Bug 1845134 - Part 4: Update existing ui-icons to use the latest source from acorn...
[gecko.git] / mobile / android / .gitignore
1 # Built application files
2 *.apk
3 *.ap_
5 # Files for the ART/Dalvik VM
6 *.dex
8 # Java class files
9 *.class
11 # Generated files
12 bin/
13 gen/
14 out/
16 # Gradle files
17 .gradle/
18 build/
19 !taskcluster/ci/build/
20 .build-cache/
22 # Local configuration file (sdk path, etc)
23 local.properties
24 .lastAutoPublishContentsHash
26 # Proguard folder generated by Eclipse
27 proguard/
29 # Log Files
30 *.log
32 # Android Studio Navigation editor temp files
33 .navigation/
35 # Android Studio captures folder
36 captures/
38 # Intellij
39 *.iml
40 .idea/
42 # Vim swap files
43 *.sw[op]
45 # Keystore files
46 *.jks
48 # OS X
49 .DS_Store
51 # jacoco.exec
52 jacoco.exec
54 #Gihub Bot Token
55 .github_token
57 # UI test artifacts
58 .firebase_token*
59 results/
60 test_artifacts/
61 /build/test-tools/google-cloud-sdk/
62 /build/test-tools/*.jar
63 /build/test-tools/*.gz
65 # Screenshots
66 fastlane/
68 # Secrets files, e.g. tokens
69 .adjust_token
70 .sentry_token
71 .mls_token
72 .nimbus
73 .wallpaper_url
74 .pocket_consumer_key
75 fenix/app/src/**/res/values/fenix_firebase_push_credentials.xml
77 # Python Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
78 __pycache__/
79 *.py[cod]
80 venv/
82 # Web extensions: manifest.json files are generated
83 manifest.json
85 # Xcode
86 *.pbxuser
87 !default.pbxuser
88 *.mode1v3
89 !default.mode1v3
90 *.mode2v3
91 !default.mode2v3
92 *.perspectivev3
93 !default.perspectivev3
94 xcuserdata
95 *.xccheckout
96 *.moved-aside
97 DerivedData
98 *.hmap
99 *.ipa
100 *.xcuserstate
101 *.xcscmblueprint
102 .build