Adjust 'fall through' comments to be recognized by GCC
[geany-mirror.git] / scintilla /
2 SUBDIRS = include
9 lexers/LexAbaqus.cxx \
10 lexers/LexAda.cxx \
11 lexers/LexAsm.cxx \
12 lexers/LexBash.cxx \
13 lexers/LexBasic.cxx \
14 lexers/LexBatch.cxx \
15 lexers/LexCOBOL.cxx \
16 lexers/LexCPP.cxx \
17 lexers/LexCSS.cxx \
18 lexers/LexCaml.cxx \
19 lexers/LexCmake.cxx \
20 lexers/LexCoffeeScript.cxx \
21 lexers/LexD.cxx \
22 lexers/LexDiff.cxx \
23 lexers/LexErlang.cxx \
24 lexers/LexForth.cxx \
25 lexers/LexFortran.cxx \
26 lexers/LexHTML.cxx \
27 lexers/LexHaskell.cxx \
28 lexers/LexLaTeX.cxx \
29 lexers/LexLisp.cxx \
30 lexers/LexLua.cxx \
31 lexers/LexMake.cxx \
32 lexers/LexMarkdown.cxx \
33 lexers/LexMatlab.cxx \
34 lexers/LexNsis.cxx \
35 lexers/LexNull.cxx \
36 lexers/LexPascal.cxx \
37 lexers/LexPerl.cxx \
38 lexers/LexPowerShell.cxx \
39 lexers/LexProps.cxx \
40 lexers/LexPython.cxx \
41 lexers/LexPO.cxx \
42 lexers/LexR.cxx \
43 lexers/LexRuby.cxx \
44 lexers/LexRust.cxx \
45 lexers/LexSQL.cxx \
46 lexers/LexTCL.cxx \
47 lexers/LexTxt2tags.cxx \
48 lexers/LexVHDL.cxx \
49 lexers/LexVerilog.cxx \
50 lexers/LexYAML.cxx
52 SRCS= \
53 gtk/Converter.h \
54 gtk/PlatGTK.cxx \
55 gtk/ScintillaGTK.cxx \
56 gtk/ScintillaGTK.h \
57 gtk/ScintillaGTKAccessible.cxx \
58 gtk/ScintillaGTKAccessible.h \
59 gtk/scintilla-marshal.c \
60 gtk/scintilla-marshal.h \
61 lexlib/Accessor.cxx \
62 lexlib/Accessor.h \
63 lexlib/CharacterCategory.cxx \
64 lexlib/CharacterCategory.h \
65 lexlib/CharacterSet.cxx \
66 lexlib/CharacterSet.h \
67 lexlib/LexAccessor.h \
68 lexlib/LexerBase.cxx \
69 lexlib/LexerBase.h \
70 lexlib/LexerModule.cxx \
71 lexlib/LexerModule.h \
72 lexlib/LexerNoExceptions.cxx \
73 lexlib/LexerNoExceptions.h \
74 lexlib/LexerSimple.cxx \
75 lexlib/LexerSimple.h \
76 lexlib/OptionSet.h \
77 lexlib/PropSetSimple.cxx \
78 lexlib/PropSetSimple.h \
79 lexlib/SparseState.h \
80 lexlib/StringCopy.h \
81 lexlib/StyleContext.cxx \
82 lexlib/StyleContext.h \
83 lexlib/SubStyles.h \
84 lexlib/WordList.cxx \
85 lexlib/WordList.h \
86 src/AutoComplete.cxx \
87 src/AutoComplete.h \
88 src/CallTip.cxx \
89 src/CallTip.h \
90 src/CaseConvert.cxx \
91 src/CaseConvert.h \
92 src/CaseFolder.cxx \
93 src/CaseFolder.h \
94 src/Catalogue.cxx \
95 src/Catalogue.h \
96 src/CellBuffer.cxx \
97 src/CellBuffer.h \
98 src/CharClassify.cxx \
99 src/CharClassify.h \
100 src/ContractionState.cxx \
101 src/ContractionState.h \
102 src/Decoration.cxx \
103 src/Decoration.h \
104 src/Document.cxx \
105 src/Document.h \
106 src/Editor.cxx \
107 src/Editor.h \
108 src/EditModel.cxx \
109 src/EditModel.h \
110 src/EditView.cxx \
111 src/EditView.h \
112 src/ExternalLexer.cxx \
113 src/ExternalLexer.h \
114 src/FontQuality.h \
115 src/Indicator.cxx \
116 src/Indicator.h \
117 src/KeyMap.cxx \
118 src/KeyMap.h \
119 src/LineMarker.cxx \
120 src/LineMarker.h \
121 src/MarginView.cxx \
122 src/MarginView.h \
123 src/Partitioning.h \
124 src/PerLine.cxx \
125 src/PerLine.h \
126 src/Position.h \
127 src/PositionCache.cxx \
128 src/PositionCache.h \
129 src/RESearch.cxx \
130 src/RESearch.h \
131 src/RunStyles.cxx \
132 src/RunStyles.h \
133 src/SVector.h \
134 src/ScintillaBase.cxx \
135 src/ScintillaBase.h \
136 src/Selection.cxx \
137 src/Selection.h \
138 src/SparseVector.h \
139 src/SplitVector.h \
140 src/Style.cxx \
141 src/Style.h \
142 src/UniConversion.cxx \
143 src/UniConversion.h \
144 src/UnicodeFromUTF8.h \
145 src/UniqueString.h \
146 src/ViewStyle.cxx \
147 src/ViewStyle.h \
148 src/XPM.cxx \
149 src/XPM.h \
152 libscintilla_la_SOURCES = $(SRCS)
154 AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(srcdir)/include -I$(srcdir)/src -I$(srcdir)/lexlib \
157 marshallers: gtk/scintilla-marshal.list
158         glib-genmarshal --prefix scintilla_marshal gtk/scintilla-marshal.list --header > gtk/scintilla-marshal.h
159         glib-genmarshal --prefix scintilla_marshal gtk/scintilla-marshal.list --body > gtk/scintilla-marshal.c
161 EXTRA_DIST=gtk/scintilla-marshal.list License.txt README version.txt