Bug 886173 - Preserve playbackRate across pause/play. r=cpearce
[gecko.git] / testing / mochitest / runtestsvmware.py
2 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
3 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
4 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
6 import sys
7 import os
8 import re
9 import types
10 from optparse import OptionValueError
11 from subprocess import PIPE
12 from time import sleep
13 from tempfile import mkstemp
15 sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(
16 os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))))
18 from automation import Automation
19 from runtests import Mochitest, MochitestOptions
21 class VMwareOptions(MochitestOptions):
22 def __init__(self, automation, mochitest, **kwargs):
23 defaults = {}
24 MochitestOptions.__init__(self, automation, mochitest.SCRIPT_DIRECTORY)
26 def checkPathCallback(option, opt_str, value, parser):
27 path = mochitest.getFullPath(value)
28 if not os.path.exists(path):
29 raise OptionValueError("Path %s does not exist for %s option"
30 % (path, opt_str))
31 setattr(parser.values, option.dest, path)
33 self.add_option("--with-vmware-vm",
34 action = "callback", type = "string", dest = "vmx",
35 callback = checkPathCallback,
36 help = "launches the given VM and runs mochitests inside")
37 defaults["vmx"] = None
39 self.add_option("--with-vmrun-executable",
40 action = "callback", type = "string", dest = "vmrun",
41 callback = checkPathCallback,
42 help = "specifies the vmrun.exe to use for VMware control")
43 defaults["vmrun"] = None
45 self.add_option("--shutdown-vm-when-done",
46 action = "store_true", dest = "shutdownVM",
47 help = "shuts down the VM when mochitests complete")
48 defaults["shutdownVM"] = False
50 self.add_option("--repeat-until-failure",
51 action = "store_true", dest = "repeatUntilFailure",
52 help = "Runs tests continuously until failure")
53 defaults["repeatUntilFailure"] = False
55 self.set_defaults(**defaults)
57 class VMwareMochitest(Mochitest):
58 _pathFixRegEx = re.compile(r'^[cC](\:[\\\/]+)')
60 def convertHostPathsToGuestPaths(self, string):
61 """ converts a path on the host machine to a path on the guest machine """
62 # XXXbent Lame!
63 return self._pathFixRegEx.sub(r'z\1', string)
65 def prepareGuestArguments(self, parser, options):
66 """ returns an array of command line arguments needed to replicate the
67 current set of options in the guest """
68 args = []
69 for key in options.__dict__.keys():
70 # Don't send these args to the vm test runner!
71 if key == "vmrun" or key == "vmx" or key == "repeatUntilFailure":
72 continue
74 value = options.__dict__[key]
75 valueType = type(value)
77 # Find the option in the parser's list.
78 option = None
79 for index in range(len(parser.option_list)):
80 if str(parser.option_list[index].dest) == key:
81 option = parser.option_list[index]
82 break
83 if not option:
84 continue
86 # No need to pass args on the command line if they're just going to set
87 # default values. The exception is list values... For some reason the
88 # option parser modifies the defaults as well as the values when using the
89 # "append" action.
90 if value == parser.defaults[option.dest]:
91 if valueType == types.StringType and \
92 value == self.convertHostPathsToGuestPaths(value):
93 continue
94 if valueType != types.ListType:
95 continue
97 def getArgString(arg, option):
98 if option.action == "store_true" or option.action == "store_false":
99 return str(option)
100 return "%s=%s" % (str(option),
101 self.convertHostPathsToGuestPaths(str(arg)))
103 if valueType == types.ListType:
104 # Expand lists into separate args.
105 for item in value:
106 args.append(getArgString(item, option))
107 else:
108 args.append(getArgString(value, option))
110 return tuple(args)
112 def launchVM(self, options):
113 """ launches the VM and enables shared folders """
114 # Launch VM first.
115 self.automation.log.info("INFO | runtests.py | Launching the VM.")
116 (result, stdout) = self.runVMCommand(self.vmrunargs + ("start", self.vmx))
117 if result:
118 return result
120 # Make sure that shared folders are enabled.
121 self.automation.log.info("INFO | runtests.py | Enabling shared folders in "
122 "the VM.")
123 (result, stdout) = self.runVMCommand(self.vmrunargs + \
124 ("enableSharedFolders", self.vmx))
125 if result:
126 return result
128 def shutdownVM(self):
129 """ shuts down the VM """
130 self.automation.log.info("INFO | runtests.py | Shutting down the VM.")
131 command = self.vmrunargs + ("runProgramInGuest", self.vmx,
132 "c:\\windows\\system32\\shutdown.exe", "/s", "/t", "1")
133 (result, stdout) = self.runVMCommand(command)
134 return result
136 def runVMCommand(self, command, expectedErrors=[], silent=False):
137 """ runs a command in the VM using the vmrun.exe helper """
138 commandString = ""
139 for part in command:
140 commandString += str(part) + " "
141 if not silent:
142 self.automation.log.info("INFO | runtests.py | Running command: %s"
143 % commandString)
145 commonErrors = ["Error: Invalid user name or password for the guest OS",
146 "Unable to connect to host."]
147 expectedErrors.extend(commonErrors)
149 # VMware can't run commands until the VM has fully loaded so keep running
150 # this command in a loop until it succeeds or we try 100 times.
151 errorString = ""
152 for i in range(100):
153 process = Automation.Process(command, stdout=PIPE)
154 result = process.wait()
155 if result == 0:
156 break
158 for line in process.stdout.readlines():
159 line = line.strip()
160 if not line:
161 continue
162 errorString = line
163 break
165 expected = False
166 for error in expectedErrors:
167 if errorString.startswith(error):
168 expected = True
170 if not expected:
171 self.automation.log.warning("WARNING | runtests.py | Command \"%s\" "
172 "failed with result %d, : %s"
173 % (commandString, result, errorString))
174 break
176 if not silent:
177 self.automation.log.info("INFO | runtests.py | Running command again.")
179 return (result, process.stdout.readlines())
181 def monitorVMExecution(self, appname, logfilepath):
182 """ monitors test execution in the VM. Waits for the test process to start,
183 then watches the log file for test failures and checks the status of the
184 process to catch crashes. Returns True if mochitests ran successfully.
186 success = True
188 self.automation.log.info("INFO | runtests.py | Waiting for test process to "
189 "start.")
191 listProcessesCommand = self.vmrunargs + ("listProcessesInGuest", self.vmx)
192 expectedErrors = [ "Error: The virtual machine is not powered on" ]
194 running = False
195 for i in range(100):
196 (result, stdout) = self.runVMCommand(listProcessesCommand, expectedErrors,
197 silent=True)
198 if result:
199 self.automation.log.warning("WARNING | runtests.py | Failed to get "
200 "list of processes in VM!")
201 return False
202 for line in stdout:
203 line = line.strip()
204 if line.find(appname) != -1:
205 running = True
206 break
207 if running:
208 break
209 sleep(1)
211 self.automation.log.info("INFO | runtests.py | Found test process, "
212 "monitoring log.")
214 completed = False
215 nextLine = 0
216 while running:
217 log = open(logfilepath, "rb")
218 lines = log.readlines()
219 if len(lines) > nextLine:
220 linesToPrint = lines[nextLine:]
221 for line in linesToPrint:
222 line = line.strip()
223 if line.find("INFO SimpleTest FINISHED") != -1:
224 completed = True
225 continue
226 if line.find("ERROR TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL") != -1:
227 self.automation.log.info("INFO | runtests.py | Detected test "
228 "failure: \"%s\"" % line)
229 success = False
230 nextLine = len(lines)
231 log.close()
233 (result, stdout) = self.runVMCommand(listProcessesCommand, expectedErrors,
234 silent=True)
235 if result:
236 self.automation.log.warning("WARNING | runtests.py | Failed to get "
237 "list of processes in VM!")
238 return False
240 stillRunning = False
241 for line in stdout:
242 line = line.strip()
243 if line.find(appname) != -1:
244 stillRunning = True
245 break
246 if stillRunning:
247 sleep(5)
248 else:
249 if not completed:
250 self.automation.log.info("INFO | runtests.py | Test process exited "
251 "without finishing tests, maybe crashed.")
252 success = False
253 running = stillRunning
255 return success
257 def getCurentSnapshotList(self):
258 """ gets a list of snapshots from the VM """
259 (result, stdout) = self.runVMCommand(self.vmrunargs + ("listSnapshots",
260 self.vmx))
261 snapshots = []
262 if result != 0:
263 self.automation.log.warning("WARNING | runtests.py | Failed to get list "
264 "of snapshots in VM!")
265 return snapshots
266 for line in stdout:
267 if line.startswith("Total snapshots:"):
268 continue
269 snapshots.append(line.strip())
270 return snapshots
272 def runTests(self, parser, options):
273 """ runs mochitests in the VM """
274 # Base args that must always be passed to vmrun.
275 self.vmrunargs = (options.vmrun, "-T", "ws", "-gu", "Replay", "-gp",
276 "mozilla")
277 self.vmrun = options.vmrun
278 self.vmx = options.vmx
280 result = self.launchVM(options)
281 if result:
282 return result
284 if options.vmwareRecording:
285 snapshots = self.getCurentSnapshotList()
287 def innerRun():
288 """ subset of the function that must run every time if we're running until
289 failure """
290 # Make a new shared file for the log file.
291 (logfile, logfilepath) = mkstemp(suffix=".log")
292 os.close(logfile)
293 # Get args to pass to VM process. Make sure we autorun and autoclose.
294 options.autorun = True
295 options.closeWhenDone = True
296 options.logFile = logfilepath
297 self.automation.log.info("INFO | runtests.py | Determining guest "
298 "arguments.")
299 runtestsArgs = self.prepareGuestArguments(parser, options)
300 runtestsPath = self.convertHostPathsToGuestPaths(self.SCRIPT_DIRECTORY)
301 runtestsPath = os.path.join(runtestsPath, "runtests.py")
302 runtestsCommand = self.vmrunargs + ("runProgramInGuest", self.vmx,
303 "-activeWindow", "-interactive", "-noWait",
304 "c:\\mozilla-build\\python25\\python.exe",
305 runtestsPath) + runtestsArgs
306 expectedErrors = [ "Unable to connect to host.",
307 "Error: The virtual machine is not powered on" ]
308 self.automation.log.info("INFO | runtests.py | Launching guest test "
309 "runner.")
310 (result, stdout) = self.runVMCommand(runtestsCommand, expectedErrors)
311 if result:
312 return (result, False)
313 self.automation.log.info("INFO | runtests.py | Waiting for guest test "
314 "runner to complete.")
315 mochitestsSucceeded = self.monitorVMExecution(
316 os.path.basename(options.app), logfilepath)
317 if mochitestsSucceeded:
318 self.automation.log.info("INFO | runtests.py | Guest tests passed!")
319 else:
320 self.automation.log.info("INFO | runtests.py | Guest tests failed.")
321 if mochitestsSucceeded and options.vmwareRecording:
322 newSnapshots = self.getCurentSnapshotList()
323 if len(newSnapshots) > len(snapshots):
324 self.automation.log.info("INFO | runtests.py | Removing last "
325 "recording.")
326 (result, stdout) = self.runVMCommand(self.vmrunargs + \
327 ("deleteSnapshot", self.vmx,
328 newSnapshots[-1]))
329 self.automation.log.info("INFO | runtests.py | Removing guest log file.")
330 for i in range(30):
331 try:
332 os.remove(logfilepath)
333 break
334 except:
335 sleep(1)
336 self.automation.log.warning("WARNING | runtests.py | Couldn't remove "
337 "guest log file, trying again.")
338 return (result, mochitestsSucceeded)
340 if options.repeatUntilFailure:
341 succeeded = True
342 result = 0
343 count = 1
344 while result == 0 and succeeded:
345 self.automation.log.info("INFO | runtests.py | Beginning mochitest run "
346 "(%d)." % count)
347 count += 1
348 (result, succeeded) = innerRun()
349 else:
350 self.automation.log.info("INFO | runtests.py | Beginning mochitest run.")
351 (result, succeeded) = innerRun()
353 if not succeeded and options.vmwareRecording:
354 newSnapshots = self.getCurentSnapshotList()
355 if len(newSnapshots) > len(snapshots):
356 self.automation.log.info("INFO | runtests.py | Failed recording saved "
357 "as '%s'." % newSnapshots[-1])
359 if result:
360 return result
362 if options.shutdownVM:
363 result = self.shutdownVM()
364 if result:
365 return result
367 return 0
369 def main():
370 automation = Automation()
371 mochitest = VMwareMochitest(automation)
373 parser = VMwareOptions(automation, mochitest)
374 options, args = parser.parse_args()
375 options = parser.verifyOptions(options, mochitest)
376 if (options == None):
377 sys.exit(1)
379 if options.vmx is None:
380 parser.error("A virtual machine must be specified with " +
381 "--with-vmware-vm")
383 if options.vmrun is None:
384 options.vmrun = os.path.join("c:\\", "Program Files", "VMware",
385 "VMware VIX", "vmrun.exe")
386 if not os.path.exists(options.vmrun):
387 options.vmrun = os.path.join("c:\\", "Program Files (x86)", "VMware",
388 "VMware VIX", "vmrun.exe")
389 if not os.path.exists(options.vmrun):
390 parser.error("Could not locate vmrun.exe, use --with-vmrun-executable" +
391 " to identify its location")
393 sys.exit(mochitest.runTests(parser, options))
395 if __name__ == "__main__":
396 main()