Reword "wordchars" description using the description from the manual
[geany-mirror.git] / data / filedefs / filetypes.ada
1 # For complete documentation of this file, please see Geany's main documentation
2 [styling]
3 # Edit these in the colorscheme .conf file instead
4 default=default
5 word=keyword_1
6 identifier=identifier_1
7 number=number
8 delimiter=operator
9 character=character
10 charactereol=string_eol
11 string=string_1
12 stringeol=string_eol
13 label=label
14 commentline=comment_line
15 illegal=error
17 [keywords]
18 # all items must be in one line
19 primary=abort abs abstract accept access aliased all and array at begin body case constant declare delay delta digits do else elsif end entry exception exit for function generic goto if in interface is limited loop mod new not null of or others out overriding package pragma private procedure protected raise range record rem renames requeue return reverse select separate subtype synchronized tagged task terminate then type until use when while with xor
22 [settings]
23 # default extension used when saving files
24 extension=adb
26 # MIME type
27 mime_type=text/x-adasrc
29 # these characters define word boundaries when making selections and searching
30 # using word matching options
31 #wordchars=_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789
33 # single comments, like # in this file
34 comment_single=--
35 # multiline comments
36 #comment_open=
37 #comment_close=
39 # set to false if a comment character/string should start at column 0 of a line, true uses any
40 # indentation of the line, e.g. setting to true causes the following on pressing CTRL+d
41 # #command_example();
42 # setting to false would generate this
43 # # command_example();
44 # This setting works only for single line comments
45 comment_use_indent=true
47 # context action command (please see Geany's main documentation for details)
48 context_action_cmd=
50 [indentation]
51 #width=4
52 # 0 is spaces, 1 is tabs, 2 is tab & spaces
53 #type=1
56 [build_settings]
57 # %f will be replaced by the complete filename
58 # %e will be replaced by the filename without extension
59 # (use only one of it at one time)
60 compiler=gcc -Wall -c "%f"
61 linker=gnatmake "%e"
62 run_cmd="./%e"