Bug 1866777 - Disable test_race_cache_with_network.js on windows opt for frequent...
[gecko.git] / testing / skipfails.py
1 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
5 import io
6 import json
7 import logging
8 import os
9 import os.path
10 import pprint
11 import sys
12 import urllib.parse
13 from enum import Enum
14 from pathlib import Path
16 from yaml import load
18 try:
19 from yaml import CLoader as Loader
20 except ImportError:
21 from yaml import Loader
23 import bugzilla
24 import mozci.push
25 import requests
26 from manifestparser import ManifestParser
27 from manifestparser.toml import add_skip_if, alphabetize_toml_str, sort_paths
28 from mozci.task import TestTask
29 from mozci.util.taskcluster import get_task
31 BUGZILLA_AUTHENTICATION_HELP = "Must create a Bugzilla API key per https://github.com/mozilla/mozci-tools/blob/main/citools/test_triage_bug_filer.py"
34 class MockResult(object):
35 def __init__(self, result):
36 self.result = result
38 @property
39 def group(self):
40 return self.result["group"]
42 @property
43 def ok(self):
44 _ok = self.result["ok"]
45 return _ok
48 class MockTask(object):
49 def __init__(self, task):
50 self.task = task
51 if "results" in self.task:
52 self.task["results"] = [
53 MockResult(result) for result in self.task["results"]
55 else:
56 self.task["results"] = []
58 @property
59 def failure_types(self):
60 if "failure_types" in self.task:
61 return self.task["failure_types"]
62 else: # note no failure_types in Task object
63 return {}
65 @property
66 def id(self):
67 return self.task["id"]
69 @property
70 def label(self):
71 return self.task["label"]
73 @property
74 def results(self):
75 return self.task["results"]
78 class Classification(object):
79 "Classification of the failure (not the task result)"
81 DISABLE_MANIFEST = "disable_manifest" # crash found
82 DISABLE_RECOMMENDED = "disable_recommended" # disable first failing path
83 INTERMITTENT = "intermittent"
84 SECONDARY = "secondary" # secondary failing path
85 SUCCESS = "success" # path always succeeds
86 UNKNOWN = "unknown"
89 class Run(Enum):
90 """
91 constant indexes for attributes of a run
92 """
95 TASK_ID = 1
97 RESULT = 3
101 class Skipfails(object):
102 "mach manifest skip-fails implementation: Update manifests to skip failing tests"
104 REPO = "repo"
105 REVISION = "revision"
106 TREEHERDER = "treeherder.mozilla.org"
107 BUGZILLA_SERVER_DEFAULT = "bugzilla.allizom.org"
109 def __init__(
110 self,
111 command_context=None,
112 try_url="",
113 verbose=False,
114 bugzilla=None,
115 dry_run=False,
116 turbo=False,
118 self.command_context = command_context
119 if self.command_context is not None:
120 self.topsrcdir = self.command_context.topsrcdir
121 else:
122 self.topsrcdir = Path(__file__).parent.parent
123 self.topsrcdir = os.path.normpath(self.topsrcdir)
124 if isinstance(try_url, list) and len(try_url) == 1:
125 self.try_url = try_url[0]
126 else:
127 self.try_url = try_url
128 self.dry_run = dry_run
129 self.verbose = verbose
130 self.turbo = turbo
131 if bugzilla is not None:
132 self.bugzilla = bugzilla
133 else:
134 if "BUGZILLA" in os.environ:
135 self.bugzilla = os.environ["BUGZILLA"]
136 else:
137 self.bugzilla = Skipfails.BUGZILLA_SERVER_DEFAULT
138 self.component = "skip-fails"
139 self._bzapi = None
140 self.variants = {}
141 self.tasks = {}
142 self.pp = None
143 self.headers = {} # for Treeherder requests
144 self.headers["Accept"] = "application/json"
145 self.headers["User-Agent"] = "treeherder-pyclient"
146 self.jobs_url = "https://treeherder.mozilla.org/api/jobs/"
147 self.push_ids = {}
148 self.job_ids = {}
150 def _initialize_bzapi(self):
151 """Lazily initializes the Bugzilla API"""
152 if self._bzapi is None:
153 self._bzapi = bugzilla.Bugzilla(self.bugzilla)
155 def pprint(self, obj):
156 if self.pp is None:
157 self.pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4, stream=sys.stderr)
158 self.pp.pprint(obj)
159 sys.stderr.flush()
161 def error(self, e):
162 if self.command_context is not None:
163 self.command_context.log(
164 logging.ERROR, self.component, {"error": str(e)}, "ERROR: {error}"
166 else:
167 print(f"ERROR: {e}", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
169 def warning(self, e):
170 if self.command_context is not None:
171 self.command_context.log(
172 logging.WARNING, self.component, {"error": str(e)}, "WARNING: {error}"
174 else:
175 print(f"WARNING: {e}", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
177 def info(self, e):
178 if self.command_context is not None:
179 self.command_context.log(
180 logging.INFO, self.component, {"error": str(e)}, "INFO: {error}"
182 else:
183 print(f"INFO: {e}", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
185 def run(
186 self,
187 meta_bug_id=None,
188 save_tasks=None,
189 use_tasks=None,
190 save_failures=None,
191 use_failures=None,
193 "Run skip-fails on try_url, return True on success"
195 try_url = self.try_url
196 revision, repo = self.get_revision(try_url)
198 if use_tasks is not None:
199 if os.path.exists(use_tasks):
200 self.info(f"use tasks: {use_tasks}")
201 tasks = self.read_json(use_tasks)
202 tasks = [MockTask(task) for task in tasks]
203 else:
204 self.error(f"uses tasks JSON file does not exist: {use_tasks}")
205 return False
206 else:
207 tasks = self.get_tasks(revision, repo)
209 if use_failures is not None:
210 if os.path.exists(use_failures):
211 self.info(f"use failures: {use_failures}")
212 failures = self.read_json(use_failures)
213 else:
214 self.error(f"use failures JSON file does not exist: {use_failures}")
215 return False
216 else:
217 failures = self.get_failures(tasks)
218 if save_failures is not None:
219 self.info(f"save failures: {save_failures}")
220 self.write_json(save_failures, failures)
222 if save_tasks is not None:
223 self.info(f"save tasks: {save_tasks}")
224 self.write_tasks(save_tasks, tasks)
226 for manifest in failures:
227 if not manifest.endswith(".toml"):
228 self.warning(f"cannot process skip-fails on INI manifests: {manifest}")
229 else:
230 for path in failures[manifest]["path"]:
231 for label in failures[manifest]["path"][path]:
232 classification = failures[manifest]["path"][path][label][
233 "classification"
235 if classification.startswith("disable_") or (
236 self.turbo and classification == Classification.SECONDARY
238 for task_id in failures[manifest]["path"][path][label][
239 "runs"
240 ].keys():
241 self.skip_failure(
242 manifest,
243 path,
244 label,
245 classification,
246 task_id,
247 try_url,
248 revision,
249 repo,
250 meta_bug_id,
252 break # just use the first task_id
253 return True
255 def get_revision(self, url):
256 parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
257 if parsed.scheme != "https":
258 raise ValueError("try_url scheme not https")
259 if parsed.netloc != Skipfails.TREEHERDER:
260 raise ValueError(f"try_url server not {Skipfails.TREEHERDER}")
261 if len(parsed.query) == 0:
262 raise ValueError("try_url query missing")
263 query = urllib.parse.parse_qs(parsed.query)
264 if Skipfails.REVISION not in query:
265 raise ValueError("try_url query missing revision")
266 revision = query[Skipfails.REVISION][0]
267 if Skipfails.REPO in query:
268 repo = query[Skipfails.REPO][0]
269 else:
270 repo = "try"
271 if self.verbose:
272 self.info(f"considering {repo} revision={revision}")
273 return revision, repo
275 def get_tasks(self, revision, repo):
276 push = mozci.push.Push(revision, repo)
277 return push.tasks
279 def get_failures(self, tasks):
281 find failures and create structure comprised of runs by path:
282 result:
283 * False (failed)
284 * True (passed)
285 classification: Classification
286 * unknown (default) < 3 runs
287 * intermittent (not enough failures) >3 runs < 0.5 failure rate
288 * disable_recommended (enough repeated failures) >3 runs >= 0.5
289 * disable_manifest (disable DEFAULT if no other failures)
290 * secondary (not first failure in group)
291 * success
294 failures = {}
295 manifest_paths = {}
296 for task in tasks:
297 try:
298 if len(task.results) == 0:
299 continue # ignore aborted tasks
300 for manifest in task.failure_types:
301 if manifest not in failures:
302 failures[manifest] = {"sum_by_label": {}, "path": {}}
303 if manifest not in manifest_paths:
304 manifest_paths[manifest] = []
305 for path_type in task.failure_types[manifest]:
306 path, _type = path_type
307 if path == manifest:
308 path = "DEFAULT"
309 if path not in failures[manifest]["path"]:
310 failures[manifest]["path"][path] = {}
311 if path not in manifest_paths[manifest]:
312 manifest_paths[manifest].append(path)
313 if task.label not in failures[manifest]["sum_by_label"]:
314 failures[manifest]["sum_by_label"][task.label] = {
315 Classification.UNKNOWN: 0,
316 Classification.SECONDARY: 0,
317 Classification.INTERMITTENT: 0,
318 Classification.DISABLE_RECOMMENDED: 0,
319 Classification.DISABLE_MANIFEST: 0,
320 Classification.SUCCESS: 0,
322 if task.label not in failures[manifest]["path"][path]:
323 failures[manifest]["path"][path][task.label] = {
324 "total_runs": 0,
325 "failed_runs": 0,
326 "classification": Classification.UNKNOWN,
327 "runs": {task.id: False},
329 else:
330 failures[manifest]["path"][path][task.label]["runs"][
331 task.id
332 ] = False
333 except AttributeError as ae:
334 self.warning(f"unknown attribute in task: {ae}")
336 # calculate success/failure for each known path
337 for manifest in manifest_paths:
338 manifest_paths[manifest] = sort_paths(manifest_paths[manifest])
339 for task in tasks:
340 try:
341 if len(task.results) == 0:
342 continue # ignore aborted tasks
343 for result in task.results:
344 manifest = result.group
345 if manifest not in failures:
346 self.warning(
347 f"result for {manifest} not in any failures, ignored"
349 continue
350 for path in manifest_paths[manifest]:
351 if task.label not in failures[manifest]["sum_by_label"]:
352 failures[manifest]["sum_by_label"][task.label] = {
353 Classification.UNKNOWN: 0,
354 Classification.SECONDARY: 0,
355 Classification.INTERMITTENT: 0,
356 Classification.DISABLE_RECOMMENDED: 0,
357 Classification.DISABLE_MANIFEST: 0,
358 Classification.SUCCESS: 0,
360 if task.label not in failures[manifest]["path"][path]:
361 failures[manifest]["path"][path][task.label] = {
362 "total_runs": 0,
363 "failed_runs": 0,
364 "classification": Classification.UNKNOWN,
365 "runs": {},
367 if (
368 task.id
369 not in failures[manifest]["path"][path][task.label]["runs"]
371 ok = True
372 failures[manifest]["path"][path][task.label]["runs"][
373 task.id
374 ] = ok
375 else:
376 ok = (
377 result.ok
378 or failures[manifest]["path"][path][task.label]["runs"][
379 task.id
382 failures[manifest]["path"][path][task.label]["total_runs"] += 1
383 if not ok:
384 failures[manifest]["path"][path][task.label][
385 "failed_runs"
386 ] += 1
387 except AttributeError as ae:
388 self.warning(f"unknown attribute in task: {ae}")
390 # classify failures and roll up summary statistics
391 for manifest in failures:
392 for path in failures[manifest]["path"]:
393 for label in failures[manifest]["path"][path]:
394 failed_runs = failures[manifest]["path"][path][label]["failed_runs"]
395 total_runs = failures[manifest]["path"][path][label]["total_runs"]
396 classification = failures[manifest]["path"][path][label][
397 "classification"
399 if total_runs >= 3:
400 if failed_runs / total_runs < 0.5:
401 if failed_runs == 0:
402 classification = Classification.SUCCESS
403 else:
404 classification = Classification.INTERMITTENT
405 else:
406 classification = Classification.SECONDARY
407 failures[manifest]["path"][path][label][
408 "classification"
409 ] = classification
410 failures[manifest]["sum_by_label"][label][classification] += 1
412 # Identify the first failure (for each test, in a manifest, by label)
413 for manifest in failures:
414 alpha_paths = sort_paths(failures[manifest]["path"].keys())
415 for path in alpha_paths:
416 for label in failures[manifest]["path"][path]:
417 primary = (
418 failures[manifest]["sum_by_label"][label][
419 Classification.DISABLE_RECOMMENDED
421 == 0
423 if path == "DEFAULT":
424 classification = failures[manifest]["path"][path][label][
425 "classification"
427 if (
428 classification == Classification.SECONDARY
429 and failures[manifest]["sum_by_label"][label][
430 classification
432 == 1
434 # ONLY failure in the manifest for this label => DISABLE
435 failures[manifest]["path"][path][label][
436 "classification"
437 ] = Classification.DISABLE_MANIFEST
438 failures[manifest]["sum_by_label"][label][
439 classification
440 ] -= 1
441 failures[manifest]["sum_by_label"][label][
442 Classification.DISABLE_MANIFEST
443 ] += 1
445 else:
446 if (
447 primary
448 and failures[manifest]["path"][path][label][
449 "classification"
451 == Classification.SECONDARY
453 # FIRST failure in the manifest for this label => DISABLE
454 failures[manifest]["path"][path][label][
455 "classification"
456 ] = Classification.DISABLE_RECOMMENDED
457 failures[manifest]["sum_by_label"][label][
458 Classification.SECONDARY
459 ] -= 1
460 failures[manifest]["sum_by_label"][label][
461 Classification.DISABLE_RECOMMENDED
462 ] += 1
464 return failures
466 def _get_os_version(self, os, platform):
467 """Return the os_version given the label platform string"""
468 i = platform.find(os)
469 j = i + len(os)
470 yy = platform[j : j + 2]
471 mm = platform[j + 2 : j + 4]
472 return yy + "." + mm
474 def get_bug_by_id(self, id):
475 """Get bug by bug id"""
477 self._initialize_bzapi()
478 bug = self._bzapi.getbug(id)
479 return bug
481 def get_bugs_by_summary(self, summary):
482 """Get bug by bug summary"""
484 self._initialize_bzapi()
485 query = self._bzapi.build_query(short_desc=summary)
486 query["include_fields"] = [
487 "id",
488 "product",
489 "component",
490 "status",
491 "resolution",
492 "summary",
493 "blocks",
495 bugs = self._bzapi.query(query)
496 return bugs
498 def create_bug(
499 self,
500 summary="Bug short description",
501 description="Bug description",
502 product="Testing",
503 component="General",
504 version="unspecified",
505 bugtype="task",
507 """Create a bug"""
509 self._initialize_bzapi()
510 if not self._bzapi.logged_in:
511 self.error(
512 "Must create a Bugzilla API key per https://github.com/mozilla/mozci-tools/blob/main/citools/test_triage_bug_filer.py"
514 raise PermissionError(f"Not authenticated for Bugzilla {self.bugzilla}")
515 createinfo = self._bzapi.build_createbug(
516 product=product,
517 component=component,
518 summary=summary,
519 version=version,
520 description=description,
522 createinfo["type"] = bugtype
523 bug = self._bzapi.createbug(createinfo)
524 return bug
526 def add_bug_comment(self, id, comment, meta_bug_id=None):
527 """Add a comment to an existing bug"""
529 self._initialize_bzapi()
530 if not self._bzapi.logged_in:
532 raise PermissionError("Not authenticated for Bugzilla")
533 if meta_bug_id is not None:
534 blocks_add = [meta_bug_id]
535 else:
536 blocks_add = None
537 updateinfo = self._bzapi.build_update(comment=comment, blocks_add=blocks_add)
538 self._bzapi.update_bugs([id], updateinfo)
540 def skip_failure(
541 self,
542 manifest,
543 path,
544 label,
545 classification,
546 task_id,
547 try_url,
548 revision,
549 repo,
550 meta_bug_id=None,
552 """Skip a failure"""
554 skip_if = self.task_to_skip_if(task_id)
555 if skip_if is None:
556 self.warning(
557 f"Unable to calculate skip-if condition from manifest={manifest} from failure label={label}"
559 return
560 bug_reference = ""
561 if classification == Classification.DISABLE_MANIFEST:
562 filename = "DEFAULT"
563 comment = "Disabled entire manifest due to crash result"
564 else:
565 filename = self.get_filename_in_manifest(manifest, path)
566 comment = f'Disabled test due to failures: "{filename}"'
567 if classification == Classification.SECONDARY:
568 comment += " (secondary)"
569 bug_reference = " (secondary)"
570 comment += f"\nTry URL = {try_url}"
571 comment += f"\nrevision = {revision}"
572 comment += f"\nrepo = {repo}"
573 comment += f"\nlabel = {label}"
574 comment += f"\ntask_id = {task_id}"
575 push_id = self.get_push_id(revision, repo)
576 if push_id is not None:
577 comment += f"\npush_id = {push_id}"
578 job_id = self.get_job_id(push_id, task_id)
579 if job_id is not None:
580 comment += f"\njob_id = {job_id}"
581 suggestions_url, line_number, line, log_url = self.get_bug_suggestions(
582 repo, job_id, path
584 if log_url is not None:
585 comment += f"\n\nBug suggestions: {suggestions_url}"
586 comment += f"\nSpecifically see at line {line_number}:\n"
587 comment += f'\n "{line}"'
588 comment += f"\n\nIn the log: {log_url}"
589 bug_summary = f"MANIFEST {manifest}"
590 bugs = self.get_bugs_by_summary(bug_summary)
591 if len(bugs) == 0:
592 description = (
593 f"This bug covers excluded failing tests in the MANIFEST {manifest}"
595 description += "\n(generated by mach manifest skip-fails)"
596 product, component = self.get_file_info(path)
597 if self.dry_run:
598 self.warning(
599 f'Dry-run NOT creating bug: {product}::{component} "{bug_summary}"'
601 bugid = "TBD"
602 else:
603 bug = self.create_bug(bug_summary, description, product, component)
604 bugid = bug.id
605 self.info(
606 f'Created Bug {bugid} {product}::{component} : "{bug_summary}"'
608 bug_reference = f"Bug {bugid}" + bug_reference
609 elif len(bugs) == 1:
610 bugid = bugs[0].id
611 bug_reference = f"Bug {bugid}" + bug_reference
612 product = bugs[0].product
613 component = bugs[0].component
614 self.info(f'Found Bug {bugid} {product}::{component} "{bug_summary}"')
615 if meta_bug_id is not None:
616 if meta_bug_id in bugs[0].blocks:
617 self.info(f" Bug {bugid} already blocks meta bug {meta_bug_id}")
618 meta_bug_id = None # no need to add again
619 else:
620 self.error(f'More than one bug found for summary: "{bug_summary}"')
621 return
622 if self.dry_run:
623 self.warning(f"Dry-run NOT adding comment to Bug {bugid}: {comment}")
624 self.info(f'Dry-run NOT editing ["{filename}"] manifest: "{manifest}"')
625 self.info(f'would add skip-if condition: "{skip_if}" # {bug_reference}')
626 return
627 self.add_bug_comment(bugid, comment, meta_bug_id)
628 self.info(f"Added comment to Bug {bugid}: {comment}")
629 if meta_bug_id is not None:
630 self.info(f" Bug {bugid} blocks meta Bug: {meta_bug_id}")
631 mp = ManifestParser(use_toml=True, document=True)
632 manifest_path = os.path.join(self.topsrcdir, os.path.normpath(manifest))
633 mp.read(manifest_path)
634 document = mp.source_documents[manifest_path]
635 add_skip_if(document, filename, skip_if, bug_reference)
636 manifest_str = alphabetize_toml_str(document)
637 fp = io.open(manifest_path, "w", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n")
638 fp.write(manifest_str)
639 fp.close()
640 self.info(f'Edited ["{filename}"] in manifest: "{manifest}"')
641 self.info(f'added skip-if condition: "{skip_if}" # {bug_reference}')
643 def get_variants(self):
644 """Get mozinfo for each test variants"""
646 if len(self.variants) == 0:
647 variants_file = "taskcluster/ci/test/variants.yml"
648 variants_path = os.path.join(
649 self.topsrcdir, os.path.normpath(variants_file)
651 fp = io.open(variants_path, "r", encoding="utf-8")
652 raw_variants = load(fp, Loader=Loader)
653 fp.close()
654 for k, v in raw_variants.items():
655 mozinfo = k
656 if "mozinfo" in v:
657 mozinfo = v["mozinfo"]
658 self.variants[k] = mozinfo
659 return self.variants
661 def get_task(self, task_id):
662 """Download details for task task_id"""
664 if task_id in self.tasks: # if cached
665 task = self.tasks[task_id]
666 else:
667 task = get_task(task_id)
668 self.tasks[task_id] = task
669 return task
671 def task_to_skip_if(self, task_id):
672 """Calculate the skip-if condition for failing task task_id"""
674 self.get_variants()
675 task = self.get_task(task_id)
676 os = None
677 os_version = None
678 bits = None
679 display = None
680 runtimes = []
681 build_types = []
682 test_setting = task.get("extra", {}).get("test-setting", {})
683 platform = test_setting.get("platform", {})
684 platform_os = platform.get("os", {})
685 if "name" in platform_os:
686 os = platform_os["name"]
687 if os == "windows":
688 os = "win"
689 if os == "macosx":
690 os = "mac"
691 if "version" in platform_os:
692 os_version = platform_os["version"]
693 if len(os_version) == 4:
694 os_version = os_version[0:2] + "." + os_version[2:4]
695 if "arch" in platform:
696 arch = platform["arch"]
697 if arch == "x86" or arch.find("32") >= 0:
698 bits = "32"
699 if "display" in platform:
700 display = platform["display"]
701 if "runtime" in test_setting:
702 for k in test_setting["runtime"]:
703 if k in self.variants:
704 runtimes.append(self.variants[k]) # adds mozinfo
705 if "build" in test_setting:
706 tbuild = test_setting["build"]
707 opt = False
708 debug = False
709 for k in tbuild:
710 if k == "type":
711 if tbuild[k] == "opt":
712 opt = True
713 elif tbuild[k] == "debug":
714 debug = True
715 else:
716 build_types.append(k)
717 if len(build_types) == 0:
718 if opt:
719 build_types.append("!debug")
720 if debug:
721 build_types.append("debug")
722 skip_if = None
723 if os is not None:
724 skip_if = "os == '" + os + "'"
725 if os_version is not None:
726 skip_if += " && "
727 skip_if += "os_version == '" + os_version + "'"
728 if bits is not None:
729 skip_if += " && "
730 skip_if += "bits == '" + bits + "'"
731 if display is not None:
732 skip_if += " && "
733 skip_if += "display == '" + display + "'"
734 for runtime in runtimes:
735 skip_if += " && "
736 skip_if += runtime
737 for build_type in build_types:
738 skip_if += " && "
739 skip_if += build_type
740 return skip_if
742 def get_file_info(self, path, product="Testing", component="General"):
744 Get bugzilla product and component for the path.
745 Provide defaults (in case command_context is not defined
746 or there isn't file info available).
748 if self.command_context is not None:
749 reader = self.command_context.mozbuild_reader(config_mode="empty")
750 info = reader.files_info([path])
751 cp = info[path]["BUG_COMPONENT"]
752 product = cp.product
753 component = cp.component
754 return product, component
756 def get_filename_in_manifest(self, manifest, path):
757 """return relative filename for path in manifest"""
759 filename = os.path.basename(path)
760 if filename == "DEFAULT":
761 return filename
762 manifest_dir = os.path.dirname(manifest)
763 i = 0
764 j = min(len(manifest_dir), len(path))
765 while i < j and manifest_dir[i] == path[i]:
766 i += 1
767 if i < len(manifest_dir):
768 for _ in range(manifest_dir.count("/", i) + 1):
769 filename = "../" + filename
770 elif i < len(path):
771 filename = path[i + 1 :]
772 return filename
774 def get_push_id(self, revision, repo):
775 """Return the push_id for revision and repo (or None)"""
777 self.info(f"Retrieving push_id for {repo} revision: {revision} ...")
778 if revision in self.push_ids: # if cached
779 push_id = self.push_ids[revision]
780 else:
781 push_id = None
782 push_url = f"https://treeherder.mozilla.org/api/project/{repo}/push/"
783 params = {}
784 params["full"] = "true"
785 params["count"] = 10
786 params["revision"] = revision
787 r = requests.get(push_url, headers=self.headers, params=params)
788 if r.status_code != 200:
789 self.warning(f"FAILED to query Treeherder = {r} for {r.url}")
790 else:
791 response = r.json()
792 if "results" in response:
793 results = response["results"]
794 if len(results) > 0:
795 r0 = results[0]
796 if "id" in r0:
797 push_id = r0["id"]
798 self.push_ids[revision] = push_id
799 return push_id
801 def get_job_id(self, push_id, task_id):
802 """Return the job_id for push_id, task_id (or None)"""
804 self.info(f"Retrieving job_id for push_id: {push_id}, task_id: {task_id} ...")
805 if push_id in self.job_ids: # if cached
806 job_id = self.job_ids[push_id]
807 else:
808 job_id = None
809 params = {}
810 params["push_id"] = push_id
811 r = requests.get(self.jobs_url, headers=self.headers, params=params)
812 if r.status_code != 200:
813 self.warning(f"FAILED to query Treeherder = {r} for {r.url}")
814 else:
815 response = r.json()
816 if "results" in response:
817 results = response["results"]
818 if len(results) > 0:
819 for result in results:
820 if len(result) > 14:
821 if result[14] == task_id:
822 job_id = result[1]
823 break
824 self.job_ids[push_id] = job_id
825 return job_id
827 def get_bug_suggestions(self, repo, job_id, path):
829 Return the (suggestions_url, line_number, line, log_url)
830 for the given repo and job_id
832 self.info(
833 f"Retrieving bug_suggestions for {repo} job_id: {job_id}, path: {path} ..."
835 suggestions_url = f"https://treeherder.mozilla.org/api/project/{repo}/jobs/{job_id}/bug_suggestions/"
836 line_number = None
837 line = None
838 log_url = None
839 r = requests.get(suggestions_url, headers=self.headers)
840 if r.status_code != 200:
841 self.warning(f"FAILED to query Treeherder = {r} for {r.url}")
842 else:
843 response = r.json()
844 if len(response) > 0:
845 for sugg in response:
846 if sugg["path_end"] == path:
847 line_number = sugg["line_number"]
848 line = sugg["search"]
849 log_url = f"https://treeherder.mozilla.org/logviewer?repo={repo}&job_id={job_id}&lineNumber={line_number}"
850 break
851 rv = (suggestions_url, line_number, line, log_url)
852 return rv
854 def read_json(self, filename):
855 """read data as JSON from filename"""
856 fp = io.open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8")
857 data = json.load(fp)
858 fp.close()
859 return data
861 def write_json(self, filename, data):
862 """saves data as JSON to filename"""
863 fp = io.open(filename, "w", encoding="utf-8")
864 json.dump(data, fp, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
865 fp.close()
867 def write_tasks(self, save_tasks, tasks):
868 """saves tasks as JSON to save_tasks"""
869 jtasks = []
870 for task in tasks:
871 if not isinstance(task, TestTask):
872 continue
873 jtask = {}
874 jtask["id"] = task.id
875 jtask["label"] = task.label
876 jtask["duration"] = task.duration
877 jtask["result"] = task.result
878 jtask["state"] = task.state
879 jtags = {}
880 for k, v in task.tags.items():
881 if k == "createdForUser":
882 jtags[k] = "ci@mozilla.com"
883 else:
884 jtags[k] = v
885 jtask["tags"] = jtags
886 jtask["tier"] = task.tier
887 jtask["results"] = [
888 {"group": r.group, "ok": r.ok, "duration": r.duration}
889 for r in task.results
891 jtask["errors"] = None # Bug with task.errors property??
892 jft = {}
893 for k in task.failure_types:
894 jft[k] = [[f[0], f[1].value] for f in task.failure_types[k]]
895 jtask["failure_types"] = jft
896 jtasks.append(jtask)
897 self.write_json(save_tasks, jtasks)