Improve grd program in Gambit REPL iOS example (add "mv" command, on Windows provide...
[gambit-c.git] / examples / Xlib-simple / bounce.scm
1 #!/usr/bin/env gsi-script
3 ;;; File: "bounce.scm"
5 ;;; Copyright (c) 2005-2011 by Marc Feeley, All Rights Reserved.
7 ;;; Create two windows and bounce many colored balls in them.
9 (##include "Xlib#.scm") ;; import Xlib procedures and variables
11 (define win-width   600)
12 (define win-height  401)
13 (define ball-width  25)
14 (define ball-height 25)
15 (define nb-balls    100)
17 (define-type ball
18   id ;; identifier
19   x  ;; x coordinate
20   y  ;; y coordinate
21   dx ;; speed on x axis
22   dy ;; speed on y axis
23   gc ;; graphic context
26 (define (iota n)
27   (let loop ((i (- n 1)) (lst '()))
28     (if (< i 0)
29         lst
30         (loop (- i 1) (cons i lst)))))
32 (define (create-balls x11-display screen window)
33   (random-source-randomize! default-random-source)
34   (map (lambda (id)
35          (let* ((gc (XCreateGC x11-display window 0 #f))
36                 (v (make-XGCValues-box))
37                 (cmap (XDefaultColormapOfScreen screen))
38                 (c (make-XColor-box)))
39            (XColor-red-set! c (random-integer 20000))
40            (XColor-green-set! c (random-integer 20000))
41            (XColor-blue-set! c (random-integer 20000))
42            (if (= (XAllocColor x11-display cmap c) 1)
43                (begin
44                  (XGCValues-foreground-set! v (XColor-pixel c))
45                  (XChangeGC x11-display
46                             gc
47                             GCForeground
48                             v)))
49            (make-ball id
50                       (* (random-real) (- win-width ball-width))
51                       (* (random-real) (- win-height ball-height))
52                       (- (* (random-real) 2.0) 1.0)
53                       (- (* (random-real) 2.0) 1.0)
54                       gc)))
55        (iota nb-balls)))
57 (define (draw-ball b x11-display window gc-text font)
58   (let ((x (inexact->exact (floor (ball-x b))))
59         (y (inexact->exact (floor (ball-y b))))
60         (dx (ball-dx b))
61         (dy (ball-dy b))
62         (gc (ball-gc b))
63         (ascent (XFontStruct-ascent font))
64         (descent (XFontStruct-descent font)))
66     (XFillArc
67      x11-display
68      window
69      gc
70      x
71      y
72      ball-width
73      ball-height
74      (* 64 0)
75      (* 64 360))
77     (let* ((str (number->string (ball-id b)))
78            (n (string-length str))
79            (w (XTextWidth font str n)))
80       (XDrawString
81        x11-display
82        window
83        gc-text
84        (+ x (quotient (- ball-width w) 2))
85        (+ y (quotient (+ ball-height ascent) 2))
86        str
87        n))))
89 (define (move-ball b steps)
90   (let loop ((n steps)
91              (x (ball-x b))
92              (y (ball-y b))
93              (dx (ball-dx b))
94              (dy (ball-dy b)))
95     (if (> n 0)
96         (let ((new-dx
97                (if (or (< (+ x dx) 0)
98                        (>= (+ x dx) (- win-width ball-width)))
99                    (- dx)
100                    dx))
101               (new-dy
102                (if (or (< (+ y dy) 0)
103                        (>= (+ y dy) (- win-height ball-height)))
104                    (- dy)
105                    dy)))
106           (loop (- n 1)
107                 (+ x new-dx)
108                 (+ y new-dy)
109                 new-dx
110                 new-dy))
111         (begin
112           (ball-x-set! b x)
113           (ball-y-set! b y)
114           (ball-dx-set! b dx)
115           (ball-dy-set! b dy)))))
117 (define (make-gate name)
118   (vector #f
119           (make-mutex name)
120           (make-condition-variable name)))
122 (define (gate-pulse gate)
123   (let ((mut (vector-ref gate 1))
124         (cv (vector-ref gate 2)))
125     (mutex-lock! mut)
126     (vector-set! gate 0 #t)
127     (condition-variable-signal! cv)
128     (mutex-unlock! mut)))
130 (define (gate-wait gate timeout)
131   (let ((mut (vector-ref gate 1))
132         (cv (vector-ref gate 2)))
133     (let loop ()
134       (if (mutex-lock! mut timeout)
135           (if (vector-ref gate 0) ;; pulsed?
136               (begin
137                 (vector-set! gate 0 #f)
138                 (mutex-unlock! mut)
139                 #t)
140               (if (mutex-unlock! mut cv timeout)
141                   (loop)
142                   #f))
143           #f))))
145 (define (make-x11-event-queue x11-display)
146   (let* ((x11-display-fd
147           (XConnectionNumber x11-display))
148          (x11-display-port
149           (##open-predefined 1 ;; (macro-direction-in)
150                              '(X11-display)
151                              x11-display-fd))
152          (check-x11-connection-events
153           (make-gate 'check-x11-connection-get))
154          (get-x11-events
155           (make-gate 'get-x11-events))
156          (x11-connection-monitor-thread
157           (make-thread
158            (lambda ()
159              (let loop ()
161                ;; wait until we need to check for events from the connection
162                (gate-wait check-x11-connection-events +inf.0)
164                ;; wait until an event is available from the X11 connection
165                (##device-port-wait-for-input! x11-display-port)
167                ;; tell the event loop it should get events
168                (gate-pulse get-x11-events)
170                (loop))))))
172     (thread-start! x11-connection-monitor-thread)
174     (vector x11-display
175             get-x11-events
176             check-x11-connection-events
177             x11-connection-monitor-thread)))
179 (define (x11-event-get x11-event-queue absrel-timeout)
180   (let ((x11-display
181          (vector-ref x11-event-queue 0))
182         (get-x11-events
183          (vector-ref x11-event-queue 1))
184         (check-x11-connection-events
185          (vector-ref x11-event-queue 2))
186         (timeout
187          (if (time? absrel-timeout)
188              absrel-timeout
189              (seconds->time
190               (+ absrel-timeout
191                  (time->seconds (current-time)))))))
192     (let loop ()
193       (or (XCheckMaskEvent x11-display -1)
194           (begin
195             (gate-pulse check-x11-connection-events)
196             (if (gate-wait get-x11-events timeout)
197                 (loop)
198                 #f))))))
200 (define (main)
201   (let* ((x11-display
202           (XOpenDisplay #f))
203          (screen-number
204           (XDefaultScreen x11-display))
205          (screen
206           (XScreenOfDisplay x11-display screen-number))
207          (root
208           (XRootWindow x11-display screen-number))
209          (black
210           (XBlackPixel x11-display screen-number))
211          (white
212           (XWhitePixel x11-display screen-number))
213          (x11-event-queue
214           (make-x11-event-queue x11-display)))
216     (define (create-window)
217       (thread-start!
218        (make-thread
219         (lambda ()
220           (let* ((window
221                   (XCreateSimpleWindow
222                    x11-display
223                    root
224                    100
225                    200
226                    win-width
227                    win-height
228                    10
229                    black
230                    white))
231                  (font
232                   (XLoadQueryFont x11-display
233                                   "lucidasans-12"))
234                  (gc-text
235                   (XCreateGC x11-display window 0 #f)))
237             (let* ((v (make-XGCValues-box))
238                    (cmap (XDefaultColormapOfScreen screen))
239                    (c (make-XColor-box))
240                    (x (XParseColor x11-display
241                                    cmap
242                                    "yellow"
243                                    c)))
244               (if (and (= (XAllocColor x11-display cmap c) 1) (= x 1) font)
245                   (begin
246                     (XGCValues-foreground-set! v (XColor-pixel c))
247                     (XGCValues-font-set! v (XFontStruct-fid font))
248                     (XChangeGC x11-display
249                                gc-text
250                                (+ GCForeground GCFont)
251                                v))))
253             (XMapWindow x11-display window)
254             (XFlush x11-display)
256             (XSelectInput
257              x11-display
258              window
259              (+ KeyPressMask
260                 KeyReleaseMask
261                 ButtonPressMask
262                 ButtonReleaseMask
263                 PointerMotionMask
264                 EnterWindowMask
265                 LeaveWindowMask))
266             (XFlush x11-display)
268             (let ((balls (create-balls x11-display screen window)))
270               (let loop ((n 200))
271                 (if (> n 0)
272                     (let ((start (current-time)))
274                       (for-each
275                        (lambda (b) (move-ball b 5))
276                        balls)
278                       (XClearWindow x11-display window)
280                       (for-each
281                        (lambda (b)
282                          (draw-ball b x11-display window gc-text font))
283                        balls)
285                       (XFlush x11-display)
287                       ;; slow down to about 30 frames per second
289                       (let ((timeout
290                              (seconds->time
291                               (+ 1/30
292                                  (time->seconds start)))))
293                         (let event-loop ()
294                           (let ((ev (x11-event-get x11-event-queue timeout)))
295                             (if ev
296                                 (begin
297                                   (pp (convert-XEvent ev))
298                                   (event-loop))))))
300                       (loop (- n 1)))))
302               (for-each
303                (lambda (b) (XFreeGC x11-display (ball-gc b)))
304                balls)
306               (XFreeGC x11-display gc-text)))))))
308     (for-each
309      thread-join!
310      (list (create-window)
311            (create-window)))
313     ;; Can't close display because closing the connection
314     ;; causes the (##device-port-wait-for-input! x11-display-port)
315     ;; to raise an os-exception (closed file descriptor).
316     ;;
317     ;; (XCloseDisplay x11-display)
318     )
320   (##gc)
322   ;; For checking memory leaks on Mac OS X:
323   #;
324   (begin
325     (shell-command (string-append "leaks " (number->string (##os-getpid))))
326     (thread-sleep! 3))