Bug 1890689 remove DynamicResampler::mSetBufferDuration r=pehrsons
[gecko.git] / servo / components / style_derive / to_css.rs
1 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3  * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
5 use darling::util::Override;
6 use derive_common::cg;
7 use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream};
8 use quote::{ToTokens, TokenStreamExt};
9 use syn::{self, Data, Ident, Path, WhereClause};
10 use synstructure::{BindingInfo, Structure, VariantInfo};
12 fn derive_bitflags(input: &syn::DeriveInput, bitflags: &CssBitflagAttrs) -> TokenStream {
13     let name = &input.ident;
14     let mut body = TokenStream::new();
15     for (rust_name, css_name) in bitflags.single_flags() {
16         let rust_ident = Ident::new(&rust_name, Span::call_site());
17         body.append_all(quote! {
18             if *self == Self::#rust_ident {
19                 return dest.write_str(#css_name);
20             }
21         });
22     }
24     body.append_all(quote! {
25         let mut has_any = false;
26     });
28     if bitflags.overlapping_bits {
29         body.append_all(quote! {
30             let mut serialized = Self::empty();
31         });
32     }
34     for (rust_name, css_name) in bitflags.mixed_flags() {
35         let rust_ident = Ident::new(&rust_name, Span::call_site());
36         let serialize = quote! {
37             if has_any {
38                 dest.write_char(' ')?;
39             }
40             has_any = true;
41             dest.write_str(#css_name)?;
42         };
43         if bitflags.overlapping_bits {
44             body.append_all(quote! {
45                 if self.contains(Self::#rust_ident) && !serialized.intersects(Self::#rust_ident) {
46                     #serialize
47                     serialized.insert(Self::#rust_ident);
48                 }
49             });
50         } else {
51             body.append_all(quote! {
52                 if self.intersects(Self::#rust_ident) {
53                     #serialize
54                 }
55             });
56         }
57     }
59     body.append_all(quote! {
60         Ok(())
61     });
63     quote! {
64         impl style_traits::ToCss for #name {
65             #[allow(unused_variables)]
66             #[inline]
67             fn to_css<W>(
68                 &self,
69                 dest: &mut style_traits::CssWriter<W>,
70             ) -> std::fmt::Result
71             where
72                 W: std::fmt::Write,
73             {
74                 #body
75             }
76         }
77     }
80 pub fn derive(mut input: syn::DeriveInput) -> TokenStream {
81     let mut where_clause = input.generics.where_clause.take();
82     for param in input.generics.type_params() {
83         cg::add_predicate(&mut where_clause, parse_quote!(#param: style_traits::ToCss));
84     }
86     let input_attrs = cg::parse_input_attrs::<CssInputAttrs>(&input);
87     if matches!(input.data, Data::Enum(..)) || input_attrs.bitflags.is_some() {
88         assert!(
89             input_attrs.function.is_none(),
90             "#[css(function)] is not allowed on enums or bitflags"
91         );
92         assert!(
93             !input_attrs.comma,
94             "#[css(comma)] is not allowed on enums or bitflags"
95         );
96     }
98     if let Some(ref bitflags) = input_attrs.bitflags {
99         assert!(
100             !input_attrs.derive_debug,
101             "Bitflags can derive debug on their own"
102         );
103         assert!(where_clause.is_none(), "Generic bitflags?");
104         return derive_bitflags(&input, bitflags);
105     }
107     let match_body = {
108         let s = Structure::new(&input);
109         s.each_variant(|variant| derive_variant_arm(variant, &mut where_clause))
110     };
111     input.generics.where_clause = where_clause;
113     let name = &input.ident;
114     let (impl_generics, ty_generics, where_clause) = input.generics.split_for_impl();
116     let mut impls = quote! {
117         impl #impl_generics style_traits::ToCss for #name #ty_generics #where_clause {
118             #[allow(unused_variables)]
119             #[inline]
120             fn to_css<W>(
121                 &self,
122                 dest: &mut style_traits::CssWriter<W>,
123             ) -> std::fmt::Result
124             where
125                 W: std::fmt::Write,
126             {
127                 match *self {
128                     #match_body
129                 }
130             }
131         }
132     };
134     if input_attrs.derive_debug {
135         impls.append_all(quote! {
136             impl #impl_generics std::fmt::Debug for #name #ty_generics #where_clause {
137                 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
138                     style_traits::ToCss::to_css(
139                         self,
140                         &mut style_traits::CssWriter::new(f),
141                     )
142                 }
143             }
144         });
145     }
147     impls
150 fn derive_variant_arm(variant: &VariantInfo, generics: &mut Option<WhereClause>) -> TokenStream {
151     let bindings = variant.bindings();
152     let identifier = cg::to_css_identifier(&variant.ast().ident.to_string());
153     let ast = variant.ast();
154     let variant_attrs = cg::parse_variant_attrs_from_ast::<CssVariantAttrs>(&ast);
155     let separator = if variant_attrs.comma { ", " } else { " " };
157     if variant_attrs.skip {
158         return quote!(Ok(()));
159     }
160     if variant_attrs.dimension {
161         assert_eq!(bindings.len(), 1);
162         assert!(
163             variant_attrs.function.is_none() && variant_attrs.keyword.is_none(),
164             "That makes no sense"
165         );
166     }
168     let mut expr = if let Some(keyword) = variant_attrs.keyword {
169         assert!(bindings.is_empty());
170         quote! {
171             std::fmt::Write::write_str(dest, #keyword)
172         }
173     } else if !bindings.is_empty() {
174         derive_variant_fields_expr(bindings, generics, separator)
175     } else {
176         quote! {
177             std::fmt::Write::write_str(dest, #identifier)
178         }
179     };
181     if variant_attrs.dimension {
182         expr = quote! {
183             #expr?;
184             std::fmt::Write::write_str(dest, #identifier)
185         }
186     } else if let Some(function) = variant_attrs.function {
187         let mut identifier = function.explicit().map_or(identifier, |name| name);
188         identifier.push('(');
189         expr = quote! {
190             std::fmt::Write::write_str(dest, #identifier)?;
191             #expr?;
192             std::fmt::Write::write_str(dest, ")")
193         }
194     }
195     expr
198 fn derive_variant_fields_expr(
199     bindings: &[BindingInfo],
200     where_clause: &mut Option<WhereClause>,
201     separator: &str,
202 ) -> TokenStream {
203     let mut iter = bindings
204         .iter()
205         .filter_map(|binding| {
206             let attrs = cg::parse_field_attrs::<CssFieldAttrs>(&binding.ast());
207             if attrs.skip {
208                 return None;
209             }
210             Some((binding, attrs))
211         })
212         .peekable();
214     let (first, attrs) = match iter.next() {
215         Some(pair) => pair,
216         None => return quote! { Ok(()) },
217     };
218     if attrs.field_bound {
219         let ty = &first.ast().ty;
220         // TODO(emilio): IntoIterator might not be enough for every type of
221         // iterable thing (like ArcSlice<> or what not). We might want to expose
222         // an `item = "T"` attribute to handle that in the future.
223         let predicate = if attrs.iterable {
224             parse_quote!(<#ty as IntoIterator>::Item: style_traits::ToCss)
225         } else {
226             parse_quote!(#ty: style_traits::ToCss)
227         };
228         cg::add_predicate(where_clause, predicate);
229     }
230     if !attrs.iterable && iter.peek().is_none() {
231         let mut expr = quote! { style_traits::ToCss::to_css(#first, dest) };
232         if let Some(condition) = attrs.skip_if {
233             expr = quote! {
234                 if !#condition(#first) {
235                     #expr
236                 }
237             }
238         }
240         if let Some(condition) = attrs.contextual_skip_if {
241             expr = quote! {
242                 if !#condition(#(#bindings), *) {
243                     #expr
244                 }
245             }
246         }
247         return expr;
248     }
250     let mut expr = derive_single_field_expr(first, attrs, where_clause, bindings);
251     for (binding, attrs) in iter {
252         derive_single_field_expr(binding, attrs, where_clause, bindings).to_tokens(&mut expr)
253     }
255     quote! {{
256         let mut writer = style_traits::values::SequenceWriter::new(dest, #separator);
257         #expr
258         Ok(())
259     }}
262 fn derive_single_field_expr(
263     field: &BindingInfo,
264     attrs: CssFieldAttrs,
265     where_clause: &mut Option<WhereClause>,
266     bindings: &[BindingInfo],
267 ) -> TokenStream {
268     let mut expr = if attrs.iterable {
269         if let Some(if_empty) = attrs.if_empty {
270             return quote! {
271                 {
272                     let mut iter = #field.iter().peekable();
273                     if iter.peek().is_none() {
274                         writer.raw_item(#if_empty)?;
275                     } else {
276                         for item in iter {
277                             writer.item(&item)?;
278                         }
279                     }
280                 }
281             };
282         }
283         quote! {
284             for item in #field.iter() {
285                 writer.item(&item)?;
286             }
287         }
288     } else if attrs.represents_keyword {
289         let ident = field
290             .ast()
291             .ident
292             .as_ref()
293             .expect("Unnamed field with represents_keyword?");
294         let ident = cg::to_css_identifier(&ident.to_string()).replace("_", "-");
295         quote! {
296             if *#field {
297                 writer.raw_item(#ident)?;
298             }
299         }
300     } else {
301         if attrs.field_bound {
302             let ty = &field.ast().ty;
303             cg::add_predicate(where_clause, parse_quote!(#ty: style_traits::ToCss));
304         }
305         quote! { writer.item(#field)?; }
306     };
308     if let Some(condition) = attrs.skip_if {
309         expr = quote! {
310             if !#condition(#field) {
311                 #expr
312             }
313         }
314     }
316     if let Some(condition) = attrs.contextual_skip_if {
317         expr = quote! {
318             if !#condition(#(#bindings), *) {
319                 #expr
320             }
321         }
322     }
324     expr
327 #[derive(Default, FromMeta)]
328 #[darling(default)]
329 pub struct CssBitflagAttrs {
330     /// Flags that can only go on their own, comma-separated.
331     pub single: Option<String>,
332     /// Flags that can go mixed with each other, comma-separated.
333     pub mixed: Option<String>,
334     /// Extra validation of the resulting mixed flags.
335     pub validate_mixed: Option<Path>,
336     /// Whether there are overlapping bits we need to take care of when
337     /// serializing.
338     pub overlapping_bits: bool,
341 impl CssBitflagAttrs {
342     /// Returns a vector of (rust_name, css_name) of a given flag list.
343     fn names(s: &Option<String>) -> Vec<(String, String)> {
344         let s = match s {
345             Some(s) => s,
346             None => return vec![],
347         };
348         s.split(',')
349             .map(|css_name| (cg::to_scream_case(css_name), css_name.to_owned()))
350             .collect()
351     }
353     pub fn single_flags(&self) -> Vec<(String, String)> {
354         Self::names(&self.single)
355     }
357     pub fn mixed_flags(&self) -> Vec<(String, String)> {
358         Self::names(&self.mixed)
359     }
362 #[derive(Default, FromDeriveInput)]
363 #[darling(attributes(css), default)]
364 pub struct CssInputAttrs {
365     pub derive_debug: bool,
366     // Here because structs variants are also their whole type definition.
367     pub function: Option<Override<String>>,
368     // Here because structs variants are also their whole type definition.
369     pub comma: bool,
370     pub bitflags: Option<CssBitflagAttrs>,
373 #[derive(Default, FromVariant)]
374 #[darling(attributes(css), default)]
375 pub struct CssVariantAttrs {
376     pub function: Option<Override<String>>,
377     // Here because structs variants are also their whole type definition.
378     pub derive_debug: bool,
379     pub comma: bool,
380     pub bitflags: Option<CssBitflagAttrs>,
381     pub dimension: bool,
382     pub keyword: Option<String>,
383     pub skip: bool,
386 #[derive(Default, FromField)]
387 #[darling(attributes(css), default)]
388 pub struct CssFieldAttrs {
389     pub if_empty: Option<String>,
390     pub field_bound: bool,
391     pub iterable: bool,
392     pub skip: bool,
393     pub represents_keyword: bool,
394     pub contextual_skip_if: Option<Path>,
395     pub skip_if: Option<Path>,