Bug 1850713: remove duplicated setting of early hint preloader id in `ScriptLoader...
[gecko.git] / security / manager / tools / pycms.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
7 """
8 Reads a specification from stdin and outputs a PKCS7 (CMS) message with
9 the desired properties.
11 The specification format is as follows:
13 sha1:<hex string>
14 sha256:<hex string>
15 signer:
16 <pycert specification>
18 Eith or both of sha1 and sha256 may be specified. The value of
19 each hash directive is what will be put in the messageDigest
20 attribute of the SignerInfo that corresponds to the signature
21 algorithm defined by the hash algorithm and key type of the
22 default key. Together, these comprise the signerInfos field of
23 the SignedData. If neither hash is specified, the signerInfos
24 will be an empty SET (i.e. there will be no actual signature
25 information).
26 The certificate specification must come last.
27 """
29 import base64
30 import sys
31 from io import StringIO
33 import pycert
34 import pykey
35 from pyasn1.codec.der import decoder, encoder
36 from pyasn1.type import tag, univ
37 from pyasn1_modules import rfc2315, rfc2459
40 class Error(Exception):
41 """Base class for exceptions in this module."""
43 pass
46 class UnknownDirectiveError(Error):
47 """Helper exception type to handle unknown specification
48 directives."""
50 def __init__(self, directive):
51 super(UnknownDirectiveError, self).__init__()
52 self.directive = directive
54 def __str__(self):
55 return "Unknown directive %s" % repr(self.directive)
58 class CMS(object):
59 """Utility class for reading a CMS specification and
60 generating a CMS message"""
62 def __init__(self, paramStream):
63 self.sha1 = ""
64 self.sha256 = ""
65 signerSpecification = StringIO()
66 readingSignerSpecification = False
67 for line in paramStream.readlines():
68 if readingSignerSpecification:
69 print(line.strip(), file=signerSpecification)
70 elif line.strip() == "signer:":
71 readingSignerSpecification = True
72 elif line.startswith("sha1:"):
73 self.sha1 = line.strip()[len("sha1:") :]
74 elif line.startswith("sha256:"):
75 self.sha256 = line.strip()[len("sha256:") :]
76 else:
77 raise UnknownDirectiveError(line.strip())
78 signerSpecification.seek(0)
79 self.signer = pycert.Certificate(signerSpecification)
80 self.signingKey = pykey.keyFromSpecification("default")
82 def buildAuthenticatedAttributes(self, value, implicitTag=None):
83 """Utility function to build a pyasn1 AuthenticatedAttributes
84 object. Useful because when building a SignerInfo, the
85 authenticatedAttributes needs to be tagged implicitly, but when
86 signing an AuthenticatedAttributes, it needs the explicit SET
87 tag."""
88 if implicitTag:
89 authenticatedAttributes = rfc2315.Attributes().subtype(
90 implicitTag=implicitTag
92 else:
93 authenticatedAttributes = rfc2315.Attributes()
94 contentTypeAttribute = rfc2315.Attribute()
95 # PKCS#9 contentType
96 contentTypeAttribute["type"] = univ.ObjectIdentifier("1.2.840.113549.1.9.3")
97 contentTypeAttribute["values"] = univ.SetOf(rfc2459.AttributeValue())
98 # PKCS#7 data
99 contentTypeAttribute["values"][0] = univ.ObjectIdentifier(
100 "1.2.840.113549.1.7.1"
102 authenticatedAttributes[0] = contentTypeAttribute
103 hashAttribute = rfc2315.Attribute()
104 # PKCS#9 messageDigest
105 hashAttribute["type"] = univ.ObjectIdentifier("1.2.840.113549.1.9.4")
106 hashAttribute["values"] = univ.SetOf(rfc2459.AttributeValue())
107 hashAttribute["values"][0] = univ.OctetString(hexValue=value)
108 authenticatedAttributes[1] = hashAttribute
109 return authenticatedAttributes
111 def pykeyHashToDigestAlgorithm(self, pykeyHash):
112 """Given a pykey hash algorithm identifier, builds an
113 AlgorithmIdentifier for use with pyasn1."""
114 if pykeyHash == pykey.HASH_SHA1:
115 oidString = ""
116 elif pykeyHash == pykey.HASH_SHA256:
117 oidString = "2.16.840."
118 else:
119 raise pykey.UnknownHashAlgorithmError(pykeyHash)
120 algorithmIdentifier = rfc2459.AlgorithmIdentifier()
121 algorithmIdentifier["algorithm"] = univ.ObjectIdentifier(oidString)
122 # Directly setting parameters to univ.Null doesn't currently work.
123 nullEncapsulated = encoder.encode(univ.Null())
124 algorithmIdentifier["parameters"] = univ.Any(nullEncapsulated)
125 return algorithmIdentifier
127 def buildSignerInfo(self, certificate, pykeyHash, digestValue):
128 """Given a pyasn1 certificate, a pykey hash identifier
129 and a hash value, creates a SignerInfo with the
130 appropriate values."""
131 signerInfo = rfc2315.SignerInfo()
132 signerInfo["version"] = 1
133 issuerAndSerialNumber = rfc2315.IssuerAndSerialNumber()
134 issuerAndSerialNumber["issuer"] = self.signer.getIssuer()
135 issuerAndSerialNumber["serialNumber"] = certificate["tbsCertificate"][
136 "serialNumber"
138 signerInfo["issuerAndSerialNumber"] = issuerAndSerialNumber
139 signerInfo["digestAlgorithm"] = self.pykeyHashToDigestAlgorithm(pykeyHash)
140 rsa = rfc2459.AlgorithmIdentifier()
141 rsa["algorithm"] = rfc2459.rsaEncryption
142 rsa["parameters"] = univ.Null()
143 authenticatedAttributes = self.buildAuthenticatedAttributes(
144 digestValue,
145 implicitTag=tag.Tag(tag.tagClassContext, tag.tagFormatConstructed, 0),
147 authenticatedAttributesTBS = self.buildAuthenticatedAttributes(digestValue)
148 signerInfo["authenticatedAttributes"] = authenticatedAttributes
149 signerInfo["digestEncryptionAlgorithm"] = rsa
150 authenticatedAttributesEncoded = encoder.encode(authenticatedAttributesTBS)
151 signature = self.signingKey.sign(authenticatedAttributesEncoded, pykeyHash)
152 # signature will be a hexified bit string of the form
153 # "'<hex bytes>'H". For some reason that's what BitString wants,
154 # but since this is an OCTET STRING, we have to strip off the
155 # quotation marks and trailing "H".
156 signerInfo["encryptedDigest"] = univ.OctetString(hexValue=signature[1:-2])
157 return signerInfo
159 def toDER(self):
160 contentInfo = rfc2315.ContentInfo()
161 contentInfo["contentType"] = rfc2315.signedData
163 signedData = rfc2315.SignedData()
164 signedData["version"] = rfc2315.Version(1)
166 digestAlgorithms = rfc2315.DigestAlgorithmIdentifiers()
167 digestAlgorithms[0] = self.pykeyHashToDigestAlgorithm(pykey.HASH_SHA1)
168 signedData["digestAlgorithms"] = digestAlgorithms
170 dataContentInfo = rfc2315.ContentInfo()
171 dataContentInfo["contentType"] = rfc2315.data
172 signedData["contentInfo"] = dataContentInfo
174 certificates = rfc2315.ExtendedCertificatesAndCertificates().subtype(
175 implicitTag=tag.Tag(tag.tagClassContext, tag.tagFormatConstructed, 0)
177 extendedCertificateOrCertificate = rfc2315.ExtendedCertificateOrCertificate()
178 certificate = decoder.decode(
179 self.signer.toDER(), asn1Spec=rfc2459.Certificate()
180 )[0]
181 extendedCertificateOrCertificate["certificate"] = certificate
182 certificates[0] = extendedCertificateOrCertificate
183 signedData["certificates"] = certificates
185 signerInfos = rfc2315.SignerInfos()
187 if len(self.sha1) > 0:
188 signerInfos[len(signerInfos)] = self.buildSignerInfo(
189 certificate, pykey.HASH_SHA1, self.sha1
191 if len(self.sha256) > 0:
192 signerInfos[len(signerInfos)] = self.buildSignerInfo(
193 certificate, pykey.HASH_SHA256, self.sha256
195 signedData["signerInfos"] = signerInfos
197 encoded = encoder.encode(signedData)
198 anyTag = univ.Any(encoded).subtype(
199 explicitTag=tag.Tag(tag.tagClassContext, tag.tagFormatConstructed, 0)
202 contentInfo["content"] = anyTag
203 return encoder.encode(contentInfo)
205 def toPEM(self):
206 output = "-----BEGIN PKCS7-----"
207 der = self.toDER()
208 b64 = base64.b64encode(der)
209 while b64:
210 output += "\n" + b64[:64]
211 b64 = b64[64:]
212 output += "\n-----END PKCS7-----\n"
213 return output
216 # When run as a standalone program, this will read a specification from
217 # stdin and output the certificate as PEM to stdout.
218 if __name__ == "__main__":
219 print(CMS(sys.stdin).toPEM())