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[gecko.git] / netwerk / base / nsSocketTransportService2.h
1 /* vim:set ts=4 sw=2 sts=2 ci et: */
2 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
3 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
4 * file, You can obtain one at */
6 #ifndef nsSocketTransportService2_h__
7 #define nsSocketTransportService2_h__
9 #include "PollableEvent.h"
10 #include "mozilla/Atomics.h"
11 #include "mozilla/LinkedList.h"
12 #include "mozilla/Logging.h"
13 #include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
14 #include "mozilla/Mutex.h"
15 #include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h"
17 #include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
18 #include "mozilla/net/DashboardTypes.h"
19 #include "nsCOMPtr.h"
20 #include "nsASocketHandler.h"
21 #include "nsIDirectTaskDispatcher.h"
22 #include "nsIObserver.h"
23 #include "nsIRunnable.h"
24 #include "nsIThreadInternal.h"
25 #include "nsITimer.h"
26 #include "nsPISocketTransportService.h"
27 #include "prinit.h"
28 #include "prinrval.h"
30 struct PRPollDesc;
31 class nsIPrefBranch;
33 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
35 namespace mozilla {
36 namespace net {
39 // set MOZ_LOG=nsSocketTransport:5
41 extern LazyLogModule gSocketTransportLog;
42 #define SOCKET_LOG(args) MOZ_LOG(gSocketTransportLog, LogLevel::Debug, args)
43 #define SOCKET_LOG1(args) MOZ_LOG(gSocketTransportLog, LogLevel::Error, args)
44 #define SOCKET_LOG_ENABLED() MOZ_LOG_TEST(gSocketTransportLog, LogLevel::Debug)
47 // set MOZ_LOG=UDPSocket:5
49 extern LazyLogModule gUDPSocketLog;
50 #define UDPSOCKET_LOG(args) MOZ_LOG(gUDPSocketLog, LogLevel::Debug, args)
51 #define UDPSOCKET_LOG_ENABLED() MOZ_LOG_TEST(gUDPSocketLog, LogLevel::Debug)
53 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
57 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
59 // These maximums are borrowed from the linux kernel.
60 static const int32_t kMaxTCPKeepIdle = 32767; // ~9 hours.
61 static const int32_t kMaxTCPKeepIntvl = 32767;
62 static const int32_t kMaxTCPKeepCount = 127;
63 static const int32_t kDefaultTCPKeepCount =
64 #if defined(XP_WIN)
65 10; // Hardcoded in Windows.
66 #elif defined(XP_MACOSX)
67 8; // Hardcoded in OSX.
68 #else
69 4; // Specifiable in Linux.
70 #endif
72 class LinkedRunnableEvent final
73 : public LinkedListElement<LinkedRunnableEvent> {
74 public:
75 explicit LinkedRunnableEvent(nsIRunnable* event) : mEvent(event) {}
76 ~LinkedRunnableEvent() = default;
78 already_AddRefed<nsIRunnable> TakeEvent() { return mEvent.forget(); }
80 private:
81 nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> mEvent;
84 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
86 class nsSocketTransportService final : public nsPISocketTransportService,
87 public nsISerialEventTarget,
88 public nsIThreadObserver,
89 public nsIRunnable,
90 public nsIObserver,
91 public nsINamed,
92 public nsIDirectTaskDispatcher {
93 public:
105 static const uint32_t SOCKET_LIMIT_MIN = 50U;
107 nsSocketTransportService();
109 // Max Socket count may need to get initialized/used by nsHttpHandler
110 // before this class is initialized.
111 static uint32_t gMaxCount;
112 static PRCallOnceType gMaxCountInitOnce;
113 static PRStatus DiscoverMaxCount();
115 bool CanAttachSocket();
117 // Called by the networking dashboard on the socket thread only
118 // Fills the passed array with socket information
119 void GetSocketConnections(nsTArray<SocketInfo>*);
120 uint64_t GetSentBytes() { return mSentBytesCount; }
121 uint64_t GetReceivedBytes() { return mReceivedBytesCount; }
123 // Returns true if keepalives are enabled in prefs.
124 bool IsKeepaliveEnabled() { return mKeepaliveEnabledPref; }
126 bool IsTelemetryEnabledAndNotSleepPhase();
127 PRIntervalTime MaxTimeForPrClosePref() { return mMaxTimeForPrClosePref; }
129 // According the preference value of `network.socket.forcePort` this method
130 // possibly remaps the port number passed as the arg.
131 void ApplyPortRemap(uint16_t* aPort);
133 // Reads the preference string and updates (rewrites) the mPortRemapping
134 // array on the socket thread. Returns true if the whole pref string was
135 // correctly formed.
136 bool UpdatePortRemapPreference(nsACString const& aPortMappingPref);
138 protected:
139 virtual ~nsSocketTransportService();
141 private:
142 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
143 // misc (any thread)
144 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
146 // The value is guaranteed to be valid and not dangling while on the socket
147 // thread as mThread is only ever reset after it's been shutdown.
148 // This member should only ever be read on the socket thread.
149 nsIThread* mRawThread{nullptr};
151 // Returns mThread in a thread-safe manner.
152 already_AddRefed<nsIThread> GetThreadSafely();
153 // Same as above, but return mThread as a nsIDirectTaskDispatcher
154 already_AddRefed<nsIDirectTaskDispatcher> GetDirectTaskDispatcherSafely();
156 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
157 // initialization and shutdown (any thread)
158 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
160 Atomic<bool> mInitialized{false};
161 // indicates whether we are currently in the process of shutting down
162 Atomic<bool> mShuttingDown{false};
164 Mutex mLock{"nsSocketTransportService::mLock"};
165 // Variables in the next section protected by mLock
167 // mThread and mDirectTaskDispatcher are only ever modified on the main
168 // thread. Will be set on Init and set to null after shutdown. You must access
169 // mThread and mDirectTaskDispatcher outside the main thread via respectively
170 // GetThreadSafely and GetDirectTaskDispatchedSafely().
171 nsCOMPtr<nsIThread> mThread MOZ_GUARDED_BY(mLock);
172 // We store a pointer to mThread as a direct task dispatcher to avoid having
173 // to do do_QueryInterface whenever we need to access the interface.
174 nsCOMPtr<nsIDirectTaskDispatcher> mDirectTaskDispatcher MOZ_GUARDED_BY(mLock);
175 UniquePtr<PollableEvent> mPollableEvent MOZ_GUARDED_BY(mLock);
176 bool mOffline MOZ_GUARDED_BY(mLock) = false;
177 bool mGoingOffline MOZ_GUARDED_BY(mLock) = false;
179 // Detaches all sockets.
180 void Reset(bool aGuardLocals);
182 nsresult ShutdownThread();
184 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
185 // socket lists (socket thread only)
187 // only "active" sockets are on the poll list. the active list is kept
188 // in sync with the poll list such that:
190 // mActiveList[k].mFD == mPollList[k+1].fd
192 // where k=0,1,2,...
193 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
195 class SocketContext {
196 public:
197 SocketContext(PRFileDesc* aFD,
198 already_AddRefed<nsASocketHandler>&& aHandler,
199 PRIntervalTime aPollStartEpoch)
200 : mFD(aFD), mHandler(aHandler), mPollStartEpoch(aPollStartEpoch) {}
201 SocketContext(PRFileDesc* aFD, nsASocketHandler* aHandler,
202 PRIntervalTime aPollStartEpoch)
203 : mFD(aFD), mHandler(aHandler), mPollStartEpoch(aPollStartEpoch) {}
204 ~SocketContext() = default;
206 // Returns true iff the socket has not been signalled longer than
207 // the desired timeout (mHandler->mPollTimeout).
208 bool IsTimedOut(PRIntervalTime now) const;
209 // Engages the timeout by marking the epoch we start polling this socket.
210 // If epoch is already marked this does nothing, hence, this method can be
211 // called everytime we put this socket to poll() list with in-flags set.
212 void EnsureTimeout(PRIntervalTime now);
213 // Called after an event on a socket has been signalled to turn of the
214 // timeout calculation.
215 void DisengageTimeout();
216 // Returns the number of intervals this socket is about to timeout in,
217 // or 0 (zero) when it has already timed out. Returns
218 // NS_SOCKET_POLL_TIMEOUT when there is no timeout set on the socket.
219 PRIntervalTime TimeoutIn(PRIntervalTime now) const;
220 // When a socket timeout is reset and later set again, it may happen
221 // that mPollStartEpoch is not reset in between. We have to manually
222 // call this on every iteration over sockets to ensure the epoch reset.
223 void MaybeResetEpoch();
225 PRFileDesc* mFD;
226 RefPtr<nsASocketHandler> mHandler;
227 PRIntervalTime mPollStartEpoch; // time we started to poll this socket
230 using SocketContextList = AutoTArray<SocketContext, SOCKET_LIMIT_MIN>;
231 int64_t SockIndex(SocketContextList& aList, SocketContext* aSock);
233 SocketContextList mActiveList;
234 SocketContextList mIdleList;
236 nsresult DetachSocket(SocketContextList& listHead, SocketContext*);
237 void AddToIdleList(SocketContext* sock);
238 void AddToPollList(SocketContext* sock);
239 void RemoveFromIdleList(SocketContext* sock);
240 void RemoveFromPollList(SocketContext* sock);
241 void MoveToIdleList(SocketContext* sock);
242 void MoveToPollList(SocketContext* sock);
244 void InitMaxCount();
246 // Total bytes number transfered through all the sockets except active ones
247 uint64_t mSentBytesCount{0};
248 uint64_t mReceivedBytesCount{0};
249 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
250 // poll list (socket thread only)
252 // first element of the poll list is mPollableEvent (or null if the pollable
253 // event cannot be created).
254 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
256 nsTArray<PRPollDesc> mPollList;
258 PRIntervalTime PollTimeout(
259 PRIntervalTime now); // computes ideal poll timeout
260 nsresult DoPollIteration(TimeDuration* pollDuration);
261 // perfoms a single poll iteration
262 int32_t Poll(TimeDuration* pollDuration, PRIntervalTime ts);
263 // calls PR_Poll. the out param
264 // interval indicates the poll
265 // duration in seconds.
266 // pollDuration is used only for
267 // telemetry
269 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
270 // pending socket queue - see NotifyWhenCanAttachSocket
271 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
272 AutoCleanLinkedList<LinkedRunnableEvent> mPendingSocketQueue;
274 // Preference Monitor for SendBufferSize and Keepalive prefs.
275 nsresult UpdatePrefs();
276 static void UpdatePrefs(const char* aPref, void* aSelf);
277 void UpdateSendBufferPref();
278 int32_t mSendBufferSize{0};
279 // Number of seconds of connection is idle before first keepalive ping.
280 int32_t mKeepaliveIdleTimeS{600};
281 // Number of seconds between retries should keepalive pings fail.
282 int32_t mKeepaliveRetryIntervalS{1};
283 // Number of keepalive probes to send.
284 int32_t mKeepaliveProbeCount{kDefaultTCPKeepCount};
285 // True if TCP keepalive is enabled globally.
286 bool mKeepaliveEnabledPref{false};
287 // Timeout of pollable event signalling.
288 TimeDuration mPollableEventTimeout MOZ_GUARDED_BY(mLock);
290 Atomic<bool> mServingPendingQueue{false};
291 Atomic<int32_t, Relaxed> mMaxTimePerPollIter{100};
292 Atomic<PRIntervalTime, Relaxed> mMaxTimeForPrClosePref;
293 // Timestamp of the last network link change event, tracked
294 // also on child processes.
295 Atomic<PRIntervalTime, Relaxed> mLastNetworkLinkChangeTime{0};
296 // Preference for how long we do busy wait after network link
297 // change has been detected.
298 Atomic<PRIntervalTime, Relaxed> mNetworkLinkChangeBusyWaitPeriod;
299 // Preference for the value of timeout for poll() we use during
300 // the network link change event period.
301 Atomic<PRIntervalTime, Relaxed> mNetworkLinkChangeBusyWaitTimeout;
303 // Between a computer going to sleep and waking up the PR_*** telemetry
304 // will be corrupted - so do not record it.
305 Atomic<bool, Relaxed> mSleepPhase{false};
306 nsCOMPtr<nsITimer> mAfterWakeUpTimer;
308 // Lazily created array of forced port remappings. The tuple members meaning
309 // is exactly:
310 // <0> the greater-or-equal port number of the range to remap
311 // <1> the less-or-equal port number of the range to remap
312 // <2> the port number to remap to, when the given port number falls to the
313 // range
314 using TPortRemapping =
315 CopyableTArray<std::tuple<uint16_t, uint16_t, uint16_t>>;
316 Maybe<TPortRemapping> mPortRemapping;
318 // Called on the socket thread to apply the mapping build on the main thread
319 // from the preference.
320 void ApplyPortRemapPreference(TPortRemapping const& portRemapping);
322 void OnKeepaliveEnabledPrefChange();
323 void NotifyKeepaliveEnabledPrefChange(SocketContext* sock);
325 // Report socket status to about:networking
326 void AnalyzeConnection(nsTArray<SocketInfo>* data, SocketContext* context,
327 bool aActive);
329 void ClosePrivateConnections();
330 void DetachSocketWithGuard(bool aGuardLocals, SocketContextList& socketList,
331 int32_t index);
333 void MarkTheLastElementOfPendingQueue();
335 #if defined(XP_WIN)
336 Atomic<bool> mPolling{false};
337 nsCOMPtr<nsITimer> mPollRepairTimer;
338 void StartPollWatchdog();
339 void DoPollRepair();
340 void StartPolling();
341 void EndPolling();
342 #endif
344 void TryRepairPollableEvent();
346 CopyableTArray<nsCOMPtr<nsISTSShutdownObserver>> mShutdownObservers;
349 extern nsSocketTransportService* gSocketTransportService;
350 bool OnSocketThread();
352 } // namespace net
353 } // namespace mozilla
355 #endif // !nsSocketTransportService_h__