Bug 1869043 add a main thread record of track audio outputs r=padenot
[gecko.git] / build / moz.configure / bootstrap.configure
1 # -*- Mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 40 -*-
2 # vim: set filetype=python:
3 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
7 option(
8     env="MOZ_FETCHES_DIR",
9     nargs=1,
10     when="MOZ_AUTOMATION",
11     help="Directory containing fetched artifacts",
15 @depends("MOZ_FETCHES_DIR", when="MOZ_AUTOMATION")
16 def moz_fetches_dir(value):
17     if value:
18         return value[0]
21 @depends(vcs_checkout_type, milestone.is_nightly, "MOZ_AUTOMATION")
22 def bootstrap_default(vcs_checkout_type, is_nightly, automation):
23     if automation:
24         return False
25     # We only enable if building off a VCS checkout of central.
26     if is_nightly and vcs_checkout_type:
27         return True
30 option(
31     "--enable-bootstrap",
32     nargs="*",
33     default=bootstrap_default,
34     help="{Automatically bootstrap or update some toolchains|Disable bootstrap or update of toolchains}",
38 @depends_if("--enable-bootstrap")
39 def enable_bootstrap(bootstrap):
40     include = set()
41     exclude = set()
42     for item in bootstrap:
43         if item.startswith("-"):
44             exclude.add(item.lstrip("-"))
45         else:
46             include.add(item)
48     def match(name):
49         if name in exclude:
50             return False
51         if include and name in include:
52             return True
53         return not bool(include)
55     return match
58 @depends(developer_options, "--enable-bootstrap", moz_fetches_dir)
59 def bootstrap_search_path_order(developer_options, bootstrap, moz_fetches_dir):
60     if moz_fetches_dir:
61         log.debug("Prioritizing MOZ_FETCHES_DIR in toolchain path.")
62         return "prepend"
64     if bootstrap:
65         log.debug(
66             "Prioritizing mozbuild state dir in toolchain paths because "
67             "bootstrap mode is enabled."
68         )
69         return "maybe-prepend"
71     if developer_options:
72         log.debug(
73             "Prioritizing mozbuild state dir in toolchain paths because "
74             "you are not building in release mode."
75         )
76         return "prepend"
78     log.debug(
79         "Prioritizing system over mozbuild state dir in "
80         "toolchain paths because you are building in "
81         "release mode."
82     )
83     return "append"
86 toolchains_base_dir = moz_fetches_dir | mozbuild_state_path
89 @dependable
90 @imports("os")
91 @imports(_from="os", _import="environ")
92 def original_path():
93     return environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep)
96 @depends(host, when="--enable-bootstrap")
97 @imports("os")
98 @imports("traceback")
99 @imports(_from="mozbuild.toolchains", _import="toolchain_task_definitions")
100 @imports(_from="__builtin__", _import="Exception")
101 def bootstrap_toolchain_tasks(host):
102     prefix = {
103         ("x86_64", "GNU", "Linux"): "linux64",
104         ("x86_64", "OSX", "Darwin"): "macosx64",
105         ("aarch64", "OSX", "Darwin"): "macosx64-aarch64",
106         ("x86_64", "WINNT", "WINNT"): "win64",
107         ("aarch64", "WINNT", "WINNT"): "win64-aarch64",
108     }.get((host.cpu, host.os, host.kernel))
109     try:
110         tasks = toolchain_task_definitions()
111     except Exception as e:
112         message = traceback.format_exc()
113         log.warning(str(e))
114         log.debug(message)
115         return None
117     def task_data(t):
118         result = {
119             "index": t.optimization["index-search"],
120             "artifact": t.attributes["toolchain-artifact"],
121         }
122         command = t.attributes.get("toolchain-command")
123         if command:
124             result["command"] = command
125         return result
127     # We only want to use toolchains annotated with "local-toolchain". We also limit the
128     # amount of data to what we use, so that trace logs can be more useful.
129     tasks = {
130         k: task_data(t)
131         for k, t in tasks.items()
132         if t.attributes.get("local-toolchain") and "index-search" in t.optimization
133     }
135     return namespace(prefix=prefix, tasks=tasks)
138 @template
139 def bootstrap_path(path, **kwargs):
140     when = kwargs.pop("when", None)
141     allow_failure = kwargs.pop("allow_failure", None)
142     if kwargs:
143         configure_error(
144             "bootstrap_path only takes `when` and `allow_failure` as a keyword argument"
145         )
147     @depends(
148         enable_bootstrap,
149         toolchains_base_dir,
150         moz_fetches_dir,
151         bootstrap_toolchain_tasks,
152         build_environment,
153         dependable(path),
154         dependable(allow_failure),
155         when=when,
156     )
157     @imports("os")
158     @imports("subprocess")
159     @imports("sys")
160     @imports(_from="mozbuild.util", _import="ensureParentDir")
161     @imports(_from="importlib", _import="import_module")
162     @imports(_from="shutil", _import="rmtree")
163     @imports(_from="__builtin__", _import="open")
164     @imports(_from="__builtin__", _import="Exception")
165     def bootstrap_path(
166         bootstrap,
167         toolchains_base_dir,
168         moz_fetches_dir,
169         tasks,
170         build_env,
171         path,
172         allow_failure,
173     ):
174         if not path:
175             return
176         path_parts = path.split("/")
177         path_prefix = ""
178         # Small hack until clang-tidy stops being a separate toolchain in a
179         # weird location.
180         if path_parts[0] == "clang-tools":
181             path_prefix = path_parts.pop(0)
183         def try_bootstrap(exists):
184             if not tasks:
185                 return False
186             prefixes = [""]
187             if tasks.prefix:
188                 prefixes.insert(0, "{}-".format(tasks.prefix))
189             for prefix in prefixes:
190                 label = "toolchain-{}{}".format(prefix, path_parts[0])
191                 task = tasks.tasks.get(label)
192                 if task:
193                     break
194             log.debug("Trying to bootstrap %s", label)
195             if not task:
196                 return False
197             task_index = task["index"]
198             log.debug("Resolved %s to %s", label, task_index[0])
199             task_index = task_index[0].split(".")[-1]
200             artifact = task["artifact"]
201             # `mach artifact toolchain` doesn't support authentication for
202             # private artifacts. Some toolchains may provide a command that can be
203             # used for local production of the artifact.
204             command = None
205             if not artifact.startswith("public/"):
206                 command = task.get("command")
207                 if not command:
208                     log.debug("Cannot bootstrap %s: not a public artifact", label)
209                     return False
210             index_file = os.path.join(toolchains_base_dir, "indices", path_parts[0])
211             try:
212                 with open(index_file) as fh:
213                     index = fh.read().strip()
214             except Exception:
215                 # On automation, if there's an artifact in MOZ_FETCHES_DIR, we assume it's
216                 # up-to-date.
217                 index = task_index if moz_fetches_dir else None
218             if index == task_index and exists:
219                 log.debug("%s is up-to-date", label)
220                 return True
221             # Manually import with import_module so that we can gracefully disable bootstrap
222             # when e.g. building from a js standalone tarball, that doesn't contain the
223             # taskgraph code. In those cases, `mach artifact toolchain --from-build` would
224             # also fail.
225             task_id = None
226             if not command:
227                 try:
228                     IndexSearch = import_module(
229                         "taskgraph.optimize.strategies"
230                     ).IndexSearch
231                 except Exception:
232                     log.debug("Cannot bootstrap %s: missing taskgraph module", label)
233                     return False
234                 task_id = IndexSearch().should_replace_task(
235                     task, {}, None, task["index"]
236                 )
237             if task_id:
238                 # If we found the task in the index, use the `mach artifact toolchain`
239                 # fast path.
240                 command = [
241                     "artifact",
242                     "toolchain",
243                     "--from-task",
244                     f"{task_id}:{artifact}",
245                 ]
246             elif command:
247                 # For private local toolchains, run the associated command.
248                 command = (
249                     [
250                         "python",
251                         "--virtualenv",
252                         "build",
253                         os.path.join(
254                             build_env.topsrcdir,
255                             "taskcluster/scripts/misc",
256                             command["script"],
257                         ),
258                     ]
259                     + command["arguments"]
260                     + [path_parts[0]]
261                 )
262                 # Clean up anything that was bootstrapped previously before going
263                 # forward. In other cases, that's taken care of by mach artifact toolchain.
264                 rmtree(
265                     os.path.join(toolchains_base_dir, path_prefix, path_parts[0]),
266                     ignore_errors=True,
267                 )
268             else:
269                 # Otherwise, use the slower path, which will print a better error than
270                 # we would be able to.
271                 command = ["artifact", "toolchain", "--from-build", label]
273             log.info(
274                 "%s bootstrapped toolchain in %s",
275                 "Updating" if exists else "Installing",
276                 os.path.join(toolchains_base_dir, path_prefix, path_parts[0]),
277             )
278             os.makedirs(os.path.join(toolchains_base_dir, path_prefix), exist_ok=True)
279             proc = subprocess.run(
280                 [
281                     sys.executable,
282                     os.path.join(build_env.topsrcdir, "mach"),
283                     "--log-no-times",
284                 ]
285                 + command,
286                 cwd=os.path.join(toolchains_base_dir, path_prefix),
287                 check=not allow_failure,
288             )
289             if proc.returncode != 0 and allow_failure:
290                 return False
291             ensureParentDir(index_file)
292             with open(index_file, "w") as fh:
293                 fh.write(task_index)
294             return True
296         path = os.path.join(toolchains_base_dir, path_prefix, *path_parts)
297         if bootstrap and bootstrap(path_parts[0]):
298             try:
299                 if not try_bootstrap(os.path.exists(path)):
300                     # If there aren't toolchain artifacts to use for this build,
301                     # don't return a path.
302                     return None
303             except Exception as e:
304                 log.error("%s", e)
305                 die("If you can't fix the above, retry with --disable-bootstrap.")
306         # We re-test whether the path exists because it may have been created by
307         # try_bootstrap. Automation will not have gone through the bootstrap
308         # process, but we want to return the path if it exists.
309         if os.path.exists(path):
310             return path
312     return bootstrap_path
315 @template
316 def bootstrap_search_path(path, paths=original_path, **kwargs):
317     @depends(
318         enable_bootstrap,
319         bootstrap_path(path, **kwargs),
320         bootstrap_search_path_order,
321         paths,
322         original_path,
323     )
324     def bootstrap_search_path(bootstrap, path, order, paths, original_path):
325         if paths is None:
326             paths = original_path
327         if not path:
328             return paths
329         if order == "maybe-prepend":
330             if bootstrap(path.split("/")[0]):
331                 order = "prepend"
332             else:
333                 order = "append"
334         if order == "prepend":
335             return [path] + paths
336         return paths + [path]
338     return bootstrap_search_path