Bug 1816170 - Disable perftest-on-autoland cron. r=aglavic
[gecko.git] / dom / indexedDB / test / test_blob_worker_xhr_post_multifile.html
1 <!--
2 Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
3 http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
4 -->
5 <html>
6 <head>
7 <title>Indexed Database Property Test</title>
9 <script src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
10 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
12 <script type="text/javascript">
13 /**
14 * Create a composite/multi-file Blob on the worker, then post it as an XHR
15 * payload and ensure that we don't hang/generate an assertion/etc. but
16 * instead generate the expected 404. This test is basically the same as
17 * test_blob_worker_xhr_post.html except for the composite Blob.
19 function* testSteps()
21 const BLOB_DATA = ["fun ", "times ", "all ", "around!"];
22 const BLOB_TYPE = "text/plain";
23 const BLOB_SIZE = BLOB_DATA.join("").length;
25 info("Setting up");
27 let request = indexedDB.open(window.location.pathname, 1);
28 request.onerror = errorHandler;
29 request.onupgradeneeded = grabEventAndContinueHandler;
30 request.onsuccess = unexpectedSuccessHandler;
31 let event = yield undefined;
33 let db = event.target.result;
34 db.onerror = errorHandler;
36 ok(db, "Created database");
38 info("Creating objectStore");
40 let objectStore = db.createObjectStore("foo", { autoIncrement: true });
42 request.onupgradeneeded = unexpectedSuccessHandler;
43 request.onsuccess = grabEventAndContinueHandler;
44 event = yield undefined;
46 ok(true, "Opened database");
48 let blob = new Blob(BLOB_DATA, { type: BLOB_TYPE });
50 info("Adding blob to database");
52 objectStore = db.transaction("foo", "readwrite").objectStore("foo");
53 objectStore.add(blob).onsuccess = grabEventAndContinueHandler;
54 event = yield undefined;
56 let blobKey = event.target.result;
57 ok(blobKey, "Got a key for the blob");
59 info("Getting blob from the database");
61 objectStore = db.transaction("foo").objectStore("foo");
62 objectStore.get(blobKey).onsuccess = grabEventAndContinueHandler;
63 event = yield undefined;
65 blob = event.target.result;
67 ok(blob instanceof Blob, "Got a blob");
68 is(blob.size, BLOB_SIZE, "Correct size");
69 is(blob.type, BLOB_TYPE, "Correct type");
71 function workerScript() {
72 /* eslint-env worker */
73 onmessage = function(event) {
74 var blob = event.data;
75 var compositeBlob = new Blob(["preceding string. ", blob],
76 { type: "text/plain" });
77 var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
78 // We just want to make sure the error case doesn't fire; it's fine for
79 // us to just want a 404.
80 xhr.open("POST", "http://mochi.test:8888/does-not-exist", true);
81 xhr.onload = function() {
82 postMessage({ status: xhr.status });
84 xhr.onerror = function() {
85 postMessage({ status: "error" });
87 xhr.send(compositeBlob);
91 let workerScriptUrl =
92 URL.createObjectURL(new Blob(["(", workerScript.toString(), ")()"]));
94 let xhrWorker = new Worker(workerScriptUrl);
95 xhrWorker.postMessage(blob);
96 xhrWorker.onmessage = grabEventAndContinueHandler;
97 event = yield undefined;
99 is(event.data.status, 404, "XHR generated the expected 404");
100 xhrWorker.terminate();
102 URL.revokeObjectURL(workerScriptUrl);
104 finishTest();
106 </script>
107 <script type="text/javascript" src="helpers.js"></script>
109 </head>
111 <body onload="runTest();"></body>
113 </html>