Bug 888271 - Make test_AudioBufferSourceNodeOffset.html fuzzier.
[gecko.git] / build / upload.py
1 #!/usr/bin/python
3 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
7 # When run directly, this script expects the following environment variables
8 # to be set:
9 # UPLOAD_HOST : host to upload files to
10 # UPLOAD_USER : username on that host
11 # UPLOAD_PATH : path on that host to put the files in
13 # And will use the following optional environment variables if set:
14 # UPLOAD_SSH_KEY : path to a ssh private key to use
15 # UPLOAD_PORT : port to use for ssh
16 # POST_UPLOAD_CMD: a commandline to run on the remote host after uploading.
17 # UPLOAD_PATH and the full paths of all files uploaded will
18 # be appended to the commandline.
20 # All files to be uploaded should be passed as commandline arguments to this
21 # script. The script takes one other parameter, --base-path, which you can use
22 # to indicate that files should be uploaded including their paths relative
23 # to the base path.
25 import sys, os
26 from optparse import OptionParser
27 from subprocess import PIPE, Popen, check_call
29 def RequireEnvironmentVariable(v):
30 """Return the value of the environment variable named v, or print
31 an error and exit if it's unset (or empty)."""
32 if not v in os.environ or os.environ[v] == "":
33 print "Error: required environment variable %s not set" % v
34 sys.exit(1)
35 return os.environ[v]
37 def OptionalEnvironmentVariable(v):
38 """Return the value of the environment variable named v, or None
39 if it's unset (or empty)."""
40 if v in os.environ and os.environ[v] != "":
41 return os.environ[v]
42 return None
44 def FixupMsysPath(path):
45 """MSYS helpfully translates absolute pathnames in environment variables
46 and commandline arguments into Windows native paths. This sucks if you're
47 trying to pass an absolute path on a remote server. This function attempts
48 to un-mangle such paths."""
49 if 'OSTYPE' in os.environ and os.environ['OSTYPE'] == 'msys':
50 # sort of awful, find out where our shell is (should be in msys/bin)
51 # and strip the first part of that path out of the other path
52 if 'SHELL' in os.environ:
53 sh = os.environ['SHELL']
54 msys = sh[:sh.find('/bin')]
55 if path.startswith(msys):
56 path = path[len(msys):]
57 return path
59 def WindowsPathToMsysPath(path):
60 """Translate a Windows pathname to an MSYS pathname.
61 Necessary because we call out to ssh/scp, which are MSYS binaries
62 and expect MSYS paths."""
63 if sys.platform != 'win32':
64 return path
65 (drive, path) = os.path.splitdrive(os.path.abspath(path))
66 return "/" + drive[0] + path.replace('\\','/')
68 def AppendOptionalArgsToSSHCommandline(cmdline, port, ssh_key):
69 """Given optional port and ssh key values, append valid OpenSSH
70 commandline arguments to the list cmdline if the values are not None."""
71 if port is not None:
72 cmdline.append("-P%d" % port)
73 if ssh_key is not None:
74 # Don't interpret ~ paths - ssh can handle that on its own
75 if not ssh_key.startswith('~'):
76 ssh_key = WindowsPathToMsysPath(ssh_key)
77 cmdline.extend(["-o", "IdentityFile=%s" % ssh_key])
79 def DoSSHCommand(command, user, host, port=None, ssh_key=None):
80 """Execute command on user@host using ssh. Optionally use
81 port and ssh_key, if provided."""
82 cmdline = ["ssh"]
83 AppendOptionalArgsToSSHCommandline(cmdline, port, ssh_key)
84 cmdline.extend(["%s@%s" % (user, host), command])
85 cmd = Popen(cmdline, stdout=PIPE)
86 retcode = cmd.wait()
87 if retcode != 0:
88 raise Exception("Command %s returned non-zero exit code: %i" % \
89 (cmdline, retcode))
90 return cmd.stdout.read().strip()
92 def DoSCPFile(file, remote_path, user, host, port=None, ssh_key=None):
93 """Upload file to user@host:remote_path using scp. Optionally use
94 port and ssh_key, if provided."""
95 cmdline = ["scp"]
96 AppendOptionalArgsToSSHCommandline(cmdline, port, ssh_key)
97 cmdline.extend([WindowsPathToMsysPath(file),
98 "%s@%s:%s" % (user, host, remote_path)])
99 check_call(cmdline)
101 def GetRemotePath(path, local_file, base_path):
102 """Given a remote path to upload to, a full path to a local file, and an
103 optional full path that is a base path of the local file, construct the
104 full remote path to place the file in. If base_path is not None, include
105 the relative path from base_path to file."""
106 if base_path is None or not local_file.startswith(base_path):
107 return path
108 dir = os.path.dirname(local_file)
109 # strip base_path + extra slash and make it unixy
110 dir = dir[len(base_path)+1:].replace('\\','/')
111 return path + dir
113 def UploadFiles(user, host, path, files, verbose=False, port=None, ssh_key=None, base_path=None, upload_to_temp_dir=False, post_upload_command=None):
114 """Upload each file in the list files to user@host:path. Optionally pass
115 port and ssh_key to the ssh commands. If base_path is not None, upload
116 files including their path relative to base_path. If upload_to_temp_dir is
117 True files will be uploaded to a temporary directory on the remote server.
118 Generally, you should have a post upload command specified in these cases
119 that can move them around to their correct location(s).
120 If post_upload_command is not None, execute that command on the remote host
121 after uploading all files, passing it the upload path, and the full paths to
122 all files uploaded.
123 If verbose is True, print status updates while working."""
124 if upload_to_temp_dir:
125 path = DoSSHCommand("mktemp -d", user, host, port=port, ssh_key=ssh_key)
126 if not path.endswith("/"):
127 path += "/"
128 if base_path is not None:
129 base_path = os.path.abspath(base_path)
130 remote_files = []
131 try:
132 for file in files:
133 file = os.path.abspath(file)
134 if not os.path.isfile(file):
135 raise IOError("File not found: %s" % file)
136 # first ensure that path exists remotely
137 remote_path = GetRemotePath(path, file, base_path)
138 DoSSHCommand("mkdir -p " + remote_path, user, host, port=port, ssh_key=ssh_key)
139 if verbose:
140 print "Uploading " + file
141 DoSCPFile(file, remote_path, user, host, port=port, ssh_key=ssh_key)
142 remote_files.append(remote_path + '/' + os.path.basename(file))
143 if post_upload_command is not None:
144 if verbose:
145 print "Running post-upload command: " + post_upload_command
146 file_list = '"' + '" "'.join(remote_files) + '"'
147 DoSSHCommand('%s "%s" %s' % (post_upload_command, path, file_list), user, host, port=port, ssh_key=ssh_key)
148 finally:
149 if upload_to_temp_dir:
150 DoSSHCommand("rm -rf %s" % path, user, host, port=port,
151 ssh_key=ssh_key)
152 if verbose:
153 print "Upload complete"
155 if __name__ == '__main__':
156 host = RequireEnvironmentVariable('UPLOAD_HOST')
157 user = RequireEnvironmentVariable('UPLOAD_USER')
158 path = OptionalEnvironmentVariable('UPLOAD_PATH')
159 upload_to_temp_dir = OptionalEnvironmentVariable('UPLOAD_TO_TEMP')
160 port = OptionalEnvironmentVariable('UPLOAD_PORT')
161 if port is not None:
162 port = int(port)
163 key = OptionalEnvironmentVariable('UPLOAD_SSH_KEY')
164 post_upload_command = OptionalEnvironmentVariable('POST_UPLOAD_CMD')
165 if (not path and not upload_to_temp_dir) or (path and upload_to_temp_dir):
166 print "One (and only one of UPLOAD_PATH or UPLOAD_TO_TEMP must be " + \
167 "defined."
168 sys.exit(1)
169 if sys.platform == 'win32':
170 if path is not None:
171 path = FixupMsysPath(path)
172 if post_upload_command is not None:
173 post_upload_command = FixupMsysPath(post_upload_command)
175 parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] <files>")
176 parser.add_option("-b", "--base-path",
177 action="store", dest="base_path",
178 help="Preserve file paths relative to this path when uploading. If unset, all files will be uploaded directly to UPLOAD_PATH.")
179 (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
180 if len(args) < 1:
181 print "You must specify at least one file to upload"
182 sys.exit(1)
183 try:
184 UploadFiles(user, host, path, args, base_path=options.base_path,
185 port=port, ssh_key=key, upload_to_temp_dir=upload_to_temp_dir,
186 post_upload_command=post_upload_command,
187 verbose=True)
188 except IOError, (strerror):
189 print strerror
190 sys.exit(1)
191 except Exception, (err):
192 print err
193 sys.exit(2)