Improve GambitREPL iOS example.
[gambit-c.git] / lib / _io#.scm
1 ;;;============================================================================
3 ;;; File: "_io#.scm", Time-stamp: <2009-11-24 19:11:32 feeley>
5 ;;; Copyright (c) 1994-2009 by Marc Feeley, All Rights Reserved.
7 ;;;============================================================================
9 ;;; Representation of exceptions.
11 (define-library-type-of-exception datum-parsing-exception
12   id: 84660e37-9565-4abf-ac09-f9767f926d40
13   constructor: #f
14   opaque:
16   (kind       unprintable: read-only:)
17   (readenv    unprintable: read-only:)
18   (parameters unprintable: read-only:)
21 (define-library-type-of-exception unterminated-process-exception
22   id: b320dfbf-c714-4dc5-8bfa-cac5ee6c8421
23   constructor: #f
24   opaque:
26   unprintable:
27   read-only:
29   procedure
30   arguments
33 (define-library-type-of-exception nonempty-input-port-character-buffer-exception
34   id: 63b50ae7-375b-4b94-81df-3522686f5634
35   constructor: #f
36   opaque:
38   unprintable:
39   read-only:
41   procedure
42   arguments
45 ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
47 ;;; Define type checking macros.
49 (define-check-type string-or-ip-address 'string-or-ip-address
50   macro-string-or-ip-address?)
52 (##define-macro (macro-string-or-ip-address? obj)
53   `(##string-or-ip-address? ,obj))
55 ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
57 ;;; Representation of ports.
59 ;; There are 5 kinds of ports, each providing a set of operations.  All
60 ;; port objects have the capability of being both an input port and an
61 ;; output port.  The "none-port" kind provides no operation and is
62 ;; mainly for internal use to indicate that no input operation is
63 ;; available or that no output operation is available.
65 ;; 1) An "object-port" (or simply a "port") provides operations to read
66 ;;    and write Scheme data (i.e. any Scheme object) to/from the port.
67 ;;    It also provides operations to get the name of the port, to force
68 ;;    output to occur, and to close the port.  This kind of port need
69 ;;    not be connected to a character based device or file (it could
70 ;;    for example be a FIFO queue linking two threads that need to
71 ;;    communicate Scheme objects).
73 ;; 2) A "character-port" provides all the operations of an "object-port",
74 ;;    and also operations to read and write individual characters
75 ;;    to/from the port.  When a Scheme object is written to a
76 ;;    character-port, it is converted into the sequence of characters that
77 ;;    corresponds to its "external-representation".  When reading a
78 ;;    Scheme object, an inverse conversion occurs.
80 ;; 3) A "byte-port" provides all the operations of a "character-port", and
81 ;;    also operations to read and write individual bytes to/from the
82 ;;    port.  When a **character** is written to a byte-port, some
83 ;;    encoding of that character into a sequence of bytes will occur
84 ;;    (for example, #\newline might be encoded as the 2 bytes CR-LF
85 ;;    when using ISO-8859-1 encoding, or a non-ASCII character will
86 ;;    generate more than 1 byte when using UTF-8 encoding).  When
87 ;;    reading a character, a similar decoding occurs.
89 ;; 4) A "device-port" provides all the operations of a "byte-port", and
90 ;;    also operations to control the device (file, tty, etc) that is
91 ;;    connected to the port, such as changing the tty settings.
93 (define-type port
94   id: 2babe060-9af6-456f-a26e-40b592f690ec
95   type-exhibitor: macro-type-port
96   constructor: macro-make-port
97   implementer: implement-type-port
98   macros:
99   prefix: macro-
100   opaque:
101   unprintable:
103   extender: define-type-of-port
105   mutex              ;; access to the port is controlled with this mutex
107   rkind              ;; port kind for reading (none-port if can't read)
108   wkind              ;; port kind for writing (none-port if can't write)
110   name               ;; procedure which returns the name of the port
111   read-datum         ;; procedure to read a datum
112   write-datum        ;; procedure to write a datum
113   newline            ;; procedure to write a datum separator
114   force-output       ;; procedure to force output to occur on target device
115   close              ;; procedure to close the port
116   roptions           ;; options for reading (buffering type, encoding, etc)
117   rtimeout           ;; time at which a read that would block times out
118   rtimeout-thunk     ;; thunk called when a read timeout occurs
119   set-rtimeout       ;; procedure to set rtimeout and rtimeout-thunk
120   woptions           ;; options for writing (buffering type, encoding, etc)
121   wtimeout           ;; time at which a write that would block times out
122   wtimeout-thunk     ;; thunk called when a write timeout occurs
123   set-wtimeout       ;; procedure to set wtimeout and wtimeout-thunk
126 (define-check-type port (macro-type-port)
127   macro-port?)
129 (##define-macro (macro-port-of-rkind? obj kind)
130   `(let ((obj ,obj))
131      (and (macro-port? obj)
132           (##fixnum.= (##fixnum.bitwise-and (macro-port-rkind obj) ,kind)
133                       ,kind))))
135 (##define-macro (macro-port-of-wkind? obj kind)
136   `(let ((obj ,obj))
137      (and (macro-port? obj)
138           (##fixnum.= (##fixnum.bitwise-and (macro-port-wkind obj) ,kind)
139                       ,kind))))
141 (##define-macro (macro-none-kind)      0) ;; allows nothing
142 (##define-macro (macro-object-kind)    1) ;; can read and write objects
143 (##define-macro (macro-character-kind) 3) ;; can also read and write chars
144 (##define-macro (macro-byte-kind)      7) ;; can also read and write bytes
145 (##define-macro (macro-device-kind)   15) ;; can also do device operations
147 (##define-macro (macro-file-kind)        (+ 15 16))
148 (##define-macro (macro-process-kind)     (+ 15 32))
149 (##define-macro (macro-tty-kind)         (+ 15 64))
150 (##define-macro (macro-serial-kind)      (+ 15 128))
151 (##define-macro (macro-tcp-client-kind)  (+ 15 256))
152 (##define-macro (macro-tcp-server-kind)  (+ 1 512))
153 (##define-macro (macro-directory-kind)   (+ 1 1024))
154 (##define-macro (macro-event-queue-kind) (+ 1 2048))
155 (##define-macro (macro-timer-kind)       (+ 1 4096))
156 (##define-macro (macro-vector-kind)      (+ 1 8192))
157 (##define-macro (macro-string-kind)      (+ 3 16384))
158 (##define-macro (macro-u8vector-kind)    (+ 7 32768))
160 ;;; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
162 ;;; Representation of object ports.
164 (define-check-type input-port 'input-port
165   macro-input-port?)
166 (define-check-type output-port 'output-port
167   macro-output-port?)
169 (##define-macro (macro-input-port? obj)
170   `(macro-port-of-rkind? ,obj (macro-object-kind)))
172 (##define-macro (macro-output-port? obj)
173   `(macro-port-of-wkind? ,obj (macro-object-kind)))
175 ;;; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
177 ;;; Representation of char ports.
179 (define-check-type character-input-port 'character-input-port
180   macro-character-input-port?)
181 (define-check-type character-output-port 'character-output-port
182   macro-character-output-port?)
184 (define-type-of-port character-port
185   id: 85099702-35ec-4cb8-ae55-13c4b9b05d10
186   type-exhibitor: macro-type-character-port
187   constructor: macro-make-character-port
188   implementer: implement-type-character-port
189   macros:
190   prefix: macro-
191   opaque:
192   unprintable:
194   extender: define-type-of-character-port
196   rbuf               ;; character read buffer (a string)
197   rlo                ;; low pointer (start of unread characters)
198   rhi                ;; high pointer (end of unread characters)
199   rchars             ;; number of characters read at start of read buffer
200   rlines             ;; number of lines read up to low pointer
201   rcurline           ;; absolute character position where current line starts
202   rbuf-fill          ;; procedure to read characters into the read buffer
203   peek-eof?          ;; peeking the next character should return end-of-file?
205   wbuf               ;; character write buffer (a string)
206   wlo                ;; low pointer (start of unwritten characters)
207   whi                ;; high pointer (end of unwritten characters)
208   wchars             ;; number of characters written at start of write buffer
209   wlines             ;; number of lines written up to high pointer
210   wcurline           ;; absolute character position where current line starts
211   wbuf-drain         ;; procedure to write characters from the write buffer
213   input-readtable    ;; readtable for reading
214   output-readtable   ;; readtable for writing
215   output-width       ;; procedure to get the output width in characters
218 (##define-macro (macro-character-input-port? obj)
219   `(macro-port-of-rkind? ,obj (macro-character-kind)))
221 (##define-macro (macro-character-output-port? obj)
222   `(macro-port-of-wkind? ,obj (macro-character-kind)))
224 ;;; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
226 ;;; Representation of byte ports.
228 (define-check-type byte-port 'byte-port
229   macro-byte-port?)
230 (define-check-type byte-input-port 'byte-input-port
231   macro-byte-input-port?)
232 (define-check-type byte-output-port 'byte-output-port
233   macro-byte-output-port?)
235 (define-type-of-character-port byte-port
236   id: 8a99028e-7b99-4468-b94e-728737ec1b1a
237   type-exhibitor: macro-type-byte-port
238   constructor: macro-make-byte-port
239   implementer: implement-type-byte-port
240   macros:
241   prefix: macro-
242   opaque:
243   unprintable:
245   extender: define-type-of-byte-port
247   rbuf               ;; byte read buffer (a u8vector)
248   rlo                ;; low pointer (start of unread bytes)
249   rhi                ;; high pointer (end of unread bytes)
250   rbuf-fill          ;; procedure to read bytes into the read buffer
252   wbuf               ;; byte write buffer (a u8vector)
253   wlo                ;; low pointer (start of unwritten bytes)
254   whi                ;; high pointer (end of unwritten bytes)
255   wbuf-drain         ;; procedure to write bytes from the write buffer
258 (##define-macro (macro-byte-port? obj)
259   `(or (macro-byte-input-port? ,obj)
260        (macro-byte-output-port? ,obj)))
262 (##define-macro (macro-byte-input-port? obj)
263   `(macro-port-of-rkind? ,obj (macro-byte-kind)))
265 (##define-macro (macro-byte-output-port? obj)
266   `(macro-port-of-wkind? ,obj (macro-byte-kind)))
268 ;;; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
270 ;;; Representation of device ports.
272 (define-check-type device-input-port 'device-input-port
273   macro-device-input-port?)
274 (define-check-type device-output-port 'device-output-port
275   macro-device-output-port?)
277 (define-type-of-byte-port device-port
278   id: b4fa842f-5da6-43b6-b447-d0b0348ae962
279   type-exhibitor: macro-type-device-port
280   constructor: macro-make-device-port
281   implementer: implement-type-device-port
282   macros:
283   prefix: macro-
284   opaque:
285   unprintable:
287   extender: define-type-of-device-port
289   rdevice-condvar    ;; device condvar from which bytes are read
290   wdevice-condvar    ;; device condvar to which bytes are written
291   name               ;; name of device
294 (##define-macro (macro-device-input-port? obj)
295   `(macro-port-of-rkind? ,obj (macro-device-kind)))
297 (##define-macro (macro-device-output-port? obj)
298   `(macro-port-of-wkind? ,obj (macro-device-kind)))
300 ;;; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
302 ;;; Representation of vector, string and u8vector ports.
305 (define-type-of-port vector-port
306   id: 2fb9e1fc-693b-455f-94a2-70c617a304d1
307   type-exhibitor: macro-type-vector-port
308   constructor: macro-make-vector-port
309   implementer: implement-type-vector-port
310   macros:
311   prefix: macro-
312   opaque:
313   unprintable:
315   extender: define-type-of-vector-port
317   rbuf
318   rlo
319   rhi
320   rbuf-fill
321   wbuf
322   wlo
323   whi
324   wbuf-drain
325   peer
326   fifo
327   rcondvar
328   wcondvar
329   buffering-limit
332 (define-check-type vector-input-port 'vector-input-port
333   macro-vector-input-port?)
334 (define-check-type vector-output-port 'vector-output-port
335   macro-vector-output-port?)
337 (##define-macro (macro-vector-input-port? obj)
338   `(macro-port-of-rkind? ,obj (macro-vector-kind)))
340 (##define-macro (macro-vector-output-port? obj)
341   `(macro-port-of-wkind? ,obj (macro-vector-kind)))
343 (define-type-of-character-port string-port
344   id: 81e73361-b03c-4889-9d02-e340e3309934
345   type-exhibitor: macro-type-string-port
346   constructor: macro-make-string-port
347   implementer: implement-type-string-port
348   macros:
349   prefix: macro-
350   opaque:
351   unprintable:
353   extender: define-type-of-string-port
355   peer
356   fifo
357   rcondvar
358   wcondvar
359   width
360   buffering-limit
363 (define-check-type string-input-port 'string-input-port
364   macro-string-input-port?)
365 (define-check-type string-output-port 'string-output-port
366   macro-string-output-port?)
368 (##define-macro (macro-string-input-port? obj)
369   `(macro-port-of-rkind? ,obj (macro-string-kind)))
371 (##define-macro (macro-string-output-port? obj)
372   `(macro-port-of-wkind? ,obj (macro-string-kind)))
374 (define-type-of-byte-port u8vector-port
375   id: 04c1b0ae-b11f-4815-b206-ce01648675bd
376   type-exhibitor: macro-type-u8vector-port
377   constructor: macro-make-u8vector-port
378   implementer: implement-type-u8vector-port
379   macros:
380   prefix: macro-
381   opaque:
382   unprintable:
384   extender: define-type-of-u8vector-port
386   peer
387   fifo
388   rcondvar
389   wcondvar
390   width
391   buffering-limit
394 (define-check-type u8vector-input-port 'u8vector-input-port
395   macro-u8vector-input-port?)
396 (define-check-type u8vector-output-port 'u8vector-output-port
397   macro-u8vector-output-port?)
399 (##define-macro (macro-u8vector-input-port? obj)
400   `(macro-port-of-rkind? ,obj (macro-u8vector-kind)))
402 (##define-macro (macro-u8vector-output-port? obj)
403   `(macro-port-of-wkind? ,obj (macro-u8vector-kind)))
405 ;;; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
407 ;;; Representation of file device ports.
409 (define-check-type file-port 'file-port
410   macro-file-port?)
412 (##define-macro (macro-file-port? obj)
413   `(##port-of-kind? ,obj (macro-file-kind)))
415 ;;; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
417 ;;; Representation of tty device ports.
419 (define-check-type tty-port 'tty-port
420   macro-tty-port?)
422 (##define-macro (macro-tty-port? obj)
423   `(##port-of-kind? ,obj (macro-tty-kind)))
425 ;;; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
427 ;;; Representation of process device ports.
429 (define-check-type process-port 'process-port
430   macro-process-port?)
432 (##define-macro (macro-process-port? obj)
433   `(##port-of-kind? ,obj (macro-process-kind)))
435 ;;; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
437 ;;; Representation of host-info objects.
439 (define-library-type host-info
440   id: e3dc833e-a176-42c1-bdc0-76a6c4b302f8
441   constructor: #f
442   opaque:
444   (name      printable: read-only:)
445   (aliases   printable: read-only:)
446   (addresses printable: read-only:)
449 ;;; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
451 ;;; Representation of service-info objects.
453 (define-library-type service-info
454   id: 177749b2-beb0-4670-9ab2-4b9c01b54c1d
455   constructor: #f
456   opaque:
458   (name        printable: read-only:)
459   (aliases     printable: read-only:)
460   (port-number printable: read-only:)
461   (protocol    printable: read-only:)
464 ;;; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
466 ;;; Representation of protocol-info objects.
468 (define-library-type protocol-info
469   id: ffc668b5-2146-42b7-ab11-7d91641f2124
470   constructor: #f
471   opaque:
473   (name      printable: read-only:)
474   (aliases   printable: read-only:)
475   (number    printable: read-only:)
478 ;;; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
480 ;;; Representation of network-info objects.
482 (define-library-type network-info
483   id: ce2e418b-96c7-4562-9cb6-419ec113704e
484   constructor: #f
485   opaque:
487   (name      printable: read-only:)
488   (aliases   printable: read-only:)
489   (number    printable: read-only:)
492 ;;; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
494 ;;; Representation of socket-info objects.
496 (define-library-type socket-info
497   id: 837d9768-9d27-455e-ac65-5ae59f43f79e
498   constructor: #f
499   opaque:
501   (family      printable: read-only:)
502   (port-number printable: read-only:)
503   (address     printable: read-only:)
506 ;;; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
508 ;;; Representation of address-info objects.
510 (define-library-type address-info
511   id: f165f359-8685-48da-bc99-f38827ad8af9
512   constructor: #f
513   opaque:
515   (family       printable: read-only:)
516   (socket-type  printable: read-only:)
517   (protocol     printable: read-only:)
518   (socket-info  printable: read-only:)
521 ;;; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
523 ;;; Representation of TCP client device ports.
525 (define-check-type tcp-client-port 'tcp-client-port
526   macro-tcp-client-port?)
528 (##define-macro (macro-tcp-client-port? obj)
529   `(##port-of-kind? ,obj (macro-tcp-client-kind)))
531 ;;; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
533 ;;; Representation of TCP server ports.
535 (define-type-of-port tcp-server-port
536   id: 42696abb-6729-4637-99de-cef7d3a230ae
537   type-exhibitor: macro-type-tcp-server-port
538   constructor: macro-make-tcp-server-port
539   implementer: implement-type-tcp-server-port
540   macros:
541   prefix: macro-
542   opaque:
543   unprintable:
545   extender: define-type-of-tcp-server-port
547   rdevice-condvar
548   client-psettings
551 (define-check-type tcp-server-port (macro-type-tcp-server-port)
552   macro-tcp-server-port?)
554 (##define-macro (macro-tcp-server-port? obj)
555   `(##port-of-kind? ,obj (macro-tcp-server-kind)))
557 ;;; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
559 ;;; Representation of pipe device ports.
561 (define-check-type pipe-port 'pipe-port
562   macro-pipe-port?)
564 (##define-macro (macro-pipe-port? obj)
565   `(##port-of-kind? ,obj (macro-pipe-kind)))
567 ;;; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
569 ;;; Representation of serial device ports.
571 (define-check-type serial-port 'serial-port
572   macro-serial-port?)
574 (##define-macro (macro-serial-port? obj)
575   `(##port-of-kind? ,obj (macro-serial-kind)))
577 ;;; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
579 ;;; Representation of directory ports.
581 (define-type-of-port directory-port
582   id: deebf606-97e4-4d34-8fed-b9e5468851b9
583   type-exhibitor: macro-type-directory-port
584   constructor: macro-make-directory-port
585   implementer: implement-type-directory-port
586   macros:
587   prefix: macro-
588   opaque:
589   unprintable:
591   extender: define-type-of-directory-port
593   rdevice-condvar
594   path
597 (define-check-type directory-port 'directory-port
598   macro-directory-port?)
600 (##define-macro (macro-directory-port? obj)
601   `(##port-of-kind? ,obj (macro-directory-kind)))
603 ;;; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
605 ;;; Representation of event queue ports.
607 (define-type-of-port event-queue-port
608   id: 59109ed7-6339-4c6e-8bc2-f52e9c91b9f5
609   type-exhibitor: macro-type-event-queue-port
610   constructor: macro-make-event-queue-port
611   implementer: implement-type-event-queue-port
612   macros:
613   prefix: macro-
614   opaque:
615   unprintable:
617   extender: define-type-of-event-queue-port
619   rdevice-condvar
620   index
623 (define-check-type event-queue-port 'event-queue-port
624   macro-event-queue-port?)
626 (##define-macro (macro-event-queue-port? obj)
627   `(##port-of-kind? ,obj (macro-event-queue-kind)))
629 ;;; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
631 ;;; Representation of timer ports.
633 (define-check-type timer-port 'timer-port
634   macro-timer-port?)
636 (##define-macro (macro-timer-port? obj)
637   `(##port-of-kind? ,obj (macro-timer-kind)))
639 ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
641 ;;; Representation of port mutexes.
643 (##define-macro (macro-make-port-mutex)
644   `(##make-mutex #f))
646 (##define-macro (macro-port-mutex-lock! port)
647   `(macro-mutex-lock! (macro-port-mutex ,port) #f (macro-current-thread)))
649 (##define-macro (macro-port-mutex-unlock! port)
650   `(macro-mutex-unlock! (macro-port-mutex ,port)))
652 (##define-macro (macro-port-mutex-unlocked-not-abandoned-and-not-multiprocessor? port)
653   `(macro-mutex-unlocked-not-abandoned-and-not-multiprocessor? (macro-port-mutex ,port)))
655 ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
657 ;;; Representation of port settings.
659 (define-type psettings
660   id: 0b02934e-7c23-4f9e-a629-0eede16e6987
661   type-exhibitor: macro-type-psettings
662   constructor: macro-make-psettings
663   implementer: implement-type-psettings
664   macros:
665   prefix: macro-
666   opaque:
667   unprintable:
669   direction
670   roptions
671   woptions
672   path
673   init
674   arguments
675   environment
676   directory
677   append
678   create
679   truncate
680   permissions
681   output-width
682   stdin-redir
683   stdout-redir
684   stderr-redir
685   pseudo-term
686   show-console
687   server-address
688   port-number
689   socket-type
690   coalesce
691   keep-alive
692   backlog
693   reuse-address
694   broadcast
695   ignore-hidden
698 (define-type psettings-options
699   id: edb28923-9aa0-4c55-9756-f1a37136f727
700   type-exhibitor: macro-type-psettings-options
701   constructor: macro-make-psettings-options
702   implementer: implement-type-psettings-options
703   macros:
704   prefix: macro-
705   opaque:
706   unprintable:
708   readtable
709   char-encoding
710   char-encoding-errors
711   eol-encoding
712   buffering
713   permanent-close
716 (##define-macro (macro-default-readtable) #f)
718 (##define-macro (macro-char-encoding-shift)                     1)
719 (##define-macro (macro-char-encoding-range)                     32)
720 (##define-macro (macro-default-char-encoding)                   0)
721 (##define-macro (macro-char-encoding-ASCII)                     1)
722 (##define-macro (macro-char-encoding-ISO-8859-1)                2)
723 (##define-macro (macro-char-encoding-UTF-8)                     3)
724 (##define-macro (macro-char-encoding-UTF-16)                    4)
725 (##define-macro (macro-char-encoding-UTF-16BE)                  5)
726 (##define-macro (macro-char-encoding-UTF-16LE)                  6)
727 (##define-macro (macro-char-encoding-UTF-fallback-ASCII)        7)
728 (##define-macro (macro-char-encoding-UTF-fallback-ISO-8859-1)   8)
729 (##define-macro (macro-char-encoding-UTF-fallback-UTF-8)        9)
730 (##define-macro (macro-char-encoding-UTF-fallback-UTF-16)       10)
731 (##define-macro (macro-char-encoding-UTF-fallback-UTF-16BE)     11)
732 (##define-macro (macro-char-encoding-UTF-fallback-UTF-16LE)     12)
733 (##define-macro (macro-char-encoding-UCS-2)                     13)
734 (##define-macro (macro-char-encoding-UCS-2BE)                   14)
735 (##define-macro (macro-char-encoding-UCS-2LE)                   15)
736 (##define-macro (macro-char-encoding-UCS-4)                     16)
737 (##define-macro (macro-char-encoding-UCS-4BE)                   17)
738 (##define-macro (macro-char-encoding-UCS-4LE)                   18)
739 (##define-macro (macro-char-encoding-wchar)                     19)
740 (##define-macro (macro-char-encoding-native)                    20)
742 (##define-macro (macro-char-encoding-UTF)
743   `(macro-char-encoding-UTF-fallback-UTF-8))
745 (##define-macro (macro-char-encoding-errors-shift)   32)
746 (##define-macro (macro-char-encoding-errors-range)   4)
747 (##define-macro (macro-default-char-encoding-errors) 0)
748 (##define-macro (macro-char-encoding-errors-on)      1)
749 (##define-macro (macro-char-encoding-errors-off)     2)
751 (##define-macro (macro-eol-encoding-shift)   128)
752 (##define-macro (macro-eol-encoding-range)   4)
753 (##define-macro (macro-default-eol-encoding) 0)
754 (##define-macro (macro-eol-encoding-lf)      1)
755 (##define-macro (macro-eol-encoding-cr)      2)
756 (##define-macro (macro-eol-encoding-crlf)    3)
758 (##define-macro (macro-buffering-shift)   512)
759 (##define-macro (macro-buffering-range)   4)
760 (##define-macro (macro-default-buffering) 0)
761 (##define-macro (macro-no-buffering)      1)
762 (##define-macro (macro-line-buffering)    2)
763 (##define-macro (macro-full-buffering)    3)
765 (##define-macro (macro-unbuffered? options)
766   `(##fixnum.< (##fixnum.bitwise-and ,options 2047) 1024))
768 (##define-macro (macro-fully-buffered? options)
769   `(##not (##fixnum.< (##fixnum.bitwise-and ,options 2047) 1536)))
771 (##define-macro (macro-decode-state-shift)  2048)
772 (##define-macro (macro-decode-state-range)  4)
773 (##define-macro (macro-decode-state-none)   0)
774 (##define-macro (macro-decode-state-lf)     1)
775 (##define-macro (macro-decode-state-cr)     2)
777 (##define-macro (macro-open-state-shift)  8192)
778 (##define-macro (macro-open-state-range)  2)
779 (##define-macro (macro-open-state-open)   0)
780 (##define-macro (macro-open-state-closed) 1)
782 (##define-macro (macro-closed? options)
783   `(##not (##fixnum.= (##fixnum.bitwise-and ,options 8192) 0)))
785 (##define-macro (macro-close! options)
786   `(##fixnum.bitwise-ior ,options 8192))
788 (##define-macro (macro-unclose! options)
789   `(##fixnum.bitwise-and ,options -8193))
791 (##define-macro (macro-permanent-close-shift)  16384)
792 (##define-macro (macro-permanent-close-range)  2)
793 (##define-macro (macro-permanent-close-no)     0)
794 (##define-macro (macro-permanent-close-yes)    1)
796 (##define-macro (macro-perm-close? options)
797   `(##not (##fixnum.= (##fixnum.bitwise-and ,options 16384) 0)))
799 (##define-macro (macro-direction-shift) 16)
800 (##define-macro (macro-direction-in)    1)
801 (##define-macro (macro-direction-out)   2)
802 (##define-macro (macro-direction-inout) 3)
804 (##define-macro (macro-default-path) #f)
806 (##define-macro (macro-default-init) #f)
808 (##define-macro (macro-default-arguments) ''())
810 (##define-macro (macro-default-environment) #f)
812 (##define-macro (macro-default-directory) #f)
814 (##define-macro (macro-append-shift)   8)
815 (##define-macro (macro-no-append)      0)
816 (##define-macro (macro-append)         1)
817 (##define-macro (macro-default-append) 2)
819 (##define-macro (macro-create-shift)   2)
820 (##define-macro (macro-no-create)      0)
821 (##define-macro (macro-maybe-create)   1)
822 (##define-macro (macro-create)         2)
823 (##define-macro (macro-default-create) 3)
825 (##define-macro (macro-truncate-shift)   1)
826 (##define-macro (macro-no-truncate)      0)
827 (##define-macro (macro-truncate)         1)
828 (##define-macro (macro-default-truncate) 2)
830 (##define-macro (macro-default-permissions)  -1)
832 (##define-macro (macro-default-output-width) -1)
834 (##define-macro (macro-permanent-close) 1)
835 (##define-macro (macro-no-permanent-close) 0)
836 (##define-macro (macro-default-permanent-close) `(macro-permanent-close))
838 (##define-macro (macro-stdin-from-port) 1)
839 (##define-macro (macro-stdin-unchanged) 0)
840 (##define-macro (macro-default-stdin-redir) `(macro-stdin-from-port))
842 (##define-macro (macro-stdout-to-port) 1)
843 (##define-macro (macro-stdout-unchanged) 0)
844 (##define-macro (macro-default-stdout-redir) `(macro-stdout-to-port))
846 (##define-macro (macro-stderr-to-port) 1)
847 (##define-macro (macro-stderr-unchanged) 0)
848 (##define-macro (macro-default-stderr-redir) `(macro-stderr-unchanged))
850 (##define-macro (macro-pseudo-term) 1)
851 (##define-macro (macro-no-pseudo-term) 0)
852 (##define-macro (macro-default-pseudo-term) `(macro-no-pseudo-term))
854 (##define-macro (macro-show-console) 1)
855 (##define-macro (macro-no-show-console) 0)
856 (##define-macro (macro-default-show-console) `(macro-show-console))
858 (##define-macro (macro-default-server-address) `'#u8(127 0 0 1))
860 (##define-macro (macro-default-port-number) #f)
862 (##define-macro (macro-socket-type-TCP) 0)
863 (##define-macro (macro-socket-type-UDP) 1)
864 (##define-macro (macro-socket-type-RAW) 2)
865 (##define-macro (macro-default-socket-type) `(macro-socket-type-TCP))
867 (##define-macro (macro-coalesce) 1)
868 (##define-macro (macro-no-coalesce) 0)
869 (##define-macro (macro-default-coalesce) `(macro-coalesce))
871 (##define-macro (macro-keep-alive) 1)
872 (##define-macro (macro-no-keep-alive) 0)
873 (##define-macro (macro-default-keep-alive) `(macro-no-keep-alive))
875 (##define-macro (macro-broadcast) 1)
876 (##define-macro (macro-no-broadcast) 0)
877 (##define-macro (macro-default-broadcast) `(macro-no-broadcast))
879 (##define-macro (macro-default-backlog) 128)
881 (##define-macro (macro-reuse-address) 1)
882 (##define-macro (macro-no-reuse-address) 0)
883 (##define-macro (macro-default-reuse-address) `(macro-reuse-address))
885 (##define-macro (macro-ignore-hidden) 2)
886 (##define-macro (macro-ignore-dot-and-dot-dot) 1)
887 (##define-macro (macro-ignore-nothing) 0)
888 (##define-macro (macro-default-ignore-hidden) `(macro-ignore-hidden))
890 ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
892 ;;; Representation of write environments.
894 ;; A writeenv structure maintains the "write environment" throughout
895 ;; the writing of a Scheme datum.  It includes the write style
896 ;; (display, write, pretty-print, mark), the port on which to write,
897 ;; the readtable, the marktable (for detecting cycles), the force flag,
898 ;; the pretty-print width, the number of closing parentheses to follow
899 ;; the datum, the current nesting level, and the character count limit.
901 (define-type writeenv
902   id: f5cfcf78-bba4-4140-9aa0-1a136c50d36b
903   type-exhibitor: macro-type-writeenv
904   constructor: macro-make-writeenv
905   implementer: implement-type-writeenv
906   macros:
907   prefix: macro-
908   opaque:
909   unprintable:
911   style
912   port
913   readtable
914   marktable
915   force?
916   width
917   shift
918   close-parens
919   level
920   limit
923 ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
925 ;;; Representation of read environments.
927 ;; A readenv structure maintains the "read environment" throughout the
928 ;; reading of a Scheme datum.  It includes the port from which to read,
929 ;; the readtable, the wrap and unwrap procedures, the table of labels
930 ;; (i.e. "#n#"), and the position where the currently being read datum
931 ;; started.
933 (define-type readenv
934   id: edd21ef2-ee48-407f-a9a9-c1c361078e55
935   type-exhibitor: macro-type-readenv
936   constructor: macro-make-readenv
937   implementer: implement-type-readenv
938   macros:
939   prefix: macro-
940   opaque:
941   unprintable:
943   port
944   readtable
945   wrapper
946   unwrapper
947   allow-script?
948   labels
949   container
950   filepos
953 (##define-macro (macro-readenv-wrap re x)
954   `(let ((re ,re)
955          (x ,x))
956      ((macro-readenv-wrapper re) re x)))
958 (##define-macro (macro-readenv-unwrap re x)
959   `(let ((re ,re)
960          (x ,x))
961      ((macro-readenv-unwrapper re) re x)))
963 ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
965 ;;; Generic char port procedures.
967 (##define-macro (macro-peek-char port)
968   `(let ((port ,port))
970      (##declare (not interrupts-enabled))
972      ;; try to get exclusive access to port and if successful perform
973      ;; operation inline
975      (if (macro-port-mutex-unlocked-not-abandoned-and-not-multiprocessor? port)
977        (let ((char-rlo (macro-character-port-rlo port))
978              (char-rhi (macro-character-port-rhi port)))
979          (if (##fixnum.< char-rlo char-rhi)
981            ;; the next character is in the character read buffer
983            (##string-ref (macro-character-port-rbuf port) char-rlo)
985            ;; more characters are needed, do this out-of-line
987            (let ()
988              (##declare (interrupts-enabled))
989              (##peek-char port))))
991        ;; couldn't easily get exclusive access to port, handle this out-of-line
993        (let ()
994          (##declare (interrupts-enabled))
995          (##peek-char port)))))
997 (##define-macro (macro-read-char port)
998   `(let ((port ,port))
1000      (##declare (not interrupts-enabled))
1002      ;; try to get exclusive access to port and if successful perform
1003      ;; operation inline
1005      (if (macro-port-mutex-unlocked-not-abandoned-and-not-multiprocessor? port)
1007        (let ((char-rlo (macro-character-port-rlo port))
1008              (char-rhi (macro-character-port-rhi port)))
1009          (if (##fixnum.< char-rlo char-rhi)
1011            ;; the next character is in the character read buffer
1013            (let ((c (##string-ref (macro-character-port-rbuf port) char-rlo)))
1014              (if (##not (##char=? c #\newline))
1016                ;; frequent simple case, just advance rlo
1018                (begin
1019                  (macro-character-port-rlo-set! port (##fixnum.+ char-rlo 1))
1020                  c)
1022                ;; end-of-line processing is complex, so do it out-of-line
1024                (let ()
1025                  (##declare (interrupts-enabled))
1026                  (##read-char port))))
1028            ;; more characters are needed, do this out-of-line
1030            (let ()
1031              (##declare (interrupts-enabled))
1032              (##read-char port))))
1034        ;; couldn't easily get exclusive access to port, handle this out-of-line
1036        (let ()
1037          (##declare (interrupts-enabled))
1038          (##read-char port)))))
1040 (##define-macro (macro-write-char c port)
1041   `(let ((c ,c)
1042          (port ,port))
1044      (##declare (not interrupts-enabled))
1046      ;; try to get exclusive access to port and if successful perform
1047      ;; operation inline
1049      (if (and (##not (##char=? c #\newline))
1050               (macro-port-mutex-unlocked-not-abandoned-and-not-multiprocessor? port))
1052        (let ((char-wbuf (macro-character-port-wbuf port))
1053              (char-whi+1 (##fixnum.+ (macro-character-port-whi port) 1)))
1054          (if (##fixnum.< char-whi+1 (##string-length char-wbuf))
1056            ;; adding this character would not make the character write
1057            ;; buffer full, so add character and increment whi
1059            (begin
1060              (##string-set! char-wbuf (##fixnum.- char-whi+1 1) c)
1061              (macro-character-port-whi-set! port char-whi+1)
1062              (##void))
1064            ;; the character write buffer would become full, so handle
1065            ;; this out-of-line
1067            (let ()
1068              (##declare (interrupts-enabled))
1069              (##write-char c port))))
1071        ;; end-of-line processing is needed or exclusive access to port
1072        ;; cannot be obtained easily, so handle this out-of-line
1074        (let ()
1075          (##declare (interrupts-enabled))
1076          (##write-char c port)))))
1078 ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1080 ;;; Representation of readtables.
1082 (define-type readtable
1083   id: bebee95d-0da2-401d-a33a-c1afc75b9e43
1084   type-exhibitor: macro-type-readtable
1085   constructor: macro-make-readtable
1086   implementer: implement-type-readtable
1087   macros:
1088   prefix: macro-
1089   opaque:
1091   (case-conversion?               unprintable: read-write:)
1092   (keywords-allowed?              unprintable: read-write:)
1093   (escaped-char-table             unprintable: read-write:)
1094   (named-char-table               unprintable: read-write:)
1095   (sharp-bang-table               unprintable: read-write:)
1096   (char-delimiter?-table          unprintable: read-write:)
1097   (char-handler-table             unprintable: read-write:)
1098   (char-sharp-handler-table       unprintable: read-write:)
1099   (max-unescaped-char             unprintable: read-write:)
1100   (escape-ctrl-chars?             unprintable: read-write:)
1101   (sharing-allowed?               unprintable: read-write:)
1102   (eval-allowed?                  unprintable: read-write:)
1103   (write-extended-read-macros?    unprintable: read-write:)
1104   (write-cdr-read-macros?         unprintable: read-write:)
1105   (max-write-level                unprintable: read-write:)
1106   (max-write-length               unprintable: read-write:)
1107   (pretty-print-formats           unprintable: read-write:)
1108   (quote-keyword                  unprintable: read-write:)
1109   (quasiquote-keyword             unprintable: read-write:)
1110   (unquote-keyword                unprintable: read-write:)
1111   (unquote-splicing-keyword       unprintable: read-write:)
1112   (sharp-quote-keyword            unprintable: read-write:)
1113   (sharp-quasiquote-keyword       unprintable: read-write:)
1114   (sharp-unquote-keyword          unprintable: read-write:)
1115   (sharp-unquote-splicing-keyword unprintable: read-write:)
1116   (sharp-num-keyword              unprintable: read-write:)
1117   (sharp-seq-keyword              unprintable: read-write:)
1118   (paren-keyword                  unprintable: read-write:)
1119   (bracket-keyword                unprintable: read-write:)
1120   (brace-keyword                  unprintable: read-write:)
1121   (angle-keyword                  unprintable: read-write:)
1122   (start-syntax                   unprintable: read-write:)
1123   (six-type?                      unprintable: read-write:)
1124   (r6rs-compatible-read?          unprintable: read-write:)
1125   (r6rs-compatible-write?         unprintable: read-write:)
1126   (here-strings-allowed?          unprintable: read-write:)
1129 (define-check-type readtable (macro-type-readtable)
1130   macro-readtable?)
1132 ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1134 ;;; Representation of language specs.
1136 (##define-macro (macro-language-name x)              `(##vector-ref ,x 0))
1137 (##define-macro (macro-language-case-conversion? x)  `(##vector-ref ,x 1))
1138 (##define-macro (macro-language-keywords-allowed? x) `(##vector-ref ,x 2))
1139 (##define-macro (macro-language-start-syntax x)      `(##vector-ref ,x 3))
1140 (##define-macro (macro-language-srfi-22? x)          `(##vector-ref ,x 4))
1142 ;;;============================================================================