Bug 1890793: Assert CallArgs::newTarget is not gray. r=spidermonkey-reviewers,sfink...
[gecko.git] / dom / docs / workersAndStorage / PerformanceTesting.rst
1 ================================
2 Service Worker Performance Tests
3 ================================
5 Our performance tests are mochitests running in the `mozperftest
6 <https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/testing/perfdocs/mozperftest.html>`_
7 harness.  Tests reside under `dom/serviceworkers/test/performance
8 <https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/dom/serviceworkers/test/performance>`_,
9 itemized in perftest.toml.  Beyond the standard mochitest machinery,
10 performance tests define a ``perfMetadata`` variable at the top level, and call:
12 ``info("perfMetrics", JSON.stringify(metrics));``
14 to report their results, where *metrics* is a map from testpoint name to scalar
15 numeric value.  See the `performance scripts documentation
16 <https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/testing/perfdocs/writing.html#mochitest>`_
17 for more.
19 They can be run via mach perftest, or as normal mochitests via mach test.
20 (Currently we can’t run the full manifest, see `bug 1865852
21 <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1865852>`_.)
23 Adding new tests
24 ================
26 Add files to `perftest.toml
27 <https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/dom/serviceworkers/test/performance/perftest.toml>`_
28 as usual for mochitests.
30 Modify linux.yml, macosx.yml, and windows.yml under `taskcluster/ci/perftest
31 <https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/taskcluster/ci/perftest>`_.
32 Currently, each test needs to be added individually to the run command (`here
33 <https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/91cc8848427fdbbeb324e6ca56a0d08d32d3c308/taskcluster/ci/perftest/linux.yml#121-149>`_,
34 for example).  kind.yml can be ignored–it provides some defaults.
36 Modify the documentation using:
38 ``$ ./mach lint -l perfdocs . --fix --warnings --outgoing``
40 There's currently a `bug <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1872613>`_
41 which will likely cause the command to fail.  Running it a second time should
42 succeed.
44 Staging tests in try jobs
45 =========================
47 ``$ ./mach try fuzzy --full``
49 Look for ``‘service-worker`` to find things like:
51 | >perftest-windows-service-worker
52 | >perftest-macosx-service-worker
53 | >perftest-linux-service-worker
56 Results
57 =======
59 Results can be found in treeherder on `mozilla-central
60 <https://treeherder.mozilla.org/jobs?repo=mozilla-central&searchStr=perftest>`_
61 and `autoland
62 <https://treeherder.mozilla.org/jobs?repo=autoland&searchStr=perftest>`_.  Look
63 for linux-sw, macosx-sw, and win-sw (`example
64 <https://treeherder.mozilla.org/perfherder/graphs?series=mozilla-central,4967140,1,15&selected=4967140,1814245176>`_).
65 These symbol names are defined in the .yml files under taskcluster/ci/perftest.
67 Contacts
68 ========
69 | `Joshua Marshall <https://people.mozilla.org/p/jmarshall>`_   (DOM LWS)
70 | `Gregory Mierzwinski <https://people.mozilla.org/p/sparky>`_  (Performance Tools)