Bug 1568157 - Part 5: Move the NodePicker initialization into a getter. r=yulia
[gecko.git] / testing / awsy / mach_commands.py
1 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
5 from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
7 import argparse
8 import logging
9 import os
10 import sys
12 from mozbuild.base import (
13 MachCommandBase,
14 MachCommandConditions as conditions,
17 from mach.decorators import (
18 CommandArgument,
19 CommandArgumentGroup,
20 CommandProvider,
21 Command,
24 import mozinfo
27 def setup_awsy_argument_parser():
28 from marionette_harness.runtests import MarionetteArguments
29 from mozlog.structured import commandline
31 parser = MarionetteArguments()
32 commandline.add_logging_group(parser)
34 return parser
37 @CommandProvider
38 class MachCommands(MachCommandBase):
39 AWSY_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
40 if AWSY_PATH not in sys.path:
41 sys.path.append(AWSY_PATH)
44 def run_awsy(self, tests, binary=None, **kwargs):
45 import json
46 from mozlog.structured import commandline
48 from marionette_harness.runtests import (
49 MarionetteTestRunner,
50 MarionetteHarness
53 parser = setup_awsy_argument_parser()
55 awsy_source_dir = os.path.join(self.topsrcdir, 'testing', 'awsy')
56 if not tests:
57 tests = [os.path.join(awsy_source_dir,
58 'awsy',
59 'test_memory_usage.py')]
61 args = argparse.Namespace(tests=tests)
63 args.binary = binary
65 if kwargs['quick']:
66 kwargs['entities'] = 3
67 kwargs['iterations'] = 1
68 kwargs['perTabPause'] = 1
69 kwargs['settleWaitTime'] = 1
71 if 'single_stylo_traversal' in kwargs and kwargs['single_stylo_traversal']:
72 os.environ['STYLO_THREADS'] = '1'
73 else:
74 os.environ['STYLO_THREADS'] = '4'
76 runtime_testvars = {}
77 for arg in ('webRootDir', 'pageManifest', 'resultsDir', 'entities', 'iterations',
78 'perTabPause', 'settleWaitTime', 'maxTabs', 'dmd', 'tp6'):
79 if arg in kwargs and kwargs[arg] is not None:
80 runtime_testvars[arg] = kwargs[arg]
82 if 'webRootDir' not in runtime_testvars:
83 awsy_tests_dir = os.path.join(self.topobjdir, '_tests', 'awsy')
84 web_root_dir = os.path.join(awsy_tests_dir, 'html')
85 runtime_testvars['webRootDir'] = web_root_dir
86 else:
87 web_root_dir = runtime_testvars['webRootDir']
88 awsy_tests_dir = os.path.dirname(web_root_dir)
90 if 'resultsDir' not in runtime_testvars:
91 runtime_testvars['resultsDir'] = os.path.join(awsy_tests_dir,
92 'results')
94 runtime_testvars['bin'] = binary
95 runtime_testvars['run_local'] = True
97 page_load_test_dir = os.path.join(web_root_dir, 'page_load_test')
98 if not os.path.isdir(page_load_test_dir):
99 os.makedirs(page_load_test_dir)
101 if not os.path.isdir(runtime_testvars['resultsDir']):
102 os.makedirs(runtime_testvars['resultsDir'])
104 runtime_testvars_path = os.path.join(awsy_tests_dir, 'runtime-testvars.json')
105 if kwargs['testvars']:
106 kwargs['testvars'].append(runtime_testvars_path)
107 else:
108 kwargs['testvars'] = [runtime_testvars_path]
110 runtime_testvars_file = open(runtime_testvars_path, 'wb')
111 runtime_testvars_file.write(json.dumps(runtime_testvars, indent=2))
112 runtime_testvars_file.close()
114 manifest_file = os.path.join(awsy_source_dir,
115 'tp5n-pageset.manifest')
116 tooltool_args = {'args': [
117 sys.executable,
118 os.path.join(self.topsrcdir, 'mach'),
119 'artifact', 'toolchain', '-v',
120 '--tooltool-manifest=%s' % manifest_file,
121 '--cache-dir=%s' % os.path.join(self.topsrcdir, 'tooltool-cache'),
123 self.run_process(cwd=page_load_test_dir, **tooltool_args)
124 tp5nzip = os.path.join(page_load_test_dir, 'tp5n.zip')
125 tp5nmanifest = os.path.join(page_load_test_dir, 'tp5n', 'tp5n.manifest')
126 if not os.path.exists(tp5nmanifest):
127 unzip_args = {'args': [
128 'unzip',
129 '-q',
130 '-o',
131 tp5nzip,
132 '-d',
133 page_load_test_dir]}
134 try:
135 self.run_process(**unzip_args)
136 except Exception as exc:
137 troubleshoot = ''
138 if mozinfo.os == 'win':
139 troubleshoot = ' Try using --web-root to specify a ' \
140 'directory closer to the drive root.'
142 self.log(logging.ERROR, 'awsy',
143 {'directory': page_load_test_dir, 'exception': exc},
144 'Failed to unzip `tp5n.zip` into '
145 '`{directory}` with `{exception}`.' + troubleshoot)
146 raise exc
148 # If '--preferences' was not specified supply our default set.
149 if not kwargs['prefs_files']:
150 kwargs['prefs_files'] = [os.path.join(awsy_source_dir, 'conf', 'prefs.json')]
152 # Setup DMD env vars if necessary.
153 if kwargs['dmd']:
154 bin_dir = os.path.dirname(binary)
156 if 'DMD' not in os.environ:
157 os.environ['DMD'] = '1'
159 # Work around a startup crash with DMD on windows
160 if mozinfo.os == 'win':
161 kwargs['pref'] = 'security.sandbox.content.level:0'
162 self.log(logging.WARNING, 'awsy', {},
163 'Forcing \'security.sandbox.content.level\' = 0 because DMD is enabled.')
164 elif mozinfo.os == 'mac':
165 # On mac binary is in MacOS and dmd.py is in Resources, ie:
166 # Name.app/Contents/MacOS/libdmd.dylib
167 # Name.app/Contents/Resources/dmd.py
168 bin_dir = os.path.join(bin_dir, "../Resources/")
170 # Also add the bin dir to the python path so we can use dmd.py
171 if bin_dir not in sys.path:
172 sys.path.append(bin_dir)
174 for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
175 setattr(args, k, v)
177 parser.verify_usage(args)
179 args.logger = commandline.setup_logging('Are We Slim Yet Tests',
180 args,
181 {'mach': sys.stdout})
182 failed = MarionetteHarness(MarionetteTestRunner, args=vars(args)).run()
183 if failed > 0:
184 return 1
185 else:
186 return 0
188 @Command('awsy-test', category='testing',
189 description='Run Are We Slim Yet (AWSY) memory usage testing using marionette.',
190 parser=setup_awsy_argument_parser,
192 @CommandArgumentGroup('AWSY')
193 @CommandArgument('--web-root', group='AWSY', action='store', type=str,
194 dest='webRootDir',
195 help='Path to web server root directory. If not specified, '
196 'defaults to topobjdir/_tests/awsy/html.')
197 @CommandArgument('--page-manifest', group='AWSY', action='store', type=str,
198 dest='pageManifest',
199 help='Path to page manifest text file containing a list '
200 'of urls to test. The urls must be served from localhost. If not '
201 'specified, defaults to page_load_test/tp5n/tp5n.manifest under '
202 'the web root.')
203 @CommandArgument('--results', group='AWSY', action='store', type=str,
204 dest='resultsDir',
205 help='Path to results directory. If not specified, defaults '
206 'to the parent directory of the web root.')
207 @CommandArgument('--quick', group='AWSY', action='store_true',
208 dest='quick', default=False,
209 help='Set --entities=3, --iterations=1, --per-tab-pause=1, '
210 '--settle-wait-time=1 for a quick test. Overrides any explicit '
211 'argument settings.')
212 @CommandArgument('--entities', group='AWSY', action='store', type=int,
213 dest='entities',
214 help='Number of urls to load. Defaults to the total number of '
215 'urls.')
216 @CommandArgument('--max-tabs', group='AWSY', action='store', type=int,
217 dest='maxTabs',
218 help='Maximum number of tabs to open. '
219 'Defaults to %s.' % MAX_TABS)
220 @CommandArgument('--iterations', group='AWSY', action='store', type=int,
221 dest='iterations',
222 help='Number of times to run through the test suite. '
223 'Defaults to %s.' % ITERATIONS)
224 @CommandArgument('--per-tab-pause', group='AWSY', action='store', type=int,
225 dest='perTabPause',
226 help='Seconds to wait in between opening tabs. '
227 'Defaults to %s.' % PER_TAB_PAUSE)
228 @CommandArgument('--settle-wait-time', group='AWSY', action='store', type=int,
229 dest='settleWaitTime',
230 help='Seconds to wait for things to settled down. '
231 'Defaults to %s.' % SETTLE_WAIT_TIME)
232 @CommandArgument('--single-stylo-traversal', group='AWSY', action='store_true',
233 dest='single_stylo_traversal', default=False,
234 help='Set STYLO_THREADS=1.')
235 @CommandArgument('--dmd', group='AWSY', action='store_true',
236 dest='dmd', default=False,
237 help='Enable DMD during testing. Requires a DMD-enabled build.')
238 @CommandArgument('--tp6', group='AWSY', action='store_true',
239 dest='tp6', default=False,
240 help='Use the tp6 pageset during testing.')
241 def run_awsy_test(self, tests, **kwargs):
242 """mach awsy-test runs the in-tree version of the Are We Slim Yet
243 (AWSY) tests.
245 awsy-test is implemented as a marionette test and marionette
246 test arguments also apply although they are not necessary
247 since reasonable defaults will be chosen.
249 The AWSY specific arguments can be found in the Command
250 Arguments for AWSY section below.
252 awsy-test will automatically download the tp5n.zip talos
253 pageset from tooltool and install it under
254 topobjdir/_tests/awsy/html. You can specify your own page set
255 by specifying --web-root and --page-manifest.
257 The results of the test will be placed in the results
258 directory specified by the --results argument.
260 On Windows, you may experience problems due to path length
261 errors when extracting the tp5n.zip file containing the
262 test pages or when attempting to write checkpoints to the
263 results directory. In that case, you should specify both
264 the --web-root and --results arguments pointing to a location
265 with a short path. For example:
267 --web-root=c:\\\\tmp\\\\html --results=c:\\\\tmp\\\\results
269 Note that the double backslashes are required.
271 kwargs['logger_name'] = 'Awsy Tests'
272 if 'test_objects' in kwargs:
273 tests = []
274 for obj in kwargs['test_objects']:
275 tests.append(obj['file_relpath'])
276 del kwargs['test_objects']
278 if not kwargs.get('binary') and conditions.is_firefox(self):
279 kwargs['binary'] = self.get_binary_path('app')
280 return self.run_awsy(tests, **kwargs)