Bug 796834 - B2G RIL: Setup data call returns fail during radio power changed. r...
[gecko.git] / build / manifestparser.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
7 """
8 Mozilla universal manifest parser
9 """
11 # this file lives at
12 # http://hg.mozilla.org/automation/ManifestDestiny/raw-file/tip/manifestparser.py
14 __all__ = ['read_ini', # .ini reader
15 'ManifestParser', 'TestManifest', 'convert', # manifest handling
16 'parse', 'ParseError', 'ExpressionParser'] # conditional expression parser
18 import os
19 import re
20 import shutil
21 import sys
22 from fnmatch import fnmatch
23 from optparse import OptionParser
25 version = '0.5.3' # package version
26 try:
27 from setuptools import setup
28 except:
29 setup = None
31 # we need relpath, but it is introduced in python 2.6
32 # http://docs.python.org/library/os.path.html
33 try:
34 relpath = os.path.relpath
35 except AttributeError:
36 def relpath(path, start):
37 """
38 Return a relative version of a path
39 from /usr/lib/python2.6/posixpath.py
40 """
42 if not path:
43 raise ValueError("no path specified")
45 start_list = os.path.abspath(start).split(os.path.sep)
46 path_list = os.path.abspath(path).split(os.path.sep)
48 # Work out how much of the filepath is shared by start and path.
49 i = len(os.path.commonprefix([start_list, path_list]))
51 rel_list = [os.path.pardir] * (len(start_list)-i) + path_list[i:]
52 if not rel_list:
53 return os.curdir
54 return os.path.join(*rel_list)
56 # expr.py
57 # from:
58 # http://k0s.org/mozilla/hg/expressionparser
59 # http://hg.mozilla.org/users/tmielczarek_mozilla.com/expressionparser
61 # Implements a top-down parser/evaluator for simple boolean expressions.
62 # ideas taken from http://effbot.org/zone/simple-top-down-parsing.htm
64 # Rough grammar:
65 # expr := literal
66 # | '(' expr ')'
67 # | expr '&&' expr
68 # | expr '||' expr
69 # | expr '==' expr
70 # | expr '!=' expr
71 # literal := BOOL
72 # | INT
73 # | STRING
74 # | IDENT
75 # BOOL := true|false
76 # INT := [0-9]+
77 # STRING := "[^"]*"
78 # IDENT := [A-Za-z_]\w*
80 # Identifiers take their values from a mapping dictionary passed as the second
81 # argument.
83 # Glossary (see above URL for details):
84 # - nud: null denotation
85 # - led: left detonation
86 # - lbp: left binding power
87 # - rbp: right binding power
89 class ident_token(object):
90 def __init__(self, value):
91 self.value = value
92 def nud(self, parser):
93 # identifiers take their value from the value mappings passed
94 # to the parser
95 return parser.value(self.value)
97 class literal_token(object):
98 def __init__(self, value):
99 self.value = value
100 def nud(self, parser):
101 return self.value
103 class eq_op_token(object):
104 "=="
105 def led(self, parser, left):
106 return left == parser.expression(self.lbp)
108 class neq_op_token(object):
109 "!="
110 def led(self, parser, left):
111 return left != parser.expression(self.lbp)
113 class not_op_token(object):
115 def nud(self, parser):
116 return not parser.expression()
118 class and_op_token(object):
119 "&&"
120 def led(self, parser, left):
121 right = parser.expression(self.lbp)
122 return left and right
124 class or_op_token(object):
125 "||"
126 def led(self, parser, left):
127 right = parser.expression(self.lbp)
128 return left or right
130 class lparen_token(object):
132 def nud(self, parser):
133 expr = parser.expression()
134 parser.advance(rparen_token)
135 return expr
137 class rparen_token(object):
140 class end_token(object):
141 """always ends parsing"""
143 ### derived literal tokens
145 class bool_token(literal_token):
146 def __init__(self, value):
147 value = {'true':True, 'false':False}[value]
148 literal_token.__init__(self, value)
150 class int_token(literal_token):
151 def __init__(self, value):
152 literal_token.__init__(self, int(value))
154 class string_token(literal_token):
155 def __init__(self, value):
156 literal_token.__init__(self, value[1:-1])
158 precedence = [(end_token, rparen_token),
159 (or_op_token,),
160 (and_op_token,),
161 (eq_op_token, neq_op_token),
162 (lparen_token,),
164 for index, rank in enumerate(precedence):
165 for token in rank:
166 token.lbp = index # lbp = lowest left binding power
168 class ParseError(Exception):
169 """errror parsing conditional expression"""
171 class ExpressionParser(object):
172 def __init__(self, text, valuemapping, strict=False):
174 Initialize the parser with input |text|, and |valuemapping| as
175 a dict mapping identifier names to values.
177 self.text = text
178 self.valuemapping = valuemapping
179 self.strict = strict
181 def _tokenize(self):
183 Lex the input text into tokens and yield them in sequence.
185 # scanner callbacks
186 def bool_(scanner, t): return bool_token(t)
187 def identifier(scanner, t): return ident_token(t)
188 def integer(scanner, t): return int_token(t)
189 def eq(scanner, t): return eq_op_token()
190 def neq(scanner, t): return neq_op_token()
191 def or_(scanner, t): return or_op_token()
192 def and_(scanner, t): return and_op_token()
193 def lparen(scanner, t): return lparen_token()
194 def rparen(scanner, t): return rparen_token()
195 def string_(scanner, t): return string_token(t)
196 def not_(scanner, t): return not_op_token()
198 scanner = re.Scanner([
199 (r"true|false", bool_),
200 (r"[a-zA-Z_]\w*", identifier),
201 (r"[0-9]+", integer),
202 (r'("[^"]*")|(\'[^\']*\')', string_),
203 (r"==", eq),
204 (r"!=", neq),
205 (r"\|\|", or_),
206 (r"!", not_),
207 (r"&&", and_),
208 (r"\(", lparen),
209 (r"\)", rparen),
210 (r"\s+", None), # skip whitespace
212 tokens, remainder = scanner.scan(self.text)
213 for t in tokens:
214 yield t
215 yield end_token()
217 def value(self, ident):
219 Look up the value of |ident| in the value mapping passed in the
220 constructor.
222 if self.strict:
223 return self.valuemapping[ident]
224 else:
225 return self.valuemapping.get(ident, None)
227 def advance(self, expected):
229 Assert that the next token is an instance of |expected|, and advance
230 to the next token.
232 if not isinstance(self.token, expected):
233 raise Exception, "Unexpected token!"
234 self.token = self.iter.next()
236 def expression(self, rbp=0):
238 Parse and return the value of an expression until a token with
239 right binding power greater than rbp is encountered.
241 t = self.token
242 self.token = self.iter.next()
243 left = t.nud(self)
244 while rbp < self.token.lbp:
245 t = self.token
246 self.token = self.iter.next()
247 left = t.led(self, left)
248 return left
250 def parse(self):
252 Parse and return the value of the expression in the text
253 passed to the constructor. Raises a ParseError if the expression
254 could not be parsed.
256 try:
257 self.iter = self._tokenize()
258 self.token = self.iter.next()
259 return self.expression()
260 except:
261 raise ParseError("could not parse: %s; variables: %s" % (self.text, self.valuemapping))
263 __call__ = parse
265 def parse(text, **values):
267 Parse and evaluate a boolean expression in |text|. Use |values| to look
268 up the value of identifiers referenced in the expression. Returns the final
269 value of the expression. A ParseError will be raised if parsing fails.
271 return ExpressionParser(text, values).parse()
273 def normalize_path(path):
274 """normalize a relative path"""
275 if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
276 return path.replace('/', os.path.sep)
277 return path
279 def denormalize_path(path):
280 """denormalize a relative path"""
281 if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
282 return path.replace(os.path.sep, '/')
283 return path
286 def read_ini(fp, variables=None, default='DEFAULT',
287 comments=';#', separators=('=', ':'),
288 strict=True):
290 read an .ini file and return a list of [(section, values)]
291 - fp : file pointer or path to read
292 - variables : default set of variables
293 - default : name of the section for the default section
294 - comments : characters that if they start a line denote a comment
295 - separators : strings that denote key, value separation in order
296 - strict : whether to be strict about parsing
299 if variables is None:
300 variables = {}
302 if isinstance(fp, basestring):
303 fp = file(fp)
305 sections = []
306 key = value = None
307 section_names = set([])
309 # read the lines
310 for line in fp.readlines():
312 stripped = line.strip()
314 # ignore blank lines
315 if not stripped:
316 # reset key and value to avoid continuation lines
317 key = value = None
318 continue
320 # ignore comment lines
321 if stripped[0] in comments:
322 continue
324 # check for a new section
325 if len(stripped) > 2 and stripped[0] == '[' and stripped[-1] == ']':
326 section = stripped[1:-1].strip()
327 key = value = None
329 # deal with DEFAULT section
330 if section.lower() == default.lower():
331 if strict:
332 assert default not in section_names
333 section_names.add(default)
334 current_section = variables
335 continue
337 if strict:
338 # make sure this section doesn't already exist
339 assert section not in section_names
341 section_names.add(section)
342 current_section = {}
343 sections.append((section, current_section))
344 continue
346 # if there aren't any sections yet, something bad happen
347 if not section_names:
348 raise Exception('No sections found')
350 # (key, value) pair
351 for separator in separators:
352 if separator in stripped:
353 key, value = stripped.split(separator, 1)
354 key = key.strip()
355 value = value.strip()
357 if strict:
358 # make sure this key isn't already in the section or empty
359 assert key
360 if current_section is not variables:
361 assert key not in current_section
363 current_section[key] = value
364 break
365 else:
366 # continuation line ?
367 if line[0].isspace() and key:
368 value = '%s%s%s' % (value, os.linesep, stripped)
369 current_section[key] = value
370 else:
371 # something bad happen!
372 raise Exception("Not sure what you're trying to do")
374 # interpret the variables
375 def interpret_variables(global_dict, local_dict):
376 variables = global_dict.copy()
377 variables.update(local_dict)
378 return variables
380 sections = [(i, interpret_variables(variables, j)) for i, j in sections]
381 return sections
384 ### objects for parsing manifests
386 class ManifestParser(object):
387 """read .ini manifests"""
389 ### methods for reading manifests
391 def __init__(self, manifests=(), defaults=None, strict=True):
392 self._defaults = defaults or {}
393 self.tests = []
394 self.strict = strict
395 self.rootdir = None
396 self.relativeRoot = None
397 if manifests:
398 self.read(*manifests)
400 def getRelativeRoot(self, root):
401 return root
403 def read(self, *filenames, **defaults):
405 # ensure all files exist
406 missing = [ filename for filename in filenames
407 if not os.path.exists(filename) ]
408 if missing:
409 raise IOError('Missing files: %s' % ', '.join(missing))
411 # process each file
412 for filename in filenames:
414 # set the per file defaults
415 defaults = defaults.copy() or self._defaults.copy()
416 here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename))
417 defaults['here'] = here
419 if self.rootdir is None:
420 # set the root directory
421 # == the directory of the first manifest given
422 self.rootdir = here
424 # read the configuration
425 sections = read_ini(fp=filename, variables=defaults, strict=self.strict)
427 # get the tests
428 for section, data in sections:
430 # a file to include
431 # TODO: keep track of included file structure:
432 # self.manifests = {'manifest.ini': 'relative/path.ini'}
433 if section.startswith('include:'):
434 include_file = section.split('include:', 1)[-1]
435 include_file = normalize_path(include_file)
436 if not os.path.isabs(include_file):
437 include_file = os.path.join(self.getRelativeRoot(here), include_file)
438 if not os.path.exists(include_file):
439 if self.strict:
440 raise IOError("File '%s' does not exist" % include_file)
441 else:
442 continue
443 include_defaults = data.copy()
444 self.read(include_file, **include_defaults)
445 continue
447 # otherwise an item
448 test = data
449 test['name'] = section
450 test['manifest'] = os.path.abspath(filename)
452 # determine the path
453 path = test.get('path', section)
454 if '://' not in path: # don't futz with URLs
455 path = normalize_path(path)
456 if not os.path.isabs(path):
457 path = os.path.join(here, path)
458 test['path'] = path
460 # append the item
461 self.tests.append(test)
463 ### methods for querying manifests
465 def query(self, *checks, **kw):
467 general query function for tests
468 - checks : callable conditions to test if the test fulfills the query
470 tests = kw.get('tests', None)
471 if tests is None:
472 tests = self.tests
473 retval = []
474 for test in tests:
475 for check in checks:
476 if not check(test):
477 break
478 else:
479 retval.append(test)
480 return retval
482 def get(self, _key=None, inverse=False, tags=None, tests=None, **kwargs):
483 # TODO: pass a dict instead of kwargs since you might hav
484 # e.g. 'inverse' as a key in the dict
486 # TODO: tags should just be part of kwargs with None values
487 # (None == any is kinda weird, but probably still better)
489 # fix up tags
490 if tags:
491 tags = set(tags)
492 else:
493 tags = set()
495 # make some check functions
496 if inverse:
497 has_tags = lambda test: not tags.intersection(test.keys())
498 def dict_query(test):
499 for key, value in kwargs.items():
500 if test.get(key) == value:
501 return False
502 return True
503 else:
504 has_tags = lambda test: tags.issubset(test.keys())
505 def dict_query(test):
506 for key, value in kwargs.items():
507 if test.get(key) != value:
508 return False
509 return True
511 # query the tests
512 tests = self.query(has_tags, dict_query, tests=tests)
514 # if a key is given, return only a list of that key
515 # useful for keys like 'name' or 'path'
516 if _key:
517 return [test[_key] for test in tests]
519 # return the tests
520 return tests
522 def missing(self, tests=None):
523 """return list of tests that do not exist on the filesystem"""
524 if tests is None:
525 tests = self.tests
526 return [test for test in tests
527 if not os.path.exists(test['path'])]
529 def manifests(self, tests=None):
531 return manifests in order in which they appear in the tests
533 if tests is None:
534 tests = self.tests
535 manifests = []
536 for test in tests:
537 manifest = test.get('manifest')
538 if not manifest:
539 continue
540 if manifest not in manifests:
541 manifests.append(manifest)
542 return manifests
544 ### methods for outputting from manifests
546 def write(self, fp=sys.stdout, rootdir=None,
547 global_tags=None, global_kwargs=None,
548 local_tags=None, local_kwargs=None):
550 write a manifest given a query
551 global and local options will be munged to do the query
552 globals will be written to the top of the file
553 locals (if given) will be written per test
556 # root directory
557 if rootdir is None:
558 rootdir = self.rootdir
560 # sanitize input
561 global_tags = global_tags or set()
562 local_tags = local_tags or set()
563 global_kwargs = global_kwargs or {}
564 local_kwargs = local_kwargs or {}
566 # create the query
567 tags = set([])
568 tags.update(global_tags)
569 tags.update(local_tags)
570 kwargs = {}
571 kwargs.update(global_kwargs)
572 kwargs.update(local_kwargs)
574 # get matching tests
575 tests = self.get(tags=tags, **kwargs)
577 # print the .ini manifest
578 if global_tags or global_kwargs:
579 print >> fp, '[DEFAULT]'
580 for tag in global_tags:
581 print >> fp, '%s =' % tag
582 for key, value in global_kwargs.items():
583 print >> fp, '%s = %s' % (key, value)
584 print >> fp
586 for test in tests:
587 test = test.copy() # don't overwrite
589 path = test['name']
590 if not os.path.isabs(path):
591 path = denormalize_path(relpath(test['path'], self.rootdir))
592 print >> fp, '[%s]' % path
594 # reserved keywords:
595 reserved = ['path', 'name', 'here', 'manifest']
596 for key in sorted(test.keys()):
597 if key in reserved:
598 continue
599 if key in global_kwargs:
600 continue
601 if key in global_tags and not test[key]:
602 continue
603 print >> fp, '%s = %s' % (key, test[key])
604 print >> fp
606 def copy(self, directory, rootdir=None, *tags, **kwargs):
608 copy the manifests and associated tests
609 - directory : directory to copy to
610 - rootdir : root directory to copy to (if not given from manifests)
611 - tags : keywords the tests must have
612 - kwargs : key, values the tests must match
614 # XXX note that copy does *not* filter the tests out of the
615 # resulting manifest; it just stupidly copies them over.
616 # ideally, it would reread the manifests and filter out the
617 # tests that don't match *tags and **kwargs
619 # destination
620 if not os.path.exists(directory):
621 os.path.makedirs(directory)
622 else:
623 # sanity check
624 assert os.path.isdir(directory)
626 # tests to copy
627 tests = self.get(tags=tags, **kwargs)
628 if not tests:
629 return # nothing to do!
631 # root directory
632 if rootdir is None:
633 rootdir = self.rootdir
635 # copy the manifests + tests
636 manifests = [relpath(manifest, rootdir) for manifest in self.manifests()]
637 for manifest in manifests:
638 destination = os.path.join(directory, manifest)
639 dirname = os.path.dirname(destination)
640 if not os.path.exists(dirname):
641 os.makedirs(dirname)
642 else:
643 # sanity check
644 assert os.path.isdir(dirname)
645 shutil.copy(os.path.join(rootdir, manifest), destination)
646 for test in tests:
647 if os.path.isabs(test['name']):
648 continue
649 source = test['path']
650 if not os.path.exists(source):
651 print >> sys.stderr, "Missing test: '%s' does not exist!" % source
652 continue
653 # TODO: should err on strict
654 destination = os.path.join(directory, relpath(test['path'], rootdir))
655 shutil.copy(source, destination)
656 # TODO: ensure that all of the tests are below the from_dir
658 def update(self, from_dir, rootdir=None, *tags, **kwargs):
660 update the tests as listed in a manifest from a directory
661 - from_dir : directory where the tests live
662 - rootdir : root directory to copy to (if not given from manifests)
663 - tags : keys the tests must have
664 - kwargs : key, values the tests must match
667 # get the tests
668 tests = self.get(tags=tags, **kwargs)
670 # get the root directory
671 if not rootdir:
672 rootdir = self.rootdir
674 # copy them!
675 for test in tests:
676 if not os.path.isabs(test['name']):
677 _relpath = relpath(test['path'], rootdir)
678 source = os.path.join(from_dir, _relpath)
679 if not os.path.exists(source):
680 # TODO err on strict
681 print >> sys.stderr, "Missing test: '%s'; skipping" % test['name']
682 continue
683 destination = os.path.join(rootdir, _relpath)
684 shutil.copy(source, destination)
687 class TestManifest(ManifestParser):
689 apply logic to manifests; this is your integration layer :)
690 specific harnesses may subclass from this if they need more logic
693 def filter(self, values, tests):
695 filter on a specific list tag, e.g.:
696 run-if.os = win linux
697 skip-if.os = mac
700 # tags:
701 run_tag = 'run-if'
702 skip_tag = 'skip-if'
703 fail_tag = 'fail-if'
705 # loop over test
706 for test in tests:
707 reason = None # reason to disable
709 # tagged-values to run
710 if run_tag in test:
711 condition = test[run_tag]
712 if not parse(condition, **values):
713 reason = '%s: %s' % (run_tag, condition)
715 # tagged-values to skip
716 if skip_tag in test:
717 condition = test[skip_tag]
718 if parse(condition, **values):
719 reason = '%s: %s' % (skip_tag, condition)
721 # mark test as disabled if there's a reason
722 if reason:
723 test.setdefault('disabled', reason)
725 # mark test as a fail if so indicated
726 if fail_tag in test:
727 condition = test[fail_tag]
728 if parse(condition, **values):
729 test['expected'] = 'fail'
731 def active_tests(self, exists=True, disabled=True, **values):
733 - exists : return only existing tests
734 - disabled : whether to return disabled tests
735 - tags : keys and values to filter on (e.g. `os = linux mac`)
738 tests = [i.copy() for i in self.tests] # shallow copy
740 # mark all tests as passing unless indicated otherwise
741 for test in tests:
742 test['expected'] = test.get('expected', 'pass')
744 # ignore tests that do not exist
745 if exists:
746 tests = [test for test in tests if os.path.exists(test['path'])]
748 # filter by tags
749 self.filter(values, tests)
751 # ignore disabled tests if specified
752 if not disabled:
753 tests = [test for test in tests
754 if not 'disabled' in test]
756 # return active tests
757 return tests
759 def test_paths(self):
760 return [test['path'] for test in self.active_tests()]
763 ### utility function(s); probably belongs elsewhere
765 def convert(directories, pattern=None, ignore=(), write=None):
767 convert directories to a simple manifest
770 retval = []
771 include = []
772 for directory in directories:
773 for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory):
775 # filter out directory names
776 dirnames = [ i for i in dirnames if i not in ignore ]
777 dirnames.sort()
779 # reference only the subdirectory
780 _dirpath = dirpath
781 dirpath = dirpath.split(directory, 1)[-1].strip(os.path.sep)
783 if dirpath.split(os.path.sep)[0] in ignore:
784 continue
786 # filter by glob
787 if pattern:
788 filenames = [filename for filename in filenames
789 if fnmatch(filename, pattern)]
791 filenames.sort()
793 # write a manifest for each directory
794 if write and (dirnames or filenames):
795 manifest = file(os.path.join(_dirpath, write), 'w')
796 for dirname in dirnames:
797 print >> manifest, '[include:%s]' % os.path.join(dirname, write)
798 for filename in filenames:
799 print >> manifest, '[%s]' % filename
800 manifest.close()
802 # add to the list
803 retval.extend([denormalize_path(os.path.join(dirpath, filename))
804 for filename in filenames])
806 if write:
807 return # the manifests have already been written!
809 retval.sort()
810 retval = ['[%s]' % filename for filename in retval]
811 return '\n'.join(retval)
813 ### command line attributes
815 class ParserError(Exception):
816 """error for exceptions while parsing the command line"""
818 def parse_args(_args):
820 parse and return:
821 --keys=value (or --key value)
822 -tags
823 args
826 # return values
827 _dict = {}
828 tags = []
829 args = []
831 # parse the arguments
832 key = None
833 for arg in _args:
834 if arg.startswith('---'):
835 raise ParserError("arguments should start with '-' or '--' only")
836 elif arg.startswith('--'):
837 if key:
838 raise ParserError("Key %s still open" % key)
839 key = arg[2:]
840 if '=' in key:
841 key, value = key.split('=', 1)
842 _dict[key] = value
843 key = None
844 continue
845 elif arg.startswith('-'):
846 if key:
847 raise ParserError("Key %s still open" % key)
848 tags.append(arg[1:])
849 continue
850 else:
851 if key:
852 _dict[key] = arg
853 continue
854 args.append(arg)
856 # return values
857 return (_dict, tags, args)
860 ### classes for subcommands
862 class CLICommand(object):
863 usage = '%prog [options] command'
864 def __init__(self, parser):
865 self._parser = parser # master parser
866 def parser(self):
867 return OptionParser(usage=self.usage, description=self.__doc__,
868 add_help_option=False)
870 class Copy(CLICommand):
871 usage = '%prog [options] copy manifest directory -tag1 -tag2 --key1=value1 --key2=value2 ...'
872 def __call__(self, options, args):
873 # parse the arguments
874 try:
875 kwargs, tags, args = parse_args(args)
876 except ParserError, e:
877 self._parser.error(e.message)
879 # make sure we have some manifests, otherwise it will
880 # be quite boring
881 if not len(args) == 2:
882 HelpCLI(self._parser)(options, ['copy'])
883 return
885 # read the manifests
886 # TODO: should probably ensure these exist here
887 manifests = ManifestParser()
888 manifests.read(args[0])
890 # print the resultant query
891 manifests.copy(args[1], None, *tags, **kwargs)
894 class CreateCLI(CLICommand):
896 create a manifest from a list of directories
898 usage = '%prog [options] create directory <directory> <...>'
900 def parser(self):
901 parser = CLICommand.parser(self)
902 parser.add_option('-p', '--pattern', dest='pattern',
903 help="glob pattern for files")
904 parser.add_option('-i', '--ignore', dest='ignore',
905 default=[], action='append',
906 help='directories to ignore')
907 parser.add_option('-w', '--in-place', dest='in_place',
908 help='Write .ini files in place; filename to write to')
909 return parser
911 def __call__(self, _options, args):
912 parser = self.parser()
913 options, args = parser.parse_args(args)
915 # need some directories
916 if not len(args):
917 parser.print_usage()
918 return
920 # add the directories to the manifest
921 for arg in args:
922 assert os.path.exists(arg)
923 assert os.path.isdir(arg)
924 manifest = convert(args, pattern=options.pattern, ignore=options.ignore,
925 write=options.in_place)
926 if manifest:
927 print manifest
930 class WriteCLI(CLICommand):
932 write a manifest based on a query
934 usage = '%prog [options] write manifest <manifest> -tag1 -tag2 --key1=value1 --key2=value2 ...'
935 def __call__(self, options, args):
937 # parse the arguments
938 try:
939 kwargs, tags, args = parse_args(args)
940 except ParserError, e:
941 self._parser.error(e.message)
943 # make sure we have some manifests, otherwise it will
944 # be quite boring
945 if not args:
946 HelpCLI(self._parser)(options, ['write'])
947 return
949 # read the manifests
950 # TODO: should probably ensure these exist here
951 manifests = ManifestParser()
952 manifests.read(*args)
954 # print the resultant query
955 manifests.write(global_tags=tags, global_kwargs=kwargs)
958 class HelpCLI(CLICommand):
960 get help on a command
962 usage = '%prog [options] help [command]'
964 def __call__(self, options, args):
965 if len(args) == 1 and args[0] in commands:
966 commands[args[0]](self._parser).parser().print_help()
967 else:
968 self._parser.print_help()
969 print '\nCommands:'
970 for command in sorted(commands):
971 print ' %s : %s' % (command, commands[command].__doc__.strip())
973 class SetupCLI(CLICommand):
975 setup using setuptools
977 # use setup.py from the repo when you want to distribute to python!
978 # otherwise setuptools will complain that it can't find setup.py
979 # and result in a useless package
981 usage = '%prog [options] setup [setuptools options]'
983 def __call__(self, options, args):
984 sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]] + args
985 assert setup is not None, "You must have setuptools installed to use SetupCLI"
986 here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
987 try:
988 filename = os.path.join(here, 'README.txt')
989 description = file(filename).read()
990 except:
991 description = ''
992 os.chdir(here)
994 setup(name='ManifestDestiny',
995 version=version,
996 description="Universal manifests for Mozilla test harnesses",
997 long_description=description,
998 classifiers=[], # Get strings from http://pypi.python.org/pypi?%3Aaction=list_classifiers
999 keywords='mozilla manifests',
1000 author='Jeff Hammel',
1001 author_email='jhammel@mozilla.com',
1002 url='https://wiki.mozilla.org/Auto-tools/Projects/ManifestDestiny',
1003 license='MPL',
1004 zip_safe=False,
1005 py_modules=['manifestparser'],
1006 install_requires=[
1007 # -*- Extra requirements: -*-
1009 entry_points="""
1010 [console_scripts]
1011 manifestparser = manifestparser:main
1012 """,
1016 class UpdateCLI(CLICommand):
1018 update the tests as listed in a manifest from a directory
1020 usage = '%prog [options] update manifest directory -tag1 -tag2 --key1=value1 --key2=value2 ...'
1022 def __call__(self, options, args):
1023 # parse the arguments
1024 try:
1025 kwargs, tags, args = parse_args(args)
1026 except ParserError, e:
1027 self._parser.error(e.message)
1029 # make sure we have some manifests, otherwise it will
1030 # be quite boring
1031 if not len(args) == 2:
1032 HelpCLI(self._parser)(options, ['update'])
1033 return
1035 # read the manifests
1036 # TODO: should probably ensure these exist here
1037 manifests = ManifestParser()
1038 manifests.read(args[0])
1040 # print the resultant query
1041 manifests.update(args[1], None, *tags, **kwargs)
1044 # command -> class mapping
1045 commands = { 'create': CreateCLI,
1046 'help': HelpCLI,
1047 'update': UpdateCLI,
1048 'write': WriteCLI }
1049 if setup is not None:
1050 commands['setup'] = SetupCLI
1052 def main(args=sys.argv[1:]):
1053 """console_script entry point"""
1055 # set up an option parser
1056 usage = '%prog [options] [command] ...'
1057 description = __doc__
1058 parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, description=description)
1059 parser.add_option('-s', '--strict', dest='strict',
1060 action='store_true', default=False,
1061 help='adhere strictly to errors')
1062 parser.disable_interspersed_args()
1064 options, args = parser.parse_args(args)
1066 if not args:
1067 HelpCLI(parser)(options, args)
1068 parser.exit()
1070 # get the command
1071 command = args[0]
1072 if command not in commands:
1073 parser.error("Command must be one of %s (you gave '%s')" % (', '.join(sorted(commands.keys())), command))
1075 handler = commands[command](parser)
1076 handler(options, args[1:])
1078 if __name__ == '__main__':
1079 main()