Bug 1890689 accumulate input in LargerReceiverBlockSizeThanDesiredBuffering GTest...
[gecko.git] / taskcluster / gecko_taskgraph / manifests / firefox_nightly_checksums.yml
1 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
4 ---
5 s3_bucket_paths:
6     by-platform:
7         .*devedition.*:
8             - pub/devedition/nightly
9         default:
10             - pub/firefox/nightly
11 default_locales:  # if given an empty locale, use these locales
12     - en-US
13 tasktype_map:  # Map task reference to task type.
14     beetmover-repackage: beetmover
15 platform_names:
16     filename_platform:
17         by-platform:
18             linux-shippable: 'linux-i686'
19             linux-devedition: 'linux-i686'
20             linux64-shippable: 'linux-x86_64'
21             linux64-aarch64-shippable: 'linux-aarch64'
22             linux64-aarch64-devedition: 'linux-aarch64'
23             linux64-devedition: 'linux-x86_64'
24             linux64-asan-reporter-shippable: 'linux-x86_64-asan-reporter'
25             macosx64-shippable: 'mac'
26             macosx64-devedition: 'mac'
27             win32-shippable: 'win32'
28             win32-devedition: 'win32'
29             win64-shippable: 'win64'
30             win64-devedition: 'win64'
31             win64-aarch64-shippable: 'win64-aarch64'
32             win64-aarch64-devedition: 'win64-aarch64'
33             win64-asan-reporter-shippable: 'win64-asan-reporter'
35 # A default entry, which the mappings below extend and override.
36 # Final 'destinations' will be the product of:
37 # s3_bucket_paths + destinations + locale_prefix + pretty_name
38 default: &default
39     from:
40         - beetmover-repackage
41     all_locales: true
42     description: "TO_BE_OVERRIDDEN"
43     locale_prefix: ''
44     source_path_modifier: ''
45     destinations:  # locale_prefix is appended
46         by-locale:
47             en-US:
48                 - ${year}/${month}/${upload_date}-${branch}
49                 - latest-${branch}
50                 - latest-${branch}-l10n
51             default:
52                 - ${year}/${month}/${upload_date}-${branch}-l10n
53                 - latest-${branch}-l10n
55 # Configuration for individual files. Extends 'default', above.
56 mapping:
57     target.checksums:
58         <<: *default
59         description: "Checksums file containing size, hash, sha algorithm and filename"
60         pretty_name: firefox-${version}.${locale}.${filename_platform}.checksums
61         checksums_path: firefox-${version}.${locale}.${filename_platform}.checksums