Bug 1863873 - Block ability to perform audio decoding outside of Utility on release...
[gecko.git] / dom / workers / WorkerScope.h
1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
2 /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
3 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
7 #ifndef mozilla_dom_workerscope_h__
8 #define mozilla_dom_workerscope_h__
10 #include "js/TypeDecls.h"
11 #include "js/loader/ModuleLoaderBase.h"
12 #include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
13 #include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
14 #include "mozilla/DOMEventTargetHelper.h"
15 #include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
16 #include "mozilla/NotNull.h"
17 #include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
18 #include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
19 #include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h"
20 #include "mozilla/dom/AnimationFrameProvider.h"
21 #include "mozilla/dom/ImageBitmapBinding.h"
22 #include "mozilla/dom/ImageBitmapSource.h"
23 #include "mozilla/dom/PerformanceWorker.h"
24 #include "mozilla/dom/SafeRefPtr.h"
25 #include "mozilla/dom/WorkerPrivate.h"
26 #include "nsCOMPtr.h"
27 #include "nsCycleCollectionParticipant.h"
28 #include "nsIGlobalObject.h"
29 #include "nsISupports.h"
30 #include "nsWeakReference.h"
32 #ifdef XP_WIN
33 # undef PostMessage
34 #endif
36 class nsAtom;
37 class nsISerialEventTarget;
39 namespace mozilla {
40 class ErrorResult;
41 struct VsyncEvent;
43 namespace extensions {
45 class ExtensionBrowser;
47 } // namespace extensions
49 namespace dom {
51 class AnyCallback;
52 enum class CallerType : uint32_t;
53 class ClientInfo;
54 class ClientSource;
55 class Clients;
56 class Console;
57 class Crypto;
58 class DOMString;
59 class DebuggerNotificationManager;
60 enum class EventCallbackDebuggerNotificationType : uint8_t;
61 class EventHandlerNonNull;
62 class FontFaceSet;
63 class Function;
64 class IDBFactory;
65 class OnErrorEventHandlerNonNull;
66 template <typename T>
67 class Optional;
68 class Performance;
69 class Promise;
70 class RequestOrUSVString;
71 template <typename T>
72 class Sequence;
73 class ServiceWorkerDescriptor;
74 class ServiceWorkerRegistration;
75 class ServiceWorkerRegistrationDescriptor;
76 struct StructuredSerializeOptions;
77 class WorkerDocumentListener;
78 class WorkerLocation;
79 class WorkerNavigator;
80 class WorkerPrivate;
81 class VsyncWorkerChild;
82 class WebTaskScheduler;
83 class WebTaskSchedulerWorker;
84 struct RequestInit;
86 namespace cache {
88 class CacheStorage;
90 } // namespace cache
92 class WorkerGlobalScopeBase : public DOMEventTargetHelper,
93 public nsSupportsWeakReference,
94 public nsIGlobalObject {
95 friend class WorkerPrivate;
97 public:
100 DOMEventTargetHelper)
102 WorkerGlobalScopeBase(WorkerPrivate* aWorkerPrivate,
103 UniquePtr<ClientSource> aClientSource);
105 virtual bool WrapGlobalObject(JSContext* aCx,
106 JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> aReflector) = 0;
108 // EventTarget implementation
109 JSObject* WrapObject(JSContext* aCx,
110 JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto) final {
111 MOZ_CRASH("WrapObject not supported; use WrapGlobalObject.");
114 // nsIGlobalObject implementation
115 JSObject* GetGlobalJSObject() final;
117 JSObject* GetGlobalJSObjectPreserveColor() const final;
119 bool IsSharedMemoryAllowed() const final;
121 bool ShouldResistFingerprinting(RFPTarget aTarget) const final;
123 OriginTrials Trials() const final;
125 StorageAccess GetStorageAccess() final;
127 Maybe<ClientInfo> GetClientInfo() const final;
129 Maybe<ServiceWorkerDescriptor> GetController() const final;
131 mozilla::Result<mozilla::ipc::PrincipalInfo, nsresult> GetStorageKey() final;
133 virtual void Control(const ServiceWorkerDescriptor& aServiceWorker);
135 // DispatcherTrait implementation
136 nsresult Dispatch(already_AddRefed<nsIRunnable>&& aRunnable) const final;
137 nsISerialEventTarget* SerialEventTarget() const final;
140 void ReportError(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> aError,
141 CallerType aCallerType, ErrorResult& aRv);
143 // atob, btoa, and dump are declared (separately) by both WorkerGlobalScope
144 // and WorkerDebuggerGlobalScope WebIDL interfaces
145 void Atob(const nsAString& aAtob, nsAString& aOut, ErrorResult& aRv) const;
147 void Btoa(const nsAString& aBtoa, nsAString& aOut, ErrorResult& aRv) const;
149 already_AddRefed<Console> GetConsole(ErrorResult& aRv);
151 Console* GetConsoleIfExists() const { return mConsole; }
153 void InitModuleLoader(JS::loader::ModuleLoaderBase* aModuleLoader) {
154 if (!mModuleLoader) {
155 mModuleLoader = aModuleLoader;
159 // The nullptr here is not used, but is required to make the override method
160 // have the same signature as other GetModuleLoader methods on globals.
161 JS::loader::ModuleLoaderBase* GetModuleLoader(
162 JSContext* aCx = nullptr) override {
163 return mModuleLoader;
166 uint64_t WindowID() const;
168 // Usually global scope dies earlier than the WorkerPrivate, but if we see
169 // it leak at least we can tell it to not carry away a dead pointer.
170 void NoteWorkerTerminated() { mWorkerPrivate = nullptr; }
172 ClientSource& MutableClientSourceRef() const { return *mClientSource; }
174 // WorkerPrivate wants to be able to forbid script when its state machine
175 // demands it.
176 void WorkerPrivateSaysForbidScript() { StartForbiddingScript(); }
177 void WorkerPrivateSaysAllowScript() { StopForbiddingScript(); }
179 protected:
180 ~WorkerGlobalScopeBase();
182 CheckedUnsafePtr<WorkerPrivate> mWorkerPrivate;
184 void AssertIsOnWorkerThread() const {
185 MOZ_ASSERT(mWorkerThreadUsedOnlyForAssert == PR_GetCurrentThread());
188 private:
189 RefPtr<Console> mConsole;
190 RefPtr<JS::loader::ModuleLoaderBase> mModuleLoader;
191 const UniquePtr<ClientSource> mClientSource;
192 nsCOMPtr<nsISerialEventTarget> mSerialEventTarget;
193 #ifdef DEBUG
194 PRThread* mWorkerThreadUsedOnlyForAssert;
195 #endif
198 namespace workerinternals {
200 class NamedWorkerGlobalScopeMixin {
201 public:
202 explicit NamedWorkerGlobalScopeMixin(const nsAString& aName) : mName(aName) {}
204 void GetName(DOMString& aName) const;
206 protected:
207 ~NamedWorkerGlobalScopeMixin() = default;
209 private:
210 const nsString mName;
213 } // namespace workerinternals
215 class WorkerGlobalScope : public WorkerGlobalScopeBase {
216 public:
219 WorkerGlobalScopeBase)
221 using WorkerGlobalScopeBase::WorkerGlobalScopeBase;
223 void NoteTerminating();
225 void NoteShuttingDown();
227 // nsIGlobalObject implementation
228 RefPtr<ServiceWorkerRegistration> GetServiceWorkerRegistration(
229 const ServiceWorkerRegistrationDescriptor& aDescriptor) const final;
231 RefPtr<ServiceWorkerRegistration> GetOrCreateServiceWorkerRegistration(
232 const ServiceWorkerRegistrationDescriptor& aDescriptor) final;
234 DebuggerNotificationManager* GetOrCreateDebuggerNotificationManager() final;
236 DebuggerNotificationManager* GetExistingDebuggerNotificationManager() final;
238 Maybe<EventCallbackDebuggerNotificationType> GetDebuggerNotificationType()
239 const final;
241 mozilla::dom::StorageManager* GetStorageManager() final;
243 void SetIsNotEligibleForMessaging() { mIsEligibleForMessaging = false; }
245 bool IsEligibleForMessaging() final;
247 // WorkerGlobalScope WebIDL implementation
248 WorkerGlobalScope* Self() { return this; }
250 already_AddRefed<WorkerLocation> Location();
252 already_AddRefed<WorkerNavigator> Navigator();
254 already_AddRefed<WorkerNavigator> GetExistingNavigator() const;
256 FontFaceSet* GetFonts(ErrorResult&);
257 FontFaceSet* GetFonts() final { return GetFonts(IgnoreErrors()); }
259 void ImportScripts(JSContext* aCx, const Sequence<nsString>& aScriptURLs,
260 ErrorResult& aRv);
262 OnErrorEventHandlerNonNull* GetOnerror();
264 void SetOnerror(OnErrorEventHandlerNonNull* aHandler);
266 IMPL_EVENT_HANDLER(languagechange)
269 IMPL_EVENT_HANDLER(rejectionhandled)
270 IMPL_EVENT_HANDLER(unhandledrejection)
272 void Dump(const Optional<nsAString>& aString) const;
274 Performance* GetPerformance();
276 Performance* GetPerformanceIfExists() const { return mPerformance; }
278 static bool IsInAutomation(JSContext* aCx, JSObject*);
280 void GetJSTestingFunctions(JSContext* aCx,
281 JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> aFunctions,
282 ErrorResult& aRv);
284 // GlobalCrypto WebIDL implementation
285 Crypto* GetCrypto(ErrorResult& aError);
287 // WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope WebIDL implementation
288 void GetOrigin(nsAString& aOrigin) const;
290 bool CrossOriginIsolated() const final;
293 int32_t SetTimeout(JSContext* aCx, Function& aHandler, int32_t aTimeout,
294 const Sequence<JS::Value>& aArguments, ErrorResult& aRv);
297 int32_t SetTimeout(JSContext* aCx, const nsAString& aHandler,
298 int32_t aTimeout, const Sequence<JS::Value>&,
299 ErrorResult& aRv);
302 void ClearTimeout(int32_t aHandle);
305 int32_t SetInterval(JSContext* aCx, Function& aHandler, int32_t aTimeout,
306 const Sequence<JS::Value>& aArguments, ErrorResult& aRv);
308 int32_t SetInterval(JSContext* aCx, const nsAString& aHandler,
309 int32_t aTimeout, const Sequence<JS::Value>&,
310 ErrorResult& aRv);
313 void ClearInterval(int32_t aHandle);
315 already_AddRefed<Promise> CreateImageBitmap(
316 const ImageBitmapSource& aImage, const ImageBitmapOptions& aOptions,
317 ErrorResult& aRv);
319 already_AddRefed<Promise> CreateImageBitmap(
320 const ImageBitmapSource& aImage, int32_t aSx, int32_t aSy, int32_t aSw,
321 int32_t aSh, const ImageBitmapOptions& aOptions, ErrorResult& aRv);
323 void StructuredClone(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> aValue,
324 const StructuredSerializeOptions& aOptions,
325 JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aRetval,
326 ErrorResult& aError);
328 already_AddRefed<Promise> Fetch(const RequestOrUSVString& aInput,
329 const RequestInit& aInit,
330 CallerType aCallerType, ErrorResult& aRv);
332 bool IsSecureContext() const;
334 already_AddRefed<IDBFactory> GetIndexedDB(JSContext* aCx,
335 ErrorResult& aErrorResult);
337 already_AddRefed<cache::CacheStorage> GetCaches(ErrorResult& aRv);
339 WebTaskScheduler* Scheduler();
340 WebTaskScheduler* GetExistingScheduler() const;
342 bool WindowInteractionAllowed() const;
344 void AllowWindowInteraction();
346 void ConsumeWindowInteraction();
348 void StorageAccessPermissionGranted();
350 virtual void OnDocumentVisible(bool aVisible) {}
353 virtual void OnVsync(const VsyncEvent& aVsync) {}
355 protected:
356 ~WorkerGlobalScope();
358 private:
360 int32_t SetTimeoutOrInterval(JSContext* aCx, Function& aHandler,
361 int32_t aTimeout,
362 const Sequence<JS::Value>& aArguments,
363 bool aIsInterval, ErrorResult& aRv);
366 int32_t SetTimeoutOrInterval(JSContext* aCx, const nsAString& aHandler,
367 int32_t aTimeout, bool aIsInterval,
368 ErrorResult& aRv);
370 RefPtr<Crypto> mCrypto;
371 RefPtr<WorkerLocation> mLocation;
372 RefPtr<WorkerNavigator> mNavigator;
373 RefPtr<FontFaceSet> mFontFaceSet;
374 RefPtr<Performance> mPerformance;
375 RefPtr<IDBFactory> mIndexedDB;
376 RefPtr<cache::CacheStorage> mCacheStorage;
377 RefPtr<DebuggerNotificationManager> mDebuggerNotificationManager;
378 RefPtr<WebTaskSchedulerWorker> mWebTaskScheduler;
379 uint32_t mWindowInteractionsAllowed = 0;
380 bool mIsEligibleForMessaging{true};
383 class DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope final
384 : public WorkerGlobalScope,
385 public workerinternals::NamedWorkerGlobalScopeMixin {
386 public:
389 DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope, WorkerGlobalScope)
391 DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope(WorkerPrivate* aWorkerPrivate,
392 UniquePtr<ClientSource> aClientSource,
393 const nsString& aName);
395 bool WrapGlobalObject(JSContext* aCx,
396 JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> aReflector) override;
398 void PostMessage(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> aMessage,
399 const Sequence<JSObject*>& aTransferable, ErrorResult& aRv);
401 void PostMessage(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> aMessage,
402 const StructuredSerializeOptions& aOptions,
403 ErrorResult& aRv);
405 void Close();
408 int32_t RequestAnimationFrame(FrameRequestCallback& aCallback,
409 ErrorResult& aError);
412 void CancelAnimationFrame(int32_t aHandle, ErrorResult& aError);
414 void OnDocumentVisible(bool aVisible) override;
417 void OnVsync(const VsyncEvent& aVsync) override;
420 IMPL_EVENT_HANDLER(messageerror)
421 IMPL_EVENT_HANDLER(rtctransform)
423 private:
424 ~DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope() = default;
426 FrameRequestManager mFrameRequestManager;
427 RefPtr<VsyncWorkerChild> mVsyncChild;
428 RefPtr<WorkerDocumentListener> mDocListener;
429 bool mDocumentVisible = false;
432 class SharedWorkerGlobalScope final
433 : public WorkerGlobalScope,
434 public workerinternals::NamedWorkerGlobalScopeMixin {
435 public:
436 SharedWorkerGlobalScope(WorkerPrivate* aWorkerPrivate,
437 UniquePtr<ClientSource> aClientSource,
438 const nsString& aName);
440 bool WrapGlobalObject(JSContext* aCx,
441 JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> aReflector) override;
443 void Close();
447 private:
448 ~SharedWorkerGlobalScope() = default;
451 class ServiceWorkerGlobalScope final : public WorkerGlobalScope {
452 public:
455 WorkerGlobalScope)
457 ServiceWorkerGlobalScope(
458 WorkerPrivate* aWorkerPrivate, UniquePtr<ClientSource> aClientSource,
459 const ServiceWorkerRegistrationDescriptor& aRegistrationDescriptor);
461 bool WrapGlobalObject(JSContext* aCx,
462 JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> aReflector) override;
464 already_AddRefed<Clients> GetClients();
466 ServiceWorkerRegistration* Registration();
468 already_AddRefed<Promise> SkipWaiting(ErrorResult& aRv);
470 SafeRefPtr<extensions::ExtensionBrowser> AcquireExtensionBrowser();
473 IMPL_EVENT_HANDLER(activate)
475 EventHandlerNonNull* GetOnfetch();
477 void SetOnfetch(EventHandlerNonNull* aCallback);
479 void EventListenerAdded(nsAtom* aType) override;
482 IMPL_EVENT_HANDLER(messageerror)
484 IMPL_EVENT_HANDLER(notificationclick)
485 IMPL_EVENT_HANDLER(notificationclose)
488 IMPL_EVENT_HANDLER(pushsubscriptionchange)
490 private:
491 ~ServiceWorkerGlobalScope();
493 void NoteFetchHandlerWasAdded() const;
495 RefPtr<Clients> mClients;
496 const nsString mScope;
497 RefPtr<ServiceWorkerRegistration> mRegistration;
498 SafeRefPtr<extensions::ExtensionBrowser> mExtensionBrowser;
501 class WorkerDebuggerGlobalScope final : public WorkerGlobalScopeBase {
502 public:
503 using WorkerGlobalScopeBase::WorkerGlobalScopeBase;
505 bool WrapGlobalObject(JSContext* aCx,
506 JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> aReflector) override;
508 void Control(const ServiceWorkerDescriptor& aServiceWorker) override {
509 MOZ_CRASH("Can't control debugger workers.");
512 void GetGlobal(JSContext* aCx, JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> aGlobal,
513 ErrorResult& aRv);
515 void CreateSandbox(JSContext* aCx, const nsAString& aName,
516 JS::Handle<JSObject*> aPrototype,
517 JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> aResult, ErrorResult& aRv);
519 void LoadSubScript(JSContext* aCx, const nsAString& aUrl,
520 const Optional<JS::Handle<JSObject*>>& aSandbox,
521 ErrorResult& aRv);
523 MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT void EnterEventLoop();
525 void LeaveEventLoop();
527 void PostMessage(const nsAString& aMessage);
529 void SetImmediate(Function& aHandler, ErrorResult& aRv);
531 void ReportError(JSContext* aCx, const nsAString& aMessage);
533 void RetrieveConsoleEvents(JSContext* aCx, nsTArray<JS::Value>& aEvents,
534 ErrorResult& aRv);
536 void ClearConsoleEvents(JSContext* aCx, ErrorResult& aRv);
538 void SetConsoleEventHandler(JSContext* aCx, AnyCallback* aHandler,
539 ErrorResult& aRv);
541 void Dump(JSContext* aCx, const Optional<nsAString>& aString) const;
544 IMPL_EVENT_HANDLER(messageerror)
546 private:
547 ~WorkerDebuggerGlobalScope() = default;
550 } // namespace dom
551 } // namespace mozilla
553 inline nsISupports* ToSupports(mozilla::dom::WorkerGlobalScope* aScope) {
554 return static_cast<mozilla::dom::EventTarget*>(aScope);
557 #endif /* mozilla_dom_workerscope_h__ */