Bug 1800546 Part 1 - Use the style given the first page name for setting default...
[gecko.git] / testing / testinfo.py
1 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
5 from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
7 import datetime
8 import errno
9 import json
10 import os
11 import posixpath
12 import re
13 import requests
14 import six.moves.urllib_parse as urlparse
15 import subprocess
16 import mozpack.path as mozpath
17 from moztest.resolve import TestResolver, TestManifestLoader
18 from mozfile import which
20 from mozbuild.base import MozbuildObject, MachCommandConditions as conditions
22 REFERER = "https://wiki.developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Test-Info"
25 class TestInfo(object):
26 """
27 Support 'mach test-info'.
28 """
30 def __init__(self, verbose):
31 self.verbose = verbose
32 here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
33 self.build_obj = MozbuildObject.from_environment(cwd=here)
35 def log_verbose(self, what):
36 if self.verbose:
37 print(what)
40 class TestInfoTests(TestInfo):
41 """
42 Support 'mach test-info tests': Detailed report of specified tests.
43 """
45 def __init__(self, verbose):
46 TestInfo.__init__(self, verbose)
48 self._hg = None
49 if conditions.is_hg(self.build_obj):
50 self._hg = which("hg")
51 if not self._hg:
52 raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, "Could not find 'hg' on PATH.")
54 self._git = None
55 if conditions.is_git(self.build_obj):
56 self._git = which("git")
57 if not self._git:
58 raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, "Could not find 'git' on PATH.")
60 def find_in_hg_or_git(self, test_name):
61 if self._hg:
62 cmd = [self._hg, "files", "-I", test_name]
63 elif self._git:
64 cmd = [self._git, "ls-files", test_name]
65 else:
66 return None
67 try:
68 out = subprocess.check_output(cmd, universal_newlines=True).splitlines()
69 except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
70 out = None
71 return out
73 def set_test_name(self):
74 # Generating a unified report for a specific test is complicated
75 # by differences in the test name used in various data sources.
76 # Consider:
77 # - It is often convenient to request a report based only on
78 # a short file name, rather than the full path;
79 # - Bugs may be filed in bugzilla against a simple, short test
80 # name or the full path to the test;
81 # This function attempts to find appropriate names for different
82 # queries based on the specified test name.
84 # full_test_name is full path to file in hg (or git)
85 self.full_test_name = None
86 out = self.find_in_hg_or_git(self.test_name)
87 if out and len(out) == 1:
88 self.full_test_name = out[0]
89 elif out and len(out) > 1:
90 print("Ambiguous test name specified. Found:")
91 for line in out:
92 print(line)
93 else:
94 out = self.find_in_hg_or_git("**/%s*" % self.test_name)
95 if out and len(out) == 1:
96 self.full_test_name = out[0]
97 elif out and len(out) > 1:
98 print("Ambiguous test name. Found:")
99 for line in out:
100 print(line)
101 if self.full_test_name:
102 self.full_test_name.replace(os.sep, posixpath.sep)
103 print("Found %s in source control." % self.full_test_name)
104 else:
105 print("Unable to validate test name '%s'!" % self.test_name)
106 self.full_test_name = self.test_name
108 # search for full_test_name in test manifests
109 here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
110 resolver = TestResolver.from_environment(
111 cwd=here, loader_cls=TestManifestLoader
113 relpath = self.build_obj._wrap_path_argument(self.full_test_name).relpath()
114 tests = list(resolver.resolve_tests(paths=[relpath]))
115 if len(tests) == 1:
116 relpath = self.build_obj._wrap_path_argument(tests[0]["manifest"]).relpath()
117 print("%s found in manifest %s" % (self.full_test_name, relpath))
118 if tests[0].get("flavor"):
119 print(" flavor: %s" % tests[0]["flavor"])
120 if tests[0].get("skip-if"):
121 print(" skip-if: %s" % tests[0]["skip-if"])
122 if tests[0].get("fail-if"):
123 print(" fail-if: %s" % tests[0]["fail-if"])
124 elif len(tests) == 0:
125 print("%s not found in any test manifest!" % self.full_test_name)
126 else:
127 print("%s found in more than one manifest!" % self.full_test_name)
129 # short_name is full_test_name without path
130 self.short_name = None
131 name_idx = self.full_test_name.rfind("/")
132 if name_idx > 0:
133 self.short_name = self.full_test_name[name_idx + 1 :]
134 if self.short_name and self.short_name == self.test_name:
135 self.short_name = None
137 def get_platform(self, record):
138 if "platform" in record["build"]:
139 platform = record["build"]["platform"]
140 else:
141 platform = "-"
142 platform_words = platform.split("-")
143 types_label = ""
144 # combine run and build types and eliminate duplicates
145 run_types = []
146 if "run" in record and "type" in record["run"]:
147 run_types = record["run"]["type"]
148 run_types = run_types if isinstance(run_types, list) else [run_types]
149 build_types = []
150 if "build" in record and "type" in record["build"]:
151 build_types = record["build"]["type"]
152 build_types = (
153 build_types if isinstance(build_types, list) else [build_types]
155 run_types = list(set(run_types + build_types))
156 # '1proc' is used as a treeherder label but does not appear in run types
157 if "e10s" not in run_types:
158 run_types = run_types + ["1proc"]
159 for run_type in run_types:
160 # chunked is not interesting
161 if run_type == "chunked":
162 continue
163 # e10s is the default: implied
164 if run_type == "e10s":
165 continue
166 # sometimes a build/run type is already present in the build platform
167 if run_type in platform_words:
168 continue
169 if types_label:
170 types_label += "-"
171 types_label += run_type
172 return "%s/%s:" % (platform, types_label)
174 def report_bugs(self):
175 # Report open bugs matching test name
176 search = self.full_test_name
177 if self.test_name:
178 search = "%s,%s" % (search, self.test_name)
179 if self.short_name:
180 search = "%s,%s" % (search, self.short_name)
181 payload = {"quicksearch": search, "include_fields": "id,summary"}
182 response = requests.get("https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/rest/bug", payload)
183 response.raise_for_status()
184 json_response = response.json()
185 print("\nBugzilla quick search for '%s':" % search)
186 if "bugs" in json_response:
187 for bug in json_response["bugs"]:
188 print("Bug %s: %s" % (bug["id"], bug["summary"]))
189 else:
190 print("No bugs found.")
192 def report(
193 self,
194 test_names,
195 start,
196 end,
197 show_info,
198 show_bugs,
200 self.start = start
201 self.end = end
202 self.show_info = show_info
204 if not self.show_info and not show_bugs:
205 # by default, show everything
206 self.show_info = True
207 show_bugs = True
209 for test_name in test_names:
210 print("===== %s =====" % test_name)
211 self.test_name = test_name
212 if len(self.test_name) < 6:
213 print("'%s' is too short for a test name!" % self.test_name)
214 continue
215 self.set_test_name()
216 if show_bugs:
217 self.report_bugs()
220 class TestInfoReport(TestInfo):
222 Support 'mach test-info report': Report of test runs summarized by
223 manifest and component.
226 def __init__(self, verbose):
227 TestInfo.__init__(self, verbose)
228 self.threads = []
230 def update_report(self, by_component, result, path_mod):
231 def update_item(item, label, value):
232 # It is important to include any existing item value in case ActiveData
233 # returns multiple records for the same test; that can happen if the report
234 # sometimes maps more than one ActiveData record to the same path.
235 new_value = item.get(label, 0) + value
236 if type(new_value) == int:
237 item[label] = new_value
238 else:
239 item[label] = float(round(new_value, 2)) # pylint: disable=W1633
241 if "test" in result and "tests" in by_component:
242 test = result["test"]
243 if path_mod:
244 test = path_mod(test)
245 for bc in by_component["tests"]:
246 for item in by_component["tests"][bc]:
247 if test == item["test"]:
248 # pylint: disable=W1633
249 seconds = float(round(result.get("duration", 0), 2))
250 update_item(item, "total run time, seconds", seconds)
251 update_item(item, "total runs", result.get("count", 0))
252 update_item(item, "skipped runs", result.get("skips", 0))
253 update_item(item, "failed runs", result.get("failures", 0))
254 return True
255 return False
257 def path_mod_reftest(self, path):
258 # "<path1> == <path2>" -> "<path1>"
259 path = path.split(" ")[0]
260 # "<path>?<params>" -> "<path>"
261 path = path.split("?")[0]
262 # "<path>#<fragment>" -> "<path>"
263 path = path.split("#")[0]
264 return path
266 def path_mod_jsreftest(self, path):
267 # "<path>;assert" -> "<path>"
268 path = path.split(";")[0]
269 return path
271 def path_mod_marionette(self, path):
272 # "<path> <test-name>" -> "<path>"
273 path = path.split(" ")[0]
274 # "part1\part2" -> "part1/part2"
275 path = path.replace("\\", os.path.sep)
276 return path
278 def path_mod_wpt(self, path):
279 if path[0] == os.path.sep:
280 # "/<path>" -> "<path>"
281 path = path[1:]
282 # "<path>" -> "testing/web-platform/tests/<path>"
283 path = os.path.join("testing", "web-platform", "tests", path)
284 # "<path>?<params>" -> "<path>"
285 path = path.split("?")[0]
286 return path
288 def path_mod_jittest(self, path):
289 # "part1\part2" -> "part1/part2"
290 path = path.replace("\\", os.path.sep)
291 # "<path>" -> "js/src/jit-test/tests/<path>"
292 return os.path.join("js", "src", "jit-test", "tests", path)
294 def path_mod_xpcshell(self, path):
295 # <manifest>.ini:<path> -> "<path>"
296 path = path.split(".ini:")[-1]
297 return path
299 def description(
300 self,
301 components,
302 flavor,
303 subsuite,
304 paths,
305 show_manifests,
306 show_tests,
307 show_summary,
308 show_annotations,
309 filter_values,
310 filter_keys,
311 start_date,
312 end_date,
314 # provide a natural language description of the report options
315 what = []
316 if show_manifests:
317 what.append("test manifests")
318 if show_tests:
319 what.append("tests")
320 if show_annotations:
321 what.append("test manifest annotations")
322 if show_summary and len(what) == 0:
323 what.append("summary of tests only")
324 if len(what) > 1:
325 what[-1] = "and " + what[-1]
326 what = ", ".join(what)
327 d = "Test summary report for " + what
328 if components:
329 d += ", in specified components (%s)" % components
330 else:
331 d += ", in all components"
332 if flavor:
333 d += ", in specified flavor (%s)" % flavor
334 if subsuite:
335 d += ", in specified subsuite (%s)" % subsuite
336 if paths:
337 d += ", on specified paths (%s)" % paths
338 if filter_values:
339 d += ", containing '%s'" % filter_values
340 if filter_keys:
341 d += " in manifest keys '%s'" % filter_keys
342 else:
343 d += " in any part of manifest entry"
344 d += ", including historical run-time data for the last "
346 start = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_date, "%Y-%m-%d")
347 end = datetime.datetime.strptime(end_date, "%Y-%m-%d")
348 d += "%s days on trunk (autoland/m-c)" % ((end - start).days)
349 d += " as of %s." % end_date
350 return d
352 # TODO: this is hacked for now and very limited
353 def parse_test(self, summary):
354 if summary.endswith("single tracking bug"):
355 name_part = summary.split("|")[0] # remove 'single tracking bug'
356 name_part.strip()
357 return name_part.split()[-1] # get just the test name, not extra words
358 return None
360 def get_intermittent_failure_data(self, start, end):
361 retVal = {}
363 # get IFV bug list
364 # i.e. https://th.m.o/api/failures/?startday=2022-06-22&endday=2022-06-29&tree=all
365 url = (
366 "https://treeherder.mozilla.org/api/failures/?startday=%s&endday=%s&tree=trunk"
367 % (start, end)
369 r = requests.get(url, headers={"User-agent": "mach-test-info/1.0"})
370 if_data = r.json()
371 buglist = [x["bug_id"] for x in if_data]
373 # get bug data for summary, 800 bugs at a time
374 # i.e. https://b.m.o/rest/bug?include_fields=id,product,component,summary&id=1,2,3...
375 max_bugs = 800
376 bug_data = []
377 fields = ["id", "product", "component", "summary"]
378 for bug_index in range(0, len(buglist), max_bugs):
379 bugs = [str(x) for x in buglist[bug_index:max_bugs]]
380 url = "https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/rest/bug?include_fields=%s&id=%s" % (
381 ",".join(fields),
382 ",".join(bugs),
384 r = requests.get(url, headers={"User-agent": "mach-test-info/1.0"})
385 data = r.json()
386 if data and "bugs" in data.keys():
387 bug_data.extend(data["bugs"])
389 # for each summary, parse filename, store component
390 # IF we find >1 bug with same testname, for now summarize as one
391 for bug in bug_data:
392 test_name = self.parse_test(bug["summary"])
393 if not test_name:
394 continue
396 c = int([x["bug_count"] for x in if_data if x["bug_id"] == bug["id"]][0])
397 if test_name not in retVal.keys():
398 retVal[test_name] = {
399 "id": bug["id"],
400 "count": 0,
401 "product": bug["product"],
402 "component": bug["component"],
404 retVal[test_name]["count"] += c
406 if bug["product"] != retVal[test_name]["product"]:
407 print(
408 "ERROR | %s | mismatched bugzilla product, bugzilla (%s) != repo (%s)"
409 % (bug["id"], bug["product"], retVal[test_name]["product"])
411 if bug["component"] != retVal[test_name]["component"]:
412 print(
413 "ERROR | %s | mismatched bugzilla component, bugzilla (%s) != repo (%s)"
414 % (bug["id"], bug["component"], retVal[test_name]["component"])
416 return retVal
418 def report(
419 self,
420 components,
421 flavor,
422 subsuite,
423 paths,
424 show_manifests,
425 show_tests,
426 show_summary,
427 show_annotations,
428 filter_values,
429 filter_keys,
430 show_components,
431 output_file,
432 start,
433 end,
435 def matches_filters(test):
437 Return True if all of the requested filter_values are found in this test;
438 if filter_keys are specified, restrict search to those test keys.
440 for value in filter_values:
441 value_found = False
442 for key in test:
443 if not filter_keys or key in filter_keys:
444 if re.search(value, test[key]):
445 value_found = True
446 break
447 if not value_found:
448 return False
449 return True
451 start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
453 # Ensure useful report by default
454 if (
455 not show_manifests
456 and not show_tests
457 and not show_summary
458 and not show_annotations
460 show_manifests = True
461 show_summary = True
463 by_component = {}
464 if components:
465 components = components.split(",")
466 if filter_keys:
467 filter_keys = filter_keys.split(",")
468 if filter_values:
469 filter_values = filter_values.split(",")
470 else:
471 filter_values = []
472 display_keys = (filter_keys or []) + ["skip-if", "fail-if", "fails-if"]
473 display_keys = set(display_keys)
474 ifd = self.get_intermittent_failure_data(start, end)
476 print("Finding tests...")
477 here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
478 resolver = TestResolver.from_environment(
479 cwd=here, loader_cls=TestManifestLoader
481 tests = list(
482 resolver.resolve_tests(paths=paths, flavor=flavor, subsuite=subsuite)
485 manifest_paths = set()
486 for t in tests:
487 if t.get("manifest", None):
488 manifest_path = t["manifest"]
489 if t.get("ancestor_manifest", None):
490 manifest_path = "%s:%s" % (t["ancestor_manifest"], t["manifest"])
491 manifest_paths.add(manifest_path)
492 manifest_count = len(manifest_paths)
493 print(
494 "Resolver found {} tests, {} manifests".format(len(tests), manifest_count)
497 if show_manifests:
498 topsrcdir = self.build_obj.topsrcdir
499 by_component["manifests"] = {}
500 manifest_paths = list(manifest_paths)
501 manifest_paths.sort()
502 relpaths = []
503 for manifest_path in manifest_paths:
504 relpath = mozpath.relpath(manifest_path, topsrcdir)
505 if mozpath.commonprefix((manifest_path, topsrcdir)) != topsrcdir:
506 continue
507 relpaths.append(relpath)
508 reader = self.build_obj.mozbuild_reader(config_mode="empty")
509 files_info = reader.files_info(relpaths)
510 for manifest_path in manifest_paths:
511 relpath = mozpath.relpath(manifest_path, topsrcdir)
512 if mozpath.commonprefix((manifest_path, topsrcdir)) != topsrcdir:
513 continue
514 manifest_info = None
515 if relpath in files_info:
516 bug_component = files_info[relpath].get("BUG_COMPONENT")
517 if bug_component:
518 key = "{}::{}".format(
519 bug_component.product, bug_component.component
521 else:
522 key = "<unknown bug component>"
523 if (not components) or (key in components):
524 manifest_info = {"manifest": relpath, "tests": 0, "skipped": 0}
525 rkey = key if show_components else "all"
526 if rkey in by_component["manifests"]:
527 by_component["manifests"][rkey].append(manifest_info)
528 else:
529 by_component["manifests"][rkey] = [manifest_info]
530 if manifest_info:
531 for t in tests:
532 if t["manifest"] == manifest_path:
533 manifest_info["tests"] += 1
534 if t.get("skip-if"):
535 manifest_info["skipped"] += 1
536 for key in by_component["manifests"]:
537 by_component["manifests"][key].sort(key=lambda k: k["manifest"])
539 if show_tests:
540 by_component["tests"] = {}
542 if show_tests or show_summary or show_annotations:
543 test_count = 0
544 failed_count = 0
545 skipped_count = 0
546 annotation_count = 0
547 condition_count = 0
548 component_set = set()
549 relpaths = []
550 conditions = {}
551 known_unconditional_annotations = ["skip", "fail", "asserts", "random"]
552 known_conditional_annotations = [
553 "skip-if",
554 "fail-if",
555 "run-if",
556 "fails-if",
557 "fuzzy-if",
558 "random-if",
559 "asserts-if",
561 for t in tests:
562 relpath = t.get("srcdir_relpath")
563 relpaths.append(relpath)
564 reader = self.build_obj.mozbuild_reader(config_mode="empty")
565 files_info = reader.files_info(relpaths)
566 for t in tests:
567 if not matches_filters(t):
568 continue
569 if "referenced-test" in t:
570 # Avoid double-counting reftests: disregard reference file entries
571 continue
572 if show_annotations:
573 for key in t:
574 if key in known_unconditional_annotations:
575 annotation_count += 1
576 if key in known_conditional_annotations:
577 annotation_count += 1
578 # Here 'key' is a manifest annotation type like 'skip-if' and t[key]
579 # is the associated condition. For example, the manifestparser
580 # manifest annotation, "skip-if = os == 'win'", is expected to be
581 # encoded as t['skip-if'] = "os == 'win'".
582 # To allow for reftest manifests, t[key] may have multiple entries
583 # separated by ';', each corresponding to a condition for that test
584 # and annotation type. For example,
585 # "skip-if(Android&&webrender) skip-if(OSX)", would be
586 # encoded as t['skip-if'] = "Android&&webrender;OSX".
587 annotation_conditions = t[key].split(";")
589 # if key has \n in it, we need to strip it. for manifestparser format
590 # 1) from the beginning of the line
591 # 2) different conditions if in the middle of the line
592 annotation_conditions = [
593 x.strip("\n") for x in annotation_conditions
595 temp = []
596 for condition in annotation_conditions:
597 temp.extend(condition.split("\n"))
598 annotation_conditions = temp
600 for condition in annotation_conditions:
601 condition_count += 1
602 # Trim reftest fuzzy-if ranges: everything after the first comma
603 # eg. "Android,0-2,1-3" -> "Android"
604 condition = condition.split(",")[0]
605 if condition not in conditions:
606 conditions[condition] = 0
607 conditions[condition] += 1
608 test_count += 1
609 relpath = t.get("srcdir_relpath")
610 if relpath in files_info:
611 bug_component = files_info[relpath].get("BUG_COMPONENT")
612 if bug_component:
613 key = "{}::{}".format(
614 bug_component.product, bug_component.component
616 else:
617 key = "<unknown bug component>"
618 if (not components) or (key in components):
619 component_set.add(key)
620 test_info = {"test": relpath}
621 for test_key in display_keys:
622 value = t.get(test_key)
623 if value:
624 test_info[test_key] = value
625 if t.get("fail-if"):
626 failed_count += 1
627 if t.get("fails-if"):
628 failed_count += 1
629 if t.get("skip-if"):
630 skipped_count += 1
632 # add in intermittent failure data
633 if ifd.get(relpath):
634 if_data = ifd.get(relpath)
635 test_info["failure_count"] = if_data["count"]
637 if "manifest_relpath" in t and "manifest" in t:
638 if "web-platform" in t["manifest_relpath"]:
639 test_info["manifest"] = [t["manifest"]]
640 else:
641 test_info["manifest"] = [t["manifest_relpath"]]
643 # handle included manifests as ancestor:child
644 if t.get("ancestor_manifest", None):
645 test_info["manifest"] = [
646 "%s:%s"
647 % (t["ancestor_manifest"], test_info["manifest"][0])
650 if show_tests:
651 rkey = key if show_components else "all"
652 if rkey in by_component["tests"]:
653 # Avoid duplicates: Some test paths have multiple TestResolver
654 # entries, as when a test is included by multiple manifests.
655 found = False
656 for ctest in by_component["tests"][rkey]:
657 if ctest["test"] == test_info["test"]:
658 found = True
659 break
660 if not found:
661 by_component["tests"][rkey].append(test_info)
662 else:
663 for ti in by_component["tests"][rkey]:
664 if ti["test"] == test_info["test"]:
665 if (
666 test_info["manifest"][0]
667 not in ti["manifest"]
669 ti_manifest = test_info["manifest"]
670 if test_info.get(
671 "ancestor_manifest", None
673 ti_manifest = "%s:%s" % (
674 test_info["ancestor_manifest"],
675 ti_manifest,
677 ti["manifest"].extend(ti_manifest)
678 else:
679 by_component["tests"][rkey] = [test_info]
680 if show_tests:
681 for key in by_component["tests"]:
682 by_component["tests"][key].sort(key=lambda k: k["test"])
684 by_component["description"] = self.description(
685 components,
686 flavor,
687 subsuite,
688 paths,
689 show_manifests,
690 show_tests,
691 show_summary,
692 show_annotations,
693 filter_values,
694 filter_keys,
695 start,
696 end,
699 if show_summary:
700 by_component["summary"] = {}
701 by_component["summary"]["components"] = len(component_set)
702 by_component["summary"]["manifests"] = manifest_count
703 by_component["summary"]["tests"] = test_count
704 by_component["summary"]["failed tests"] = failed_count
705 by_component["summary"]["skipped tests"] = skipped_count
707 if show_annotations:
708 by_component["annotations"] = {}
709 by_component["annotations"]["total annotations"] = annotation_count
710 by_component["annotations"]["total conditions"] = condition_count
711 by_component["annotations"]["unique conditions"] = len(conditions)
712 by_component["annotations"]["conditions"] = conditions
714 self.write_report(by_component, output_file)
716 end_time = datetime.datetime.now()
717 self.log_verbose(
718 "%d seconds total to generate report"
719 % (end_time - start_time).total_seconds()
722 def write_report(self, by_component, output_file):
723 json_report = json.dumps(by_component, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
724 if output_file:
725 output_file = os.path.abspath(output_file)
726 output_dir = os.path.dirname(output_file)
727 if not os.path.isdir(output_dir):
728 os.makedirs(output_dir)
730 with open(output_file, "w") as f:
731 f.write(json_report)
732 else:
733 print(json_report)
735 def report_diff(self, before, after, output_file):
737 Support for 'mach test-info report-diff'.
740 def get_file(path_or_url):
741 if urlparse.urlparse(path_or_url).scheme:
742 response = requests.get(path_or_url)
743 response.raise_for_status()
744 return json.loads(response.text)
745 with open(path_or_url) as f:
746 return json.load(f)
748 report1 = get_file(before)
749 report2 = get_file(after)
751 by_component = {"tests": {}, "summary": {}}
752 self.diff_summaries(by_component, report1["summary"], report2["summary"])
753 self.diff_all_components(by_component, report1["tests"], report2["tests"])
754 self.write_report(by_component, output_file)
756 def diff_summaries(self, by_component, summary1, summary2):
758 Update by_component with comparison of summaries.
760 all_keys = set(summary1.keys()) | set(summary2.keys())
761 for key in all_keys:
762 delta = summary2.get(key, 0) - summary1.get(key, 0)
763 by_component["summary"]["%s delta" % key] = delta
765 def diff_all_components(self, by_component, tests1, tests2):
767 Update by_component with any added/deleted tests, for all components.
769 self.added_count = 0
770 self.deleted_count = 0
771 for component in tests1:
772 component1 = tests1[component]
773 component2 = [] if component not in tests2 else tests2[component]
774 self.diff_component(by_component, component, component1, component2)
775 for component in tests2:
776 if component not in tests1:
777 component2 = tests2[component]
778 self.diff_component(by_component, component, [], component2)
779 by_component["summary"]["added tests"] = self.added_count
780 by_component["summary"]["deleted tests"] = self.deleted_count
782 def diff_component(self, by_component, component, component1, component2):
784 Update by_component[component] with any added/deleted tests for the
785 named component.
786 "added": tests found in component2 but missing from component1.
787 "deleted": tests found in component1 but missing from component2.
789 tests1 = set([t["test"] for t in component1])
790 tests2 = set([t["test"] for t in component2])
791 deleted = tests1 - tests2
792 added = tests2 - tests1
793 if deleted or added:
794 by_component["tests"][component] = {}
795 if deleted:
796 by_component["tests"][component]["deleted"] = sorted(list(deleted))
797 if added:
798 by_component["tests"][component]["added"] = sorted(list(added))
799 self.added_count += len(added)
800 self.deleted_count += len(deleted)
801 common = len(tests1.intersection(tests2))
802 self.log_verbose(
803 "%s: %d deleted, %d added, %d common"
804 % (component, len(deleted), len(added), common)