Bug 1797919 [wpt PR 36708] - Screen orientation: small bug fixes, a=testonly
[gecko.git] / build / pgo / genpgocert.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
3 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
4 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
6 # This script exists to generate the Certificate Authority and server
7 # certificates used for SSL testing in Mochitest. The already generated
8 # certs are located at $topsrcdir/build/pgo/certs/ .
10 import mozinfo
11 import os
12 import random
13 import re
14 import shutil
15 import subprocess
16 import sys
18 from mozbuild.base import MozbuildObject, BinaryNotFoundException
19 from mozfile import NamedTemporaryFile, TemporaryDirectory
20 from mozprofile.permissions import ServerLocations
21 from distutils.spawn import find_executable
23 dbFiles = [
24 re.compile("^cert[0-9]+\.db$"),
25 re.compile("^key[0-9]+\.db$"),
26 re.compile("^secmod\.db$"),
30 def unlinkDbFiles(path):
31 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
32 for name in files:
33 for dbFile in dbFiles:
34 if dbFile.match(name) and os.path.exists(os.path.join(root, name)):
35 os.unlink(os.path.join(root, name))
38 def dbFilesExist(path):
39 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
40 for name in files:
41 for dbFile in dbFiles:
42 if dbFile.match(name) and os.path.exists(os.path.join(root, name)):
43 return True
44 return False
47 def runUtil(util, args, inputdata=None, outputstream=None):
48 env = os.environ.copy()
49 if mozinfo.os == "linux":
50 pathvar = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
51 app_path = os.path.dirname(util)
52 if pathvar in env:
53 env[pathvar] = "%s%s%s" % (app_path, os.pathsep, env[pathvar])
54 else:
55 env[pathvar] = app_path
56 proc = subprocess.Popen(
57 [util] + args,
58 env=env,
59 stdin=subprocess.PIPE if inputdata else None,
60 stdout=outputstream,
61 universal_newlines=True,
63 proc.communicate(inputdata)
64 return proc.returncode
67 def createRandomFile(randomFile):
68 for count in xrange(0, 2048):
69 randomFile.write(chr(random.randint(0, 255)))
72 def writeCertspecForServerLocations(fd):
73 locations = ServerLocations(
74 os.path.join(build.topsrcdir, "build", "pgo", "server-locations.txt")
76 SAN = []
77 for loc in [
78 i for i in iter(locations) if i.scheme == "https" and "nocert" not in i.options
80 customCertOption = False
81 customCertRE = re.compile("^cert=(?:\w+)")
82 for _ in [i for i in loc.options if customCertRE.match(i)]:
83 customCertOption = True
84 break
86 if "ipV4Address" in loc.options:
87 loc.host = "ip4:" + loc.host
89 if not customCertOption:
90 SAN.append(loc.host)
92 fd.write(
93 "issuer:printableString/CN=Temporary Certificate Authority/O=Mozilla Testing/OU=Profile Guided Optimization\n" # NOQA: E501
95 fd.write("subject:{}\n".format(SAN[0]))
96 fd.write("extension:subjectAlternativeName:{}\n".format(",".join(SAN)))
99 def constructCertDatabase(build, srcDir):
100 try:
101 certutil = build.get_binary_path(what="certutil")
102 pk12util = build.get_binary_path(what="pk12util")
103 except BinaryNotFoundException as e:
104 print("{}\n\n{}\n".format(e, e.help()))
105 return 1
106 openssl = find_executable("openssl")
107 pycert = os.path.join(build.topsrcdir, "security", "manager", "tools", "pycert.py")
108 pykey = os.path.join(build.topsrcdir, "security", "manager", "tools", "pykey.py")
110 with NamedTemporaryFile(mode="wt+") as pwfile, TemporaryDirectory() as pemfolder:
111 pwfile.write("\n")
112 pwfile.flush()
114 if dbFilesExist(srcDir):
115 # Make sure all DB files from src are really deleted
116 unlinkDbFiles(srcDir)
118 # Copy all .certspec and .keyspec files to a temporary directory
119 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(srcDir):
120 for spec in [
121 i for i in files if i.endswith(".certspec") or i.endswith(".keyspec")
123 shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(root, spec), os.path.join(pemfolder, spec))
125 # Write a certspec for the "server-locations.txt" file to that temporary directory
126 pgoserver_certspec = os.path.join(pemfolder, "pgoserver.certspec")
127 if os.path.exists(pgoserver_certspec):
128 raise Exception(
129 "{} already exists, which isn't allowed".format(pgoserver_certspec)
131 with open(pgoserver_certspec, "w") as fd:
132 writeCertspecForServerLocations(fd)
134 # Generate certs for all certspecs
135 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(pemfolder):
136 for certspec in [i for i in files if i.endswith(".certspec")]:
137 name = certspec.split(".certspec")[0]
138 pem = os.path.join(pemfolder, "{}.cert.pem".format(name))
140 print("Generating public certificate {} (pem={})".format(name, pem))
142 with open(os.path.join(root, certspec), "r") as certspec_file:
143 certspec_data = certspec_file.read()
144 with open(pem, "w") as pem_file:
145 status = runUtil(
146 pycert, [], inputdata=certspec_data, outputstream=pem_file
148 if status:
149 return status
151 status = runUtil(
152 certutil,
154 "-A",
155 "-n",
156 name,
157 "-t",
158 "P,,",
159 "-i",
160 pem,
161 "-d",
162 srcDir,
163 "-f",
164 pwfile.name,
167 if status:
168 return status
170 for keyspec in [i for i in files if i.endswith(".keyspec")]:
171 parts = keyspec.split(".")
172 name = parts[0]
173 key_type = parts[1]
174 if key_type not in ["ca", "client", "server"]:
175 raise Exception(
176 "{}: keyspec filenames must be of the form XXX.client.keyspec "
177 "or XXX.ca.keyspec (key_type={})".format(keyspec, key_type)
179 key_pem = os.path.join(pemfolder, "{}.key.pem".format(name))
181 print("Generating private key {} (pem={})".format(name, key_pem))
183 with open(os.path.join(root, keyspec), "r") as keyspec_file:
184 keyspec_data = keyspec_file.read()
185 with open(key_pem, "w") as pem_file:
186 status = runUtil(
187 pykey, [], inputdata=keyspec_data, outputstream=pem_file
189 if status:
190 return status
192 cert_pem = os.path.join(pemfolder, "{}.cert.pem".format(name))
193 if not os.path.exists(cert_pem):
194 raise Exception(
195 "There has to be a corresponding certificate named {} for "
196 "the keyspec {}".format(cert_pem, keyspec)
199 p12 = os.path.join(pemfolder, "{}.key.p12".format(name))
200 print(
201 "Converting private key {} to PKCS12 (p12={})".format(key_pem, p12)
203 status = runUtil(
204 openssl,
206 "pkcs12",
207 "-export",
208 "-inkey",
209 key_pem,
210 "-in",
211 cert_pem,
212 "-name",
213 name,
214 "-out",
215 p12,
216 "-passout",
217 "file:" + pwfile.name,
220 if status:
221 return status
223 print("Importing private key {} to database".format(key_pem))
224 status = runUtil(
225 pk12util,
226 ["-i", p12, "-d", srcDir, "-w", pwfile.name, "-k", pwfile.name],
228 if status:
229 return status
231 if key_type == "ca":
232 shutil.copyfile(
233 cert_pem, os.path.join(srcDir, "{}.ca".format(name))
235 elif key_type == "client":
236 shutil.copyfile(p12, os.path.join(srcDir, "{}.client".format(name)))
237 elif key_type == "server":
238 pass # Nothing to do for server keys
239 else:
240 raise Exception(
241 "State error: Unknown keyspec key_type: {}".format(key_type)
244 return 0
247 build = MozbuildObject.from_environment()
248 certdir = os.path.join(build.topsrcdir, "build", "pgo", "certs")
249 certificateStatus = constructCertDatabase(build, certdir)
250 if certificateStatus:
251 print("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | SSL Server Certificate generation")
252 sys.exit(certificateStatus)