Remove unused code
[geany-mirror.git] / data / filedefs / filetypes.autoit
1 # For complete documentation of this file, please see Geany's main documentation
2 # AutoIt
3 [styling]
4 # Edit these in the colorscheme .conf file instead
5 default=default
6 comment=comment_line
7 commentblock=comment
8 number=number
9 function=function
10 keyword=keyword
11 macro=preprocessor
12 string=string
13 operator=operator
14 variable=keyword_2
15 sent=other
16 preprocessor=preprocessor
17 special=type
18 expand=default
19 comobj=keyword_1
20 udf=class
22 [keywords]
23 keywords=and byref case const continuecase continueloop default dim do else elseif endfunc endif endselect endswitch endwith enum exit exitloop false for func global if in local next not null or redim return select static step switch then to true until volatile wend while with
24 functions=abs acos adlibregister adlibunregister asc ascw asin assign atan autoitsetoption autoitwingettitle autoitwinsettitle beep binary binarylen binarymid binarytostring bitand bitnot bitor bitrotate bitshift bitxor blockinput break call cdtray ceiling chr chrw clipget clipput consoleread consolewrite consolewriteerror controlclick controlcommand controldisable controlenable controlfocus controlgetfocus controlgethandle controlgetpos controlgettext controlhide controllistview controlmove controlsend controlsettext controlshow controltreeview cos dec dircopy dircreate dirgetsize dirmove dirremove dllcall dllcalladdress dllcallbackfree dllcallbackgetptr dllcallbackregister dllclose dllopen dllstructcreate dllstructgetdata dllstructgetptr dllstructgetsize dllstructsetdata drivegetdrive drivegetfilesystem drivegetlabel drivegetserial drivegettype drivemapadd drivemapdel drivemapget drivesetlabel drivespacefree drivespacetotal drivestatus envget envset envupdate eval execute exp filechangedir fileclose filecopy filecreatentfslink filecreateshortcut filedelete fileexists filefindfirstfile filefindnextfile fileflush filegetattrib filegetencoding filegetlongname filegetpos filegetshortcut filegetshortname filegetsize filegettime filegetversion fileinstall filemove fileopen fileopendialog fileread filereadline filereadtoarray filerecycle filerecycleempty filesavedialog fileselectfolder filesetattrib filesetend filesetpos filesettime filewrite filewriteline floor ftpsetproxy funcname guicreate guictrlcreateavi guictrlcreatebutton guictrlcreatecheckbox guictrlcreatecombo guictrlcreatecontextmenu guictrlcreatedate guictrlcreatedummy guictrlcreateedit guictrlcreategraphic guictrlcreategroup guictrlcreateicon guictrlcreateinput guictrlcreatelabel guictrlcreatelist guictrlcreatelistview guictrlcreatelistviewitem guictrlcreatemenu guictrlcreatemenuitem guictrlcreatemonthcal guictrlcreateobj guictrlcreatepic guictrlcreateprogress guictrlcreateradio guictrlcreateslider guictrlcreatetab guictrlcreatetabitem guictrlcreatetreeview guictrlcreatetreeviewitem guictrlcreateupdown guictrldelete guictrlgethandle guictrlgetstate guictrlread guictrlrecvmsg guictrlregisterlistviewsort guictrlsendmsg guictrlsendtodummy guictrlsetbkcolor guictrlsetcolor guictrlsetcursor guictrlsetdata guictrlsetdefbkcolor guictrlsetdefcolor guictrlsetfont guictrlsetgraphic guictrlsetimage guictrlsetlimit guictrlsetonevent guictrlsetpos guictrlsetresizing guictrlsetstate guictrlsetstyle guictrlsettip guidelete guigetcursorinfo guigetmsg guigetstyle guiregistermsg guisetaccelerators guisetbkcolor guisetcoord guisetcursor guisetfont guisethelp guiseticon guisetonevent guisetstate guisetstyle guistartgroup guiswitch hex hotkeyset httpsetproxy httpsetuseragent hwnd inetclose inetget inetgetinfo inetgetsize inetread inidelete iniread inireadsection inireadsectionnames inirenamesection iniwrite iniwritesection inputbox int isadmin isarray isbinary isbool isdeclared isdllstruct isfloat isfunc ishwnd isint iskeyword isnumber isobj isptr isstring log mapappend mapexists mapkeys mapremove memgetstats mod mouseclick mouseclickdrag mousedown mousegetcursor mousegetpos mousemove mouseup mousewheel msgbox number objcreate objcreateinterface objevent objevent objget objname onautoitexitregister onautoitexitunregister opt ping pixelchecksum pixelgetcolor pixelsearch processclose processexists processgetstats processlist processsetpriority processwait processwaitclose progressoff progresson progressset ptr random regdelete regenumkey regenumval regread regwrite round run runas runaswait runwait send sendkeepactive seterror setextended shellexecute shellexecutewait shutdown sin sleep soundplay soundsetwavevolume splashimageon splashoff splashtexton sqrt srandom statusbargettext stderrread stdinwrite stdioclose stdoutread string stringaddcr stringcompare stringformat stringfromasciiarray stringinstr stringisalnum stringisalpha stringisascii stringisdigit stringisfloat stringisint stringislower stringisspace stringisupper stringisxdigit stringleft stringlen stringlower stringmid stringregexp stringregexpreplace stringreplace stringreverse stringright stringsplit stringstripcr stringstripws stringtoasciiarray stringtobinary stringtrimleft stringtrimright stringupper tan tcpaccept tcpclosesocket tcpconnect tcplisten tcpnametoip tcprecv tcpsend tcpshutdown tcpstartup timerdiff timerinit tooltip traycreateitem traycreatemenu traygetmsg trayitemdelete trayitemgethandle trayitemgetstate trayitemgettext trayitemsetonevent trayitemsetstate trayitemsettext traysetclick trayseticon traysetonevent traysetpauseicon traysetstate traysettooltip traytip ubound udpbind udpclosesocket udpopen udprecv udpsend udpshutdown udpstartup vargettype winactivate winactive winclose winexists winflash wingetcaretpos wingetclasslist wingetclientsize wingethandle wingetpos wingetprocess wingetstate wingettext wingettitle winkill winlist winmenuselectitem winminimizeall winminimizeallundo winmove winsetontop winsetstate winsettitle winsettrans winwait winwaitactive winwaitclose winwaitnotactive
25 macros=@appdatacommondir @appdatadir @autoitexe @autoitpid @autoitversion @autoitx64 @com_eventobj @commonfilesdir @compiled @computername @comspec @cpuarch @cr @crlf @desktopcommondir @desktopdepth @desktopdir @desktopheight @desktoprefresh @desktopwidth @documentscommondir @error @exitcode @exitmethod @extended @favoritescommondir @favoritesdir @gui_ctrlhandle @gui_ctrlid @gui_dragfile @gui_dragid @gui_dropid @gui_winhandle @homedrive @homepath @homeshare @hotkeypressed @hour @ipaddress1 @ipaddress2 @ipaddress3 @ipaddress4 @kblayout @lf @localappdatadir @logondnsdomain @logondomain @logonserver @mday @min @mon @msec @muilang @mydocumentsdir @numparams @osarch @osbuild @oslang @osservicepack @ostype @osversion @programfilesdir @programscommondir @programsdir @scriptdir @scriptfullpath @scriptlinenumber @scriptname @sec @startmenucommondir @startmenudir @startupcommondir @startupdir @sw_disable @sw_enable @sw_hide @sw_lock @sw_maximize @sw_minimize @sw_restore @sw_show @sw_showdefault @sw_showmaximized @sw_showminimized @sw_showminnoactive @sw_showna @sw_shownoactivate @sw_shownormal @sw_unlock @systemdir @tab @tempdir @tray_id @trayiconflashing @trayiconvisible @username @userprofiledir @wday @windowsdir @workingdir @yday @year
26 sent={!} {#} {^} {{} {}} {+} {alt} {altdown} {altup} {appskey} {asc} {backspace} {break} {browser_back} {browser_favorites} {browser_forward} {browser_home} {browser_refresh} {browser_search} {browser_stop} {bs} {capslock} {ctrldown} {ctrlup} {del} {delete} {down} {end} {enter} {esc} {escape} {f1} {f10} {f11} {f12} {f2} {f3} {f4} {f5} {f6} {f7} {f8} {f9} {home} {ins} {insert} {lalt} {launch_app1} {launch_app2} {launch_mail} {launch_media} {lctrl} {left} {lshift} {lwin} {lwindown} {lwinup} {media_next} {media_play_pause} {media_prev} {media_stop} {numlock} {numpad0} {numpad1} {numpad2} {numpad3} {numpad4} {numpad5} {numpad6} {numpad7} {numpad8} {numpad9} {numpadadd} {numpaddiv} {numpaddot} {numpadenter} {numpadmult} {numpadsub} {oem_102} {pause} {pgdn} {pgup} {printscreen} {ralt} {rctrl} {right} {rshift} {rwin} {rwindown} {rwinup} {scrolllock} {shiftdown} {shiftup} {sleep} {space} {tab} {up} {volume_down} {volume_mute} {volume_up}
27 preprocessor=#ce #comments-end #comments-start #cs #include #include-once #notrayicon #onautoitstartregister #requireadmin
28 special=#endregion #forcedef #forceref #ignorefunc #pragma #region
29 expand=
30 udf=
32 [settings]
33 # default extension used when saving files
34 extension=au3
36 # these characters define word boundaries when making selections and searching
37 # using word matching options
38 #wordchars=_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789
40 # single comments, like # in this file
41 comment_single=;
42 # multiline comments
43 comment_open=#cs
44 comment_close=#ce
45 # or alternatively
46 #comment_open=#comments-start
47 #comment_close=#comments-end
49 # set to false if a comment character/string should start at column 0 of a line, true uses any
50 # indentation of the line, e.g. setting to true causes the following on pressing CTRL+d
51 # #command_example();
52 # setting to false would generate this
53 # # command_example();
54 # This setting works only for single line comments
55 comment_use_indent=true
57 # context action command (please see Geany's main documentation for details)
58 context_action_cmd=
60 [indentation]
61 #width=4
62 # 0 is spaces, 1 is tabs, 2 is tab & spaces
63 #type=1
65 [build_settings]
66 # %f will be replaced by the complete filename
67 # %e will be replaced by the filename without extension
68 compiler=Aut2exe.exe /in "%f"
69 run_cmd=AutoIt3.exe "%f"