Bumping gaia.json for 2 gaia revision(s) a=gaia-bump
[gecko.git] / build / gen_mach_buildprops.py
1 #!/usr/bin/python
3 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
7 import sys
8 import os
9 import hashlib
10 import json
11 import re
12 import errno
13 from argparse import ArgumentParser
15 def getFileHashAndSize(filename):
16 sha512Hash = 'UNKNOWN'
17 size = 'UNKNOWN'
19 try:
20 # open in binary mode to make sure we get consistent results
21 # across all platforms
22 f = open(filename, "rb")
23 shaObj = hashlib.sha512(f.read())
24 sha512Hash = shaObj.hexdigest()
26 size = os.path.getsize(filename)
27 except:
28 pass
30 return (sha512Hash, size)
32 def getMarProperties(filename, partial=False):
33 if not os.path.exists(filename):
34 return {}
35 (mar_hash, mar_size) = getFileHashAndSize(filename)
36 martype = 'partial' if partial else 'complete'
37 return {
38 '%sMarFilename' % martype: os.path.basename(filename),
39 '%sMarSize' % martype: mar_size,
40 '%sMarHash' % martype: mar_hash,
43 def getUrlProperties(filename, package):
44 # let's create a switch case using name-spaces/dict
45 # rather than a long if/else with duplicate code
46 property_conditions = [
47 # key: property name, value: condition
48 ('symbolsUrl', lambda m: m.endswith('crashreporter-symbols.zip') or
49 m.endswith('crashreporter-symbols-full.zip')),
50 ('testsUrl', lambda m: m.endswith(('tests.tar.bz2', 'tests.zip'))),
51 ('unsignedApkUrl', lambda m: m.endswith('apk') and
52 'unsigned-unaligned' in m),
53 ('robocopApkUrl', lambda m: m.endswith('apk') and 'robocop' in m),
54 ('jsshellUrl', lambda m: 'jsshell-' in m and m.endswith('.zip')),
55 ('completeMarUrl', lambda m: m.endswith('.complete.mar')),
56 ('partialMarUrl', lambda m: m.endswith('.mar') and '.partial.' in m),
57 ('codeCoverageURL', lambda m: m.endswith('code-coverage-gcno.zip')),
58 ('packageUrl', lambda m: m.endswith(package)),
60 url_re = re.compile(r'''^(https?://.*?\.(?:tar\.bz2|dmg|zip|apk|rpm|mar|tar\.gz))$''')
61 properties = {}
63 try:
64 with open(filename) as f:
65 for line in f:
66 m = url_re.match(line)
67 if m:
68 m = m.group(1)
69 for prop, condition in property_conditions:
70 if condition(m):
71 properties.update({prop: m})
72 break
73 except IOError as e:
74 if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
75 raise
76 properties = {prop: 'UNKNOWN' for prop, condition in property_conditions}
77 return properties
79 def getPartialInfo(props):
80 return [{
81 "from_buildid": props.get("previous_buildid"),
82 "size": props.get("partialMarSize"),
83 "hash": props.get("partialMarHash"),
84 "url": props.get("partialMarUrl"),
87 if __name__ == '__main__':
88 parser = ArgumentParser(description='Generate mach_build_properties.json for automation builds.')
89 parser.add_argument("--complete-mar-file", required=True,
90 action="store", dest="complete_mar_file",
91 help="Path to the complete MAR file, relative to the objdir.")
92 parser.add_argument("--partial-mar-file", required=False,
93 action="store", dest="partial_mar_file",
94 help="Path to the partial MAR file, relative to the objdir.")
95 parser.add_argument("--upload-output", required=True,
96 action="store", dest="upload_output",
97 help="Path to the text output of 'make upload'")
98 parser.add_argument("--upload-files", required=True, nargs="+",
99 action="store", dest="upload_files",
100 help="List of files to be uploaded.")
101 parser.add_argument("--package", required=True,
102 action="store", dest="package",
103 help="Filename of the build package")
104 args = parser.parse_args()
106 json_data = getMarProperties(args.complete_mar_file)
107 json_data.update(getUrlProperties(args.upload_output, args.package))
108 if args.partial_mar_file:
109 json_data.update(getMarProperties(args.partial_mar_file, partial=True))
111 # Pull the previous buildid from the partial mar filename.
112 res = re.match(r'.*\.([0-9]+)-[0-9]+.mar', args.partial_mar_file)
113 if res:
114 json_data['previous_buildid'] = res.group(1)
116 # Set partialInfo to be a collection of the partial mar properties
117 # useful for balrog.
118 json_data['partialInfo'] = getPartialInfo(json_data)
120 json_data['uploadFiles'] = args.upload_files
121 json_data['packageFilename'] = args.package
123 with open('mach_build_properties.json', 'w') as outfile:
124 json.dump(json_data, outfile, indent=4)