Remove unused variable
[geany-mirror.git] / scintilla / include / ScintillaCall.h
1 // SciTE - Scintilla based Text Editor
2 /** @file ScintillaCall.h
3 ** Interface to calling a Scintilla instance.
4 **/
5 // Copyright 1998-2019 by Neil Hodgson <>
6 // The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed.
8 /* Most of this file is automatically generated from the Scintilla.iface interface definition
9 * file which contains any comments about the definitions. does the generation. */
14 namespace Scintilla {
16 enum class Message; // Declare in case ScintillaMessages.h not included
18 // Declare in case ScintillaStructures.h not included
19 struct TextRangeFull;
20 struct TextToFindFull;
21 struct RangeToFormatFull;
23 using FunctionDirect = intptr_t(*)(intptr_t ptr, unsigned int iMessage, uintptr_t wParam, intptr_t lParam, int *pStatus);
25 struct Failure {
26 Scintilla::Status status;
27 explicit Failure(Scintilla::Status status_) noexcept : status(status_) {
31 struct Span {
32 // An ordered range
33 // end may be less than start when, for example, searching backwards
34 Position start;
35 Position end;
36 explicit Span(Position position) noexcept : start(position), end(position) {
38 Span(Position start_, Position end_) noexcept : start(start_), end(end_) {
40 Position Length() const noexcept {
41 if (end > start)
42 return end - start;
43 else
44 return start - end;
46 bool operator==(const Span &other) const noexcept {
47 return (other.start == start) && (other.end == end);
51 class ScintillaCall {
52 FunctionDirect fn;
53 intptr_t ptr;
54 intptr_t CallPointer(Message msg, uintptr_t wParam, void *s);
55 intptr_t CallString(Message msg, uintptr_t wParam, const char *s);
56 std::string CallReturnString(Message msg, uintptr_t wParam);
57 public:
58 Scintilla::Status statusLastCall;
59 ScintillaCall() noexcept;
60 // All standard methods are fine
62 void SetFnPtr(FunctionDirect fn_, intptr_t ptr_) noexcept;
63 bool IsValid() const noexcept;
64 intptr_t Call(Message msg, uintptr_t wParam=0, intptr_t lParam=0);
66 // Common APIs made more structured and type-safe
67 Position LineStart(Line line);
68 Position LineEnd(Line line);
69 Span SelectionSpan();
70 Span TargetSpan();
71 void SetTarget(Span span);
72 void ColouriseAll();
73 char CharacterAt(Position position);
74 int UnsignedStyleAt(Position position);
75 std::string StringOfSpan(Span span);
76 std::string StringOfRange(Span span);
77 Position ReplaceTarget(std::string_view text);
78 Position ReplaceTargetRE(std::string_view text);
79 Position ReplaceTargetMinimal(std::string_view text);
80 Position SearchInTarget(std::string_view text);
81 Span SpanSearchInTarget(std::string_view text);
83 // Generated APIs
84 //++Autogenerated -- start of section automatically generated from Scintilla.iface
85 //**\(\*\n\)
86 void AddText(Position length, const char *text);
87 void AddStyledText(Position length, const char *c);
88 void InsertText(Position pos, const char *text);
89 void ChangeInsertion(Position length, const char *text);
90 void ClearAll();
91 void DeleteRange(Position start, Position lengthDelete);
92 void ClearDocumentStyle();
93 Position Length();
94 int CharAt(Position pos);
95 Position CurrentPos();
96 Position Anchor();
97 int StyleAt(Position pos);
98 int StyleIndexAt(Position pos);
99 void Redo();
100 void SetUndoCollection(bool collectUndo);
101 void SelectAll();
102 void SetSavePoint();
103 Position GetStyledText(void *tr);
104 Position GetStyledTextFull(TextRangeFull *tr);
105 bool CanRedo();
106 Line MarkerLineFromHandle(int markerHandle);
107 void MarkerDeleteHandle(int markerHandle);
108 int MarkerHandleFromLine(Line line, int which);
109 int MarkerNumberFromLine(Line line, int which);
110 bool UndoCollection();
111 Scintilla::WhiteSpace ViewWS();
112 void SetViewWS(Scintilla::WhiteSpace viewWS);
113 Scintilla::TabDrawMode TabDrawMode();
114 void SetTabDrawMode(Scintilla::TabDrawMode tabDrawMode);
115 Position PositionFromPoint(int x, int y);
116 Position PositionFromPointClose(int x, int y);
117 void GotoLine(Line line);
118 void GotoPos(Position caret);
119 void SetAnchor(Position anchor);
120 Position GetCurLine(Position length, char *text);
121 std::string GetCurLine(Position length);
122 Position EndStyled();
123 void ConvertEOLs(Scintilla::EndOfLine eolMode);
124 Scintilla::EndOfLine EOLMode();
125 void SetEOLMode(Scintilla::EndOfLine eolMode);
126 void StartStyling(Position start, int unused);
127 void SetStyling(Position length, int style);
128 bool BufferedDraw();
129 void SetBufferedDraw(bool buffered);
130 void SetTabWidth(int tabWidth);
131 int TabWidth();
132 void SetTabMinimumWidth(int pixels);
133 int TabMinimumWidth();
134 void ClearTabStops(Line line);
135 void AddTabStop(Line line, int x);
136 int GetNextTabStop(Line line, int x);
137 void SetCodePage(int codePage);
138 void SetFontLocale(const char *localeName);
139 int FontLocale(char *localeName);
140 std::string FontLocale();
141 Scintilla::IMEInteraction IMEInteraction();
142 void SetIMEInteraction(Scintilla::IMEInteraction imeInteraction);
143 void MarkerDefine(int markerNumber, Scintilla::MarkerSymbol markerSymbol);
144 void MarkerSetFore(int markerNumber, Colour fore);
145 void MarkerSetBack(int markerNumber, Colour back);
146 void MarkerSetBackSelected(int markerNumber, Colour back);
147 void MarkerSetForeTranslucent(int markerNumber, ColourAlpha fore);
148 void MarkerSetBackTranslucent(int markerNumber, ColourAlpha back);
149 void MarkerSetBackSelectedTranslucent(int markerNumber, ColourAlpha back);
150 void MarkerSetStrokeWidth(int markerNumber, int hundredths);
151 void MarkerEnableHighlight(bool enabled);
152 int MarkerAdd(Line line, int markerNumber);
153 void MarkerDelete(Line line, int markerNumber);
154 void MarkerDeleteAll(int markerNumber);
155 int MarkerGet(Line line);
156 Line MarkerNext(Line lineStart, int markerMask);
157 Line MarkerPrevious(Line lineStart, int markerMask);
158 void MarkerDefinePixmap(int markerNumber, const char *pixmap);
159 void MarkerAddSet(Line line, int markerSet);
160 void MarkerSetAlpha(int markerNumber, Scintilla::Alpha alpha);
161 Scintilla::Layer MarkerGetLayer(int markerNumber);
162 void MarkerSetLayer(int markerNumber, Scintilla::Layer layer);
163 void SetMarginTypeN(int margin, Scintilla::MarginType marginType);
164 Scintilla::MarginType MarginTypeN(int margin);
165 void SetMarginWidthN(int margin, int pixelWidth);
166 int MarginWidthN(int margin);
167 void SetMarginMaskN(int margin, int mask);
168 int MarginMaskN(int margin);
169 void SetMarginSensitiveN(int margin, bool sensitive);
170 bool MarginSensitiveN(int margin);
171 void SetMarginCursorN(int margin, Scintilla::CursorShape cursor);
172 Scintilla::CursorShape MarginCursorN(int margin);
173 void SetMarginBackN(int margin, Colour back);
174 Colour MarginBackN(int margin);
175 void SetMargins(int margins);
176 int Margins();
177 void StyleClearAll();
178 void StyleSetFore(int style, Colour fore);
179 void StyleSetBack(int style, Colour back);
180 void StyleSetBold(int style, bool bold);
181 void StyleSetItalic(int style, bool italic);
182 void StyleSetSize(int style, int sizePoints);
183 void StyleSetFont(int style, const char *fontName);
184 void StyleSetEOLFilled(int style, bool eolFilled);
185 void StyleResetDefault();
186 void StyleSetUnderline(int style, bool underline);
187 Colour StyleGetFore(int style);
188 Colour StyleGetBack(int style);
189 bool StyleGetBold(int style);
190 bool StyleGetItalic(int style);
191 int StyleGetSize(int style);
192 int StyleGetFont(int style, char *fontName);
193 std::string StyleGetFont(int style);
194 bool StyleGetEOLFilled(int style);
195 bool StyleGetUnderline(int style);
196 Scintilla::CaseVisible StyleGetCase(int style);
197 Scintilla::CharacterSet StyleGetCharacterSet(int style);
198 bool StyleGetVisible(int style);
199 bool StyleGetChangeable(int style);
200 bool StyleGetHotSpot(int style);
201 void StyleSetCase(int style, Scintilla::CaseVisible caseVisible);
202 void StyleSetSizeFractional(int style, int sizeHundredthPoints);
203 int StyleGetSizeFractional(int style);
204 void StyleSetWeight(int style, Scintilla::FontWeight weight);
205 Scintilla::FontWeight StyleGetWeight(int style);
206 void StyleSetCharacterSet(int style, Scintilla::CharacterSet characterSet);
207 void StyleSetHotSpot(int style, bool hotspot);
208 void StyleSetCheckMonospaced(int style, bool checkMonospaced);
209 bool StyleGetCheckMonospaced(int style);
210 void StyleSetInvisibleRepresentation(int style, const char *representation);
211 int StyleGetInvisibleRepresentation(int style, char *representation);
212 std::string StyleGetInvisibleRepresentation(int style);
213 void SetElementColour(Scintilla::Element element, ColourAlpha colourElement);
214 ColourAlpha ElementColour(Scintilla::Element element);
215 void ResetElementColour(Scintilla::Element element);
216 bool ElementIsSet(Scintilla::Element element);
217 bool ElementAllowsTranslucent(Scintilla::Element element);
218 ColourAlpha ElementBaseColour(Scintilla::Element element);
219 void SetSelFore(bool useSetting, Colour fore);
220 void SetSelBack(bool useSetting, Colour back);
221 Scintilla::Alpha SelAlpha();
222 void SetSelAlpha(Scintilla::Alpha alpha);
223 bool SelEOLFilled();
224 void SetSelEOLFilled(bool filled);
225 Scintilla::Layer SelectionLayer();
226 void SetSelectionLayer(Scintilla::Layer layer);
227 Scintilla::Layer CaretLineLayer();
228 void SetCaretLineLayer(Scintilla::Layer layer);
229 bool CaretLineHighlightSubLine();
230 void SetCaretLineHighlightSubLine(bool subLine);
231 void SetCaretFore(Colour fore);
232 void AssignCmdKey(int keyDefinition, int sciCommand);
233 void ClearCmdKey(int keyDefinition);
234 void ClearAllCmdKeys();
235 void SetStylingEx(Position length, const char *styles);
236 void StyleSetVisible(int style, bool visible);
237 int CaretPeriod();
238 void SetCaretPeriod(int periodMilliseconds);
239 void SetWordChars(const char *characters);
240 int WordChars(char *characters);
241 std::string WordChars();
242 void SetCharacterCategoryOptimization(int countCharacters);
243 int CharacterCategoryOptimization();
244 void BeginUndoAction();
245 void EndUndoAction();
246 void IndicSetStyle(int indicator, Scintilla::IndicatorStyle indicatorStyle);
247 Scintilla::IndicatorStyle IndicGetStyle(int indicator);
248 void IndicSetFore(int indicator, Colour fore);
249 Colour IndicGetFore(int indicator);
250 void IndicSetUnder(int indicator, bool under);
251 bool IndicGetUnder(int indicator);
252 void IndicSetHoverStyle(int indicator, Scintilla::IndicatorStyle indicatorStyle);
253 Scintilla::IndicatorStyle IndicGetHoverStyle(int indicator);
254 void IndicSetHoverFore(int indicator, Colour fore);
255 Colour IndicGetHoverFore(int indicator);
256 void IndicSetFlags(int indicator, Scintilla::IndicFlag flags);
257 Scintilla::IndicFlag IndicGetFlags(int indicator);
258 void IndicSetStrokeWidth(int indicator, int hundredths);
259 int IndicGetStrokeWidth(int indicator);
260 void SetWhitespaceFore(bool useSetting, Colour fore);
261 void SetWhitespaceBack(bool useSetting, Colour back);
262 void SetWhitespaceSize(int size);
263 int WhitespaceSize();
264 void SetLineState(Line line, int state);
265 int LineState(Line line);
266 int MaxLineState();
267 bool CaretLineVisible();
268 void SetCaretLineVisible(bool show);
269 Colour CaretLineBack();
270 void SetCaretLineBack(Colour back);
271 int CaretLineFrame();
272 void SetCaretLineFrame(int width);
273 void StyleSetChangeable(int style, bool changeable);
274 void AutoCShow(Position lengthEntered, const char *itemList);
275 void AutoCCancel();
276 bool AutoCActive();
277 Position AutoCPosStart();
278 void AutoCComplete();
279 void AutoCStops(const char *characterSet);
280 void AutoCSetSeparator(int separatorCharacter);
281 int AutoCGetSeparator();
282 void AutoCSelect(const char *select);
283 void AutoCSetCancelAtStart(bool cancel);
284 bool AutoCGetCancelAtStart();
285 void AutoCSetFillUps(const char *characterSet);
286 void AutoCSetChooseSingle(bool chooseSingle);
287 bool AutoCGetChooseSingle();
288 void AutoCSetIgnoreCase(bool ignoreCase);
289 bool AutoCGetIgnoreCase();
290 void UserListShow(int listType, const char *itemList);
291 void AutoCSetAutoHide(bool autoHide);
292 bool AutoCGetAutoHide();
293 void AutoCSetOptions(Scintilla::AutoCompleteOption options);
294 Scintilla::AutoCompleteOption AutoCGetOptions();
295 void AutoCSetDropRestOfWord(bool dropRestOfWord);
296 bool AutoCGetDropRestOfWord();
297 void RegisterImage(int type, const char *xpmData);
298 void ClearRegisteredImages();
299 int AutoCGetTypeSeparator();
300 void AutoCSetTypeSeparator(int separatorCharacter);
301 void AutoCSetMaxWidth(int characterCount);
302 int AutoCGetMaxWidth();
303 void AutoCSetMaxHeight(int rowCount);
304 int AutoCGetMaxHeight();
305 void SetIndent(int indentSize);
306 int Indent();
307 void SetUseTabs(bool useTabs);
308 bool UseTabs();
309 void SetLineIndentation(Line line, int indentation);
310 int LineIndentation(Line line);
311 Position LineIndentPosition(Line line);
312 Position Column(Position pos);
313 Position CountCharacters(Position start, Position end);
314 Position CountCodeUnits(Position start, Position end);
315 void SetHScrollBar(bool visible);
316 bool HScrollBar();
317 void SetIndentationGuides(Scintilla::IndentView indentView);
318 Scintilla::IndentView IndentationGuides();
319 void SetHighlightGuide(Position column);
320 Position HighlightGuide();
321 Position LineEndPosition(Line line);
322 int CodePage();
323 Colour CaretFore();
324 bool ReadOnly();
325 void SetCurrentPos(Position caret);
326 void SetSelectionStart(Position anchor);
327 Position SelectionStart();
328 void SetSelectionEnd(Position caret);
329 Position SelectionEnd();
330 void SetEmptySelection(Position caret);
331 void SetPrintMagnification(int magnification);
332 int PrintMagnification();
333 void SetPrintColourMode(Scintilla::PrintOption mode);
334 Scintilla::PrintOption PrintColourMode();
335 Position FindText(Scintilla::FindOption searchFlags, void *ft);
336 Position FindTextFull(Scintilla::FindOption searchFlags, TextToFindFull *ft);
337 Position FormatRange(bool draw, void *fr);
338 Position FormatRangeFull(bool draw, RangeToFormatFull *fr);
339 void SetChangeHistory(Scintilla::ChangeHistoryOption changeHistory);
340 Scintilla::ChangeHistoryOption ChangeHistory();
341 Line FirstVisibleLine();
342 Position GetLine(Line line, char *text);
343 std::string GetLine(Line line);
344 Line LineCount();
345 void AllocateLines(Line lines);
346 void SetMarginLeft(int pixelWidth);
347 int MarginLeft();
348 void SetMarginRight(int pixelWidth);
349 int MarginRight();
350 bool Modify();
351 void SetSel(Position anchor, Position caret);
352 Position GetSelText(char *text);
353 std::string GetSelText();
354 Position GetTextRange(void *tr);
355 Position GetTextRangeFull(TextRangeFull *tr);
356 void HideSelection(bool hide);
357 bool SelectionHidden();
358 int PointXFromPosition(Position pos);
359 int PointYFromPosition(Position pos);
360 Line LineFromPosition(Position pos);
361 Position PositionFromLine(Line line);
362 void LineScroll(Position columns, Line lines);
363 void ScrollCaret();
364 void ScrollRange(Position secondary, Position primary);
365 void ReplaceSel(const char *text);
366 void SetReadOnly(bool readOnly);
367 void Null();
368 bool CanPaste();
369 bool CanUndo();
370 void EmptyUndoBuffer();
371 void Undo();
372 void Cut();
373 void Copy();
374 void Paste();
375 void Clear();
376 void SetText(const char *text);
377 Position GetText(Position length, char *text);
378 std::string GetText(Position length);
379 Position TextLength();
380 void *DirectFunction();
381 void *DirectStatusFunction();
382 void *DirectPointer();
383 void SetOvertype(bool overType);
384 bool Overtype();
385 void SetCaretWidth(int pixelWidth);
386 int CaretWidth();
387 void SetTargetStart(Position start);
388 Position TargetStart();
389 void SetTargetStartVirtualSpace(Position space);
390 Position TargetStartVirtualSpace();
391 void SetTargetEnd(Position end);
392 Position TargetEnd();
393 void SetTargetEndVirtualSpace(Position space);
394 Position TargetEndVirtualSpace();
395 void SetTargetRange(Position start, Position end);
396 Position TargetText(char *text);
397 std::string TargetText();
398 void TargetFromSelection();
399 void TargetWholeDocument();
400 Position ReplaceTarget(Position length, const char *text);
401 Position ReplaceTargetRE(Position length, const char *text);
402 Position ReplaceTargetMinimal(Position length, const char *text);
403 Position SearchInTarget(Position length, const char *text);
404 void SetSearchFlags(Scintilla::FindOption searchFlags);
405 Scintilla::FindOption SearchFlags();
406 void CallTipShow(Position pos, const char *definition);
407 void CallTipCancel();
408 bool CallTipActive();
409 Position CallTipPosStart();
410 void CallTipSetPosStart(Position posStart);
411 void CallTipSetHlt(Position highlightStart, Position highlightEnd);
412 void CallTipSetBack(Colour back);
413 void CallTipSetFore(Colour fore);
414 void CallTipSetForeHlt(Colour fore);
415 void CallTipUseStyle(int tabSize);
416 void CallTipSetPosition(bool above);
417 Line VisibleFromDocLine(Line docLine);
418 Line DocLineFromVisible(Line displayLine);
419 Line WrapCount(Line docLine);
420 void SetFoldLevel(Line line, Scintilla::FoldLevel level);
421 Scintilla::FoldLevel FoldLevel(Line line);
422 Line LastChild(Line line, Scintilla::FoldLevel level);
423 Line FoldParent(Line line);
424 void ShowLines(Line lineStart, Line lineEnd);
425 void HideLines(Line lineStart, Line lineEnd);
426 bool LineVisible(Line line);
427 bool AllLinesVisible();
428 void SetFoldExpanded(Line line, bool expanded);
429 bool FoldExpanded(Line line);
430 void ToggleFold(Line line);
431 void ToggleFoldShowText(Line line, const char *text);
432 void FoldDisplayTextSetStyle(Scintilla::FoldDisplayTextStyle style);
433 Scintilla::FoldDisplayTextStyle FoldDisplayTextGetStyle();
434 void SetDefaultFoldDisplayText(const char *text);
435 int GetDefaultFoldDisplayText(char *text);
436 std::string GetDefaultFoldDisplayText();
437 void FoldLine(Line line, Scintilla::FoldAction action);
438 void FoldChildren(Line line, Scintilla::FoldAction action);
439 void ExpandChildren(Line line, Scintilla::FoldLevel level);
440 void FoldAll(Scintilla::FoldAction action);
441 void EnsureVisible(Line line);
442 void SetAutomaticFold(Scintilla::AutomaticFold automaticFold);
443 Scintilla::AutomaticFold AutomaticFold();
444 void SetFoldFlags(Scintilla::FoldFlag flags);
445 void EnsureVisibleEnforcePolicy(Line line);
446 void SetTabIndents(bool tabIndents);
447 bool TabIndents();
448 void SetBackSpaceUnIndents(bool bsUnIndents);
449 bool BackSpaceUnIndents();
450 void SetMouseDwellTime(int periodMilliseconds);
451 int MouseDwellTime();
452 Position WordStartPosition(Position pos, bool onlyWordCharacters);
453 Position WordEndPosition(Position pos, bool onlyWordCharacters);
454 bool IsRangeWord(Position start, Position end);
455 void SetIdleStyling(Scintilla::IdleStyling idleStyling);
456 Scintilla::IdleStyling IdleStyling();
457 void SetWrapMode(Scintilla::Wrap wrapMode);
458 Scintilla::Wrap WrapMode();
459 void SetWrapVisualFlags(Scintilla::WrapVisualFlag wrapVisualFlags);
460 Scintilla::WrapVisualFlag WrapVisualFlags();
461 void SetWrapVisualFlagsLocation(Scintilla::WrapVisualLocation wrapVisualFlagsLocation);
462 Scintilla::WrapVisualLocation WrapVisualFlagsLocation();
463 void SetWrapStartIndent(int indent);
464 int WrapStartIndent();
465 void SetWrapIndentMode(Scintilla::WrapIndentMode wrapIndentMode);
466 Scintilla::WrapIndentMode WrapIndentMode();
467 void SetLayoutCache(Scintilla::LineCache cacheMode);
468 Scintilla::LineCache LayoutCache();
469 void SetScrollWidth(int pixelWidth);
470 int ScrollWidth();
471 void SetScrollWidthTracking(bool tracking);
472 bool ScrollWidthTracking();
473 int TextWidth(int style, const char *text);
474 void SetEndAtLastLine(bool endAtLastLine);
475 bool EndAtLastLine();
476 int TextHeight(Line line);
477 void SetVScrollBar(bool visible);
478 bool VScrollBar();
479 void AppendText(Position length, const char *text);
480 Scintilla::PhasesDraw PhasesDraw();
481 void SetPhasesDraw(Scintilla::PhasesDraw phases);
482 void SetFontQuality(Scintilla::FontQuality fontQuality);
483 Scintilla::FontQuality FontQuality();
484 void SetFirstVisibleLine(Line displayLine);
485 void SetMultiPaste(Scintilla::MultiPaste multiPaste);
486 Scintilla::MultiPaste MultiPaste();
487 int Tag(int tagNumber, char *tagValue);
488 std::string Tag(int tagNumber);
489 void LinesJoin();
490 void LinesSplit(int pixelWidth);
491 void SetFoldMarginColour(bool useSetting, Colour back);
492 void SetFoldMarginHiColour(bool useSetting, Colour fore);
493 void SetAccessibility(Scintilla::Accessibility accessibility);
494 Scintilla::Accessibility Accessibility();
495 void LineDown();
496 void LineDownExtend();
497 void LineUp();
498 void LineUpExtend();
499 void CharLeft();
500 void CharLeftExtend();
501 void CharRight();
502 void CharRightExtend();
503 void WordLeft();
504 void WordLeftExtend();
505 void WordRight();
506 void WordRightExtend();
507 void Home();
508 void HomeExtend();
509 void LineEnd();
510 void LineEndExtend();
511 void DocumentStart();
512 void DocumentStartExtend();
513 void DocumentEnd();
514 void DocumentEndExtend();
515 void PageUp();
516 void PageUpExtend();
517 void PageDown();
518 void PageDownExtend();
519 void EditToggleOvertype();
520 void Cancel();
521 void DeleteBack();
522 void Tab();
523 void BackTab();
524 void NewLine();
525 void FormFeed();
526 void VCHome();
527 void VCHomeExtend();
528 void ZoomIn();
529 void ZoomOut();
530 void DelWordLeft();
531 void DelWordRight();
532 void DelWordRightEnd();
533 void LineCut();
534 void LineDelete();
535 void LineTranspose();
536 void LineReverse();
537 void LineDuplicate();
538 void LowerCase();
539 void UpperCase();
540 void LineScrollDown();
541 void LineScrollUp();
542 void DeleteBackNotLine();
543 void HomeDisplay();
544 void HomeDisplayExtend();
545 void LineEndDisplay();
546 void LineEndDisplayExtend();
547 void HomeWrap();
548 void HomeWrapExtend();
549 void LineEndWrap();
550 void LineEndWrapExtend();
551 void VCHomeWrap();
552 void VCHomeWrapExtend();
553 void LineCopy();
554 void MoveCaretInsideView();
555 Position LineLength(Line line);
556 void BraceHighlight(Position posA, Position posB);
557 void BraceHighlightIndicator(bool useSetting, int indicator);
558 void BraceBadLight(Position pos);
559 void BraceBadLightIndicator(bool useSetting, int indicator);
560 Position BraceMatch(Position pos, int maxReStyle);
561 Position BraceMatchNext(Position pos, Position startPos);
562 bool ViewEOL();
563 void SetViewEOL(bool visible);
564 void *DocPointer();
565 void SetDocPointer(void *doc);
566 void SetModEventMask(Scintilla::ModificationFlags eventMask);
567 Position EdgeColumn();
568 void SetEdgeColumn(Position column);
569 Scintilla::EdgeVisualStyle EdgeMode();
570 void SetEdgeMode(Scintilla::EdgeVisualStyle edgeMode);
571 Colour EdgeColour();
572 void SetEdgeColour(Colour edgeColour);
573 void MultiEdgeAddLine(Position column, Colour edgeColour);
574 void MultiEdgeClearAll();
575 Position MultiEdgeColumn(int which);
576 void SearchAnchor();
577 Position SearchNext(Scintilla::FindOption searchFlags, const char *text);
578 Position SearchPrev(Scintilla::FindOption searchFlags, const char *text);
579 Line LinesOnScreen();
580 void UsePopUp(Scintilla::PopUp popUpMode);
581 bool SelectionIsRectangle();
582 void SetZoom(int zoomInPoints);
583 int Zoom();
584 void *CreateDocument(Position bytes, Scintilla::DocumentOption documentOptions);
585 void AddRefDocument(void *doc);
586 void ReleaseDocument(void *doc);
587 Scintilla::DocumentOption DocumentOptions();
588 Scintilla::ModificationFlags ModEventMask();
589 void SetCommandEvents(bool commandEvents);
590 bool CommandEvents();
591 void SetFocus(bool focus);
592 bool Focus();
593 void SetStatus(Scintilla::Status status);
594 Scintilla::Status Status();
595 void SetMouseDownCaptures(bool captures);
596 bool MouseDownCaptures();
597 void SetMouseWheelCaptures(bool captures);
598 bool MouseWheelCaptures();
599 void SetCursor(Scintilla::CursorShape cursorType);
600 Scintilla::CursorShape Cursor();
601 void SetControlCharSymbol(int symbol);
602 int ControlCharSymbol();
603 void WordPartLeft();
604 void WordPartLeftExtend();
605 void WordPartRight();
606 void WordPartRightExtend();
607 void SetVisiblePolicy(Scintilla::VisiblePolicy visiblePolicy, int visibleSlop);
608 void DelLineLeft();
609 void DelLineRight();
610 void SetXOffset(int xOffset);
611 int XOffset();
612 void ChooseCaretX();
613 void GrabFocus();
614 void SetXCaretPolicy(Scintilla::CaretPolicy caretPolicy, int caretSlop);
615 void SetYCaretPolicy(Scintilla::CaretPolicy caretPolicy, int caretSlop);
616 void SetPrintWrapMode(Scintilla::Wrap wrapMode);
617 Scintilla::Wrap PrintWrapMode();
618 void SetHotspotActiveFore(bool useSetting, Colour fore);
619 Colour HotspotActiveFore();
620 void SetHotspotActiveBack(bool useSetting, Colour back);
621 Colour HotspotActiveBack();
622 void SetHotspotActiveUnderline(bool underline);
623 bool HotspotActiveUnderline();
624 void SetHotspotSingleLine(bool singleLine);
625 bool HotspotSingleLine();
626 void ParaDown();
627 void ParaDownExtend();
628 void ParaUp();
629 void ParaUpExtend();
630 Position PositionBefore(Position pos);
631 Position PositionAfter(Position pos);
632 Position PositionRelative(Position pos, Position relative);
633 Position PositionRelativeCodeUnits(Position pos, Position relative);
634 void CopyRange(Position start, Position end);
635 void CopyText(Position length, const char *text);
636 void SetSelectionMode(Scintilla::SelectionMode selectionMode);
637 Scintilla::SelectionMode SelectionMode();
638 bool MoveExtendsSelection();
639 Position GetLineSelStartPosition(Line line);
640 Position GetLineSelEndPosition(Line line);
641 void LineDownRectExtend();
642 void LineUpRectExtend();
643 void CharLeftRectExtend();
644 void CharRightRectExtend();
645 void HomeRectExtend();
646 void VCHomeRectExtend();
647 void LineEndRectExtend();
648 void PageUpRectExtend();
649 void PageDownRectExtend();
650 void StutteredPageUp();
651 void StutteredPageUpExtend();
652 void StutteredPageDown();
653 void StutteredPageDownExtend();
654 void WordLeftEnd();
655 void WordLeftEndExtend();
656 void WordRightEnd();
657 void WordRightEndExtend();
658 void SetWhitespaceChars(const char *characters);
659 int WhitespaceChars(char *characters);
660 std::string WhitespaceChars();
661 void SetPunctuationChars(const char *characters);
662 int PunctuationChars(char *characters);
663 std::string PunctuationChars();
664 void SetCharsDefault();
665 int AutoCGetCurrent();
666 int AutoCGetCurrentText(char *text);
667 std::string AutoCGetCurrentText();
668 void AutoCSetCaseInsensitiveBehaviour(Scintilla::CaseInsensitiveBehaviour behaviour);
669 Scintilla::CaseInsensitiveBehaviour AutoCGetCaseInsensitiveBehaviour();
670 void AutoCSetMulti(Scintilla::MultiAutoComplete multi);
671 Scintilla::MultiAutoComplete AutoCGetMulti();
672 void AutoCSetOrder(Scintilla::Ordering order);
673 Scintilla::Ordering AutoCGetOrder();
674 void Allocate(Position bytes);
675 Position TargetAsUTF8(char *s);
676 std::string TargetAsUTF8();
677 void SetLengthForEncode(Position bytes);
678 Position EncodedFromUTF8(const char *utf8, char *encoded);
679 std::string EncodedFromUTF8(const char *utf8);
680 Position FindColumn(Line line, Position column);
681 Scintilla::CaretSticky CaretSticky();
682 void SetCaretSticky(Scintilla::CaretSticky useCaretStickyBehaviour);
683 void ToggleCaretSticky();
684 void SetPasteConvertEndings(bool convert);
685 bool PasteConvertEndings();
686 void ReplaceRectangular(Position length, const char *text);
687 void SelectionDuplicate();
688 void SetCaretLineBackAlpha(Scintilla::Alpha alpha);
689 Scintilla::Alpha CaretLineBackAlpha();
690 void SetCaretStyle(Scintilla::CaretStyle caretStyle);
691 Scintilla::CaretStyle CaretStyle();
692 void SetIndicatorCurrent(int indicator);
693 int IndicatorCurrent();
694 void SetIndicatorValue(int value);
695 int IndicatorValue();
696 void IndicatorFillRange(Position start, Position lengthFill);
697 void IndicatorClearRange(Position start, Position lengthClear);
698 int IndicatorAllOnFor(Position pos);
699 int IndicatorValueAt(int indicator, Position pos);
700 Position IndicatorStart(int indicator, Position pos);
701 Position IndicatorEnd(int indicator, Position pos);
702 void SetPositionCache(int size);
703 int PositionCache();
704 void SetLayoutThreads(int threads);
705 int LayoutThreads();
706 void CopyAllowLine();
707 void *CharacterPointer();
708 void *RangePointer(Position start, Position lengthRange);
709 Position GapPosition();
710 void IndicSetAlpha(int indicator, Scintilla::Alpha alpha);
711 Scintilla::Alpha IndicGetAlpha(int indicator);
712 void IndicSetOutlineAlpha(int indicator, Scintilla::Alpha alpha);
713 Scintilla::Alpha IndicGetOutlineAlpha(int indicator);
714 void SetExtraAscent(int extraAscent);
715 int ExtraAscent();
716 void SetExtraDescent(int extraDescent);
717 int ExtraDescent();
718 int MarkerSymbolDefined(int markerNumber);
719 void MarginSetText(Line line, const char *text);
720 int MarginGetText(Line line, char *text);
721 std::string MarginGetText(Line line);
722 void MarginSetStyle(Line line, int style);
723 int MarginGetStyle(Line line);
724 void MarginSetStyles(Line line, const char *styles);
725 int MarginGetStyles(Line line, char *styles);
726 std::string MarginGetStyles(Line line);
727 void MarginTextClearAll();
728 void MarginSetStyleOffset(int style);
729 int MarginGetStyleOffset();
730 void SetMarginOptions(Scintilla::MarginOption marginOptions);
731 Scintilla::MarginOption MarginOptions();
732 void AnnotationSetText(Line line, const char *text);
733 int AnnotationGetText(Line line, char *text);
734 std::string AnnotationGetText(Line line);
735 void AnnotationSetStyle(Line line, int style);
736 int AnnotationGetStyle(Line line);
737 void AnnotationSetStyles(Line line, const char *styles);
738 int AnnotationGetStyles(Line line, char *styles);
739 std::string AnnotationGetStyles(Line line);
740 int AnnotationGetLines(Line line);
741 void AnnotationClearAll();
742 void AnnotationSetVisible(Scintilla::AnnotationVisible visible);
743 Scintilla::AnnotationVisible AnnotationGetVisible();
744 void AnnotationSetStyleOffset(int style);
745 int AnnotationGetStyleOffset();
746 void ReleaseAllExtendedStyles();
747 int AllocateExtendedStyles(int numberStyles);
748 void AddUndoAction(int token, Scintilla::UndoFlags flags);
749 Position CharPositionFromPoint(int x, int y);
750 Position CharPositionFromPointClose(int x, int y);
751 void SetMouseSelectionRectangularSwitch(bool mouseSelectionRectangularSwitch);
752 bool MouseSelectionRectangularSwitch();
753 void SetMultipleSelection(bool multipleSelection);
754 bool MultipleSelection();
755 void SetAdditionalSelectionTyping(bool additionalSelectionTyping);
756 bool AdditionalSelectionTyping();
757 void SetAdditionalCaretsBlink(bool additionalCaretsBlink);
758 bool AdditionalCaretsBlink();
759 void SetAdditionalCaretsVisible(bool additionalCaretsVisible);
760 bool AdditionalCaretsVisible();
761 int Selections();
762 bool SelectionEmpty();
763 void ClearSelections();
764 void SetSelection(Position caret, Position anchor);
765 void AddSelection(Position caret, Position anchor);
766 void DropSelectionN(int selection);
767 void SetMainSelection(int selection);
768 int MainSelection();
769 void SetSelectionNCaret(int selection, Position caret);
770 Position SelectionNCaret(int selection);
771 void SetSelectionNAnchor(int selection, Position anchor);
772 Position SelectionNAnchor(int selection);
773 void SetSelectionNCaretVirtualSpace(int selection, Position space);
774 Position SelectionNCaretVirtualSpace(int selection);
775 void SetSelectionNAnchorVirtualSpace(int selection, Position space);
776 Position SelectionNAnchorVirtualSpace(int selection);
777 void SetSelectionNStart(int selection, Position anchor);
778 Position SelectionNStart(int selection);
779 Position SelectionNStartVirtualSpace(int selection);
780 void SetSelectionNEnd(int selection, Position caret);
781 Position SelectionNEndVirtualSpace(int selection);
782 Position SelectionNEnd(int selection);
783 void SetRectangularSelectionCaret(Position caret);
784 Position RectangularSelectionCaret();
785 void SetRectangularSelectionAnchor(Position anchor);
786 Position RectangularSelectionAnchor();
787 void SetRectangularSelectionCaretVirtualSpace(Position space);
788 Position RectangularSelectionCaretVirtualSpace();
789 void SetRectangularSelectionAnchorVirtualSpace(Position space);
790 Position RectangularSelectionAnchorVirtualSpace();
791 void SetVirtualSpaceOptions(Scintilla::VirtualSpace virtualSpaceOptions);
792 Scintilla::VirtualSpace VirtualSpaceOptions();
793 void SetRectangularSelectionModifier(int modifier);
794 int RectangularSelectionModifier();
795 void SetAdditionalSelFore(Colour fore);
796 void SetAdditionalSelBack(Colour back);
797 void SetAdditionalSelAlpha(Scintilla::Alpha alpha);
798 Scintilla::Alpha AdditionalSelAlpha();
799 void SetAdditionalCaretFore(Colour fore);
800 Colour AdditionalCaretFore();
801 void RotateSelection();
802 void SwapMainAnchorCaret();
803 void MultipleSelectAddNext();
804 void MultipleSelectAddEach();
805 int ChangeLexerState(Position start, Position end);
806 Line ContractedFoldNext(Line lineStart);
807 void VerticalCentreCaret();
808 void MoveSelectedLinesUp();
809 void MoveSelectedLinesDown();
810 void SetIdentifier(int identifier);
811 int Identifier();
812 void RGBAImageSetWidth(int width);
813 void RGBAImageSetHeight(int height);
814 void RGBAImageSetScale(int scalePercent);
815 void MarkerDefineRGBAImage(int markerNumber, const char *pixels);
816 void RegisterRGBAImage(int type, const char *pixels);
817 void ScrollToStart();
818 void ScrollToEnd();
819 void SetTechnology(Scintilla::Technology technology);
820 Scintilla::Technology Technology();
821 void *CreateLoader(Position bytes, Scintilla::DocumentOption documentOptions);
822 void FindIndicatorShow(Position start, Position end);
823 void FindIndicatorFlash(Position start, Position end);
824 void FindIndicatorHide();
825 void VCHomeDisplay();
826 void VCHomeDisplayExtend();
827 bool CaretLineVisibleAlways();
828 void SetCaretLineVisibleAlways(bool alwaysVisible);
829 void SetLineEndTypesAllowed(Scintilla::LineEndType lineEndBitSet);
830 Scintilla::LineEndType LineEndTypesAllowed();
831 Scintilla::LineEndType LineEndTypesActive();
832 void SetRepresentation(const char *encodedCharacter, const char *representation);
833 int Representation(const char *encodedCharacter, char *representation);
834 std::string Representation(const char *encodedCharacter);
835 void ClearRepresentation(const char *encodedCharacter);
836 void ClearAllRepresentations();
837 void SetRepresentationAppearance(const char *encodedCharacter, Scintilla::RepresentationAppearance appearance);
838 Scintilla::RepresentationAppearance RepresentationAppearance(const char *encodedCharacter);
839 void SetRepresentationColour(const char *encodedCharacter, ColourAlpha colour);
840 ColourAlpha RepresentationColour(const char *encodedCharacter);
841 void EOLAnnotationSetText(Line line, const char *text);
842 int EOLAnnotationGetText(Line line, char *text);
843 std::string EOLAnnotationGetText(Line line);
844 void EOLAnnotationSetStyle(Line line, int style);
845 int EOLAnnotationGetStyle(Line line);
846 void EOLAnnotationClearAll();
847 void EOLAnnotationSetVisible(Scintilla::EOLAnnotationVisible visible);
848 Scintilla::EOLAnnotationVisible EOLAnnotationGetVisible();
849 void EOLAnnotationSetStyleOffset(int style);
850 int EOLAnnotationGetStyleOffset();
851 bool SupportsFeature(Scintilla::Supports feature);
852 Scintilla::LineCharacterIndexType LineCharacterIndex();
853 void AllocateLineCharacterIndex(Scintilla::LineCharacterIndexType lineCharacterIndex);
854 void ReleaseLineCharacterIndex(Scintilla::LineCharacterIndexType lineCharacterIndex);
855 Line LineFromIndexPosition(Position pos, Scintilla::LineCharacterIndexType lineCharacterIndex);
856 Position IndexPositionFromLine(Line line, Scintilla::LineCharacterIndexType lineCharacterIndex);
857 void StartRecord();
858 void StopRecord();
859 int Lexer();
860 void Colourise(Position start, Position end);
861 void SetProperty(const char *key, const char *value);
862 void SetKeyWords(int keyWordSet, const char *keyWords);
863 int Property(const char *key, char *value);
864 std::string Property(const char *key);
865 int PropertyExpanded(const char *key, char *value);
866 std::string PropertyExpanded(const char *key);
867 int PropertyInt(const char *key, int defaultValue);
868 int LexerLanguage(char *language);
869 std::string LexerLanguage();
870 void *PrivateLexerCall(int operation, void *pointer);
871 int PropertyNames(char *names);
872 std::string PropertyNames();
873 Scintilla::TypeProperty PropertyType(const char *name);
874 int DescribeProperty(const char *name, char *description);
875 std::string DescribeProperty(const char *name);
876 int DescribeKeyWordSets(char *descriptions);
877 std::string DescribeKeyWordSets();
878 Scintilla::LineEndType LineEndTypesSupported();
879 int AllocateSubStyles(int styleBase, int numberStyles);
880 int SubStylesStart(int styleBase);
881 int SubStylesLength(int styleBase);
882 int StyleFromSubStyle(int subStyle);
883 int PrimaryStyleFromStyle(int style);
884 void FreeSubStyles();
885 void SetIdentifiers(int style, const char *identifiers);
886 int DistanceToSecondaryStyles();
887 int SubStyleBases(char *styles);
888 std::string SubStyleBases();
889 int NamedStyles();
890 int NameOfStyle(int style, char *name);
891 std::string NameOfStyle(int style);
892 int TagsOfStyle(int style, char *tags);
893 std::string TagsOfStyle(int style);
894 int DescriptionOfStyle(int style, char *description);
895 std::string DescriptionOfStyle(int style);
896 void SetILexer(void *ilexer);
897 Scintilla::Bidirectional Bidirectional();
898 void SetBidirectional(Scintilla::Bidirectional bidirectional);
900 //--Autogenerated -- end of section automatically generated from Scintilla.iface
906 #endif