an
2774 // extension on the mimeinfo, in which case we want it to be the primary one
2775 if (!aFileExt.IsEmpty()) {
2776 bool matches = false;
2777 (*_retval)->ExtensionExists(aFileExt, &matches);
2778 LOG(("Extension '%s' matches mime info: %i\n",
2779 PromiseFlatCString(aFileExt).get(), matches));
2780 if (matches) {
2781 nsAutoCString fileExt;
2782 ToLowerCase(aFileExt, fileExt);
2783 (*_retval)->SetPrimaryExtension(fileExt);
2784 primaryExtension = fileExt;
2788 // Overwrite with a generic description if the primary extension for the
2789 // type is in our list; these are file formats supported by Firefox and
2790 // we don't want other brands positioning themselves as the sole viewer
2791 // for a system.
2792 if (!primaryExtension.IsEmpty()) {
2793 for (const char* ext : descriptionOverwriteExtensions) {
2794 if (primaryExtension.Equals(ext)) {
2795 nsCOMPtr<nsIStringBundleService> bundleService =
2796 do_GetService(NS_STRINGBUNDLE_CONTRACTID, &rv);
2797 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
2798 nsCOMPtr<nsIStringBundle> unknownContentTypeBundle;
2799 rv = bundleService->CreateBundle(
2800 "chrome://mozapps/locale/downloads/unknownContentType.properties",
2801 getter_AddRefs(unknownContentTypeBundle));
2802 if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
2803 nsAutoCString stringName(ext);
2804 stringName.AppendLiteral("ExtHandlerDescription");
2805 nsAutoString handlerDescription;
2806 rv = unknownContentTypeBundle->GetStringFromName(stringName.get(),
2807 handlerDescription);
2808 if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
2809 (*_retval)->SetDescription(handlerDescription);
2812 break;
2817 if (LOG_ENABLED()) {
2818 nsAutoCString type;
2819 (*_retval)->GetMIMEType(type);
2821 LOG(("MIME Info Summary: Type '%s', Primary Ext '%s'\n", type.get(),
2822 primaryExtension.get()));
2825 return NS_OK;
2829 nsExternalHelperAppService::GetTypeFromExtension(const nsACString& aFileExt,
2830 nsACString& aContentType) {
2831 // OK. We want to try the following sources of mimetype information, in this
2832 // order:
2833 // 1. defaultMimeEntries array
2834 // 2. OS-provided information
2835 // 3. our "extras" array
2836 // 4. Information from plugins
2837 // 5. The "ext-to-type-mapping" category
2838 // Note that, we are intentionally not looking at the handler service, because
2839 // that can be affected by websites, which leads to undesired behavior.
2841 // Early return if called with an empty extension parameter
2842 if (aFileExt.IsEmpty()) {
2846 // First of all, check our default entries
2847 for (auto& entry : defaultMimeEntries) {
2848 if (aFileExt.LowerCaseEqualsASCII(entry.mFileExtension)) {
2849 aContentType = entry.mMimeType;
2850 return NS_OK;
2854 // Ask OS.
2855 if (GetMIMETypeFromOSForExtension(aFileExt, aContentType)) {
2856 return NS_OK;
2859 // Check extras array.
2860 bool found = GetTypeFromExtras(aFileExt, aContentType);
2861 if (found) {
2862 return NS_OK;
2865 // Let's see if an extension added something
2866 nsCOMPtr<nsICategoryManager> catMan(
2867 do_GetService("@mozilla.org/categorymanager;1"));
2868 if (catMan) {
2869 // The extension in the category entry is always stored as lowercase
2870 nsAutoCString lowercaseFileExt(aFileExt);
2871 ToLowerCase(lowercaseFileExt);
2872 // Read the MIME type from the category entry, if available
2873 nsCString type;
2874 nsresult rv =
2875 catMan->GetCategoryEntry("ext-to-type-mapping", lowercaseFileExt, type);
2876 if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
2877 aContentType = type;
2878 return NS_OK;
2885 NS_IMETHODIMP nsExternalHelperAppService::GetPrimaryExtension(
2886 const nsACString& aMIMEType, const nsACString& aFileExt,
2887 nsACString& _retval) {
2888 NS_ENSURE_ARG(!aMIMEType.IsEmpty());
2890 nsCOMPtr<nsIMIMEInfo> mi;
2891 nsresult rv =
2892 GetFromTypeAndExtension(aMIMEType, aFileExt, getter_AddRefs(mi));
2893 if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
2895 return mi->GetPrimaryExtension(_retval);
2898 NS_IMETHODIMP nsExternalHelperAppService::GetTypeFromURI(
2899 nsIURI* aURI, nsACString& aContentType) {
2901 nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE;
2902 aContentType.Truncate();
2904 // First look for a file to use. If we have one, we just use that.
2905 nsCOMPtr<nsIFileURL> fileUrl = do_QueryInterface(aURI);
2906 if (fileUrl) {
2907 nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> file;
2908 rv = fileUrl->GetFile(getter_AddRefs(file));
2909 if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
2910 rv = GetTypeFromFile(file, aContentType);
2911 if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
2912 // we got something!
2913 return rv;
2918 // Now try to get an nsIURL so we don't have to do our own parsing
2919 nsCOMPtr<nsIURL> url = do_QueryInterface(aURI);
2920 if (url) {
2921 nsAutoCString ext;
2922 rv = url->GetFileExtension(ext);
2923 if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
2924 if (ext.IsEmpty()) return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE;
2926 UnescapeFragment(ext, url, ext);
2928 return GetTypeFromExtension(ext, aContentType);
2931 // no url, let's give the raw spec a shot
2932 nsAutoCString specStr;
2933 rv = aURI->GetSpec(specStr);
2934 if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
2935 UnescapeFragment(specStr, aURI, specStr);
2937 // find the file extension (if any)
2938 int32_t extLoc = specStr.RFindChar('.');
2939 int32_t specLength = specStr.Length();
2940 if (-1 != extLoc && extLoc != specLength - 1 &&
2941 // nothing over 20 chars long can be sanely considered an
2942 // extension.... Dat dere would be just data.
2943 specLength - extLoc < 20) {
2944 return GetTypeFromExtension(Substring(specStr, extLoc + 1), aContentType);
2947 // We found no information; say so.
2951 NS_IMETHODIMP nsExternalHelperAppService::GetTypeFromFile(
2952 nsIFile* aFile, nsACString& aContentType) {
2954 nsresult rv;
2956 // Get the Extension
2957 nsAutoString fileName;
2958 rv = aFile->GetLeafName(fileName);
2959 if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
2961 nsAutoCString fileExt;
2962 if (!fileName.IsEmpty()) {
2963 int32_t len = fileName.Length();
2964 for (int32_t i = len; i >= 0; i--) {
2965 if (fileName[i] == char16_t('.')) {
2966 CopyUTF16toUTF8(Substring(fileName, i + 1), fileExt);
2967 break;
2972 if (fileExt.IsEmpty()) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
2974 return GetTypeFromExtension(fileExt, aContentType);
2977 nsresult nsExternalHelperAppService::FillMIMEInfoForMimeTypeFromExtras(
2978 const nsACString& aContentType, bool aOverwriteDescription,
2979 nsIMIMEInfo* aMIMEInfo) {
2982 NS_ENSURE_ARG(!aContentType.IsEmpty());
2984 // Look for default entry with matching mime type.
2985 nsAutoCString MIMEType(aContentType);
2986 ToLowerCase(MIMEType);
2987 for (auto entry : extraMimeEntries) {
2988 if (MIMEType.Equals(entry.mMimeType)) {
2989 // This is the one. Set attributes appropriately.
2990 nsDependentCString extensions(entry.mFileExtensions);
2991 nsACString::const_iterator start, end;
2992 extensions.BeginReading(start);
2993 extensions.EndReading(end);
2994 while (start != end) {
2995 nsACString::const_iterator cursor = start;
2996 mozilla::Unused << FindCharInReadable(',', cursor, end);
2997 aMIMEInfo->AppendExtension(Substring(start, cursor));
2998 // If a comma was found, skip it for the next search.
2999 start = cursor != end ? ++cursor : cursor;
3002 nsAutoString desc;
3003 aMIMEInfo->GetDescription(desc);
3004 if (aOverwriteDescription || desc.IsEmpty()) {
3005 aMIMEInfo->SetDescription(NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16(entry.mDescription));
3007 return NS_OK;
3014 nsresult nsExternalHelperAppService::FillMIMEInfoForExtensionFromExtras(
3015 const nsACString& aExtension, nsIMIMEInfo* aMIMEInfo) {
3016 nsAutoCString type;
3017 bool found = GetTypeFromExtras(aExtension, type);
3018 if (!found) return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE;
3019 return FillMIMEInfoForMimeTypeFromExtras(type, true, aMIMEInfo);
3022 bool nsExternalHelperAppService::MaybeReplacePrimaryExtension(
3023 const nsACString& aPrimaryExtension, nsIMIMEInfo* aMIMEInfo) {
3024 for (const auto& entry : sForbiddenPrimaryExtensions) {
3025 if (aPrimaryExtension.LowerCaseEqualsASCII(entry.mFileExtension)) {
3026 nsDependentCString mime(entry.mMimeType);
3027 for (const auto& extraEntry : extraMimeEntries) {
3028 if (mime.LowerCaseEqualsASCII(extraEntry.mMimeType)) {
3029 nsDependentCString goodExts(extraEntry.mFileExtensions);
3030 int32_t commaPos = goodExts.FindChar(',');
3031 commaPos = commaPos == kNotFound ? goodExts.Length() : commaPos;
3032 auto goodExt = Substring(goodExts, 0, commaPos);
3033 aMIMEInfo->SetPrimaryExtension(goodExt);
3034 return true;
3039 return false;
3042 bool nsExternalHelperAppService::GetTypeFromExtras(const nsACString& aExtension,
3043 nsACString& aMIMEType) {
3044 NS_ASSERTION(!aExtension.IsEmpty(), "Empty aExtension parameter!");
3046 // Look for default entry with matching extension.
3047 nsDependentCString::const_iterator start, end, iter;
3048 int32_t numEntries = ArrayLength(extraMimeEntries);
3049 for (int32_t index = 0; index < numEntries; index++) {
3050 nsDependentCString extList(extraMimeEntries[index].mFileExtensions);
3051 extList.BeginReading(start);
3052 extList.EndReading(end);
3053 iter = start;
3054 while (start != end) {
3055 FindCharInReadable(',', iter, end);
3056 if (Substring(start, iter)
3057 .Equals(aExtension, nsCaseInsensitiveCStringComparator)) {
3058 aMIMEType = extraMimeEntries[index].mMimeType;
3059 return true;
3061 if (iter != end) {
3062 ++iter;
3064 start = iter;
3068 return false;
3071 bool nsExternalHelperAppService::GetMIMETypeFromOSForExtension(
3072 const nsACString& aExtension, nsACString& aMIMEType) {
3073 bool found = false;
3074 nsCOMPtr<nsIMIMEInfo> mimeInfo;
3075 nsresult rv =
3076 GetMIMEInfoFromOS(""_ns, aExtension, &found, getter_AddRefs(mimeInfo));
3077 return NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && found && mimeInfo &&
3078 NS_SUCCEEDED(mimeInfo->GetMIMEType(aMIMEType));
3081 nsresult nsExternalHelperAppService::GetMIMEInfoFromOS(
3082 const nsACString& aMIMEType, const nsACString& aFileExt, bool* aFound,
3083 nsIMIMEInfo** aMIMEInfo) {
3084 *aMIMEInfo = nullptr;
3085 *aFound = false;