Bug 1874684 - Part 38: Enable now passing tests. r=allstarschh
[gecko.git] / docshell / base / CanonicalBrowsingContext.h
1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
2 /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
3 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
7 #ifndef mozilla_dom_CanonicalBrowsingContext_h
8 #define mozilla_dom_CanonicalBrowsingContext_h
10 #include "mozilla/dom/BrowsingContext.h"
11 #include "mozilla/dom/MediaControlKeySource.h"
12 #include "mozilla/dom/BrowsingContextWebProgress.h"
13 #include "mozilla/dom/ProcessIsolation.h"
14 #include "mozilla/dom/Promise.h"
15 #include "mozilla/dom/SessionHistoryEntry.h"
16 #include "mozilla/dom/SessionStoreRestoreData.h"
17 #include "mozilla/dom/SessionStoreUtils.h"
18 #include "mozilla/dom/ipc/IdType.h"
19 #include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
20 #include "mozilla/MozPromise.h"
21 #include "nsCycleCollectionParticipant.h"
22 #include "nsWrapperCache.h"
23 #include "nsTArray.h"
24 #include "nsTHashtable.h"
25 #include "nsHashKeys.h"
26 #include "nsISecureBrowserUI.h"
28 class nsIBrowserDOMWindow;
29 class nsISHistory;
30 class nsIWidget;
31 class nsIPrintSettings;
32 class nsSHistory;
33 class nsBrowserStatusFilter;
34 class nsSecureBrowserUI;
35 class CallerWillNotifyHistoryIndexAndLengthChanges;
36 class nsITimer;
38 namespace mozilla {
39 enum class CallState;
40 class BounceTrackingState;
42 namespace embedding {
43 class PrintData;
46 namespace net {
47 class DocumentLoadListener;
50 namespace dom {
52 class BrowserParent;
53 class BrowserBridgeParent;
54 class FeaturePolicy;
55 struct LoadURIOptions;
56 class MediaController;
57 struct LoadingSessionHistoryInfo;
58 class SSCacheCopy;
59 class WindowGlobalParent;
60 class SessionStoreFormData;
61 class SessionStoreScrollData;
63 // CanonicalBrowsingContext is a BrowsingContext living in the parent
64 // process, with whatever extra data that a BrowsingContext in the
65 // parent needs.
66 class CanonicalBrowsingContext final : public BrowsingContext {
67 public:
70 CanonicalBrowsingContext, BrowsingContext)
72 static already_AddRefed<CanonicalBrowsingContext> Get(uint64_t aId);
73 static CanonicalBrowsingContext* Cast(BrowsingContext* aContext);
74 static const CanonicalBrowsingContext* Cast(const BrowsingContext* aContext);
75 static already_AddRefed<CanonicalBrowsingContext> Cast(
76 already_AddRefed<BrowsingContext>&& aContext);
78 bool IsOwnedByProcess(uint64_t aProcessId) const {
79 return mProcessId == aProcessId;
81 bool IsEmbeddedInProcess(uint64_t aProcessId) const {
82 return mEmbedderProcessId == aProcessId;
84 uint64_t OwnerProcessId() const { return mProcessId; }
85 uint64_t EmbedderProcessId() const { return mEmbedderProcessId; }
86 ContentParent* GetContentParent() const;
88 void GetCurrentRemoteType(nsACString& aRemoteType, ErrorResult& aRv) const;
90 void SetOwnerProcessId(uint64_t aProcessId);
92 // The ID of the BrowsingContext which caused this BrowsingContext to be
93 // opened, or `0` if this is unknown.
94 // Only set for toplevel content BrowsingContexts, and may be from a different
95 // BrowsingContextGroup.
96 uint64_t GetCrossGroupOpenerId() const { return mCrossGroupOpenerId; }
97 void SetCrossGroupOpenerId(uint64_t aOpenerId);
98 void SetCrossGroupOpener(CanonicalBrowsingContext& aCrossGroupOpener,
99 ErrorResult& aRv);
101 void GetWindowGlobals(nsTArray<RefPtr<WindowGlobalParent>>& aWindows);
103 // The current active WindowGlobal.
104 WindowGlobalParent* GetCurrentWindowGlobal() const;
106 // Same as the methods on `BrowsingContext`, but with the types already cast
107 // to the parent process type.
108 CanonicalBrowsingContext* GetParent() {
109 return Cast(BrowsingContext::GetParent());
111 CanonicalBrowsingContext* Top() { return Cast(BrowsingContext::Top()); }
112 WindowGlobalParent* GetParentWindowContext();
113 WindowGlobalParent* GetTopWindowContext();
115 already_AddRefed<nsIWidget> GetParentProcessWidgetContaining();
116 already_AddRefed<nsIBrowserDOMWindow> GetBrowserDOMWindow();
118 // Same as `GetParentWindowContext`, but will also cross <browser> and
119 // content/chrome boundaries.
120 already_AddRefed<WindowGlobalParent> GetEmbedderWindowGlobal() const;
122 CanonicalBrowsingContext* GetParentCrossChromeBoundary();
123 CanonicalBrowsingContext* TopCrossChromeBoundary();
124 Nullable<WindowProxyHolder> GetTopChromeWindow();
126 nsISHistory* GetSessionHistory();
127 SessionHistoryEntry* GetActiveSessionHistoryEntry();
128 void SetActiveSessionHistoryEntry(SessionHistoryEntry* aEntry);
130 bool ManuallyManagesActiveness() const;
132 UniquePtr<LoadingSessionHistoryInfo> CreateLoadingSessionHistoryEntryForLoad(
133 nsDocShellLoadState* aLoadState, SessionHistoryEntry* aExistingEntry,
134 nsIChannel* aChannel);
136 UniquePtr<LoadingSessionHistoryInfo> ReplaceLoadingSessionHistoryEntryForLoad(
137 LoadingSessionHistoryInfo* aInfo, nsIChannel* aNewChannel);
139 using PrintPromise =
140 MozPromise<MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext, nsresult, false>;
141 MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT RefPtr<PrintPromise> Print(nsIPrintSettings*);
142 MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT already_AddRefed<Promise> PrintJS(nsIPrintSettings*,
143 ErrorResult&);
144 MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT RefPtr<PrintPromise> PrintWithNoContentAnalysis(
145 nsIPrintSettings* aPrintSettings, bool aForceStaticDocument,
146 const MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext& aClonedStaticBrowsingContext);
147 MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT void ReleaseClonedPrint(
148 const MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext& aClonedStaticBrowsingContext);
149 // Call the given callback on all top-level descendant BrowsingContexts.
150 // Return Callstate::Stop from the callback to stop calling further children.
152 // If aIncludeNestedBrowsers is true, then all top descendants are included,
153 // even those inside a nested top browser.
154 void CallOnAllTopDescendants(
155 const FunctionRef<CallState(CanonicalBrowsingContext*)>& aCallback,
156 bool aIncludeNestedBrowsers);
158 void SessionHistoryCommit(uint64_t aLoadId, const nsID& aChangeID,
159 uint32_t aLoadType, bool aPersist,
160 bool aCloneEntryChildren, bool aChannelExpired,
161 uint32_t aCacheKey);
163 // Calls the session history listeners' OnHistoryReload, storing the result in
164 // aCanReload. If aCanReload is set to true and we have an active or a loading
165 // entry then aLoadState will be initialized from that entry, and
166 // aReloadActiveEntry will be true if we have an active entry. If aCanReload
167 // is true and aLoadState and aReloadActiveEntry are not set then we should
168 // attempt to reload based on the current document in the docshell.
169 void NotifyOnHistoryReload(
170 bool aForceReload, bool& aCanReload,
171 Maybe<NotNull<RefPtr<nsDocShellLoadState>>>& aLoadState,
172 Maybe<bool>& aReloadActiveEntry);
174 // See BrowsingContext::SetActiveSessionHistoryEntry.
175 void SetActiveSessionHistoryEntry(const Maybe<nsPoint>& aPreviousScrollPos,
176 SessionHistoryInfo* aInfo,
177 uint32_t aLoadType,
178 uint32_t aUpdatedCacheKey,
179 const nsID& aChangeID);
181 void ReplaceActiveSessionHistoryEntry(SessionHistoryInfo* aInfo);
183 void RemoveDynEntriesFromActiveSessionHistoryEntry();
185 void RemoveFromSessionHistory(const nsID& aChangeID);
187 Maybe<int32_t> HistoryGo(int32_t aOffset, uint64_t aHistoryEpoch,
188 bool aRequireUserInteraction, bool aUserActivation,
189 Maybe<ContentParentId> aContentId);
191 JSObject* WrapObject(JSContext* aCx,
192 JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto) override;
194 // Dispatches a wheel zoom change to the embedder element.
195 void DispatchWheelZoomChange(bool aIncrease);
197 // This function is used to start the autoplay media which are delayed to
198 // start. If needed, it would also notify the content browsing context which
199 // are related with the canonical browsing content tree to start delayed
200 // autoplay media.
201 void NotifyStartDelayedAutoplayMedia();
203 // This function is used to mute or unmute all media within a tab. It would
204 // set the media mute property for the top level window and propagate it to
205 // other top level windows in other processes.
206 void NotifyMediaMutedChanged(bool aMuted, ErrorResult& aRv);
208 // Return the number of unique site origins by iterating all given BCs,
209 // including their subtrees.
210 static uint32_t CountSiteOrigins(
211 GlobalObject& aGlobal,
212 const Sequence<mozilla::OwningNonNull<BrowsingContext>>& aRoots);
214 // Return true if a private browsing session is active.
215 static bool IsPrivateBrowsingActive();
217 // This function would propogate the action to its all child browsing contexts
218 // in content processes.
219 void UpdateMediaControlAction(const MediaControlAction& aAction);
221 // Triggers a load in the process
222 using BrowsingContext::LoadURI;
223 void FixupAndLoadURIString(const nsAString& aURI,
224 const LoadURIOptions& aOptions,
225 ErrorResult& aError);
226 void LoadURI(nsIURI* aURI, const LoadURIOptions& aOptions,
227 ErrorResult& aError);
229 void GoBack(const Optional<int32_t>& aCancelContentJSEpoch,
230 bool aRequireUserInteraction, bool aUserActivation);
231 void GoForward(const Optional<int32_t>& aCancelContentJSEpoch,
232 bool aRequireUserInteraction, bool aUserActivation);
233 void GoToIndex(int32_t aIndex, const Optional<int32_t>& aCancelContentJSEpoch,
234 bool aUserActivation);
235 void Reload(uint32_t aReloadFlags);
236 void Stop(uint32_t aStopFlags);
238 // Get the publicly exposed current URI loaded in this BrowsingContext.
239 already_AddRefed<nsIURI> GetCurrentURI() const;
240 void SetCurrentRemoteURI(nsIURI* aCurrentRemoteURI);
242 BrowserParent* GetBrowserParent() const;
243 void SetCurrentBrowserParent(BrowserParent* aBrowserParent);
245 // Internal method to change which process a BrowsingContext is being loaded
246 // in. The returned promise will resolve when the process switch is completed.
248 // A NOT_REMOTE_TYPE aRemoteType argument will perform a process switch into
249 // the parent process, and the method will resolve with a null BrowserParent.
250 using RemotenessPromise = MozPromise<RefPtr<BrowserParent>, nsresult, false>;
251 RefPtr<RemotenessPromise> ChangeRemoteness(
252 const NavigationIsolationOptions& aOptions, uint64_t aPendingSwitchId);
254 // Return a media controller from the top-level browsing context that can
255 // control all media belonging to this browsing context tree. Return nullptr
256 // if the top-level browsing context has been discarded.
257 MediaController* GetMediaController();
258 bool HasCreatedMediaController() const;
260 // Attempts to start loading the given load state in this BrowsingContext,
261 // without requiring any communication from a docshell. This will handle
262 // computing the right process to load in, and organising handoff to
263 // the right docshell when we get a response.
264 bool LoadInParent(nsDocShellLoadState* aLoadState, bool aSetNavigating);
266 // Attempts to start loading the given load state in this BrowsingContext,
267 // in parallel with a DocumentChannelChild being created in the docshell.
268 // Requires the DocumentChannel to connect with this load for it to
269 // complete successfully.
270 bool AttemptSpeculativeLoadInParent(nsDocShellLoadState* aLoadState);
272 // Get or create a secure browser UI for this BrowsingContext
273 nsISecureBrowserUI* GetSecureBrowserUI();
275 BrowsingContextWebProgress* GetWebProgress() { return mWebProgress; }
277 // Called when the current URI changes (from an
278 // nsIWebProgressListener::OnLocationChange event, so that we
279 // can update our security UI for the new location, or when the
280 // mixed content/https-only state for our current window is changed.
281 void UpdateSecurityState();
283 void MaybeAddAsProgressListener(nsIWebProgress* aWebProgress);
285 // Called when a navigation forces us to recreate our browsing
286 // context (for example, when switching in or out of the parent
287 // process).
288 // aNewContext is the newly created BrowsingContext that is replacing
289 // us.
290 void ReplacedBy(CanonicalBrowsingContext* aNewContext,
291 const NavigationIsolationOptions& aRemotenessOptions);
293 bool HasHistoryEntry(nsISHEntry* aEntry);
294 bool HasLoadingHistoryEntry(nsISHEntry* aEntry) {
295 for (const LoadingSessionHistoryEntry& loading : mLoadingEntries) {
296 if (loading.mEntry == aEntry) {
297 return true;
300 return false;
303 void SwapHistoryEntries(nsISHEntry* aOldEntry, nsISHEntry* aNewEntry);
305 void AddLoadingSessionHistoryEntry(uint64_t aLoadId,
306 SessionHistoryEntry* aEntry);
308 void GetLoadingSessionHistoryInfoFromParent(
309 Maybe<LoadingSessionHistoryInfo>& aLoadingInfo);
311 void HistoryCommitIndexAndLength();
313 void SynchronizeLayoutHistoryState();
315 void ResetScalingZoom();
317 void SetContainerFeaturePolicy(FeaturePolicy* aContainerFeaturePolicy);
318 FeaturePolicy* GetContainerFeaturePolicy() const {
319 return mContainerFeaturePolicy;
322 void SetRestoreData(SessionStoreRestoreData* aData, ErrorResult& aError);
323 void ClearRestoreState();
324 MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT_BOUNDARY void RequestRestoreTabContent(
325 WindowGlobalParent* aWindow);
326 already_AddRefed<Promise> GetRestorePromise();
328 nsresult WriteSessionStorageToSessionStore(
329 const nsTArray<SSCacheCopy>& aSesssionStorage, uint32_t aEpoch);
331 void UpdateSessionStoreSessionStorage(const std::function<void()>& aDone);
333 static void UpdateSessionStoreForStorage(uint64_t aBrowsingContextId);
335 // Called when a BrowserParent for this BrowsingContext has been fully
336 // destroyed (i.e. `ActorDestroy` was called).
337 void BrowserParentDestroyed(BrowserParent* aBrowserParent,
338 bool aAbnormalShutdown);
340 void StartUnloadingHost(uint64_t aChildID);
341 void ClearUnloadingHost(uint64_t aChildID);
343 bool AllowedInBFCache(const Maybe<uint64_t>& aChannelId, nsIURI* aNewURI);
345 // Methods for getting and setting the active state for top level
346 // browsing contexts, for the process priority manager.
347 bool IsPriorityActive() const {
349 return mPriorityActive;
351 void SetPriorityActive(bool aIsActive) {
353 mPriorityActive = aIsActive;
356 void SetIsActive(bool aIsActive, ErrorResult& aRv) {
357 MOZ_ASSERT(ManuallyManagesActiveness(),
358 "Shouldn't be setting active status of this browsing context if "
359 "not manually managed");
360 SetIsActiveInternal(aIsActive, aRv);
363 void SetIsActiveInternal(bool aIsActive, ErrorResult& aRv) {
364 SetExplicitActive(aIsActive ? ExplicitActiveStatus::Active
365 : ExplicitActiveStatus::Inactive,
366 aRv);
369 void SetTouchEventsOverride(dom::TouchEventsOverride, ErrorResult& aRv);
370 void SetTargetTopLevelLinkClicksToBlank(bool aTargetTopLevelLinkClicksToBlank,
371 ErrorResult& aRv);
373 bool IsReplaced() const { return mIsReplaced; }
375 const JS::Heap<JS::Value>& PermanentKey() { return mPermanentKey; }
376 void ClearPermanentKey() { mPermanentKey.setNull(); }
377 void MaybeSetPermanentKey(Element* aEmbedder);
379 // When request for page awake, it would increase a count that is used to
380 // prevent whole browsing context tree from being suspended. The request can
381 // be called multiple times. When calling the revoke, it would decrease the
382 // count and once the count reaches to zero, the browsing context tree could
383 // be suspended when the tree is inactive.
384 void AddPageAwakeRequest();
385 void RemovePageAwakeRequest();
387 void CloneDocumentTreeInto(CanonicalBrowsingContext* aSource,
388 const nsACString& aRemoteType,
389 embedding::PrintData&& aPrintData);
391 // Returns a Promise which resolves when cloning documents for printing
392 // finished if this browsing context is cloning document tree.
393 RefPtr<GenericNonExclusivePromise> GetClonePromise() const {
394 return mClonePromise;
397 bool StartApzAutoscroll(float aAnchorX, float aAnchorY, nsViewID aScrollId,
398 uint32_t aPresShellId);
399 void StopApzAutoscroll(nsViewID aScrollId, uint32_t aPresShellId);
401 void AddFinalDiscardListener(std::function<void(uint64_t)>&& aListener);
403 bool ForceAppWindowActive() const { return mForceAppWindowActive; }
404 void SetForceAppWindowActive(bool, ErrorResult&);
405 void RecomputeAppWindowVisibility();
407 already_AddRefed<nsISHEntry> GetMostRecentLoadingSessionHistoryEntry();
409 already_AddRefed<BounceTrackingState> GetBounceTrackingState();
411 protected:
412 // Called when the browsing context is being discarded.
413 void CanonicalDiscard();
415 // Called when the browsing context is being attached.
416 void CanonicalAttach();
418 // Called when the browsing context private mode is changed after
419 // being attached, but before being discarded.
420 void AdjustPrivateBrowsingCount(bool aPrivateBrowsing);
422 using Type = BrowsingContext::Type;
423 CanonicalBrowsingContext(WindowContext* aParentWindow,
424 BrowsingContextGroup* aGroup,
425 uint64_t aBrowsingContextId,
426 uint64_t aOwnerProcessId,
427 uint64_t aEmbedderProcessId, Type aType,
428 FieldValues&& aInit);
430 private:
431 friend class BrowsingContext;
433 virtual ~CanonicalBrowsingContext();
435 class PendingRemotenessChange {
436 public:
437 NS_INLINE_DECL_REFCOUNTING(PendingRemotenessChange)
439 PendingRemotenessChange(CanonicalBrowsingContext* aTarget,
440 RemotenessPromise::Private* aPromise,
441 uint64_t aPendingSwitchId,
442 const NavigationIsolationOptions& aOptions);
444 void Cancel(nsresult aRv);
446 private:
447 friend class CanonicalBrowsingContext;
449 ~PendingRemotenessChange();
450 void ProcessLaunched();
451 void ProcessReady();
452 void MaybeFinish();
453 void Clear();
455 nsresult FinishTopContent();
456 nsresult FinishSubframe();
458 RefPtr<CanonicalBrowsingContext> mTarget;
459 RefPtr<RemotenessPromise::Private> mPromise;
460 RefPtr<ContentParent> mContentParent;
461 RefPtr<BrowsingContextGroup> mSpecificGroup;
463 bool mProcessReady = false;
464 bool mWaitingForPrepareToChange = false;
466 uint64_t mPendingSwitchId;
467 NavigationIsolationOptions mOptions;
470 struct RestoreState {
473 void ClearData() { mData = nullptr; }
474 void Resolve();
476 RefPtr<SessionStoreRestoreData> mData;
477 RefPtr<Promise> mPromise;
478 uint32_t mRequests = 0;
479 uint32_t mResolves = 0;
481 private:
482 ~RestoreState() = default;
485 friend class net::DocumentLoadListener;
486 // Called when a DocumentLoadListener is created to start a load for
487 // this browsing context. Returns false if a higher priority load is
488 // already in-progress and the new one has been rejected.
489 bool StartDocumentLoad(net::DocumentLoadListener* aLoad);
490 // Called once DocumentLoadListener completes handling a load, and it
491 // is either complete, or handed off to the final channel to deliver
492 // data to the destination docshell.
493 // If aContinueNavigating it set, the reference to the DocumentLoadListener
494 // will be cleared to prevent it being cancelled, however the current load ID
495 // will be preserved until `EndDocumentLoad` is called again.
496 void EndDocumentLoad(bool aContinueNavigating);
498 bool SupportsLoadingInParent(nsDocShellLoadState* aLoadState,
499 uint64_t* aOuterWindowId);
501 void HistoryCommitIndexAndLength(
502 const nsID& aChangeID,
503 const CallerWillNotifyHistoryIndexAndLengthChanges& aProofOfCaller);
505 struct UnloadingHost {
506 uint64_t mChildID;
507 nsTArray<std::function<void()>> mCallbacks;
509 nsTArray<UnloadingHost>::iterator FindUnloadingHost(uint64_t aChildID);
511 // Called when we want to show the subframe crashed UI as our previous browser
512 // has become unloaded for one reason or another.
513 void ShowSubframeCrashedUI(BrowserBridgeParent* aBridge);
515 void MaybeScheduleSessionStoreUpdate();
517 void CancelSessionStoreUpdate();
519 void AddPendingDiscard();
521 void RemovePendingDiscard();
523 bool ShouldAddEntryForRefresh(const SessionHistoryEntry* aEntry) {
524 return ShouldAddEntryForRefresh(aEntry->Info().GetURI(),
525 aEntry->Info().HasPostData());
527 bool ShouldAddEntryForRefresh(nsIURI* aNewURI, bool aHasPostData) {
528 nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> currentURI = GetCurrentURI();
529 return BrowsingContext::ShouldAddEntryForRefresh(currentURI, aNewURI,
530 aHasPostData);
533 already_AddRefed<nsDocShellLoadState> CreateLoadInfo(
534 SessionHistoryEntry* aEntry);
536 // XXX(farre): Store a ContentParent pointer here rather than mProcessId?
537 // Indicates which process owns the docshell.
538 uint64_t mProcessId;
540 // Indicates which process owns the embedder element.
541 uint64_t mEmbedderProcessId;
543 uint64_t mCrossGroupOpenerId = 0;
545 // This function will make the top window context reset its
546 // "SHEntryHasUserInteraction" cache that prevents documents from repeatedly
547 // setting user interaction on SH entries. Should be called anytime SH
548 // entries are added or replaced.
549 void ResetSHEntryHasUserInteractionCache();
551 RefPtr<BrowserParent> mCurrentBrowserParent;
553 nsTArray<UnloadingHost> mUnloadingHosts;
555 // The current URI loaded in this BrowsingContext. This value is only set for
556 // BrowsingContexts loaded in content processes.
557 nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> mCurrentRemoteURI;
559 // The current remoteness change which is in a pending state.
560 RefPtr<PendingRemotenessChange> mPendingRemotenessChange;
562 RefPtr<nsSHistory> mSessionHistory;
564 // Tab media controller is used to control all media existing in the same
565 // browsing context tree, so it would only exist in the top level browsing
566 // context.
567 RefPtr<MediaController> mTabMediaController;
569 RefPtr<net::DocumentLoadListener> mCurrentLoad;
571 struct LoadingSessionHistoryEntry {
572 uint64_t mLoadId = 0;
573 RefPtr<SessionHistoryEntry> mEntry;
575 nsTArray<LoadingSessionHistoryEntry> mLoadingEntries;
576 RefPtr<SessionHistoryEntry> mActiveEntry;
578 RefPtr<nsSecureBrowserUI> mSecureBrowserUI;
579 RefPtr<BrowsingContextWebProgress> mWebProgress;
581 nsCOMPtr<nsIWebProgressListener> mDocShellProgressBridge;
582 RefPtr<nsBrowserStatusFilter> mStatusFilter;
584 RefPtr<FeaturePolicy> mContainerFeaturePolicy;
586 friend class BrowserSessionStore;
587 WeakPtr<SessionStoreFormData>& GetSessionStoreFormDataRef() {
588 return mFormdata;
590 WeakPtr<SessionStoreScrollData>& GetSessionStoreScrollDataRef() {
591 return mScroll;
594 WeakPtr<SessionStoreFormData> mFormdata;
595 WeakPtr<SessionStoreScrollData> mScroll;
597 RefPtr<RestoreState> mRestoreState;
599 nsCOMPtr<nsITimer> mSessionStoreSessionStorageUpdateTimer;
601 // If this is a top level context, this is true if our browser ID is marked as
602 // active in the process priority manager.
603 bool mPriorityActive = false;
605 // See CanonicalBrowsingContext.forceAppWindowActive.
606 bool mForceAppWindowActive = false;
608 bool mIsReplaced = false;
610 // A Promise created when cloning documents for printing.
611 RefPtr<GenericNonExclusivePromise> mClonePromise;
613 JS::Heap<JS::Value> mPermanentKey;
615 uint32_t mPendingDiscards = 0;
617 bool mFullyDiscarded = false;
619 nsTArray<std::function<void(uint64_t)>> mFullyDiscardedListeners;
622 } // namespace dom
623 } // namespace mozilla
625 #endif // !defined(mozilla_dom_CanonicalBrowsingContext_h)