Bug 1904139 - Don't re-initialize platform font list from GetDefaultFont. r=jfkthame
[gecko.git] / build / moz.configure / pkg.configure
1 # -*- Mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 40 -*-
2 # vim: set filetype=python:
3 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
8 @depends(toolchain_prefix, when=compile_environment)
9 def pkg_config(prefixes):
10     return tuple("{}pkg-config".format(p) for p in (prefixes or ()) + ("",))
13 @depends(compile_environment, target)
14 def use_pkg_config(compile_environment, target):
15     return compile_environment and target.os not in ("WINNT", "OSX", "Android")
18 pkg_config = check_prog(
19     "PKG_CONFIG",
20     pkg_config,
21     bootstrap=depends(when=target_sysroot.bootstrapped)(lambda: "pkgconf"),
22     allow_missing=True,
23     when=use_pkg_config,
27 @depends_if(pkg_config)
28 @checking("for pkg-config version")
29 def pkg_config_version(pkg_config):
30     return Version(check_cmd_output(pkg_config, "--version").rstrip())
33 @depends_if(pkg_config)
34 @checking("whether pkg-config is pkgconf")
35 def is_pkgconf(pkg_config):
36     return "pkgconf " in check_cmd_output(pkg_config, "--about", onerror=lambda: "")
39 @depends(is_pkgconf, pkg_config_version, target_sysroot.bootstrapped, when=pkg_config)
40 def pkg_config_base_flags(is_pkgconf, pkg_config_version, target_sysroot_bootstrapped):
41     # pkgconf 1.7.4 changed the default on Windows to use --static, but
42     # that doesn't work for us.
43     # Note: the --shared flag is not available before pkgconf 1.7
44     flags = []
45     if is_pkgconf and pkg_config_version >= "1.7.4":
46         flags.append("--shared")
47     # When pkg-config is in /usr things work fine by default, but when
48     # it is not, it defines prefix to be something else than /usr, which
49     # won't match what the .pc files actually say, and won't work in
50     # sysroots.
51     if target_sysroot_bootstrapped and (
52         (is_pkgconf and pkg_config_version >= "1.2.0")
53         or (not is_pkgconf and pkg_config_version >= "0.29.0")
54     ):
55         flags.append("--dont-define-prefix")
56     return tuple(flags)
59 @depends(target, target_sysroot.path, target_multiarch_dir, when=pkg_config)
60 @imports(_from="os", _import="environ")
61 @imports(_from="os", _import="pathsep")
62 def pkg_config_vars(target, sysroot_path, multiarch_dir):
63     if sysroot_path and target.kernel != "Darwin":
64         pkgconfig_dirs = [
65             "usr/lib/pkgconfig",
66             "usr/lib/{}/pkgconfig".format(multiarch_dir),
67             "usr/share/pkgconfig",
68         ]
69         if target.bitness == 64:
70             pkgconfig_dirs.insert(0, "usr/lib64/pkgconfig")
71         return namespace(
72             PKG_CONFIG_PATH="",
73             PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR=sysroot_path,
74             PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR=pathsep.join(
75                 os.path.join(sysroot_path, d) for d in pkgconfig_dirs
76             ),
77         )
80 @depends(pkg_config_vars)
81 @imports(_from="os", _import="environ")
82 def pkg_config_env(vars):
83     if vars:
84         env = dict(environ)
85         env["PKG_CONFIG_PATH"] = vars.PKG_CONFIG_PATH
87         env["PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR"] = vars.PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR
88         return env
91 set_config("PKG_CONFIG_PATH", pkg_config_vars.PKG_CONFIG_PATH)
92 set_config("PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR", pkg_config_vars.PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR)
93 set_config("PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR", pkg_config_vars.PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR)
96 # Locates the given module using pkg-config.
97 # - `var` determines the name of variables to set when the package is found.
98 #   <var>_CFLAGS and <var>_LIBS are set with corresponding values.
99 # - `package_desc` package name and version requirement string, list of
100 #   strings describing packages to locate, or depends function that will
101 #   resolve to such a string or list of strings.
102 # - `when` a depends function that will determine whether to perform
103 #   any checks (default is to always perform checks).
104 # - `allow_missing` If set, failure to fulfill the package description
105 #   will not result in an error or logged message, and any error message
106 #   will be returned to the caller.
107 #   Returns `True` when the package description is fulfilled.
108 @template
109 def pkg_check_modules(
110     var,
111     package_desc,
112     when=always,
113     allow_missing=False,
114     config=True,
115     cflags_only=False,
117     @depends(dependable(package_desc), when=when)
118     def package_desc(desc):
119         if isinstance(desc, str):
120             desc = [desc]
121         if not isinstance(desc, (tuple, list)):
122             configure_error(
123                 "package_desc must be a string or a tuple or list of strings"
124             )
126         return " ".join(desc)
128     allow_missing = dependable(allow_missing)
130     @depends(when, when=use_pkg_config)
131     def when_and_use_pkg_config(when):
132         return when
134     @depends(pkg_config, pkg_config_version, when=when_and_use_pkg_config)
135     def check_pkg_config(pkg_config, version):
136         min_version = "0.9.0"
137         if pkg_config is None:
138             die(
139                 "*** The pkg-config script could not be found. Make sure it is\n"
140                 "*** in your path, or set the PKG_CONFIG environment variable\n"
141                 "*** to the full path to pkg-config."
142             )
143         if version < min_version:
144             die(
145                 "*** Your version of pkg-config is too old. You need version %s or newer.",
146                 min_version,
147             )
149     @depends(
150         pkg_config,
151         pkg_config_env,
152         package_desc,
153         allow_missing,
154         when=when_and_use_pkg_config,
155     )
156     @imports("sys")
157     @imports(_from="mozbuild.configure.util", _import="LineIO")
158     def package(pkg_config, env, package_desc, allow_missing):
159         # package_desc may start as a depends function, so we can't use
160         # @checking here.
161         log.info("checking for %s... " % package_desc)
162         retcode, stdout, stderr = get_cmd_output(
163             pkg_config,
164             "--errors-to-stdout",
165             "--print-errors",
166             package_desc,
167             env=env,
168         )
169         if retcode == 0:
170             log.info("yes")
171             return True
172         log.info("no")
173         log_writer = log.warning if allow_missing else log.error
174         with LineIO(lambda l: log_writer(l)) as o:
175             o.write(stdout)
176         if not allow_missing:
177             sys.exit(1)
179     @depends(
180         pkg_config, pkg_config_env, package_desc, pkg_config_base_flags, when=package
181     )
182     @checking("%s_CFLAGS" % var, callback=lambda t: " ".join(t))
183     def pkg_cflags(pkg_config, env, package_desc, base_flags):
184         args = list(base_flags) + ["--cflags", package_desc]
185         flags = check_cmd_output(pkg_config, *args, env=env)
186         return tuple(flags.split())
188     if cflags_only:
190         @depends(pkg_cflags, when=package)
191         def pkg_info(cflags):
192             return namespace(cflags=cflags)
194     else:
196         @depends(
197             pkg_config,
198             pkg_config_env,
199             package_desc,
200             pkg_config_base_flags,
201             when=package,
202         )
203         @checking("%s_LIBS" % var, callback=lambda t: " ".join(t))
204         def pkg_libs(pkg_config, env, package_desc, base_flags):
205             args = list(base_flags) + ["--libs", package_desc]
206             libs = check_cmd_output(pkg_config, *args, env=env)
207             # Remove evil flags like -Wl,--export-dynamic
208             return tuple(libs.replace("-Wl,--export-dynamic", "").split())
210         @depends(pkg_cflags, pkg_libs, when=package)
211         def pkg_info(cflags, libs):
212             return namespace(cflags=cflags, libs=libs)
214     if config:
215         set_config("%s_CFLAGS" % var, pkg_cflags)
216         if not cflags_only:
217             set_config("%s_LIBS" % var, pkg_libs)
219     return pkg_info