Lookahead improvements: EOF handling and better ambiguity detection.
[gazelle.git] / compiler / nfa_construct.lua
1 --[[--------------------------------------------------------------------
3 Gazelle: a system for building fast, reusable parsers
5 nfa_construct.lua
7 Construct NFAs based on primitives of concatenation, alternation,
8 and repetition/kleene-star. The construction is as given in
9 "Programming Language Pragmatics," by Michael L. Scott (see
10 BIBLIOGRAPHY for more info).
12 Copyright (c) 2007 Joshua Haberman. See LICENSE for details.
14 --------------------------------------------------------------------]]--
16 require "fa"
18 module("nfa_construct", package.seeall)
20 --[[--------------------------------------------------------------------
22 concat(nfa1, nfa2): Returns a concatenations of two NFAs.
23 eg. for the NFAs A and B:
26 o ---> *
27 A e B
28 B ...becomes: o ---> o ---> o ---> *
29 o ---> *
31 --------------------------------------------------------------------]]--
33 function concat(nfa1, nfa2)
34 nfa1.final:add_transition(fa.e, nfa2.start)
35 return nfa1:new_graph{start = nfa1.start, final = nfa2.final}
36 end
39 --[[--------------------------------------------------------------------
41 alt([nfa1, nfa2, ...]): Returns an alternation of the given NFAs.
42 eg. for the NFAs A, B, and C:
44 A e A e
45 o ---> * ,----> o ---> o -----,
46 | |
47 B | e B e v
48 o ---> * ...becomes: o ---> o ---> o ---> *
49 | ^
50 C | e C e |
51 o ---> * +----> o ---> o -----'
53 --------------------------------------------------------------------]]--
55 function alt(nfas)
56 local new_nfa = nfas[1]:new_graph()
58 for i=1,#nfas do
59 new_nfa.start:add_transition(fa.e, nfas[i].start)
60 nfas[i].final:add_transition(fa.e, new_nfa.final)
61 end
63 return new_nfa
64 end
66 -- alt2(nfa1, nfa2): a convenience wrapper for alternation of 2 NFAs.
67 function alt2(nfa1, nfa2)
68 return alt({nfa1, nfa2})
69 end
72 --[[--------------------------------------------------------------------
74 rep(nfa): Returns the given NFA repeated one or more times.
75 eg. for the NFA A:
78 A e A e
79 o ---> * ...becomes: o ---> o ---> o ---> *
80 ^ |
81 +------+
84 Note: This construction isn't strictly necessary: we could always
85 rewrite A+ as AA*, therefore using the kleene star to construct
86 all repetition. However, this makes for less understandable NFAs.
87 The difference would disappear in the minimization state, but it's
88 nice to keep the FAs as understandable as possible at every stage.
90 --------------------------------------------------------------------]]--
92 function rep(nfa)
93 local new_nfa = nfa:new_graph()
94 new_nfa.start:add_transition(fa.e, nfa.start)
95 nfa.final:add_transition(fa.e, nfa.start)
96 nfa.final:add_transition(fa.e, new_nfa.final)
97 return new_nfa
98 end
101 --[[--------------------------------------------------------------------
103 kleene(nfa): Returns the given NFA repeated zero or more times.
104 eg. for the regular expression A* :
107 +--------------------+
109 A | e A e v
110 o ---> * ...becomes: o ---> o ---> o ---> *
112 +------+
115 --------------------------------------------------------------------]]--
117 function kleene(nfa)
118 local new_nfa = rep(nfa)
119 new_nfa.start:add_transition(fa.e, nfa.start)
120 new_nfa.start:add_transition(fa.e, new_nfa.final)
121 nfa.final:add_transition(fa.e, nfa.start)
122 nfa.final:add_transition(fa.e, new_nfa.final)
123 return new_nfa
126 -- vim:et:sts=2:sw=2