Bug 1839316: part 5) Guard the "fetchpriority" attribute behind a pref. r=kershaw...
[gecko.git] / docshell / test / chrome / bug360511_window.xhtml
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin" type="text/css"?>
4 <window id="360511Test"
5 xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"
6 width="600"
7 height="600"
8 onload="setTimeout(runTest, 0);"
9 title="bug 360511 test">
11 <script type="application/javascript" src= "chrome://mochikit/content/chrome-harness.js" />
12 <script type="application/javascript" src="docshell_helpers.js" />
13 <script type="application/javascript"><![CDATA[
14 Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.navigation.requireUserInteraction", false);
16 function getScrollY()
18 return SpecialPowers.spawn(TestWindow.getBrowser(), [], () => {
19 return content.scrollY;
20 });
22 function getLocation()
24 return SpecialPowers.spawn(TestWindow.getBrowser(), [], () => {
25 return content.location.href;
26 });
29 ////
30 // Bug 360511: Fragment uri's in session history should be restored correctly
31 // upon back navigation.
33 async function runTest()
35 // Case 1: load a page containing a fragment link; the page should be
36 // stored in the bfcache.
37 // Case 2: load a page containing a fragment link; the page should NOT
38 // be stored in the bfcache.
39 for (var i = 1; i < 3; i++)
41 var url = "bug360511_case" + i + ".html";
42 await promisePageNavigation( {
43 uri: getHttpUrl(url),
44 preventBFCache: i != 1
45 } );
47 // Store the original url for later comparison.
48 var originalUrl = TestWindow.getBrowser().currentURI.spec;
49 var originalDocLocation = await getLocation();
51 // Verify we're at the top of the page.
52 is(await getScrollY(), 0, "Page initially has a non-zero scrollY property");
54 // Click the on the fragment link in the browser, and use setTimeout
55 // to give the event a chance to be processed.
56 await SpecialPowers.spawn(TestWindow.getBrowser(), [], () => {
57 var event = content.document.createEvent('MouseEvent');
58 event.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, content, 0,
59 0, 0, 0, 0,
60 false, false, false, false, 0, null);
61 content.document.getElementById("link1").dispatchEvent(event);
62 });
63 await promiseNextPaint();
65 // Verify we're no longer at the top of the page.
66 await promiseTrue(async function() {
67 return await getScrollY() > 0;
68 }, 20);
70 // Store the fragment url for later comparison.
71 var fragmentUrl = TestWindow.getBrowser().currentURI.spec;
72 let fragDocLocation = await getLocation();
74 // Now navigate to any other page
75 var expectedPageTitle = "bug360511 case " + i;
76 await promisePageNavigation( {
77 uri: getHttpUrl("generic.html"),
78 eventsToListenFor: ["pagehide", "pageshow"],
79 expectedEvents: [ {type: "pagehide", title: expectedPageTitle,
80 persisted: i == 1},
81 {type: "pageshow"} ],
82 } );
84 // Go back
85 await promisePageNavigation( {
86 back: true,
87 eventsToListenFor: ["pageshow"],
88 expectedEvents: [ {type: "pageshow", title: expectedPageTitle,
89 persisted: i == 1} ],
90 } );
92 // Verify the current url is the fragment url
93 is(TestWindow.getBrowser().currentURI.spec, fragmentUrl,
94 "current url is not the previous fragment url");
95 is(await getLocation(), fragDocLocation,
96 "document.location is not the previous fragment url");
98 // Go back again. Since we're just going from a fragment url to
99 // parent url, no pageshow event is fired, so don't wait for any
100 // events. Rather, just wait for the page's scrollY property to
101 // change.
102 var originalScrollY = await getScrollY();
103 doPageNavigation( {
104 back: true,
105 eventsToListenFor: []
106 } );
107 await promiseTrue(
108 async function() {
109 return (await getScrollY() != originalScrollY);
110 }, 20);
112 // Verify the current url is the original url without fragment
113 is(TestWindow.getBrowser().currentURI.spec, originalUrl,
114 "current url is not the original url");
115 is(await getLocation(), originalDocLocation,
116 "document.location is not the original url");
119 Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.navigation.requireUserInteraction");
120 // Tell the framework the test is finished.
121 finish();
124 ]]></script>
126 <browser type="content" primary="true" flex="1" id="content" remote="true" maychangeremoteness="true" />
127 </window>