Update of Italian translation
[geany-mirror.git] / data / filetypes.lua
1 # For complete documentation of this file, please see Geany's main documentation
2 [styling]
3 # Edit these in the colorscheme .conf file instead
4 default=default
5 comment=comment
6 commentline=comment_line
7 commentdoc=comment_line_doc
8 number=number_1
9 word=keyword_1
10 string=string_1
11 character=character
12 literalstring=string_2
13 preprocessor=preprocess
14 operator=operator
15 identifier=identifier_1
16 stringeol=string_eol
17 function_basic=function
18 function_other=type
19 coroutines=class
20 word5=keyword_1
21 word6=keyword_2
22 word7=keyword_3
23 word8=keyword_4
24 label=label
26 [keywords]
27 # all items must be in one line
28 keywords=and break do else elseif end false for function if in local nil not or repeat return then true until while
29 # Basic functions
30 function_basic=_ALERT assert call collectgarbage coroutine debug dofile dostring error _ERRORMESSAGE foreach foreachi _G gcinfo getfenv getmetatable getn globals _INPUT io ipairs load loadfile loadlib loadstring math module newtype next os _OUTPUT pairs pcall print _PROMPT rawequal rawget rawset require select setfenv setmetatable sort _STDERR _STDIN _STDOUT string table tinsert tonumber tostring tremove type unpack _VERSION xpcall
31 # String, (table) & math functions
32 function_other=abs acos asin atan atan2 ceil cos deg exp floor format frexp gsub ldexp log log10 math.abs math.acos math.asin math.atan math.atan2 math.ceil math.cos math.cosh math.deg math.exp math.floor math.fmod math.frexp math.huge math.ldexp math.log math.log10 math.max math.min math.mod math.modf math.pi math.pow math.rad math.random math.randomseed math.sin math.sinh math.sqrt math.tan math.tanh max min mod rad random randomseed sin sqrt strbyte strchar strfind string.byte string.char string.dump string.find string.format string.gfind string.gmatch string.gsub string.len string.lower string.match string.rep string.reverse string.sub string.upper strlen strlower strrep strsub strupper table.concat table.foreach table.foreachi table.getn table.insert table.maxn table.remove table.setn table.sort tan
33 # (coroutines), I/O & system facilities
34 coroutines=appendto clock closefile coroutine.create coroutine.resume coroutine.running coroutine.status coroutine.wrap coroutine.yield date difftime execute exit flush getenv io.close io.flush io.input io.lines io.open io.output io.popen io.read io.stderr io.stdin io.stdout io.tmpfile io.type io.write openfile os.clock os.date os.difftime os.execute os.exit os.getenv os.remove os.rename os.setlocale os.time os.tmpname package.cpath package.loaded package.loadlib package.path package.preload package.seeall read readfrom remove rename seek setlocale time tmpfile tmpname write writeto
35 # user definable keywords
36 user1=
37 user2=
38 user3=
39 user4=
41 [settings]
42 # default extension used when saving files
43 extension=lua
45 # the following characters are these which a "word" can contains, see documentation
46 #wordchars=_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789
48 # single comments, like # in this file
49 comment_single=--
50 # multiline comments
51 comment_open=--[[
52 comment_close=]]--
54 # set to false if a comment character/string should start at column 0 of a line, true uses any
55 # indentation of the line, e.g. setting to true causes the following on pressing CTRL+d
56 #command_example();
57 # setting to false would generate this
58 # command_example();
59 # This setting works only for single line comments
60 comment_use_indent=true
62 # context action command (please see Geany's main documentation for details)
63 context_action_cmd=
65 [indentation]
66 #width=4
67 # 0 is spaces, 1 is tabs, 2 is tab & spaces
68 #type=1
70 [build_settings]
71 # %f will be replaced by the complete filename
72 # %e will be replaced by the filename without extension
73 # (use only one of it at one time)
74 compiler=
75 run_cmd=lua "%f"