Add batch file ctags parser
[geany-mirror.git] / tests / ctags /
2 dist_check_SCRIPTS =
4 NULL =
5 test_sources = \
6         1795612.js                                              \
7         1850914.js                                              \
8         1878155.js                                              \
9         1880687.js                                              \
10         2023624.js                                              \
11         3184782.sql                                             \
12         3470609.js                                              \
13         3526726.tex                                             \
14         68hc11.asm                                              \
15         actionscript/  \
16         actionscript/                 \
17         actionscript/                  \
18         actionscript/                   \
19         actionscript/       \
20         actionscript/                \
21         actionscript/                 \
22         ada-adb.adb                                             \
23                                             \
24         ada-expression-function.adb             \
25         ada-expression-function-generic.adb     \
26                              \
27                 \
28         ada-task.adb                                    \
29         angle_bracket.cpp                               \
30         anonymous_functions.php                 \
31         arraylist.js                                    \
32         array_ref_and_out.cs                    \
33         array_spec.f90                                  \
34         array-spec.f90                                  \
35         attributes.cs                                   \
36         auto.f                                                  \
37         backslashes.c                                   \
38         bit_field.c                                             \
39         block.f90                                               \
40         bracematch.js                                   \
41         bug1020715.cpp                                  \
42         bug1020715.c                                    \
43         bug1086609.c                                    \
44         bug1093123.cpp                                  \
45         bug1111214-j-chan.v                             \
46         bug1111214.v                                    \
47         bug1201689.c                                    \
48                                 \
49         bug1458930.c                                    \
50         bug1466117.c                                    \
51         bug1491666.c                                    \
52         bug1515910.cs                                   \
53         bug1548443.cpp                                  \
54         bug1563476.cpp                                  \
55         bug1570779.sql                                  \
56         bug1575055.cpp                                  \
57         bug1585745.cpp                                  \
58         bug1611054.cs                                   \
59                                 \
60         bug1742588.rb                                   \
61         bug1743330.v                                    \
62         bug1764143.h                                    \
63                                   \
64         bug1770479.cpp                                  \
65         bug1773926.cpp                                  \
66                                 \
67         bug1799340.cpp                                  \
68         bug1799343-1.cpp                                \
69         bug1799343-2.cpp                                \
70         bug1800065.cs                                   \
71                                   \
72         bug1830343.cs                                   \
73         bug1830344.cs                                   \
74                                   \
75                                   \
76         bug1907083.cpp                                  \
77         bug1924919.cpp                                  \
78         bug1938565.sql                                  \
79         bug1944150.sql                                  \
80         bug1950327.js                                   \
81                                   \
82                                   \
83                                   \
84                                 \
85                                   \
86                                 \
87         bug2374109.vhd                                  \
88         bug2411878.cs                                   \
89         bug2747828.v                                    \
90         bug2777310.js                                   \
91         bug2781264.rb                                   \
92         bug2886870.tex                                  \
93         bug2888482.js                                   \
94         bug3036476.js                                   \
95                                   \
96         bug3571233.js                                   \
97         bug507864.c                                             \
98         bug538629.asm                                   \
99         bug556645.c                                             \
100         bug556646.c                                             \
101         bug565813.f90                                   \
102         bug612019.pas                                   \
103                                    \
104         bug620288.f                                             \
105         bug639639.h                                             \
106         bug639644.hpp                                   \
107         bug665086.cpp                                   \
108         bug670433.f90                                   \
109                                    \
110         bug722501.sql                                   \
111         bug726712.f90                                   \
112         bug726875.f90                                   \
113         bug734933.f90                                   \
114         bug762027.v                                             \
115                                  \
116         bug823000.sql                                   \
117                                    \
118         bug849591.cpp                                   \
119         bug852368.cpp                                   \
120         bug858165.f90                                   \
121         bug872494.cpp                                   \
122         bug877956.f90                                   \
123         bug960316.v                                             \
124         bug961001.v                                             \
125         byte.f                                                  \
126         c-digraphs.c                                    \
127         c-trigraphs.c                                   \
128         case_sensitivity.php                    \
129         char-selector.f90                               \
130         classes.php                                             \
131         cobol/helloworld.cbl                    \
132         cobol/helloworld2.cbl                   \
133         cobol/levels.cbl                                \
134         cobol/quoted-program-id.cbl             \
135         cobol/simple.cbl                                \
136         common.f                                                \
137         complex-return.js                               \
138         continuation.f90                                \
139         continuation.mak                                \
140         countall.sql                                    \
141         cpp_destructor.cpp                              \
142         css-at-rules.css                                \
143         css-at-supports.css                             \
144         css-attribute-selectors.css             \
145         css-comma-no-space.css                  \
146         css-namespace-selectors.css             \
147         css-pseudo-classes.css                  \
148         css-simple.css                                  \
149         css-singlequote-in-comment-issue2.css   \
150         css-tag-types.css                               \
151         css-trivial.css                                 \
152         cython_sample.pyx                               \
153         cython_sample2.pyx                              \
154         cxx11enum.cpp                                   \
155         cxx11-final.cpp                                 \
156         cxx11-noexcept.cpp                              \
157         cxx11-override.cpp                              \
158         cxx11-raw-strings.cpp                   \
159         cxx14-combined.cpp                              \
160         db-trig.sql                                             \
161         debian_432872.f90                               \
162         directives.c                                    \
163         dopbl2.f                                                \
164         dotted-names.json                               \
165         enum.c                                                  \
166         enum.f90                                                \
167                                               \
168         enumerators.f90                                 \
169         events.cs                                               \
170         extern_variable.h                               \
171         forall_module.f90                               \
172                                               \
173         fortran_associate.f90                   \
174         fortran_line_continuation.f90   \
175         func_typedef.h                                  \
176                 \
177                   \
178   \
179         geany.nsi                                               \
180         general.cs                                              \
181         hex2dec.sql                                             \
182         implied_program.f                               \
183         indexer.cs                                              \
184                              \
185         ingres_procedures.sql                   \
186         initialization.f90                              \
187         interface_indexers.cs                   \
188         interface_properties.cs                 \
189         interfaces.f90                                  \
190         internal.cs                                             \
191         intro_orig.tex                                  \
192         intro.tex                                               \
193         invalid_name.f90                                \
194                                  \
195         js-broken-strings.js                    \
196         js-class-related-unterminated.js        \
197         js-const.js                                             \
198         js-implicit-semicolons.js               \
199         js-let.js                                               \
200         js-scope.js                                             \
201         js-signature.js                                 \
202         js-string-continuation.js               \
203         js-sub-block-scope.js                   \
204         js-unknown-construct-nesting.js \
205         julia-corner_cases.jl   \
206         jsFunc_tutorial.js                              \
207         keyword_abstract.cs                             \
208         keyword_catch_try.cs                    \
209         keyword_class.cs                                \
210         keyword_const.cs                                \
211         keyword_delegate.cs                             \
212         keyword_enum.cs                                 \
213         keyword_event.cs                                \
214         keyword_explicit.cs                             \
215         keyword_extern.cs                               \
216         keyword_implicit.cs                             \
217         keyword_interface.cs                    \
218         keyword_namespace.cs                    \
219         keyword_names.f90                               \
220         keyword_out.cs                                  \
221         keyword_override.cs                             \
222         keyword_params.cs                               \
223         keyword_private.cs                              \
224         keyword_protected.cs                    \
225         keyword_public.cs                               \
226         keyword_sealed.cs                               \
227         keyword_static.cs                               \
228         keyword_struct.cs                               \
229         keyword_virtual.cs                              \
230         keyword_volatile.cs                             \
231         labels.sql                                              \
232         lanus.for                                               \
233         line_directives.c                               \
234         local.c                                                 \
235         macros.c                                                \
236         make-comment-in-rule.mak                \
237         make-gnumake-pattern-rules.mak  \
238         make-multi-target.mak                   \
239         make-parentheses.mak                    \
240         make-target-with-parentheses.mak        \
241         make-variable-on-cmdline.mak    \
242         masm.asm                                                \
243         matlab_backtracking.m                   \
244         matlab_test.m                                   \
245         maze.erl                                                \
246         members.f90                                             \
247         misc_types.f90                                  \
248         misc_types.f                                    \
249         mode.php                                                \
250         moniker.x68.asm                                 \
251         namelist.f                                              \
252         namespace.cpp                                   \
253         namespaces2.php                                 \
254         namespaces.php                                  \
255         no_terminator.js                                \
256         non-ascii-ident1.php                    \
257         numlib.f90                                              \
258    \
259                 \
260                  \
261                  \
262                                              \
263         php5_5_class_kw.php                             \
264         parenthesis-rvalue.js                   \
265         preprocessor.f90                                \
266         procedure_pointer_module.f90    \
267         procpoint.f90                                   \
268         property.cs                                             \
269         prototype.h                                             \
270         pure_elem.f95                                   \
271               \
272                    \
273     \
274                              \
275         qualified_types.f90                             \
276         random.sql                                              \
277         readlob.sql                                             \
278         readlong.sql                                    \
279         recursive.f95                                   \
280         refcurs.sql                                             \
281         regexp.js                                               \
282         return-hint.zep                                 \
283         return-types.go                                 \
284         ruby-block-call.rb                              \
285         ruby-doc.rb                                             \
286         ruby-namespaced-class.rb                \
287         ruby-scope-after-anonymous-class.rb     \
288         ruby-sf-bug-364.rb                              \
289         rules.t2t                                               \
290         sample.t2t                                              \
291         secondary_fcn_name.js                   \
292         semicolon.f90                                   \
293         shebang.js                                              \
294         signature.cpp                                   \
295                                              \
296         simple.asciidoc                                 \
297         simple.bas                                              \
298         simple.bat                                              \
299         simple.clj                                              \
300         simple.conf                                             \
301         simple.d                                                \
302         simple.diff                                             \
303         simple.docbook                                  \
304         simple.hs                                               \
305         simple.hx                                               \
306         simple.html                                             \
307         simple.inp                                              \
308         simple.js                                               \
309         simple.json                                             \
310         simple.ksh                                              \
311         simple.lisp                                             \
312         simple.lua                                              \
313         simple.mak                                              \
314                                               \
315         simple.php                                              \
316                                               \
317         simple.ps1                                              \
318                                               \
319         simple.rb                                               \
320         simple.rst                                              \
321                                               \
322         simple.tcl                                              \
323         simple.ts                                               \
324         simple.vala                                             \
325         simple.zep                                              \
326         size_t_wchar_t_alias.d                  \
327         size_t_wchar_t_typedef.c                \
328         spurious_label_tags.c                   \
329         sql_single_quote.sql                    \
330         square_parens.f90                               \
331         state_machine.v                                 \
332         static_array.c                                  \
333         stdcall.f                                               \
334         strings.php                                             \
335         strings.rb                                              \
336         structure.f                                             \
337                                    \
338         test.erl                                                \
339         test.go                                                 \
340                                                 \
341                                   \
342                                  \
343         titles.t2t                                              \
344         traffic_signal.v                                \
345         traits.php                                              \
346         ui5.controller.js                               \
347         union.f                                                 \
348         value.f                                                 \
349         var-and-return-type.cpp                 \
350         vhdl-component.vhd                              \
351         vhdl-local.vhd                                  \
352         vhdl-port.vhd                                   \
353         vhdl-process.vhd                                \
354         vhdl-type.vhd                                   \
355         whitespaces.php                                 \
356         $(NULL)
357 test_results = $(test_sources:=.tags)
360 TAGS_LOG_COMPILER = $(srcdir)/
361 AM_TAGS_LOG_FLAGS = $(top_builddir)/src/geany$(EXEEXT)
362 AM_TESTS_ENVIRONMENT = top_srcdir=$(top_srcdir) top_builddir=$(top_builddir)
364 TESTS = $(test_results)
365 EXTRA_DIST = $(test_sources) $(test_results)
367 # check processing order of files on the command line
368 check_processing_order_sources = \
369         process_order.c.tags process_order_1.h process_order_2.h
370 EXTRA_DIST += $(check_processing_order_sources)
371 .PHONY: check-processing-order
372 check-processing-order: $(check_processing_order_sources)
373         $(AM_TESTS_ENVIRONMENT) \
374         $(srcdir)/ $(top_builddir)/src/geany$(EXEEXT) --result $(check_processing_order_sources:%=$(srcdir)/%)
375 check-local: check-processing-order