Bug 1700051: part 36) Reduce accessibility of `SoftText::mBegin` to `private`. r...
[gecko.git] / parser / htmlparser / nsElementTable.cpp
1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
2 /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
3 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
7 #include "nsElementTable.h"
9 struct HTMLElement {
10 #ifdef DEBUG
11 nsHTMLTag mTagID;
12 #endif
13 bool mIsBlock;
14 bool mIsContainer;
17 #ifdef DEBUG
18 # define ELEM(tag, block, container) {eHTMLTag_##tag, block, container},
19 #else
20 # define ELEM(tag, block, container) {block, container},
21 #endif
23 #define ____ false // This makes the table easier to read.
25 // Note that the mIsBlock field disagrees with
26 // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Block-level_elements for
27 // the following elements: center, details, dialog, dir, dt, figcaption,
28 // listing, menu, multicol, noscript, output, summary, tfoot, video.
30 // mrbkap thinks that the field values were pulled from the old HTML4 DTD and
31 // then got modified in mostly random ways to make the old parser's behavior
32 // compatible with the web. So it might make sense to change the mIsBlock
33 // values for the abovementioned tags at some point.
35 static const HTMLElement gHTMLElements[] = {
36 // clang-format off
37 ELEM(unknown, ____, ____)
38 ELEM(a, ____, true)
39 ELEM(abbr, ____, true)
40 ELEM(acronym, ____, true)
41 ELEM(address, true, true)
42 ELEM(applet, ____, true)
43 ELEM(area, ____, ____)
44 ELEM(article, true, true)
45 ELEM(aside, true, true)
46 ELEM(audio, ____, true)
47 ELEM(b, ____, true)
48 ELEM(base, ____, ____)
49 ELEM(basefont, ____, ____)
50 ELEM(bdi, ____, true)
51 ELEM(bdo, ____, true)
52 ELEM(bgsound, ____, ____)
53 ELEM(big, ____, true)
54 ELEM(blockquote, true, true)
55 ELEM(body, ____, true)
56 ELEM(br, ____, ____)
57 ELEM(button, ____, true)
58 ELEM(canvas, ____, true)
59 ELEM(caption, ____, true)
60 ELEM(center, true, true)
61 ELEM(cite, ____, true)
62 ELEM(code, ____, true)
63 ELEM(col, ____, ____)
64 ELEM(colgroup, ____, true)
65 ELEM(data, ____, true)
66 ELEM(datalist, ____, true)
67 ELEM(dd, ____, true)
68 ELEM(del, ____, true)
69 ELEM(details, true, true)
70 ELEM(dfn, ____, true)
71 ELEM(dialog, true, true)
72 ELEM(dir, true, true)
73 ELEM(div, true, true)
74 ELEM(dl, true, true)
75 ELEM(dt, ____, true)
76 ELEM(em, ____, true)
77 ELEM(embed, ____, ____)
78 ELEM(fieldset, true, true)
79 ELEM(figcaption, ____, true)
80 ELEM(figure, true, true)
81 ELEM(font, ____, true)
82 ELEM(footer, true, true)
83 ELEM(form, true, true)
84 ELEM(frame, ____, ____)
85 ELEM(frameset, ____, true)
86 ELEM(h1, true, true)
87 ELEM(h2, true, true)
88 ELEM(h3, true, true)
89 ELEM(h4, true, true)
90 ELEM(h5, true, true)
91 ELEM(h6, true, true)
92 ELEM(head, ____, true)
93 ELEM(header, true, true)
94 ELEM(hgroup, true, true)
95 ELEM(hr, true, ____)
96 ELEM(html, ____, true)
97 ELEM(i, ____, true)
98 ELEM(iframe, ____, true)
99 ELEM(image, ____, ____)
100 ELEM(img, ____, ____)
101 ELEM(input, ____, ____)
102 ELEM(ins, ____, true)
103 ELEM(kbd, ____, true)
104 ELEM(keygen, ____, ____)
105 ELEM(label, ____, true)
106 ELEM(legend, ____, true)
107 ELEM(li, true, true)
108 ELEM(link, ____, ____)
109 ELEM(listing, true, true)
110 ELEM(main, true, true)
111 ELEM(map, ____, true)
112 ELEM(mark, ____, true)
113 ELEM(marquee, ____, true)
114 ELEM(menu, true, true)
115 ELEM(menuitem, ____, true)
116 ELEM(meta, ____, ____)
117 ELEM(meter, ____, true)
118 ELEM(multicol, true, true)
119 ELEM(nav, true, true)
120 ELEM(nobr, ____, true)
121 ELEM(noembed, ____, true)
122 ELEM(noframes, ____, true)
123 ELEM(noscript, ____, true)
124 ELEM(object, ____, true)
125 ELEM(ol, true, true)
126 ELEM(optgroup, ____, true)
127 ELEM(option, ____, true)
128 ELEM(output, ____, true)
129 ELEM(p, true, true)
130 ELEM(param, ____, ____)
131 ELEM(picture, ____, true)
132 ELEM(plaintext, ____, true)
133 ELEM(pre, true, true)
134 ELEM(progress, ____, true)
135 ELEM(q, ____, true)
136 ELEM(rb, ____, true)
137 ELEM(rp, ____, true)
138 ELEM(rt, ____, true)
139 ELEM(rtc, ____, true)
140 ELEM(ruby, ____, true)
141 ELEM(s, ____, true)
142 ELEM(samp, ____, true)
143 ELEM(script, ____, true)
144 ELEM(section, true, true)
145 ELEM(select, ____, true)
146 ELEM(small, ____, true)
147 ELEM(slot, ____, true)
148 ELEM(source, ____, ____)
149 ELEM(span, ____, true)
150 ELEM(strike, ____, true)
151 ELEM(strong, ____, true)
152 ELEM(style, ____, true)
153 ELEM(sub, ____, true)
154 ELEM(summary, true, true)
155 ELEM(sup, ____, true)
156 ELEM(table, true, true)
157 ELEM(tbody, ____, true)
158 ELEM(td, ____, true)
159 ELEM(textarea, ____, true)
160 ELEM(tfoot, ____, true)
161 ELEM(th, ____, true)
162 ELEM(thead, ____, true)
163 ELEM(template, ____, true)
164 ELEM(time, ____, true)
165 ELEM(title, ____, true)
166 ELEM(tr, ____, true)
167 ELEM(track, ____, ____)
168 ELEM(tt, ____, true)
169 ELEM(u, ____, true)
170 ELEM(ul, true, true)
171 ELEM(var, ____, true)
172 ELEM(video, ____, true)
173 ELEM(wbr, ____, ____)
174 ELEM(xmp, ____, true)
175 ELEM(text, ____, ____)
176 ELEM(whitespace, ____, ____)
177 ELEM(newline, ____, ____)
178 ELEM(comment, ____, true)
179 ELEM(entity, ____, true)
180 ELEM(doctypeDecl, ____, true)
181 ELEM(markupDecl, ____, true)
182 ELEM(instruction, ____, true)
183 ELEM(userdefined, ____, true)
184 // clang-format on
187 #undef ELEM
188 #undef ____
190 bool nsHTMLElement::IsContainer(nsHTMLTag aId) {
191 return gHTMLElements[aId].mIsContainer;
194 bool nsHTMLElement::IsBlock(nsHTMLTag aId) {
195 return gHTMLElements[aId].mIsBlock;
198 #ifdef DEBUG
199 void CheckElementTable() {
200 for (nsHTMLTag t = eHTMLTag_unknown; t <= eHTMLTag_userdefined;
201 t = nsHTMLTag(t + 1)) {
202 MOZ_ASSERT(gHTMLElements[t].mTagID == t,
203 "gHTMLElements entries does match tag list.");
206 #endif