Improve Gambit REPL (toolbar is semi transparent and the alpha can be set with set...
[gambit-c.git] / examples / iOS / intf#.scm
1 ;;;============================================================================
3 ;;; File: "intf#.scm"
5 ;;; Copyright (c) 2011-2012 by Marc Feeley, All Rights Reserved.
7 ;;;============================================================================
9 (##namespace ("intf#"
11 string->Class
12 Class->string
13 string->SEL
14 SEL->string
15 send0
16 send1
17 send2
18 id->string
19 string->id
20 id->bool
21 bool->id
22 id->int
23 int->id
24 id->float
25 float->id
26 id->double
27 double->id
29 NSDate
30 alloc
31 init
32 description
33 date
35 NSBundle
36 mainBundle
37 objectForInfoDictionaryKey
38 mainBundle-info
39 CFBundleName
40 CFBundleDisplayName
42 currentDevice-batteryLevel
43 currentDevice-batteryMonitoringEnabled
44 currentDevice-batteryMonitoringEnabled-set!
45 currentDevice-multitaskingSupported
46 currentDevice-model
47 currentDevice-name
48 currentDevice-systemName
49 currentDevice-systemVersion
50 currentDevice-uniqueIdentifier
51 device-status
52 device-model
55 AudioServicesPlayAlertSound
56 AudioServicesPlaySystemSound
57 kSystemSoundID_FlashScreen
58 kSystemSoundID_Vibrate
59 kSystemSoundID_UserPreferredAlert
61 set-navigation
62 show-cancelButton
63 hide-cancelButton
64 show-textView
65 show-webView
66 set-textView-font
67 set-textView-content
68 get-textView-content
69 add-output-to-textView
70 add-input-to-textView
71 set-webView-content
72 set-webView-content-from-file
73 eval-js-in-webView
75 open-URL
76 set-idle-timer
77 set-toolbar-alpha
78 segm-ctrl-set-title
79 segm-ctrl-insert
80 set-pref
81 get-pref
82 set-pasteboard
83 get-pasteboard
84 popup-alert
85 setup-location-updates
87 set-navigation-bar
89 send-input
90 send-event
91 send-key
92 handle-key
93 heartbeat
94 next-heartbeat-interval
95 interval-runnable
96 interval-io-pending
97 interval-no-io-pending
98 interval-min-wait
100 eval-string
102 repl-port
103 event-port
104 event-handler
106 set-event-handler
107 set-location-update-event-handler
108 show-view
109 set-view-content
110 set-page
111 set-page-content
113 has-prefix?
114 get-event-parameters
116 contained-path-resolve
117 app-dir
121 ;;;============================================================================