Backed out 2 changesets (bug 1156659) for causing multiple dt failures on browser_jst...
[gecko.git] / netwerk / dns / punycode.c
1 /*
2 punycode.c from RFC 3492
4 Adam M. Costello
7 This is ANSI C code (C89) implementing Punycode (RFC 3492).
10 C. Disclaimer and license
12 Regarding this entire document or any portion of it (including
13 the pseudocode and C code), the author makes no guarantees and
14 is not responsible for any damage resulting from its use. The
15 author grants irrevocable permission to anyone to use, modify,
16 and distribute it in any way that does not diminish the rights
17 of anyone else to use, modify, and distribute it, provided that
18 redistributed derivative works do not contain misleading author or
19 version information. Derivative works need not be licensed under
20 similar terms.
23 #include "punycode.h"
25 /**********************************************************/
26 /* Implementation (would normally go in its own .c file): */
28 #include <string.h>
30 /*** Bootstring parameters for Punycode ***/
32 enum {
33 base = 36,
34 tmin = 1,
35 tmax = 26,
36 skew = 38,
37 damp = 700,
38 initial_bias = 72,
39 initial_n = 0x80,
40 delimiter = 0x2D
43 /* basic(cp) tests whether cp is a basic code point: */
44 #define basic(cp) ((punycode_uint)(cp) < 0x80)
46 /* delim(cp) tests whether cp is a delimiter: */
47 #define delim(cp) ((cp) == delimiter)
49 /* decode_digit(cp) returns the numeric value of a basic code */
50 /* point (for use in representing integers) in the range 0 to */
51 /* base-1, or base if cp is does not represent a value. */
53 static punycode_uint decode_digit(punycode_uint cp) {
54 return cp - 48 < 10 ? cp - 22
55 : cp - 65 < 26 ? cp - 65
56 : cp - 97 < 26 ? cp - 97
57 : base;
60 /* encode_digit(d,flag) returns the basic code point whose value */
61 /* (when used for representing integers) is d, which needs to be in */
62 /* the range 0 to base-1. The lowercase form is used unless flag is */
63 /* nonzero, in which case the uppercase form is used. The behavior */
64 /* is undefined if flag is nonzero and digit d has no uppercase form. */
66 static char encode_digit(punycode_uint d, int flag) {
67 return d + 22 + 75 * (d < 26) - ((flag != 0) << 5);
68 /* 0..25 map to ASCII a..z or A..Z */
69 /* 26..35 map to ASCII 0..9 */
72 /* flagged(bcp) tests whether a basic code point is flagged */
73 /* (uppercase). The behavior is undefined if bcp is not a */
74 /* basic code point. */
76 #define flagged(bcp) ((punycode_uint)(bcp)-65 < 26)
78 /* encode_basic(bcp,flag) forces a basic code point to lowercase */
79 /* if flag is zero, uppercase if flag is nonzero, and returns */
80 /* the resulting code point. The code point is unchanged if it */
81 /* is caseless. The behavior is undefined if bcp is not a basic */
82 /* code point. */
84 static char encode_basic(punycode_uint bcp, int flag) {
85 bcp -= (bcp - 97 < 26) << 5;
86 return bcp + ((!flag && (bcp - 65 < 26)) << 5);
89 /*** Platform-specific constants ***/
91 /* maxint is the maximum value of a punycode_uint variable: */
92 static const punycode_uint maxint = (punycode_uint)-1;
93 /* Because maxint is unsigned, -1 becomes the maximum value. */
95 /*** Bias adaptation function ***/
97 static punycode_uint adapt(punycode_uint delta, punycode_uint numpoints,
98 int firsttime) {
99 punycode_uint k;
101 delta = firsttime ? delta / damp : delta >> 1;
102 /* delta >> 1 is a faster way of doing delta / 2 */
103 delta += delta / numpoints;
105 for (k = 0; delta > ((base - tmin) * tmax) / 2; k += base) {
106 delta /= base - tmin;
109 return k + (base - tmin + 1) * delta / (delta + skew);
112 /*** Main encode function ***/
114 enum punycode_status punycode_encode(punycode_uint input_length,
115 const punycode_uint input[],
116 const unsigned char case_flags[],
117 punycode_uint* output_length,
118 char output[]) {
119 punycode_uint n, delta, h, b, out, max_out, bias, j, m, q, k, t;
121 /* Initialize the state: */
123 n = initial_n;
124 delta = out = 0;
125 max_out = *output_length;
126 bias = initial_bias;
128 /* Handle the basic code points: */
130 for (j = 0; j < input_length; ++j) {
131 if (basic(input[j])) {
132 if (max_out - out < 2) {
133 return punycode_big_output;
135 output[out++] =
136 case_flags ? encode_basic(input[j], case_flags[j]) : (char)input[j];
138 /* else if (input[j] < n) return punycode_bad_input; */
139 /* (not needed for Punycode with unsigned code points) */
142 h = b = out;
144 /* h is the number of code points that have been handled, b is the */
145 /* number of basic code points, and out is the number of characters */
146 /* that have been output. */
148 if (b > 0) {
149 output[out++] = delimiter;
152 /* Main encoding loop: */
154 while (h < input_length) {
155 /* All non-basic code points < n have been */
156 /* handled already. Find the next larger one: */
158 for (m = maxint, j = 0; j < input_length; ++j) {
159 /* if (basic(input[j])) continue; */
160 /* (not needed for Punycode) */
161 if (input[j] >= n && input[j] < m) {
162 m = input[j];
166 /* Increase delta enough to advance the decoder's */
167 /* <n,i> state to <m,0>, but guard against overflow: */
169 if (m - n > (maxint - delta) / (h + 1)) {
170 return punycode_overflow;
172 delta += (m - n) * (h + 1);
173 n = m;
175 for (j = 0; j < input_length; ++j) {
176 /* Punycode does not need to check whether input[j] is basic: */
177 if (input[j] < n /* || basic(input[j]) */) {
178 if (++delta == 0) {
179 return punycode_overflow;
183 if (input[j] == n) {
184 /* Represent delta as a generalized variable-length integer: */
186 for (q = delta, k = base;; k += base) {
187 if (out >= max_out) {
188 return punycode_big_output;
190 t = k <= bias /* + tmin */ ? tmin : /* +tmin not needed */
191 k >= bias + tmax ? tmax
192 : k - bias;
193 if (q < t) {
194 break;
196 output[out++] = encode_digit(t + (q - t) % (base - t), 0);
197 q = (q - t) / (base - t);
200 output[out++] = encode_digit(q, case_flags && case_flags[j]);
201 bias = adapt(delta, h + 1, h == b);
202 delta = 0;
203 ++h;
207 ++delta, ++n;
210 *output_length = out;
211 return punycode_success;
214 /*** Main decode function ***/
216 enum punycode_status punycode_decode(punycode_uint input_length,
217 const char input[],
218 punycode_uint* output_length,
219 punycode_uint output[],
220 unsigned char case_flags[]) {
221 punycode_uint n, out, i, max_out, bias, b, j, in, oldi, w, k, digit, t;
223 if (!input_length) {
224 return punycode_bad_input;
227 /* Initialize the state: */
229 n = initial_n;
230 out = i = 0;
231 max_out = *output_length;
232 bias = initial_bias;
234 /* Handle the basic code points: Let b be the number of input code */
235 /* points before the last delimiter, or 0 if there is none, then */
236 /* copy the first b code points to the output. */
238 for (b = 0, j = input_length - 1; j > 0; --j) {
239 if (delim(input[j])) {
240 b = j;
241 break;
244 if (b > max_out) {
245 return punycode_big_output;
248 for (j = 0; j < b; ++j) {
249 if (case_flags) {
250 case_flags[out] = flagged(input[j]);
252 if (!basic(input[j])) {
253 return punycode_bad_input;
255 output[out++] = input[j];
258 /* Main decoding loop: Start just after the last delimiter if any */
259 /* basic code points were copied; start at the beginning otherwise. */
261 for (in = b > 0 ? b + 1 : 0; in < input_length; ++out) {
262 /* in is the index of the next character to be consumed, and */
263 /* out is the number of code points in the output array. */
265 /* Decode a generalized variable-length integer into delta, */
266 /* which gets added to i. The overflow checking is easier */
267 /* if we increase i as we go, then subtract off its starting */
268 /* value at the end to obtain delta. */
270 for (oldi = i, w = 1, k = base;; k += base) {
271 if (in >= input_length) {
272 return punycode_bad_input;
274 digit = decode_digit(input[in++]);
275 if (digit >= base) {
276 return punycode_bad_input;
278 if (digit > (maxint - i) / w) {
279 return punycode_overflow;
281 i += digit * w;
282 t = k <= bias /* + tmin */ ? tmin : /* +tmin not needed */
283 k >= bias + tmax ? tmax
284 : k - bias;
285 if (digit < t) {
286 break;
288 if (w > maxint / (base - t)) {
289 return punycode_overflow;
291 w *= (base - t);
294 bias = adapt(i - oldi, out + 1, oldi == 0);
296 /* i was supposed to wrap around from out+1 to 0, */
297 /* incrementing n each time, so we'll fix that now: */
299 if (i / (out + 1) > maxint - n) {
300 return punycode_overflow;
302 n += i / (out + 1);
303 i %= (out + 1);
305 /* Insert n at position i of the output: */
307 /* not needed for Punycode: */
308 /* if (decode_digit(n) <= base) return punycode_invalid_input; */
309 if (out >= max_out) {
310 return punycode_big_output;
313 if (case_flags) {
314 memmove(case_flags + i + 1, case_flags + i, out - i);
315 /* Case of last character determines uppercase flag: */
316 case_flags[i] = flagged(input[in - 1]);
319 memmove(output + i + 1, output + i, (out - i) * sizeof *output);
320 output[i++] = n;
323 *output_length = out;
324 return punycode_success;