Update HACKING with find_shebang() and ditor_set_indentation_guides()
[geany-mirror.git] / tests / ctags / traffic_signal.v
1 // http://www.eg.bucknell.edu/~cs320/1995-fall/verilog-manual.html#RTFToC33
3 // Digital model of a traffic light
4 // By Dan Hyde August 10, 1995
5 module traffic;
6 parameter on = 1, off = 0, red_tics = 35,
7 amber_tics = 3, green_tics = 20;
8 reg clock, red, amber, green;
10 // will stop the simulation after 1000 time units
11 initial begin: stop_at
12 #1000; $stop;
13 end
15 // initialize the lights and set up monitoring of registers
16 initial begin: Init
17 red = off; amber = off; green = off;
18 $display(" Time green amber red");
19 $monitor("%3d %b %b %b", $time, green, amber, red);
20 end
22 // task to wait for 'tics' positive edge clocks
23 // before turning light off
24 task light;
25 output color;
26 input [31:0] tics;
27 begin
28 repeat(tics) // wait to detect tics positive edges on clock
29 @(posedge clock);
30 color = off;
31 end
32 endtask
34 // waveform for clock period of 2 time units
35 always begin: clock_wave
36 #1 clock = 0;
37 #1 clock = 1;
38 end
40 always begin: main_process
41 red = on;
42 light(red, red_tics); // call task to wait
43 green = on;
44 light(green, green_tics);
45 amber = on;
46 light(amber, amber_tics);
47 end
49 endmodule