Bug 1850806 - remove fission variant. r=ahal,ci-and-tooling,aryx
[gecko.git] / taskcluster / ci / config.yml
1 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
4 ---
5 trust-domain: gecko
6 project-repo-param-prefix: ''
7 product-dir: 'browser'
8 treeherder:
9     group-names:
10         'cram': 'Cram tests'
11         'js-bench-sm': 'JavaScript shell benchmarks with Spidermonkey'
12         'js-bench-v8': 'JavaScript shell benchmarks with Google V8'
13         'node': 'Node tests'
14         'py3': 'Python 3 unit tests'
15         'A': 'Android Gradle tests'
16         'Bpgo': 'Profile-guided optimization builds'
17         'Btime': 'Browsertime performance tests on Firefox'
18         'Btime-cache': 'Browsertime performance tests on Firefox with populated bytecode cache.'
19         'Btime-1proc': 'Browsertime performance tests on Firefox without e10s'
20         'Btime-nofis': 'Browsertime tests on Firefox without fission enabled'
21         'Btime-P-nofis': 'Browsertime power tests on Firefox without fission enabled'
22         'Btime-Prof-nofis': 'Browsertime tests on Firefox with profiling and without fission enabled'
23         'Btime-P-nofis-refbrow': 'Browsertime Power Usage Tests on reference browser without fission enabled'
24         'Btime-P-nofis-fenix': 'Browsertime Power Usage Tests on Fenix without fission enabled'
25         'Btime-live-nofis-fenix': 'Browsertime tests on Fenix without fission enabled using live sites'
26         'Btime-nofis-fenix': 'Browsertime tests on Fenix without fission enabled'
27         'Btime-live-nofis': 'Browsertime tests on Firefox without fission enabled using live sites'
28         'Btime-nofis-refbrow': 'Browsertime tests on reference browser without fission enabled'
29         'Btime-live-nofis-ChR': 'Browsertime tests on Chrome without fission enabled using live sites'
30         'Btime-Prof': 'Browsertime performance tests on Firefox with Gecko Profiling'
31         'Btime-Prof-1proc': 'Browsertime performance tests on Firefox with Gecko Profiling and without e10s'
32         'Btime-live': 'Browsertime performance tests on Firefox'
33         'Btime-live-fenix': 'Browsertime performance tests on Firefox'
34         'Btime-live-ChR': 'Browsertime performance tests on Firefox'
35         'Btime-live-Cr': 'Browsertime performance tests on Google Chromium'
36         'Btime-live-Saf': 'Browsertime performance tests on Safari'
37         'Btime-ChR': 'Browsertime performance tests on Google Chrome Release'
38         'Btime-nofis-ChR': 'Browsertime performance tests on Google Chrome Release without fission enabled'
39         'Btime-Cr': 'Browsertime performance tests on Google Chromium'
40         'Btime-P': 'Browsertime power tests on Firefox/Geckoview'
41         'Btime-P-fenix': 'Browsertime power tests on Fenix'
42         'Btime-P-refbrow': 'Browsertime power tests on reference browser'
43         'Btime-fenix': 'Browsertime performance tests on Fenix'
44         'Btime-refbrow': 'Browsertime performance tests on the reference browser'
45         'Btime-Saf': 'Browsertime performance tests on Safari'
46         'Btime-CaR': 'Browsertime performance tests on Chromium-as-Release'
47         'Fetch': 'Fetch and store content'
48         'Fxfn': 'Firefox functional tests'
49         'Fxfn-nofis': 'Firefox functional tests without fission enabled'
50         'l10n-bump': 'L10n Bumper'
51         'M': 'Mochitests'
52         'M-condprof': "Mochitests with conditioned profile"
53         'M-fis-hv': "Mochitests that run on Fission with isolateHighValue isolation strategy (Android-specific)"
54         'M-headless': 'Headless Mochitests'
55         'M-headless-nofis': 'Headless Mochitests without fission enabled.'
56         'M-headless-spi-nw': 'Headless Mochitests with fission and socketprocess networking.'
57         'M-headless-spi-nw-nofis': 'Headless Mochitests with fission and socketprocess networking without fission enabled.'
58         'M-http3': 'Mochitests with Http/3 server'
59         'M-http2': 'Mochitests with Http/2 server'
60         'M-aab': 'Mochitests with AAB test_runner.'
61         'M-aab-nofis': 'Mochitests with AAB test_runner without fission enabled.'
62         'M-1proc': 'Mochitests without e10s or fission'
63         'M-a11y-checks': 'Mochitests with accessibility checks enabled'
64         'M-a11y-checks-nofis': 'Mochitests with accessibility checks enabled and without fission enabled'
65         'M-xorig': 'Mochitests with cross-origin and fission enabled'
66         'M-gli': 'Mochitests with WebGL over IPC'
67         'M-gli-nofis': 'Mochitests with WebGL over IPC without fission enabled'
68         'M-nofis': 'Mochitests without fission enabled'
69         'M-spi': 'Mochitests with socket process'
70         'M-spi-nofis': 'Mochitests with socket process without fission enabled'
71         'M-spi-nw': 'Mochitests with networking on socket process'
72         'M-spi-nw-nofis': 'Mochitests with networking on socket process without fission enabled'
73         'M-spi-nw-1proc': 'Mochitests with networking on socket process without e10s'
74         'M-swr': 'Mochitests with software webrender enabled'
75         'M-swr-a11y-checks': 'Mochitests with software webrender and accessibility checks enabled'
76         'M-swr-a11y-checks-nofis': 'Mochitests with software webrender and accessibility checks enabled without fission enabled'
77         'M-swr-1proc': 'Mochitests with software webrender enabled without e10s'
78         'M-swr-nofis': 'Mochitests with software webrender without fission enabled'
79         'M-wmfme': 'Mochitests with Windows Media Foundation media engine enabled'
80         'M-mda-gpu': 'Mochitests Media on GPU worker'
81         'M-f': 'Mochitest failures'
82         'M-dt-no-eft-nofis': 'DevTools Mochitests with EFT without fission enabled'
83         'M-msix': 'Mochitests from MSIX builds'
84         'MSI': 'Repack installers into MSIs'
85         'MSIs': 'Signing of Repacked installers of MSIs'
86         'MSIX': 'Repack into MSIX package'
87         'MSIXs': 'Signing of Repack into MSIX package'
88         'Pup': "Puppeteer tests"
89         'R': 'Reftests'
90         'R-nofis': 'Reftests without fission enabled'
91         'R-swr': 'Reftests with software webrender enabled'
92         'R-swr-nofis': 'Reftests with software webrender enabled without fission enabled'
93         'R-wr-dc0': 'Reftests with dcomp disabled'
94         'R-wr-dc1-p': 'Reftests with dcomp present but not overlays'
95         'R-wr-dc2-o': 'Reftests with dcomp overlays but not compositing'
96         'R-wr-dc3-c': 'Reftests with dcomp compositing'
97         'Rap': 'Raptor performance tests on Firefox'
98         'Rap-live': 'Raptor performance tests on Firefox with live sites'
99         'Rap-Prof': 'Raptor performance tests on Firefox with Gecko Profiling'
100         'Rap-ChR': 'Raptor performance tests on Google Chrome Release'
101         'Rap-Cr': 'Raptor performance tests on Google Chromium'
102         'Rap-refbrow': 'Raptor performance tests on the reference browser'
103         'T': 'Talos performance tests'
104         'T-gli': 'Talos performance tests with WebGL over IPC'
105         'T-Prof': 'Talos performance tests on Firefox with Gecko Profiling'
106         'T-Prof-gli': 'Talos performance tests with WebGL over IPC and Gecko Profiling'
107         'T-swr': 'Talos performance tests with software webrender enabled'
108         'tt': 'Telemetry tests'
109         'tt-nofis': 'Telemetry tests without fission enabled'
110         'SY': 'Are we slim yet tests by TaskCluster'
111         'W': 'Web platform tests'
112         'W-nofis': 'Web platform tests without fission enabled'
113         'W-headless-nofis': 'Headless web platform tests without fission enabled'
114         'W-headless': 'Headless web platform tests'
115         'W-swr-nofis': 'Web platform tests with software webrender enabled without fission enabled'
116         'W-swr': 'Web platform tests with software webrender enabled'
117         'W-b': 'Web platform tests (backlog)'
118         'W-b-nofis': 'Web platform tests (backlog) without fission enabled'
119         'X': 'Xpcshell tests'
120         'X-condprof': 'Xpcshell tests with a conditioned profile'
121         'X-nofis': 'Xpcshell tests without fission enabled'
122         'X-spi-nw': 'Xpcshell tests with networking on socket process'
123         'X-spi-nw-nofis': 'Xpcshell tests with networking on socket process without fission enabled'
124         'X-f': 'Xpcshell tests that fail on a given config'
125         'X-f-spi-nw': 'Xpcshell tests that fail on a given config w/socket process'
126         'X-msix': 'Xpcshell tests on msix packages'
127         'L10n': 'Localised Repacks'
128         'L10n-Rpk': 'Localized Repackaged Repacks'
129         'deb-L10n': 'Localized Debian Repacks'
130         'BM': 'Beetmover'
131         'BMR': 'Beetmover repackages'
132         'BM-apt': 'Beetmover .deb packages'
133         'c-Up': 'Balrog submission of complete updates'
134         'css': 'Checksum signing for source'
135         'rs': 'Repackage signing'
136         'BMcs': 'Beetmover checksums'
137         'BMcslang': 'Beetmover checksums for language packs'
138         'BMcss': 'Beetmover checksums for source'
139         'Deb8': 'Packages for Debian 8'
140         'Deb8-32': 'Packages for Debian 8 32-bits'
141         'Deb9': 'Packages for Debian 9'
142         'Deb10': 'Packages for Debian 10'
143         'Deb11': 'Packages for Debian 11'
144         'Deb12': 'Packages for Debian 12'
145         'Ub18': 'Packages for Ubuntu 18.04'
146         'Ub20': 'Packages for Ubuntu 20.04'
147         'Ub22': 'Packages for Ubuntu 22.04'
148         'I': 'Docker Image Builds'
149         'TA': 'Toolchain builds for Android'
150         'TL': 'Toolchain builds for Linux 64-bits'
151         'TL32': 'Toolchain builds for Linux 32-bits'
152         'TM': 'Toolchain builds for OSX'
153         'TMW': 'Toolchain builds for Windows MinGW'
154         'TW32': 'Toolchain builds for Windows 32-bits'
155         'TW64': 'Toolchain builds for Windows 64-bits'
156         'WMC32': 'MinGW-Clang builds for Windows 32-bits'
157         'WMC64': 'MinGW-Clang builds for Windows 64-bits'
158         'Searchfox': 'Searchfox builds'
159         'SM': 'Spidermonkey builds'
160         'p': 'Partial generation'
161         'ps': 'Partials signing'
162         'ms': 'Complete MAR signing'
163         'ms-stage': 'Autograph-stage MAR signing test'
164         'Rel': 'Release promotion'
165         'Snap': 'Snap image generation'
166         'Flatpak': 'Flatpak image generation'
167         'langpack': 'Langpack sigatures and uploads'
168         'TPS': 'Sync tests'
169         'UV': 'Update verify'
170         'UVnext': 'Update verify for esr-next'
171         'pydep': 'python dependency update'
172         'WR': 'WebRender standalone'
173         'Wgpu': 'WebGPU standalone'
174         'cpp': 'C/C++ checks'
175         'pedantic': 'pedantic checks'
176         'text': 'Check on texts'
177         'misc': 'Misc checks'
178         'js': 'JavaScript checks'
179         'py': 'Python checks'
180         'java': 'Java checks'
181         'rust': 'Rust checks'
182         'Static-Analysis': 'Full tree static-analysis'
183         'SS': 'Shadow scheduler'
184         'Sentry': 'Sentry synchronization'
185         'test-info': 'Test manifest skip/fail information'
186         'condprof': 'Conditioned Profile Builder'
187         'doc': 'Documentation'
188         'GhS': 'GitHub Synchronization'
189         'perftest': 'Performance tests'
190         'perftest-detect': 'Performance regression detection tooling'
191         'perftest-chrome': 'Performance tests using Chrone'
192         'perftest-http3': 'Performance tests with HTTP/3'
193         'l10n': 'Localization checks'
194         'fxrec': 'Desktop startup recorder (fxrecord)'
195         'wc': 'webcompat'
196         'Boot': 'Bootstrap'
197         'Attr-L10n': 'Build Attribution'
199 index:
200     products:
201         - 'firefox'
202         - 'fennec'
203         - 'mobile'
204         - 'static-analysis'
205         - 'devedition'
206         - 'source'
207         - 'system-symbols'
208         - 'geckodriver'
210 try:
211     # We have a few platforms for which we want to do some "extra" builds, or at
212     # least build-ish things.  Sort of.  Anyway, these other things are implemented
213     # as different "platforms".  These do *not* automatically ride along with "-p
214     # all"
215     ridealong-builds:
216         'linux':
217             - 'sm-plain-linux32'
218             - 'sm-arm-sim-linux32'
219         'linux64':
220             - 'sm-plain-linux64'
221             - 'sm-nojit-linux64'
222             - 'sm-nonunified-linux64'
223             - 'sm-arm-sim-linux32'
224             - 'sm-arm64-sim-linux64'
225             - 'sm-compacting-linux64'
226             - 'sm-rootanalysis-linux64'
227             - 'sm-package-linux64'
228             - 'sm-tsan-linux64'
229             - 'sm-asan-linux64'
230             - 'sm-msan-linux64'
231             - 'sm-fuzzing-linux64'
232         'win32':
233             - 'sm-plain-win32'
234             - 'sm-compacting-win32'
236 release-promotion:
237     products:
238         - 'devedition'
239         - 'fennec'
240         - 'firefox'
241     rebuild-kinds:
242         - docker-image
243         - fetch
244         - packages
245         - toolchain
246     flavors:
247         promote_devedition:
248             product: devedition
249             target-tasks-method: promote_desktop
250             partial-updates: true
251         promote_firefox:
252             product: firefox
253             target-tasks-method: promote_desktop
254             partial-updates: true
255         promote_firefox_partner_repack:
256             product: firefox
257             rebuild-kinds:
258                 - release-partner-repack
259                 - release-partner-repack-chunking-dummy
260                 - release-partner-repack-signing
261                 - release-partner-repack-mac-signing
262                 - release-partner-repack-mac-notarization
263                 - release-partner-repack-repackage
264                 - release-partner-repack-repackage-signing
265                 - release-partner-repack-beetmover
266             target-tasks-method: promote_desktop
267         promote_firefox_partner_attribution:
268             product: firefox
269             rebuild-kinds:
270                 - release-partner-attribution
271                 - release-partner-attribution-beetmover
272             target-tasks-method: promote_desktop
273         promote_firefox_rc:
274             product: firefox
275             is-rc: true
276             target-tasks-method: promote_desktop
277             partial-updates: true
278         push_devedition:
279             product: devedition
280             target-tasks-method: push_desktop
281             partial-updates: true
282         push_firefox:
283             product: firefox
284             target-tasks-method: push_desktop
285             partial-updates: true
286         ship_devedition:
287             product: devedition
288             target-tasks-method: ship_desktop
289             version-bump: true
290             partial-updates: true
291         ship_firefox:
292             product: firefox
293             target-tasks-method: ship_desktop
294             version-bump: true
295             partial-updates: true
296         ship_firefox_rc:
297             product: firefox
298             is-rc: true
299             target-tasks-method: ship_desktop
300             partial-updates: true
303 merge-automation:
304     behaviors:
305         central-to-beta:
306             fetch-version-from: "browser/config/version.txt"
307             version-files:
308                 - filename: "config/milestone.txt"
309                   new-suffix: ''
310                 - filename: "browser/config/version.txt"
311                   new-suffix: ''
312                 - filename: "browser/config/version_display.txt"
313                   new-suffix: 'b1'
314             replacements:
315                 - - browser/config/mozconfigs/linux32/l10n-mozconfig
316                   - ac_add_options --with-branding=browser/branding/nightly
317                   - ac_add_options --enable-official-branding
318                 - - browser/config/mozconfigs/linux64/l10n-mozconfig
319                   - ac_add_options --with-branding=browser/branding/nightly
320                   - ac_add_options --enable-official-branding
321                 - - browser/config/mozconfigs/win32/l10n-mozconfig
322                   - ac_add_options --with-branding=browser/branding/nightly
323                   - ac_add_options --enable-official-branding
324                 - - browser/config/mozconfigs/win64/l10n-mozconfig
325                   - ac_add_options --with-branding=browser/branding/nightly
326                   - ac_add_options --enable-official-branding
327                 - - browser/config/mozconfigs/win64-aarch64/l10n-mozconfig
328                   - ac_add_options --with-branding=browser/branding/nightly
329                   - ac_add_options --enable-official-branding
330                 - - browser/config/mozconfigs/macosx64/l10n-mozconfig
331                   - ac_add_options --with-branding=browser/branding/nightly
332                   - ac_add_options --enable-official-branding
333             merge-old-head: true
334             base-tag: 'FIREFOX_BETA_{major_version}_BASE'
335             end-tag: 'FIREFOX_BETA_{major_version}_END'
336             from-repo: 'https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central'
337             from-branch: 'central'
338             to-repo: 'https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta'
339             to-branch: 'beta'
340         early-to-late-beta:
341             fetch-version-from: "browser/config/version.txt"
342             version-files: []
343             replacements:
344                 - - build/defines.sh
345                   - EARLY_BETA_OR_EARLIER=1
346                   - EARLY_BETA_OR_EARLIER=
347             merge-old-head: false
348             to-repo: 'https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta'
349             to-branch: 'beta'
350         beta-to-release:
351             fetch-version-from: "browser/config/version.txt"
352             version-files:
353                 - filename: "browser/config/version_display.txt"
354                   new-suffix: ''
355             replacements: []
356             merge-old-head: true
357             base-tag: 'FIREFOX_RELEASE_{major_version}_BASE'
358             end-tag: 'FIREFOX_RELEASE_{major_version}_END'
359             from-repo: 'https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta'
360             from-branch: 'beta'
361             to-repo: 'https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-release'
362             to-branch: 'release'
363         release-to-esr:
364             fetch-version-from: "browser/config/version.txt"
365             version-files:
366                 - filename: "browser/config/version_display.txt"
367                   new-suffix: 'esr'
368             replacements: []
369             merge-old-head: false
370             end-tag: "FIREFOX_ESR_{major_version}_BASE"
371             to-repo: 'https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-esr115'
372             to-branch: 'esr115'
373         bump-central:
374             fetch-version-from: "browser/config/version.txt"
375             version-files:
376                 - filename: "config/milestone.txt"
377                   version-bump: "major"
378                   new-suffix: 'a1'
379                 - filename: "browser/config/version.txt"
380                   version-bump: "major"
381                   new-suffix: 'a1'
382                 - filename: "browser/config/version_display.txt"
383                   version-bump: "major"
384                   new-suffix: 'a1'
385             replacements:
386                 - - "services/sync/modules/constants.sys.mjs"
387                   - 'WEAVE_VERSION = "1.{current_weave_version}.0"'
388                   - 'WEAVE_VERSION = "1.{next_weave_version}.0"'
389             merge-old-head: false
390             end-tag: 'FIREFOX_NIGHTLY_{major_version}_END'
391             to-repo: 'https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central'
392             to-branch: 'central'
393         bump-esr115:
394             fetch-version-from: "browser/config/version.txt"
395             version-files:
396                 - filename: "config/milestone.txt"
397                   version-bump: "minor"
398                 - filename: "browser/config/version.txt"
399                   version-bump: "minor"
400                 - filename: "browser/config/version_display.txt"
401                   version-bump: "minor"
402             replacements: []
403             merge-old-head: false
404             to-repo: 'https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-esr115'
405             to-branch: 'esr115'
407 scriptworker:
408     # See additional configuration in taskcluster/gecko_taskgraph/util/scriptworker.py
409     scope-prefix: 'project:releng'
411 partner-urls:
412     release-partner-repack:
413         by-release-product:
414             default: null
415             firefox:
416                 by-release-type:
417                     default: null
418                     beta|release.*:
419                         by-release-level:
420                             production: 'git@github.com:mozilla-partners/repack-manifests.git'
421                             staging: 'git@github.com:moz-releng-automation-stage/repack-manifests.git'
422                     esr.*:
423                         by-release-level:
424                             production: 'git@github.com:mozilla-partners/esr-repack-manifests.git'
425                             staging: 'git@github.com:moz-releng-automation-stage/esr-repack-manifests.git'
426     release-partner-attribution:
427         by-release-product:
428             default: null
429             firefox:
430                 by-release-type:
431                     default: null
432                     beta|release.*:
433                         by-release-level:
434                             production: 'git@github.com:mozilla-partners/repack-manifests.git'
435                             staging: 'git@github.com:moz-releng-automation-stage/repack-manifests.git'
436                     esr.*:
437                         by-release-level:
438                             production: 'git@github.com:mozilla-partners/esr-repack-manifests.git'
439                             staging: 'git@github.com:moz-releng-automation-stage/esr-repack-manifests.git'
440     release-eme-free-repack:
441         by-release-product:
442             default: null
443             firefox:
444                 by-release-type:
445                     default: null
446                     beta|release.*:
447                         by-release-level:
448                             production: 'git@github.com:mozilla-partners/mozilla-EME-free-manifest.git'
449                             staging: 'git@github.com:moz-releng-automation-stage/mozilla-EME-free-manifest.git'
452 task-priority:
453     by-project:
454         'mozilla-release': 'highest'
455         'mozilla-esr.*': 'very-high'
456         'mozilla-beta': 'high'
457         'mozilla-central': 'medium'
458         'autoland': 'low'
459         'mozilla-inbound': 'low'
460         'default': 'very-low'
462 taskgraph:
463     register: gecko_taskgraph:register
465 workers:
466     aliases:
467         b-linux.*:
468             provisioner: '{trust-domain}-{level}'
469             implementation: docker-worker
470             os: linux
471             worker-type: '{alias}'
472         b-win2012:
473             provisioner: '{trust-domain}-{level}'
474             implementation: generic-worker
475             os: windows
476             worker-type: '{alias}-azure'
477         b-win2022:
478             provisioner: '{trust-domain}-{level}'
479             implementation: generic-worker
480             os: windows
481             worker-type: '{alias}'
482         image:
483             provisioner: '{trust-domain}-{level}'
484             implementation: docker-worker
485             os: linux
486             worker-type: '{alias}'
487         images:
488             provisioner: '{trust-domain}-{level}'
489             implementation: docker-worker
490             os: linux
491             worker-type: '{alias}'
492         images-gcp:
493             provisioner: '{trust-domain}-{level}'
494             implementation: docker-worker
495             os: linux
496             worker-type: '{alias}'
497         addon:
498             provisioner: scriptworker-k8s
499             implementation: push-addons
500             os: scriptworker
501             worker-type:
502                 by-release-level:
503                     production: '{trust-domain}-3-addon'
504                     staging: '{trust-domain}-1-addon'
505         balrog:
506             provisioner: scriptworker-k8s
507             implementation: balrog
508             os: scriptworker
509             worker-type:
510                 by-release-level:
511                     production: '{trust-domain}-3-balrog'
512                     staging: '{trust-domain}-1-balrog'
513         bouncer:
514             provisioner: scriptworker-k8s
515             # Note that this implementation doesn't correspond with an
516             # payload_builder, there are several `bouncer-*` implemenations.
517             implementation: bouncer
518             os: scriptworker
519             worker-type:
520                 by-release-level:
521                     production: '{trust-domain}-3-bouncer'
522                     staging: '{trust-domain}-1-bouncer'
523         beetmover:
524             provisioner: scriptworker-k8s
525             implementation: beetmover
526             os: scriptworker
527             worker-type:
528                 by-release-level:
529                     production: '{trust-domain}-3-beetmover'
530                     staging: '{trust-domain}-1-beetmover'
531         shipit:
532             provisioner: scriptworker-k8s
533             implementation: shipit
534             os: scriptworker
535             worker-type:
536                 by-release-level:
537                     production: '{trust-domain}-3-shipit'
538                     staging: '{trust-domain}-1-shipit'
539         linux-depsigning:
540             provisioner: scriptworker-k8s
541             implementation: scriptworker-signing
542             os: linux
543             worker-type: '{trust-domain}-t-signing'
544         linux-signing:
545             provisioner: scriptworker-k8s
546             implementation: scriptworker-signing
547             os: linux
548             worker-type:
549                 by-release-level:
550                     production: '{trust-domain}-3-signing'
551                     staging: '{trust-domain}-t-signing'
552         mac-depsigning:
553             provisioner: scriptworker-prov-v1
554             implementation: scriptworker-signing
555             os: macosx
556             worker-type: depsigning-mac-v1
557         mac-signing:
558             provisioner: scriptworker-prov-v1
559             implementation: scriptworker-signing
560             os: macosx
561             worker-type:
562                 by-release-level:
563                     production: signing-mac-v1
564                     staging: depsigning-mac-v1
565         tree:
566             provisioner: scriptworker-k8s
567             implementation: treescript
568             os: scriptworker
569             worker-type:
570                 by-release-level:
571                     production: '{trust-domain}-3-tree'
572                     staging:
573                         by-project:
574                             autoland: '{trust-domain}-3-tree'
575                             default: '{trust-domain}-1-tree'
576         tree-dev:
577             provisioner: scriptworker-k8s
578             implementation: treescript
579             os: scriptworker
580             worker-type: '{trust-domain}-1-tree-dev'
581         t-bitbar-gw.*:
582             provisioner: proj-autophone
583             implementation: generic-worker
584             os: linux-bitbar
585             worker-type: 'gecko-{alias}'
586         t-linux(-large|-xlarge|-xlarge-source):
587             provisioner: '{trust-domain}-t'
588             implementation: docker-worker
589             os: linux
590             worker-type: '{alias}-gcp'
591         t-linux-kvm:
592             provisioner: '{trust-domain}-t'
593             implementation: docker-worker
594             os: linux
595             worker-type: 't-linux-kvm-gcp'
596         t-linux-talos:
597             provisioner: releng-hardware
598             implementation: generic-worker
599             os: linux
600             worker-type: 'gecko-{alias}'
601         t-linux-talos-1804:
602             provisioner: releng-hardware
603             implementation: generic-worker
604             os: linux
605             worker-type: 'gecko-{alias}'
606         t-linux-wayland:
607             provisioner: '{trust-domain}-t'
608             implementation: generic-worker
609             os: linux
610             worker-type: 't-linux-vm-2204-wayland'
611         t-osx-1015-r8:
612             provisioner: releng-hardware
613             implementation: generic-worker
614             os: macosx
615             worker-type: 'gecko-{alias}'
616         t-osx-1100-m1:
617             provisioner: releng-hardware
618             implementation: generic-worker
619             os: macosx
620             worker-type: 'gecko-{alias}'
621         t-osx-1300-m2:
622             provisioner: releng-hardware
623             implementation: generic-worker
624             os: macosx
625             worker-type: 'gecko-{alias}'
626         t-osx-1015-power:
627             provisioner: releng-hardware
628             implementation: generic-worker
629             os: macosx
630             worker-type: 'gecko-{alias}'
631         t-linux-xlarge-pgo:
632             provisioner:
633                 by-level:
634                     '3': '{trust-domain}-{level}'
635                     default: '{trust-domain}-t'
636             implementation: docker-worker
637             os: linux
638             worker-type: 't-linux-xlarge-gcp'
639         b-osx-1015:
640             provisioner: releng-hardware
641             implementation: generic-worker
642             os: macosx
643             worker-type:
644                 by-level:
645                     '3': 'gecko-3-b-osx-1015'
646                     default: 'gecko-1-b-osx-1015'
647         t-win10-64(|-gpu-s|-source):
648             provisioner: '{trust-domain}-t'
649             implementation: generic-worker
650             os: windows
651             worker-type: '{alias}'
652         t-win10-64(-hw|-ref-hw|-1803-hw):
653             provisioner: releng-hardware
654             implementation: generic-worker
655             os: windows
656             worker-type: 'gecko-{alias}'
657         win10-64-2009(|-gpu|-ssd|-source|-ssd-gpu):
658             provisioner: 'gecko-t'
659             implementation: generic-worker
660             os: windows
661             worker-type: '{alias}'
662         t-win11-64(|-gpu-s|-source):
663             provisioner: '{trust-domain}-t'
664             implementation: generic-worker
665             os: windows
666             worker-type: '{alias}'
667         win11-64-2009(|-gpu|-ssd|-source|-ssd-gpu):
668             provisioner: 'gecko-t'
669             implementation: generic-worker
670             os: windows
671             worker-type: '{alias}'
672         t-win7-32-gpu:
673             provisioner: '{trust-domain}-t'
674             implementation: generic-worker
675             os: windows
676             worker-type: '{alias}'
677         t-win7-32:
678             provisioner: releng-hardware
679             implementation: generic-worker
680             os: windows
681             worker-type: 'gecko-{alias}-hw'
682         t-win64-aarch64-laptop:
683             provisioner: bitbar
684             implementation: generic-worker
685             os: windows
686             worker-type: 'gecko-{alias}'
687         succeed:
688             provisioner: built-in
689             implementation: succeed
690             os: none
691             worker-type: succeed
692         misc:
693             provisioner: '{trust-domain}-t'
694             implementation: docker-worker
695             os: linux
696             worker-type: misc-gcp
699 mac-notarization:
700     mac-entitlements:
701         by-platform:
702             macosx64.*:
703                 by-release-level:
704                     production: security/mac/hardenedruntime/v1/production/browser.xml
705                     default: security/mac/hardenedruntime/v1/developer/browser.xml
706             default: ''
707     mac-requirements:
708         by-platform:
709             macosx64.*: build/package/mac_osx/requirements.plist
710             default: ''
712 mac-signing:
713     hardened-sign-config:
714         by-release-level:
715             production:
716                 - deep: false
717                   runtime: true
718                   force: true
719                   entitlements: security/mac/hardenedruntime/v2/production/plugin-container.xml
720                   globs:
721                       - "/Contents/MacOS/plugin-container.app"
723                 - deep: false
724                   runtime: true
725                   force: true
726                   entitlements: security/mac/hardenedruntime/v2/production/media-plugin-helper.xml
727                   globs:
728                       - "/Contents/MacOS/media-plugin-helper.app"
730                 - deep: false
731                   runtime: true
732                   force: true
733                   # These files are signed wihtout entitlements
734                   globs:
735                       - "/Contents/MacOS/crashreporter.app"
736                       - "/Contents/MacOS/updater.app"
737                       - "/Contents/Library/LaunchServices/org.mozilla.updater"
738                       - "/Contents/MacOS/XUL"
739                       - "/Contents/MacOS/pingsender"
740                       - "/Contents/MacOS/minidump-analyzer"
741                       - "/Contents/MacOS/*.dylib"
742                       - "/Contents/Resources/gmp-clearkey/*/*.dylib"
744                 - deep: false
745                   runtime: true
746                   force: true
747                   entitlements: security/mac/hardenedruntime/v2/production/browser.xml
748                   globs:
749                       - "/Contents/MacOS/firefox-bin"
750                       - "/"  # The .app
752             default:
753                 - deep: false
754                   runtime: true
755                   force: true
756                   entitlements: security/mac/hardenedruntime/v2/developer/plugin-container.xml
757                   globs:
758                       - "/Contents/MacOS/plugin-container.app"
760                 - deep: false
761                   runtime: true
762                   force: true
763                   entitlements: security/mac/hardenedruntime/v2/developer/media-plugin-helper.xml
764                   globs:
765                       - "/Contents/MacOS/media-plugin-helper.app"
767                 - deep: false
768                   runtime: true
769                   force: true
770                   entitlements: security/mac/hardenedruntime/v2/developer/utility.xml
771                   globs:
772                       - "/Contents/MacOS/crashreporter.app"
773                       - "/Contents/MacOS/updater.app"
774                       - "/Contents/Library/LaunchServices/org.mozilla.updater"
775                       - "/Contents/MacOS/pingsender"
776                       - "/Contents/MacOS/minidump-analyzer"
778                 - deep: false
779                   runtime: true
780                   force: true
781                   # These files are signed without entitlements
782                   globs:
783                       - "/Contents/MacOS/XUL"
784                       - "/Contents/MacOS/*.dylib"
785                       - "/Contents/Resources/gmp-clearkey/*/*.dylib"
787                 - deep: false
788                   runtime: true
789                   force: true
790                   entitlements: security/mac/hardenedruntime/v2/developer/browser.xml
791                   globs:
792                       - "/Contents/MacOS/firefox-bin"
793                       - "/"  # The .app
795 expiration-policy:
796     by-project:
797         try:
798             default: 1 month
799             shortest: 7 days
800             short: 14 days
801             medium: 1 month
802             long: 1 month
803         autoland:
804             default: 1 year
805             shortest: 14 days
806             short: 3 months
807             medium: 1 year
808             # To avoid keeping shippable builds for over a year
809             long: 1 year
810         default:
811             default: 3 months
812             shortest: 7 days
813             short: 1 month
814             medium: 1 year
815             long: 1 year