Bug 1879417 - part3 : remove unused method. r=media-playback-reviewers,jolin
[gecko.git] / dom / media / platforms / wmf / MFMediaSource.h
1 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
8 #include <mfidl.h>
9 #include <wrl.h>
11 #include "MediaInfo.h"
12 #include "MediaEventSource.h"
13 #include "MFMediaEngineExtra.h"
14 #include "MFMediaEngineStream.h"
15 #include "mozilla/EnumSet.h"
16 #include "mozilla/TaskQueue.h"
18 namespace mozilla {
20 class MFCDMProxy;
22 // An event to indicate a need for a certain type of sample.
23 struct SampleRequest {
24 SampleRequest(TrackInfo::TrackType aType, bool aIsEnough)
25 : mType(aType), mIsEnough(aIsEnough) {}
26 TrackInfo::TrackType mType;
27 bool mIsEnough;
30 /**
31 * MFMediaSource is a custom source for the media engine, the media engine would
32 * ask the source for the characteristics and the presentation descriptor to
33 * know how to react with the source. This source is also responsible to
34 * dispatch events to the media engine to notify the status changes.
36 * https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/mfidl/nn-mfidl-imfmediasource
38 class MFMediaSource : public Microsoft::WRL::RuntimeClass<
39 Microsoft::WRL::RuntimeClassFlags<
40 Microsoft::WRL::RuntimeClassType::ClassicCom>,
41 IMFMediaSource, IMFRateControl, IMFRateSupport,
42 IMFGetService, IMFTrustedInput> {
43 public:
44 MFMediaSource();
45 ~MFMediaSource();
47 HRESULT RuntimeClassInitialize(const Maybe<AudioInfo>& aAudio,
48 const Maybe<VideoInfo>& aVideo,
49 nsISerialEventTarget* aManagerThread);
51 // Methods for IMFMediaSource
52 IFACEMETHODIMP GetCharacteristics(DWORD* aCharacteristics) override;
53 IFACEMETHODIMP CreatePresentationDescriptor(
54 IMFPresentationDescriptor** aPresentationDescriptor) override;
55 IFACEMETHODIMP Start(IMFPresentationDescriptor* aPresentationDescriptor,
56 const GUID* aGuidTimeFormat,
57 const PROPVARIANT* aStartPosition) override;
58 IFACEMETHODIMP Stop() override;
59 IFACEMETHODIMP Pause() override;
60 IFACEMETHODIMP Shutdown() override;
62 // Methods for IMFMediaEventGenerator, IMFMediaSource derives from
63 // IMFMediaEventGenerator.
64 IFACEMETHODIMP GetEvent(DWORD aFlags, IMFMediaEvent** aEvent) override;
65 IFACEMETHODIMP BeginGetEvent(IMFAsyncCallback* aCallback,
66 IUnknown* aState) override;
67 IFACEMETHODIMP EndGetEvent(IMFAsyncResult* aResult,
68 IMFMediaEvent** aEvent) override;
69 IFACEMETHODIMP QueueEvent(MediaEventType aType, REFGUID aExtendedType,
70 HRESULT aStatus,
71 const PROPVARIANT* aValue) override;
73 // IMFGetService
74 IFACEMETHODIMP GetService(REFGUID aGuidService, REFIID aRiid,
75 LPVOID* aResult) override;
77 // IMFRateSupport
79 BOOL aSupportsThinning, float* aRate) override;
81 BOOL aSupportsThinning, float* aRate) override;
82 IFACEMETHODIMP IsRateSupported(BOOL aSupportsThinning, float aNewRate,
83 float* aSupportedRate) override;
85 // IMFRateControl
86 IFACEMETHODIMP SetRate(BOOL aSupportsThinning, float aRate) override;
87 IFACEMETHODIMP GetRate(BOOL* aSupportsThinning, float* aRate) override;
89 // IMFTrustedInput
90 IFACEMETHODIMP GetInputTrustAuthority(DWORD aStreamId, REFIID aRiid,
91 IUnknown** aITAOut) override;
93 MFMediaEngineStream* GetAudioStream();
94 MFMediaEngineStream* GetVideoStream();
96 MFMediaEngineStream* GetStreamByIndentifier(DWORD aStreamId) const;
98 #ifdef MOZ_WMF_CDM
99 void SetCDMProxy(MFCDMProxy* aCDMProxy);
100 #endif
102 TaskQueue* GetTaskQueue() const { return mTaskQueue; }
104 MediaEventSource<SampleRequest>& RequestSampleEvent() {
105 return mRequestSampleEvent;
108 // Called from the content process to notify that no more encoded data in that
109 // type of track.
110 void NotifyEndOfStream(TrackInfo::TrackType aType);
112 // Called from the MF stream to indicate that the stream has provided last
113 // encoded sample to the media engine.
114 void HandleStreamEnded(TrackInfo::TrackType aType);
116 enum class State {
117 Initialized,
118 Started,
119 Stopped,
120 Paused,
121 Shutdowned,
123 State GetState() const;
125 void SetDCompSurfaceHandle(HANDLE aDCompSurfaceHandle, gfx::IntSize aDisplay);
127 void ShutdownTaskQueue();
129 bool IsEncrypted() const;
131 private:
132 void AssertOnManagerThread() const;
133 void AssertOnMFThreadPool() const;
135 bool IsSeekable() const;
137 // A thread-safe event queue.
138 // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/medfound/media-event-generators#implementing-imfmediaeventgenerator
139 Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IMFMediaEventQueue> mMediaEventQueue;
141 // The thread used to run the engine streams' tasks.
142 RefPtr<TaskQueue> mTaskQueue;
144 // The thread used to run the media source's tasks.
145 RefPtr<nsISerialEventTarget> mManagerThread;
147 // MFMediaEngineStream will notify us when we need more sample.
148 friend class MFMediaEngineStream;
149 MediaEventProducer<SampleRequest> mRequestSampleEvent;
151 MediaEventListener mAudioStreamEndedListener;
152 MediaEventListener mVideoStreamEndedListener;
154 // This class would be run/accessed on two threads, MF thread pool and the
155 // manager thread. Following members could be used across threads so they need
156 // to be thread-safe.
158 mutable Mutex mMutex{"MFMediaEngineSource"};
160 // True if the playback is ended. Use and modify on both the manager thread
161 // and MF thread pool.
162 bool mPresentationEnded MOZ_GUARDED_BY(mMutex);
163 bool mIsAudioEnded MOZ_GUARDED_BY(mMutex);
164 bool mIsVideoEnded MOZ_GUARDED_BY(mMutex);
166 // Modify on MF thread pool and the manager thread, read on any threads.
167 State mState MOZ_GUARDED_BY(mMutex);
169 Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<MFMediaEngineStream> mAudioStream
170 MOZ_GUARDED_BY(mMutex);
171 Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<MFMediaEngineStream> mVideoStream
172 MOZ_GUARDED_BY(mMutex);
174 // Thread-safe members END
176 // Modify and access on MF thread pool.
177 float mPlaybackRate = 0.0f;
179 #ifdef MOZ_WMF_CDM
180 RefPtr<MFCDMProxy> mCDMProxy;
181 #endif
184 } // namespace mozilla