Backed out 3 changesets (bug 1790375) for causing wd failures on
[gecko.git] / third_party / aom / test /
1 #!/usr/bin/python
3 # Copyright (c) 2016, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
5 # This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
6 # the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
7 # was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
8 # obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
9 # Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
10 # PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
13 """Converts video encoding result data from text files to visualization
14 data source."""
16 __author__ = " (James Zern),"
17 __author__ += " (Jim Bankoski)"
19 import fnmatch
20 import numpy as np
21 import scipy as sp
22 import scipy.interpolate
23 import os
24 import re
25 import string
26 import sys
27 import math
28 import warnings
30 import gviz_api
32 from os.path import basename
33 from os.path import splitext
35 warnings.simplefilter('ignore', np.RankWarning)
36 warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning)
38 def bdsnr2(metric_set1, metric_set2):
39 """
40 BJONTEGAARD Bjontegaard metric calculation adapted
41 Bjontegaard's snr metric allows to compute the average % saving in decibels
42 between two rate-distortion curves [1]. This is an adaptation of that
43 method that fixes inconsistencies when the curve fit operation goes awry
44 by replacing the curve fit function with a Piecewise Cubic Hermite
45 Interpolating Polynomial and then integrating that by evaluating that
46 function at small intervals using the trapezoid method to calculate
47 the integral.
49 metric_set1 - list of tuples ( bitrate, metric ) for first graph
50 metric_set2 - list of tuples ( bitrate, metric ) for second graph
51 """
53 if not metric_set1 or not metric_set2:
54 return 0.0
56 try:
58 # pchip_interlopate requires keys sorted by x axis. x-axis will
59 # be our metric not the bitrate so sort by metric.
60 metric_set1.sort()
61 metric_set2.sort()
63 # Pull the log of the rate and clamped psnr from metric_sets.
64 log_rate1 = [math.log(x[0]) for x in metric_set1]
65 metric1 = [100.0 if x[1] == float('inf') else x[1] for x in metric_set1]
66 log_rate2 = [math.log(x[0]) for x in metric_set2]
67 metric2 = [100.0 if x[1] == float('inf') else x[1] for x in metric_set2]
69 # Integration interval. This metric only works on the area that's
70 # overlapping. Extrapolation of these things is sketchy so we avoid.
71 min_int = max([min(log_rate1), min(log_rate2)])
72 max_int = min([max(log_rate1), max(log_rate2)])
74 # No overlap means no sensible metric possible.
75 if max_int <= min_int:
76 return 0.0
78 # Use Piecewise Cubic Hermite Interpolating Polynomial interpolation to
79 # create 100 new samples points separated by interval.
80 lin = np.linspace(min_int, max_int, num=100, retstep=True)
81 interval = lin[1]
82 samples = lin[0]
83 v1 = scipy.interpolate.pchip_interpolate(log_rate1, metric1, samples)
84 v2 = scipy.interpolate.pchip_interpolate(log_rate2, metric2, samples)
86 # Calculate the integral using the trapezoid method on the samples.
87 int_v1 = np.trapz(v1, dx=interval)
88 int_v2 = np.trapz(v2, dx=interval)
90 # Calculate the average improvement.
91 avg_exp_diff = (int_v2 - int_v1) / (max_int - min_int)
93 except (TypeError, ZeroDivisionError, ValueError, np.RankWarning) as e:
94 return 0
96 return avg_exp_diff
98 def bdrate2(metric_set1, metric_set2):
99 """
100 BJONTEGAARD Bjontegaard metric calculation adapted
101 Bjontegaard's metric allows to compute the average % saving in bitrate
102 between two rate-distortion curves [1]. This is an adaptation of that
103 method that fixes inconsistencies when the curve fit operation goes awry
104 by replacing the curve fit function with a Piecewise Cubic Hermite
105 Interpolating Polynomial and then integrating that by evaluating that
106 function at small intervals using the trapezoid method to calculate
107 the integral.
109 metric_set1 - list of tuples ( bitrate, metric ) for first graph
110 metric_set2 - list of tuples ( bitrate, metric ) for second graph
113 if not metric_set1 or not metric_set2:
114 return 0.0
116 try:
118 # pchip_interlopate requires keys sorted by x axis. x-axis will
119 # be our metric not the bitrate so sort by metric.
120 metric_set1.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1])
121 metric_set2.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1])
123 # Pull the log of the rate and clamped psnr from metric_sets.
124 log_rate1 = [math.log(x[0]) for x in metric_set1]
125 metric1 = [100.0 if x[1] == float('inf') else x[1] for x in metric_set1]
126 log_rate2 = [math.log(x[0]) for x in metric_set2]
127 metric2 = [100.0 if x[1] == float('inf') else x[1] for x in metric_set2]
129 # Integration interval. This metric only works on the area that's
130 # overlapping. Extrapolation of these things is sketchy so we avoid.
131 min_int = max([min(metric1), min(metric2)])
132 max_int = min([max(metric1), max(metric2)])
134 # No overlap means no sensible metric possible.
135 if max_int <= min_int:
136 return 0.0
138 # Use Piecewise Cubic Hermite Interpolating Polynomial interpolation to
139 # create 100 new samples points separated by interval.
140 lin = np.linspace(min_int, max_int, num=100, retstep=True)
141 interval = lin[1]
142 samples = lin[0]
143 v1 = scipy.interpolate.pchip_interpolate(metric1, log_rate1, samples)
144 v2 = scipy.interpolate.pchip_interpolate(metric2, log_rate2, samples)
146 # Calculate the integral using the trapezoid method on the samples.
147 int_v1 = np.trapz(v1, dx=interval)
148 int_v2 = np.trapz(v2, dx=interval)
150 # Calculate the average improvement.
151 avg_exp_diff = (int_v2 - int_v1) / (max_int - min_int)
153 except (TypeError, ZeroDivisionError, ValueError, np.RankWarning) as e:
154 return 0
156 # Convert to a percentage.
157 avg_diff = (math.exp(avg_exp_diff) - 1) * 100
159 return avg_diff
163 def FillForm(string_for_substitution, dictionary_of_vars):
165 This function substitutes all matches of the command string //%% ... %%//
166 with the variable represented by ... .
168 return_string = string_for_substitution
169 for i in re.findall("//%%(.*)%%//", string_for_substitution):
170 return_string = re.sub("//%%" + i + "%%//", dictionary_of_vars[i],
171 return_string)
172 return return_string
175 def HasMetrics(line):
177 The metrics files produced by aomenc are started with a B for headers.
179 # If the first char of the first word on the line is a digit
180 if len(line) == 0:
181 return False
182 if len(line.split()) == 0:
183 return False
184 if line.split()[0][0:1].isdigit():
185 return True
186 return False
188 def GetMetrics(file_name):
189 metric_file = open(file_name, "r")
190 return metric_file.readline().split();
192 def ParseMetricFile(file_name, metric_column):
193 metric_set1 = set([])
194 metric_file = open(file_name, "r")
195 for line in metric_file:
196 metrics = string.split(line)
197 if HasMetrics(line):
198 if metric_column < len(metrics):
199 try:
200 tuple = float(metrics[0]), float(metrics[metric_column])
201 except:
202 tuple = float(metrics[0]), 0
203 else:
204 tuple = float(metrics[0]), 0
205 metric_set1.add(tuple)
206 metric_set1_sorted = sorted(metric_set1)
207 return metric_set1_sorted
210 def FileBetter(file_name_1, file_name_2, metric_column, method):
212 Compares two data files and determines which is better and by how
213 much. Also produces a histogram of how much better, by PSNR.
214 metric_column is the metric.
216 # Store and parse our two files into lists of unique tuples.
218 # Read the two files, parsing out lines starting with bitrate.
219 metric_set1_sorted = ParseMetricFile(file_name_1, metric_column)
220 metric_set2_sorted = ParseMetricFile(file_name_2, metric_column)
223 def GraphBetter(metric_set1_sorted, metric_set2_sorted, base_is_set_2):
225 Search through the sorted metric file for metrics on either side of
226 the metric from file 1. Since both lists are sorted we really
227 should not have to search through the entire range, but these
228 are small files."""
229 total_bitrate_difference_ratio = 0.0
230 count = 0
231 for bitrate, metric in metric_set1_sorted:
232 if bitrate == 0:
233 continue
234 for i in range(len(metric_set2_sorted) - 1):
235 s2_bitrate_0, s2_metric_0 = metric_set2_sorted[i]
236 s2_bitrate_1, s2_metric_1 = metric_set2_sorted[i + 1]
237 # We have a point on either side of our metric range.
238 if metric > s2_metric_0 and metric <= s2_metric_1:
240 # Calculate a slope.
241 if s2_metric_1 - s2_metric_0 != 0:
242 metric_slope = ((s2_bitrate_1 - s2_bitrate_0) /
243 (s2_metric_1 - s2_metric_0))
244 else:
245 metric_slope = 0
247 estimated_s2_bitrate = (s2_bitrate_0 + (metric - s2_metric_0) *
248 metric_slope)
250 if estimated_s2_bitrate == 0:
251 continue
252 # Calculate percentage difference as given by base.
253 if base_is_set_2 == 0:
254 bitrate_difference_ratio = ((bitrate - estimated_s2_bitrate) /
255 bitrate)
256 else:
257 bitrate_difference_ratio = ((bitrate - estimated_s2_bitrate) /
258 estimated_s2_bitrate)
260 total_bitrate_difference_ratio += bitrate_difference_ratio
261 count += 1
262 break
264 # Calculate the average improvement between graphs.
265 if count != 0:
266 avg = total_bitrate_difference_ratio / count
268 else:
269 avg = 0.0
271 return avg
273 # Be fair to both graphs by testing all the points in each.
274 if method == 'avg':
275 avg_improvement = 50 * (
276 GraphBetter(metric_set1_sorted, metric_set2_sorted, 1) -
277 GraphBetter(metric_set2_sorted, metric_set1_sorted, 0))
278 elif method == 'dsnr':
279 avg_improvement = bdsnr2(metric_set1_sorted, metric_set2_sorted)
280 else:
281 avg_improvement = bdrate2(metric_set2_sorted, metric_set1_sorted)
283 return avg_improvement
286 def HandleFiles(variables):
288 This script creates html for displaying metric data produced from data
289 in a video stats file, as created by the AOM project when enable_psnr
290 is turned on:
292 Usage: template.html pattern base_dir sub_dir [ sub_dir2 ..]
294 The script parses each metrics file [see below] that matches the
295 statfile_pattern in the baseline directory and looks for the file that
296 matches that same file in each of the sub_dirs, and compares the resultant
297 metrics bitrate, avg psnr, glb psnr, and ssim. "
299 It provides a table in which each row is a file in the line directory,
300 and a column for each subdir, with the cells representing how that clip
301 compares to baseline for that subdir. A graph is given for each which
302 compares filesize to that metric. If you click on a point in the graph it
303 zooms in on that point.
305 a SAMPLE metrics file:
307 Bitrate AVGPsnr GLBPsnr AVPsnrP GLPsnrP VPXSSIM Time(us)
308 25.911 38.242 38.104 38.258 38.121 75.790 14103
309 Bitrate AVGPsnr GLBPsnr AVPsnrP GLPsnrP VPXSSIM Time(us)
310 49.982 41.264 41.129 41.255 41.122 83.993 19817
311 Bitrate AVGPsnr GLBPsnr AVPsnrP GLPsnrP VPXSSIM Time(us)
312 74.967 42.911 42.767 42.899 42.756 87.928 17332
313 Bitrate AVGPsnr GLBPsnr AVPsnrP GLPsnrP VPXSSIM Time(us)
314 100.012 43.983 43.838 43.881 43.738 89.695 25389
315 Bitrate AVGPsnr GLBPsnr AVPsnrP GLPsnrP VPXSSIM Time(us)
316 149.980 45.338 45.203 45.184 45.043 91.591 25438
317 Bitrate AVGPsnr GLBPsnr AVPsnrP GLPsnrP VPXSSIM Time(us)
318 199.852 46.225 46.123 46.113 45.999 92.679 28302
319 Bitrate AVGPsnr GLBPsnr AVPsnrP GLPsnrP VPXSSIM Time(us)
320 249.922 46.864 46.773 46.777 46.673 93.334 27244
321 Bitrate AVGPsnr GLBPsnr AVPsnrP GLPsnrP VPXSSIM Time(us)
322 299.998 47.366 47.281 47.317 47.220 93.844 27137
323 Bitrate AVGPsnr GLBPsnr AVPsnrP GLPsnrP VPXSSIM Time(us)
324 349.769 47.746 47.677 47.722 47.648 94.178 32226
325 Bitrate AVGPsnr GLBPsnr AVPsnrP GLPsnrP VPXSSIM Time(us)
326 399.773 48.032 47.971 48.013 47.946 94.362 36203
328 sample use:
329 template.html "*stt" aom aom_b aom_c > metrics.html
332 # The template file is the html file into which we will write the
333 # data from the stats file, formatted correctly for the gviz_api.
334 template_file = open(variables[1], "r")
335 page_template =
336 template_file.close()
338 # This is the path match pattern for finding stats files amongst
339 # all the other files it could be. eg: *.stt
340 file_pattern = variables[2]
342 # This is the directory with files that we will use to do the comparison
343 # against.
344 baseline_dir = variables[3]
345 snrs = ''
346 filestable = {}
348 filestable['dsnr'] = ''
349 filestable['drate'] = ''
350 filestable['avg'] = ''
352 # Dirs is directories after the baseline to compare to the base.
353 dirs = variables[4:len(variables)]
355 # Find the metric files in the baseline directory.
356 dir_list = sorted(fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(baseline_dir), file_pattern))
358 metrics = GetMetrics(baseline_dir + "/" + dir_list[0])
360 metrics_js = 'metrics = ["' + '", "'.join(metrics) + '"];'
362 for column in range(1, len(metrics)):
364 for metric in ['avg','dsnr','drate']:
365 description = {"file": ("string", "File")}
367 # Go through each directory and add a column header to our description.
368 countoverall = {}
369 sumoverall = {}
371 for directory in dirs:
372 description[directory] = ("number", directory)
373 countoverall[directory] = 0
374 sumoverall[directory] = 0
376 # Data holds the data for the visualization, name given comes from
377 # gviz_api sample code.
378 data = []
379 for filename in dir_list:
380 row = {'file': splitext(basename(filename))[0] }
381 baseline_file_name = baseline_dir + "/" + filename
383 # Read the metric file from each of the directories in our list.
384 for directory in dirs:
385 metric_file_name = directory + "/" + filename
387 # If there is a metric file in the current directory, open it
388 # and calculate its overall difference between it and the baseline
389 # directory's metric file.
390 if os.path.isfile(metric_file_name):
391 overall = FileBetter(baseline_file_name, metric_file_name,
392 column, metric)
393 row[directory] = overall
395 sumoverall[directory] += overall
396 countoverall[directory] += 1
398 data.append(row)
400 # Add the overall numbers.
401 row = {"file": "OVERALL" }
402 for directory in dirs:
403 row[directory] = sumoverall[directory] / countoverall[directory]
404 data.append(row)
406 # write the tables out
407 data_table = gviz_api.DataTable(description)
408 data_table.LoadData(data)
410 filestable[metric] = ( filestable[metric] + "filestable_" + metric +
411 "[" + str(column) + "]=" +
412 data_table.ToJSon(columns_order=["file"]+dirs) + "\n" )
414 filestable_avg = filestable['avg']
415 filestable_dpsnr = filestable['dsnr']
416 filestable_drate = filestable['drate']
418 # Now we collect all the data for all the graphs. First the column
419 # headers which will be Datarate and then each directory.
420 columns = ("datarate",baseline_dir)
421 description = {"datarate":("number", "Datarate")}
422 for directory in dirs:
423 description[directory] = ("number", directory)
425 description[baseline_dir] = ("number", baseline_dir)
427 snrs = snrs + "snrs[" + str(column) + "] = ["
429 # Now collect the data for the graphs, file by file.
430 for filename in dir_list:
432 data = []
434 # Collect the file in each directory and store all of its metrics
435 # in the associated gviz metrics table.
436 all_dirs = dirs + [baseline_dir]
437 for directory in all_dirs:
439 metric_file_name = directory + "/" + filename
440 if not os.path.isfile(metric_file_name):
441 continue
443 # Read and parse the metrics file storing it to the data we'll
444 # use for the gviz_api.Datatable.
445 metrics = ParseMetricFile(metric_file_name, column)
446 for bitrate, metric in metrics:
447 data.append({"datarate": bitrate, directory: metric})
449 data_table = gviz_api.DataTable(description)
450 data_table.LoadData(data)
451 snrs = snrs + "'" + data_table.ToJSon(
452 columns_order=tuple(["datarate",baseline_dir]+dirs)) + "',"
454 snrs = snrs + "]\n"
456 formatters = ""
457 for i in range(len(dirs)):
458 formatters = "%s formatter.format(better, %d);" % (formatters, i+1)
460 print FillForm(page_template, vars())
461 return
463 if len(sys.argv) < 3:
464 print HandleFiles.__doc__
465 else:
466 HandleFiles(sys.argv)