4 Maintainer: Yann Le Boulanger <asterix@lagaule.org>
5 Build-Depends: debhelper (>=, cdbs (>= 0.4.43), python-support (>= 0.7.1), python-dev, libgtk2.0-dev, python-gtk2-dev, libgtkspell-dev, gettext (>= 0.17-4), libxss-dev, intltool (>= 0.40.1), imagemagick, python-central (>= 0.5), libdbus-1-dev
6 Build-Conflicts: python2.3
7 XS-Python-Version: >= 2.4
8 Standards-Version: 3.7.3
9 Homepage: http://www.gajim.org
10 Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.gajim.org/gajim/
11 Vcs-Browser: http://trac.gajim.org/browser
15 XB-Python-Version: ${python:Versions}
16 Depends: python (>= 2.4), python-support (>= 0.7.1), python-glade2 (>= 2.8.0), python-gtk2 (>= 2.12.0), python-pysqlite2 | python (>= 2.5), dnsutils, libc6
17 Recommends: dbus, python-dbus, notification-daemon, python-gnupginterface, python-openssl
18 Suggests: python-gnome2, nautilus-sendto, avahi-daemon, python-avahi, network-manager, libgtkspell0, aspell-en, python-gnome2-desktop (>= 2.16.0), gnome-keyring, python-sexy, python-kerberos (>= 1.1)
19 Description: Jabber client written in PyGTK
20 Gajim is a Jabber client. It has a tabbed user interface with normal chats,
21 group chats, and has many features such as, TLS, GPG, SSL, multiple accounts,
22 avatars, file transfers, D-Bus and Metacontacts.