Bug 1917150 - Disable all cache-abort tests on pbmode CLOSED TREE
[gecko.git] / docs / nspr / platforms.rst
1 NSPR platforms
2 ==============
4 Build System and Supported Platforms
5 ------------------------------------
7 NSPR has been implemented on over 20 platforms. A platform may have
8 more than one implementation strategy of its multi threading and I/O
9 facilities. This article explains the NSPR build system and how to
10 specify a particular implementation strategy, compiler or compiler
11 switches, or the target OS for your build on each platform.
13 Implementation Strategies
14 -------------------------
16 Threads are at the core of NSPR, and the I/O functions are tied to the
17 multi threading facilities because many I/O functions may block the
18 calling threads. NSPR has multiple implementation strategies of its
19 multi threading and I/O functions. The various implementation strategies
20 can be organized into the hierarchy below:
22 -  **Classic NSPR** (This is our first code base, hence the term
23    "classic NSPR"):
25 **Local threads only**: All threads are user-level threads implemented
26 by NSPR.
27 **Global threads only**: All threads are native threads supplied by the
28 OS vendor. For example, Solaris UI (Unix International) threads and
29 Win32 threads.
30 **Combined**: NSPR multiplexes user-level threads on top of native,
31 kernel-level threads. This is also called the MxN model. At present,
32 there are three implementations of the combined model.
34 -  IRIX: sprocs + NSPR user-level threads
35 -  Windows NT: Win32 threads + NT fibers
36 -  **Pthreads-user**: kernel-level pthreads + NSPR user-level threads
38 **Pthreads**: All threads are pthreads. The relevant code is in
39 ``mozilla/nsprpub/pr/src/pthreads`` (threads and I/O).
40 Classic NSPR and pthreads have relatively disjoint code bases in the
41 threads and I/O areas:
43 -  Classic NSPR: ``mozilla/nsprpub/pr/src/threads/combined`` (threads),
44    ``mozilla/nsprpub/pr/src/io`` (I/O)
45 -  Pthreads: ``mozilla/nsprpub/pr/src/pthreads`` (threads and I/O)
47 Note that some files under ``mozilla/nsprpub/pr/src/io`` are shared by
48 both classic NSPR and pthreads. Consult
49 ``mozilla/nsprpub/pr/src/Makefile`` for the definitive list of files
50 used by each implementation strategy (see the definition of the makefile
51 variable ``OBJS``).
53 Compilers
54 ---------
56 For ease of integration with third-party libraries, which may use native
57 threads, NSPR uses the native threads whenever possible. As a result,
58 native compilers are used to build NSPR on most platforms because they
59 have better debugging support for native threads. The only exception is
60 Solaris, where both cc and gcc are used.
62 NSPR Build System
63 -----------------
65 NSPR build system is based on GNU make.
66 We use GNU make 3.74 on Unix, but our makefiles should
67 work fine under newer versions of GNU make.
69 Every directory in NSPR has a makefile named ``Makefile``, which
70 includes the makefile fragments in ``mozilla/nsprpub/config``. NSPR
71 makefiles implement the common Makefile targets such as
72 ``export``, ``libs``, and ``install``. However, some makefiles targets
73 are no-op in NSPR because they are not necessary for NSPR.
75 To build NSPR, change directory to the root of our source tree
76 ``cd mozilla/nsprpub``
77 and then issue the command
78 ``gmake``
79 Make will recursively go into all the subdirectories and the right
80 things will happen.
82 The table below lists the common NSPR makefile targets.
84 +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+
85 | ``all``                           | The default target. Same as       |
86 |                                   | ``export`` ``libs`` ``install``.  |
87 +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+
88 | ``export``                        | Do a complete build.              |
89 +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+
90 | ``libs``                          | No-op.                            |
91 +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+
92 | ``install``                       | No-op.                            |
93 +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+
94 | ``depend``                        | No-op. **This means that NSPR     |
95 |                                   | makefiles do not have header file |
96 |                                   | dependencies.**                   |
97 +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+
98 | ``clean``                         | Remove ``.o`` files.              |
99 +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+
100 | ``clobber``                       | Remove ``.o`` files, libraries,   |
101 |                                   | and executable programs.          |
102 +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+
103 | ``realclean``                     | Remove all generated files and    |
104 |                                   | directories.                      |
105 +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+
106 | ``clobber_all``                   | Same as ``realclean``.            |
107 +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+
109 The table below lists common makefile variables that one can specify
110 on the command line to customize a build..
112 +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+
113 | ``BUILD_OPT``                     | Optimized build (default: debug   |
114 |                                   | build).                           |
115 +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+
116 | ``OS_TARGET``                     | Set to the target OS (``WIN95``   |
117 |                                   | or ``WIN16``) when doing          |
118 |                                   | cross-compilation on NT (default: |
119 |                                   | same as the host OS).             |
120 +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+
121 | ``NS_USE_GCC``                    | Use gcc and g++ (default: native  |
122 |                                   | compilers).                       |
123 +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+
124 | ``USE_PTHREADS``                  | Build pthreads version.           |
125 +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+
126 | ``CLASSIC_NSPR``                  | Build classic NSPR version        |
127 |                                   | (usually local threads only).     |
128 +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+
129 | ``PTHREADS_USER``                 | Build pthreads-user version.      |
130 +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+
131 | ``LOCAL_THREADS_ONLY``            | Build local threads only version. |
132 +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+
133 | ``USE_DEBUG_RTL``                 | On Win32, compile with ``/MDd``   |
134 |                                   | in the debug build (default:      |
135 |                                   | ``/MD``). Optimized build always  |
136 |                                   | uses ``/MD``.                     |
137 +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+
138 | ``USE_N32``                       | On IRIX, compile with ``-n32``    |
139 |                                   | (default: ``-32``).               |
140 +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+
141 | ``USE_IPV6``                      | Enable IPv6.                      |
142 +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+
143 | ``MOZILLA_CLIENT``                | Adjust NSPR build system for      |
144 |                                   | Netscape Client (mozilla).        |
145 +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+