1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
3 <!-- Title of the crash reporter dialog. %1$s will be replaced with the name of the app (e.g. Firefox Focus). -->
4 <string name="mozac_lib_crash_dialog_title">Því miður þá lenti %1$s í erfiðleikum og lokaðist.</string>
6 <!-- Label of the checkbox for sending crash reports in the crash reporter dialog. %1$s will be replaced with the name of the organization (e.g. Mozilla). -->
7 <string name="mozac_lib_crash_dialog_checkbox">Senda hrunskýrslu til %1$s</string>
9 <!-- Label of the button closing the crash reporter dialog. -->
10 <string name="mozac_lib_crash_dialog_button_close">Loka</string>
12 <!-- Label of the button closing the crash reporter dialog and restarting the app. -->
13 <string name="mozac_lib_crash_dialog_button_restart">Endurræsa %1$s</string>
15 <!-- Name of the "notification channel" used for displaying a notification when the app crashed and we can't show a prompt. See https://developer.android.com/training/notify-user/channels -->
16 <string name="mozac_lib_crash_channel">Hrun</string>
18 <!-- Title of the crash reporter notification for background process crashes. %1$s will be replaced with the name of the app (e.g. Firefox Focus). -->
19 <string name="mozac_lib_crash_background_process_notification_title">Því miður. Vandamál kom upp í %1$s.</string>
21 <!-- Label of a notification action/button that will send the crash report to Mozilla. -->
22 <string name="mozac_lib_crash_notification_action_report">Skýrsla</string>
24 <!-- Label of notification showing that the crash report service is running. %1$s will be replaced with the name of the organization (e.g. Mozilla). -->
25 <string name="mozac_lib_send_crash_report_in_progress">Senda hrunaskýrslu til %1$s</string>
27 <!-- Label of notification showing that the telemetry service is gathering the crash data. -->
28 <string name="mozac_lib_gathering_crash_telemetry_in_progress">Safna fjarmælingargögnum um hrun</string>
30 <!-- Title of the activity that shows the list of past crashes (similar to about:crashes)-->
31 <string name="mozac_lib_crash_activity_title">Hrunskýrslur</string>
33 <!-- Text shown instead of crash list if no crashes have been submitted yet -->
34 <string name="mozac_lib_crash_no_crashes">Engar hrunaskýrslur hafa verið sendar.</string>
36 <!-- Text link that will show an app chooser to share a crash report with a third-party app (e.g. gmail) -->
37 <string name="mozac_lib_crash_share">Deila</string>