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[gecko.git] / widget / nsPrimitiveHelpers.cpp
1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
3 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
8 //
9 // Part of the reason these routines are all in once place is so that as new
10 // data flavors are added that are known to be one-byte or two-byte strings, or even
11 // raw binary data, then we just have to go to one place to change how the data
12 // moves into/out of the primitives and native line endings.
14 // If you add new flavors that have special consideration (binary data or one-byte
15 // char* strings), please update all the helper classes in this file.
17 // For now, this is the assumption that we are making:
18 // - text/plain is always a char*
19 // - anything else is a char16_t*
23 #include "nsPrimitiveHelpers.h"
24 #include "nsCOMPtr.h"
25 #include "nsXPCOM.h"
26 #include "nsISupportsPrimitives.h"
27 #include "nsITransferable.h"
28 #include "nsIComponentManager.h"
29 #include "nsLinebreakConverter.h"
30 #include "nsReadableUtils.h"
32 #include "nsIServiceManager.h"
33 // unicode conversion
34 #include "nsIPlatformCharset.h"
35 #include "nsIUnicodeDecoder.h"
36 #include "nsISaveAsCharset.h"
37 #include "nsAutoPtr.h"
38 #include "mozilla/Likely.h"
39 #include "mozilla/dom/EncodingUtils.h"
41 using mozilla::dom::EncodingUtils;
45 // CreatePrimitiveForData
47 // Given some data and the flavor it corresponds to, creates the appropriate
48 // nsISupports* wrapper for passing across IDL boundaries. Right now, everything
49 // creates a two-byte |nsISupportsString|, except for "text/plain" and native
50 // platform HTML (CF_HTML on win32)
52 void
53 nsPrimitiveHelpers :: CreatePrimitiveForData ( const char* aFlavor, const void* aDataBuff,
54 uint32_t aDataLen, nsISupports** aPrimitive )
56 if ( !aPrimitive )
57 return;
59 if ( strcmp(aFlavor,kTextMime) == 0 || strcmp(aFlavor,kNativeHTMLMime) == 0 ) {
60 nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsCString> primitive =
62 if ( primitive ) {
63 const char * start = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(aDataBuff);
64 primitive->SetData(Substring(start, start + aDataLen));
65 NS_ADDREF(*aPrimitive = primitive);
68 else {
69 nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsString> primitive =
71 if (primitive ) {
72 if (aDataLen % 2) {
73 nsAutoArrayPtr<char> buffer(new char[aDataLen + 1]);
74 if (!MOZ_LIKELY(buffer))
75 return;
77 memcpy(buffer, aDataBuff, aDataLen);
78 buffer[aDataLen] = 0;
79 const char16_t* start = reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(buffer.get());
80 // recall that length takes length as characters, not bytes
81 primitive->SetData(Substring(start, start + (aDataLen + 1) / 2));
82 } else {
83 const char16_t* start = reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(aDataBuff);
84 // recall that length takes length as characters, not bytes
85 primitive->SetData(Substring(start, start + (aDataLen / 2)));
87 NS_ADDREF(*aPrimitive = primitive);
91 } // CreatePrimitiveForData
95 // CreateDataFromPrimitive
97 // Given a nsISupports* primitive and the flavor it represents, creates a new data
98 // buffer with the data in it. This data will be null terminated, but the length
99 // parameter does not reflect that.
101 void
102 nsPrimitiveHelpers :: CreateDataFromPrimitive ( const char* aFlavor, nsISupports* aPrimitive,
103 void** aDataBuff, uint32_t aDataLen )
105 if ( !aDataBuff )
106 return;
108 *aDataBuff = nullptr;
110 if ( strcmp(aFlavor,kTextMime) == 0 ) {
111 nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsCString> plainText ( do_QueryInterface(aPrimitive) );
112 if ( plainText ) {
113 nsAutoCString data;
114 plainText->GetData ( data );
115 *aDataBuff = ToNewCString(data);
118 else {
119 nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsString> doubleByteText ( do_QueryInterface(aPrimitive) );
120 if ( doubleByteText ) {
121 nsAutoString data;
122 doubleByteText->GetData ( data );
123 *aDataBuff = ToNewUnicode(data);
131 // ConvertUnicodeToPlatformPlainText
133 // Given a unicode buffer (flavor text/unicode), this converts it to plain text using
134 // the appropriate platform charset encoding. |inUnicodeLen| is the length of the input
135 // string, not the # of bytes in the buffer. The |outPlainTextData| is null terminated,
136 // but its length parameter, |outPlainTextLen|, does not reflect that.
138 nsresult
139 nsPrimitiveHelpers :: ConvertUnicodeToPlatformPlainText ( char16_t* inUnicode, int32_t inUnicodeLen,
140 char** outPlainTextData, int32_t* outPlainTextLen )
142 if ( !outPlainTextData || !outPlainTextLen )
145 // get the charset
146 nsresult rv;
147 nsCOMPtr <nsIPlatformCharset> platformCharsetService = do_GetService(NS_PLATFORMCHARSET_CONTRACTID, &rv);
149 nsAutoCString platformCharset;
150 if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
151 rv = platformCharsetService->GetCharset(kPlatformCharsetSel_PlainTextInClipboard, platformCharset);
152 if (NS_FAILED(rv))
153 platformCharset.AssignLiteral("ISO-8859-1");
155 // use transliterate to convert things like smart quotes to normal quotes for plain text
157 nsCOMPtr<nsISaveAsCharset> converter = do_CreateInstance("@mozilla.org/intl/saveascharset;1", &rv);
158 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
160 rv = converter->Init(platformCharset.get(),
161 nsISaveAsCharset::attr_EntityAfterCharsetConv +
162 nsISaveAsCharset::attr_FallbackQuestionMark,
163 nsIEntityConverter::transliterate);
164 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
166 rv = converter->Convert(inUnicode, outPlainTextData);
167 *outPlainTextLen = *outPlainTextData ? strlen(*outPlainTextData) : 0;
169 NS_ASSERTION ( NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "Error converting unicode to plain text" );
171 return rv;
172 } // ConvertUnicodeToPlatformPlainText
176 // ConvertPlatformPlainTextToUnicode
178 // Given a char buffer (flavor text/plaikn), this converts it to unicode using
179 // the appropriate platform charset encoding. |outUnicode| is null terminated,
180 // but its length parameter, |outUnicodeLen|, does not reflect that. |outUnicodeLen| is
181 // the length of the string in characters, not bytes.
183 nsresult
184 nsPrimitiveHelpers :: ConvertPlatformPlainTextToUnicode ( const char* inText, int32_t inTextLen,
185 char16_t** outUnicode, int32_t* outUnicodeLen )
187 if ( !outUnicode || !outUnicodeLen )
190 // Get the appropriate unicode decoder. We're guaranteed that this won't change
191 // through the life of the app so we can cache it.
192 nsresult rv = NS_OK;
193 static nsCOMPtr<nsIUnicodeDecoder> decoder;
194 static bool hasConverter = false;
195 if ( !hasConverter ) {
196 // get the charset
197 nsAutoCString platformCharset;
198 nsCOMPtr <nsIPlatformCharset> platformCharsetService = do_GetService(NS_PLATFORMCHARSET_CONTRACTID, &rv);
199 if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
200 rv = platformCharsetService->GetCharset(kPlatformCharsetSel_PlainTextInClipboard, platformCharset);
201 if (NS_FAILED(rv))
202 platformCharset.AssignLiteral("windows-1252");
204 decoder = EncodingUtils::DecoderForEncoding(platformCharset);
206 hasConverter = true;
209 // Estimate out length and allocate the buffer based on a worst-case estimate, then do
210 // the conversion.
211 decoder->GetMaxLength(inText, inTextLen, outUnicodeLen); // |outUnicodeLen| is number of chars
212 if ( *outUnicodeLen ) {
213 *outUnicode = reinterpret_cast<char16_t*>(nsMemory::Alloc((*outUnicodeLen + 1) * sizeof(char16_t)));
214 if ( *outUnicode ) {
215 rv = decoder->Convert(inText, &inTextLen, *outUnicode, outUnicodeLen);
216 (*outUnicode)[*outUnicodeLen] = '\0'; // null terminate. Convert() doesn't do it for us
218 } // if valid length
220 NS_ASSERTION ( NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "Error converting plain text to unicode" );
222 return rv;
223 } // ConvertPlatformPlainTextToUnicode
227 // ConvertPlatformToDOMLinebreaks
229 // Given some data, convert from the platform linebreaks into the LF expected by the
230 // DOM. This will attempt to convert the data in place, but the buffer may still need to
231 // be reallocated regardless (disposing the old buffer is taken care of internally, see
232 // the note below).
234 // NOTE: this assumes that it can use nsMemory to dispose of the old buffer.
236 nsresult
237 nsLinebreakHelpers :: ConvertPlatformToDOMLinebreaks ( const char* inFlavor, void** ioData,
238 int32_t* ioLengthInBytes )
240 NS_ASSERTION ( ioData && *ioData && ioLengthInBytes, "Bad Params");
241 if ( !(ioData && *ioData && ioLengthInBytes) )
244 nsresult retVal = NS_OK;
246 if ( strcmp(inFlavor, "text/plain") == 0 ) {
247 char* buffAsChars = reinterpret_cast<char*>(*ioData);
248 char* oldBuffer = buffAsChars;
249 retVal = nsLinebreakConverter::ConvertLineBreaksInSitu ( &buffAsChars, nsLinebreakConverter::eLinebreakAny,
250 nsLinebreakConverter::eLinebreakContent,
251 *ioLengthInBytes, ioLengthInBytes );
252 if ( NS_SUCCEEDED(retVal) ) {
253 if ( buffAsChars != oldBuffer ) // check if buffer was reallocated
254 nsMemory::Free ( oldBuffer );
255 *ioData = buffAsChars;
258 else if ( strcmp(inFlavor, "image/jpeg") == 0 ) {
259 // I'd assume we don't want to do anything for binary data....
261 else {
262 char16_t* buffAsUnichar = reinterpret_cast<char16_t*>(*ioData);
263 char16_t* oldBuffer = buffAsUnichar;
264 int32_t newLengthInChars;
265 retVal = nsLinebreakConverter::ConvertUnicharLineBreaksInSitu ( &buffAsUnichar, nsLinebreakConverter::eLinebreakAny,
266 nsLinebreakConverter::eLinebreakContent,
267 *ioLengthInBytes / sizeof(char16_t), &newLengthInChars );
268 if ( NS_SUCCEEDED(retVal) ) {
269 if ( buffAsUnichar != oldBuffer ) // check if buffer was reallocated
270 nsMemory::Free ( oldBuffer );
271 *ioData = buffAsUnichar;
272 *ioLengthInBytes = newLengthInChars * sizeof(char16_t);
276 return retVal;
278 } // ConvertPlatformToDOMLinebreaks