Allow REPL to access the lexical variables in compiled code (when compiled with ...
[gambit-c.git] / gsi / main.scm
1 ;;;============================================================================
3 ;;; File: "main.scm", Time-stamp: <2009-08-03 13:04:49 feeley>
5 ;;; Copyright (c) 1994-2009 by Marc Feeley, All Rights Reserved.
7 ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 (##define-macro (macro-initialization-file)
10   ".gambcini")
12 (define-prim (##main-gsi/gsc)
14   (define (in-homedir filename)
15     (let ((homedir (##path-expand "~")))
16       (##string-append homedir filename)))
18   (define (process-initialization-file)
20     (define (try filename)
21       (##string?
22        (##load filename
23                (lambda (script-line script-path) #f)
24                #f
25                #f
26                #f)))
28     (or (try (macro-initialization-file))
29         (try (in-homedir (macro-initialization-file)))))
31   (define (read-source-from-string str name)
32     (let ((port
33            (##open-input-string str)))
34       (if name
35         (macro-port-name-set!
36          port
37          (lambda (port) name)))
38       (let* ((rt
39               (macro-character-port-input-readtable port))
40              (x
41               (##read-all-as-a-begin-expr-from-port
42                port
43                rt
44                ##wrap-datum
45                ##unwrap-datum
46                (macro-readtable-start-syntax rt)
47                #f)))
48         (##vector-ref x 1))))
50   (define (interpreter-interactive-or-batch-mode arguments)
51     (let loop ((lst arguments)
52                (batch-mode? #f))
53       (if (##pair? lst)
54         (let ((file
55                (##car lst))
56               (rest
57                (##cdr lst)))
58           (if (option? file)
59             (let ((option-name (convert-option file)))
60               (cond ((##string=? option-name "")
61                      (##repl-debug #f #t)
62                      (loop rest
63                            #t))
64                     ((##string=? option-name "e")
65                      (if (##pair? rest)
66                        (let ((src (read-source-from-string
67                                    (##car rest)
68                                    #f)))
69                          (##eval-top src ##interaction-cte)
70                          (loop (##cdr rest)
71                                #t))
72                        (begin
73                          (warn-missing-argument-for-option "e")
74                          (loop rest
75                                #t))))
76                     (else
77                      (warn-unknown-option option-name)
78                      (loop rest
79                            batch-mode?))))
80             (let* ((starter
81                     #f)
82                    (script-callback
83                     (lambda (script-line script-path)
84                       (if script-line
85                         (let ((language-and-tail
86                                (##extract-language-and-tail
87                                 script-line)))
88                           (set! starter
89                             (if language-and-tail
90                               (let ((language (##car language-and-tail)))
91                                 (##readtable-setup-for-language!
92                                  (##current-readtable)
93                                  language)
94                                 (##start-main language))
95                               ##exit))
96                           (set! ##processed-command-line
97                             (##cons script-path rest)))))))
99               (##load file
100                       script-callback
101                       #t
102                       #t
103                       #f)
105               (if starter
106                 (starter)
107                 (loop rest
108                       #t)))))
109         (if (##not batch-mode?)
110           (##repl-debug-main)
111           (##exit)))))
113   (define (compiler-batch-mode options arguments)
115     (define (c-file? file)
116       (##string=? (##path-extension file) ".c"))
118     (define (obj-file? file)
119       (##string=? (##path-extension file) ##os-obj-extension-string-saved))
121     (let* ((opts (##map ##car options))
122            (sym-opts (##map ##string->symbol opts))
123            (c-opt?       (##memq 'c sym-opts))
124            (link-opt?    (##memq 'link sym-opts))
125            (exe-opt?     (##memq 'exe sym-opts))
126            (obj-opt?     (##memq 'obj sym-opts))
127            (dynamic-opt? (##memq 'dynamic sym-opts)))
128       (if (##fixnum.< 1 (##fixnum.+
129                          (if c-opt? 1 0)
130                          (if link-opt? 1 0)
131                          (if exe-opt? 1 0)
132                          (if obj-opt? 1 0)
133                          (if dynamic-opt? 1 0)))
134           (warn-mutually-exclusive-options)
135           (let ((type
136                  (cond (c-opt?    'c)
137                        (link-opt? 'link)
138                        (exe-opt?  'exe)
139                        (obj-opt?  'obj)
140                        (else      'dyn)))) ;; dynamic is default
141             (let loop1 ((lst arguments)
142                         (nb-output-files 0))
143               (if (##pair? lst)
145                   (let ((file (##car lst))
146                         (rest (##cdr lst)))
147                     (cond ((option? file)
148                            (let ((option-name (convert-option file)))
149                              (cond ((##string=? option-name "")
150                                     (loop1 rest
151                                            nb-output-files))
152                                    ((##string=? option-name "e")
153                                     (loop1 (if (##pair? rest)
154                                                (##cdr rest)
155                                                rest)
156                                            nb-output-files))
157                                    (else
158                                     (warn-unknown-option option-name)
159                                     (loop1 rest
160                                            nb-output-files)))))
161                           ((c-file? file)
162                            (loop1 rest
163                                   (if (and (##eq? type 'obj)
164                                            (c#targ-generated-c-file? file))
165                                       (##fixnum.+ nb-output-files 1)
166                                       nb-output-files)))
167                           ((obj-file? file)
168                            (loop1 rest
169                                   nb-output-files))
170                           (else
171                            (loop1 rest
172                                   (##fixnum.+ nb-output-files 1)))))
174                   (let* ((output
175                           (let ((x (##assoc "o" options)))
176                             (cond ((##not x)
177                                    #f)
178                                   ((and (##not (##memq type '(link exe)))
179                                         (##fixnum.< 1 nb-output-files)
180                                         (let ((outdir (##path-normalize (##cdr x))))
181                                           (##equal?
182                                            outdir
183                                            (##path-strip-trailing-directory-separator
184                                             outdir))))
185                                    (warn-multiple-output-files-and-o-option)
186                                    #f)
187                                   (else
188                                    (##cdr x)))))
189                          (pre
190                           (##assoc "prelude" options))
191                          (post
192                           (##assoc "postlude" options))
193                          (cc-options
194                           (let ((x (##assoc "cc-options" options)))
195                             (if x
196                                 (##cdr x)
197                                 "")))
198                          (ld-options-prelude
199                           (let ((x (##assoc "ld-options-prelude" options)))
200                             (if x
201                                 (##cdr x)
202                                 "")))
203                          (ld-options
204                           (let ((x (##assoc "ld-options" options)))
205                             (if x
206                                 (##cdr x)
207                                 ""))))
209                     (if (or pre post)
210                         (set! c#wrap-program
211                               (lambda (program)
212                                 (let ((path
213                                        (##container->path
214                                         (##locat-container
215                                          (##source-locat program)))))
216                                   (##sourcify
217                                    (##cons (##sourcify 'begin program)
218                                            (##append
219                                             (if pre
220                                                 (let ((pre-src
221                                                        (read-source-from-string
222                                                         (##cdr pre)
223                                                         (and path
224                                                              (##string-append
225                                                               path
226                                                               ".prelude")))))
227                                                   (##list pre-src))
228                                                 '())
229                                             (##cons program
230                                                     (if post
231                                                         (let ((post-src
232                                                                (read-source-from-string
233                                                                 (##cdr post)
234                                                                 (and path
235                                                                      (##string-append
236                                                                       path
237                                                                       ".postlude")))))
238                                                           (##list post-src))
239                                                         '()))))
240                                    program)))))
242                     (let ((rev-gen-c-files '())
243                           (rev-obj-files '())
244                           (rev-tmp-files '()))
246                       (define (add-gen-c-file gen-c-file)
247                         (set! rev-gen-c-files
248                               (##cons gen-c-file
249                                       rev-gen-c-files)))
251                       (define (add-obj-file obj-file)
252                         (set! rev-obj-files
253                               (##cons obj-file
254                                       rev-obj-files)))
256                       (define (add-tmp-file tmp-file)
257                         (set! rev-tmp-files
258                               (##cons tmp-file
259                                       rev-tmp-files)))
261                       (define (cleanup)
262                         (##for-each
263                          ##delete-file
264                          (##reverse rev-tmp-files)))
266                       (define (exit-abnormally)
267                         (cleanup)
268                         (##exit-abnormally))
270                       (define (handling file)
271                         (if (##fixnum.< 1 nb-output-files)
272                             (##repl
273                              (lambda (first output-port)
274                                (##write-string file output-port)
275                                (##write-string ":\n" output-port)
276                                #t))))
278                       (define (do-compile-file file sym-opts output)
279                         (handling file)
280                         (or (if output
281                                 (compile-file
282                                  file
283                                  options: sym-opts
284                                  output: output
285                                  cc-options: cc-options
286                                  ld-options-prelude: ld-options-prelude
287                                  ld-options: ld-options)
288                                 (compile-file
289                                  file
290                                  options: sym-opts
291                                  cc-options: cc-options
292                                  ld-options-prelude: ld-options-prelude
293                                  ld-options: ld-options))
294                             (exit-abnormally)))
296                       (define (do-compile-file-to-c file sym-opts output)
297                         (handling file)
298                         (or (if output
299                                 (compile-file-to-c
300                                  file
301                                  options: sym-opts
302                                  output: output)
303                                 (compile-file-to-c
304                                  file
305                                  options: sym-opts))
306                             (exit-abnormally)))
308                       (define (do-build-executable obj-files output-filename)
309                         (or (##build-executable
310                              obj-files
311                              options
312                              output-filename
313                              cc-options
314                              ld-options-prelude
315                              ld-options)
316                             (exit-abnormally)))
318                       (let loop2 ((lst arguments))
319                         (if (##pair? lst)
321                             (let ((file (##car lst))
322                                   (rest (##cdr lst)))
323                               (if (option? file)
324                                   (let ((option-name (convert-option file)))
325                                     (cond ((##string=? option-name "")
326                                            (##repl-debug #f #t)
327                                            (loop2 rest))
328                                           ((##string=? option-name "e")
329                                            (if (##pair? rest)
330                                                (let ((src (read-source-from-string
331                                                            (##car rest)
332                                                            #f)))
333                                                  (##eval-top src ##interaction-cte)
334                                                  (loop2 (##cdr rest)))
335                                                (loop2 rest)))
336                                           (else
337                                            (loop2 rest))))
338                                   (let ((root (##path-strip-extension file)))
339                                     (cond ((c-file? file)
340                                            (if (##memq type '(exe obj))
341                                                (let ((obj-file
342                                                       (do-compile-file
343                                                        file
344                                                        (##cons 'obj sym-opts)
345                                                        (and output
346                                                             (##eq? type 'obj)))))
347                                                  (add-obj-file obj-file)
348                                                  (if (##eq? type 'exe)
349                                                      (add-tmp-file obj-file))))
350                                            (if (and (##memq type '(link exe))
351                                                     (c#targ-generated-c-file? file))
352                                                (add-gen-c-file file))
353                                            (loop2 rest))
354                                           ((obj-file? file)
355                                            (add-obj-file file)
356                                            (loop2 rest))
357                                           (else
358                                            (case type
359                                              ((dyn)
360                                               (let ((dyn-obj-file
361                                                      (do-compile-file
362                                                       file
363                                                       sym-opts
364                                                       output)))
365                                                 #f))
366                                              ((obj)
367                                               (let ((obj-file
368                                                      (do-compile-file
369                                                       file
370                                                       (##cons 'obj sym-opts)
371                                                       output)))
372                                                 (add-obj-file obj-file)))
373                                              ((link exe c)
374                                               (let ((gen-c-file
375                                                      (do-compile-file-to-c
376                                                       file
377                                                       sym-opts
378                                                       (and output
379                                                            (##eq? type 'c)))))
380                                                 (add-gen-c-file gen-c-file)
381                                                 (if (##eq? type 'exe)
382                                                     (let ((obj-file
383                                                            (do-compile-file
384                                                             gen-c-file
385                                                             (##cons 'obj sym-opts)
386                                                             #f)))
387                                                       (add-obj-file obj-file)
388                                                       (add-tmp-file obj-file)
389                                                       (add-tmp-file gen-c-file))))))
390                                            (loop2 rest))))))
392                             (let* ((flat?
393                                     (##memq 'flat sym-opts))
394                                    (base
395                                     (let ((x (##assoc "l" options)))
396                                       (cond ((##not x)
397                                              #f)
398                                             ((or (##not (##eq? type 'link))
399                                                  flat?)
400                                              (warn-no-incremental-link)
401                                              #f)
402                                             (else
403                                              (##cdr x))))))
405                               (if (##memq type '(link exe))
407                                   (if (##pair? rev-gen-c-files)
408                                       (let* ((roots
409                                               (##map ##path-strip-extension
410                                                      (##reverse rev-gen-c-files)))
411                                              (link-file
412                                               (if flat?
413                                                   (if (and output
414                                                            (##eq? type 'link))
415                                                       (link-flat roots
416                                                                  output: output)
417                                                       (link-flat roots))
418                                                   (if (and output
419                                                            (##eq? type 'link))
420                                                       (if base
421                                                           (link-incremental
422                                                            roots
423                                                            output: output
424                                                            base: base)
425                                                           (link-incremental
426                                                            roots
427                                                            output: output))
428                                                       (if base
429                                                           (link-incremental
430                                                            roots
431                                                            base: base)
432                                                           (link-incremental
433                                                            roots))))))
434                                         (add-gen-c-file link-file)
435                                         (if (##eq? type 'exe)
436                                             (let ((obj-link-file
437                                                    (do-compile-file
438                                                     link-file
439                                                     (##cons 'obj sym-opts)
440                                                     #f)))
441                                               (add-obj-file obj-link-file)
442                                               (add-tmp-file obj-link-file)
443                                               (if (##not (##memq 'keep-c options))
444                                                   (add-tmp-file link-file))
445                                               (let* ((obj-files
446                                                       (##reverse rev-obj-files))
447                                                      (executable-file
448                                                       (do-build-executable
449                                                        obj-files
450                                                        (let ((expanded-output
451                                                               (and output
452                                                                    (##path-normalize output))))
453                                                          (if (and expanded-output
454                                                                   (##equal? expanded-output
455                                                                             (##path-strip-trailing-directory-separator
456                                                                              expanded-output)))
457                                                              expanded-output
458                                                              (##string-append
459                                                               (##car (##reverse roots))
460                                                               ##os-exe-extension-string-saved))))))
461                                                 executable-file)))))
463                                   (if flat?
464                                       (warn-flat-and-not-link-or-exe)))
466                               (cleanup)
467                               (##exit))))))))))))
469   (define (warn-missing-argument-for-option opt)
470     (##repl
471      (lambda (first output-port)
472        (##write-string
473         "*** WARNING -- Missing argument for option \""
474         output-port)
475        (##write-string opt output-port)
476        (##write-string "\"\n" output-port)
477        #t)))
479   (define (warn-unknown-option opt)
480     (##repl
481      (lambda (first output-port)
482        (##write-string
483         "*** WARNING -- Unknown or improperly placed option: "
484         output-port)
485        (##write opt output-port)
486        (##newline output-port)
487        #t)))
489   (define (warn-multiple-output-files-and-o-option)
490     (##repl
491      (lambda (first output-port)
492        (##write-string
493         "*** WARNING -- Multiple output files: non-directory \"o\" option ignored\n"
494         output-port)
495        #t)))
497   (define (warn-no-incremental-link)
498     (##repl
499      (lambda (first output-port)
500        (##write-string
501         "*** WARNING -- No incremental link: \"l\" option ignored\n"
502         output-port)
503        #t)))
505   (define (warn-flat-and-not-link-or-exe)
506     (##repl
507      (lambda (first output-port)
508        (##write-string
509         "*** WARNING -- \"link\" or \"exe\" options were not specified: \"flat\" option ignored\n"
510         output-port)
511        #t)))
513   (define (warn-mutually-exclusive-options)
514     (##repl
515      (lambda (first output-port)
516        (##write-string
517         "*** WARNING -- The options \"c\", \"link\", \"dynamic\", \"exe\" and \"obj\" are mutually exclusive\n"
518         output-port)
519        #t)))
521   (define (option? arg)
522     (and (##fixnum.< 0 (##string-length arg))
523          (##char=? (##string-ref arg 0) #\-)))
525   (define (convert-option arg)
526     (##substring arg 1 (##string-length arg)))
528   (define (split-command-line
529            arguments
530            options-with-no-args
531            options-with-args
532            cont)
533     (let loop1 ((args arguments)
534                 (rev-options '()))
535       (if (and (##pair? args)
536                (option? (##car args)))
538         (let ((opt (convert-option (##car args)))
539               (rest (##cdr args)))
540           (cond ((##member opt options-with-no-args)
541                  (loop1 rest
542                         (##cons (##cons opt #f) rev-options)))
543                 ((##member opt options-with-args)
544                  (if (##pair? rest)
545                    (loop1 (##cdr rest)
546                           (##cons (##cons opt (##car rest)) rev-options))
547                    (begin
548                      (warn-missing-argument-for-option opt)
549                      (loop1 rest rev-options))))
550                 (else
551                  (cont (##reverse rev-options) args))))
553         (cont (##reverse rev-options) args))))
555   (##load-support-libraries)
557   (let ((language-and-tail
558          (##extract-language-and-tail (##car ##processed-command-line))))
560     (if language-and-tail
561       (let ((language (##car language-and-tail)))
562         (##readtable-setup-for-language! (##current-readtable) language)))
564     (split-command-line
565       (##cdr ##processed-command-line)
566       '("f" "i" "v")
567       '()
568       (lambda (main-options arguments)
569         (let ((skip-initialization-file?
570                (##assoc "f" main-options))
571               (force-interpreter?
572                (or language-and-tail
573                    (##assoc "i" main-options)))
574               (version?
575                (##assoc "v" main-options)))
576           (if version?
577             (begin
578               (##write-string (##system-version-string) ##stdout-port)
579               (##write-string " " ##stdout-port)
580               (##write (##system-stamp) ##stdout-port)
581               (##write-string " " ##stdout-port)
582               (##write-string ##os-system-type-string-saved ##stdout-port)
583               (##write-string " " ##stdout-port)
584               (##write ##os-configure-command-string-saved ##stdout-port)
585               (##newline ##stdout-port)
586               (##exit))
587             (split-command-line
588               arguments
589               (if (interpreter-or force-interpreter?)
590                 '()
591                 '("c" "dynamic" "exe" "obj" "link" "flat"
592                   "warnings" "verbose" "report" "expansion" "gvm"
593                   "check" "force" "keep-c"
594                   "debug" "debug-location" "debug-source" "debug-environments"
595                   "track-scheme"))
596               (if (interpreter-or force-interpreter?)
597                 '()
598                 '("o" "l" "prelude" "postlude"
599                   "cc-options" "ld-options-prelude" "ld-options"))
600               (lambda (known-options arguments)
602                 (if (##not skip-initialization-file?)
603                   (process-initialization-file))
605                 (if (or (##null? arguments)
606                         (interpreter-or force-interpreter?))
607                  (interpreter-interactive-or-batch-mode arguments)
608                  (compiler-batch-mode known-options arguments))))))))))
610 (##main-set! ##main-gsi/gsc)
612 (define-prim (main . args) ;; predefine main procedure so scripts don't have to
613   0)
615 (##namespace (""))
617 ;;;============================================================================