vm and compiler fixes; some work on instance system
[gaemu.git] / gaem / runner / compiler.d
1 /* GML runner
2 * coded by Ketmar // Invisible Vector <ketmar@ketmar.no-ip.org>
3 * Understanding is not required. Only obedience.
5 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8 * (at your option) any later version.
10 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 * GNU General Public License for more details.
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 module gaem.runner.compiler is aliced;
20 import std.traits;
22 import gaem.parser;
24 import gaem.runner.strpool;
25 import gaem.runner.value;
26 import gaem.runner.opcodes;
27 import gaem.runner.vm;
28 import gaem.runner.objects;
31 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
32 void compile (VM vm, NodeFunc fn) {
33 import std.stdio : stdout;
34 auto spc = vm.code.length;
35 vm.doCompileFunc(fn);
36 while (spc < vm.code.length) spc += dumpInstr(stdout, spc, vm.code);
40 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
41 private:
42 void doCompileFunc (VM vm, NodeFunc fn) {
43 int argvar (string s) {
44 switch (s) {
45 case "argument0": return 0;
46 case "argument1": return 1;
47 case "argument2": return 2;
48 case "argument3": return 3;
49 case "argument4": return 4;
50 case "argument5": return 5;
51 case "argument6": return 6;
52 case "argument7": return 7;
53 case "argument8": return 8;
54 case "argument9": return 9;
55 case "argument10": return 10;
56 case "argument11": return 11;
57 case "argument12": return 12;
58 case "argument13": return 13;
59 case "argument14": return 14;
60 case "argument15": return 15;
61 default:
63 return -1;
66 void compileError(A...) (Loc loc, A args) {
67 if (fn.pp !is null) {
68 fn.pp.error(loc, args);
69 } else {
70 import std.stdio : stderr;
71 stderr.writeln("ERROR at ", loc, ": ", args);
72 string msg;
73 foreach (immutable a; args) {
74 import std.string : format;
75 msg ~= "%s".format(a);
77 throw new ErrorAt(loc, msg);
81 uint sid4name (string name) {
82 if (auto sptr = name in vm.scripts) {
83 return *sptr;
84 } else {
85 auto sid = cast(uint)vm.scriptPCs.length;
86 if (sid > 32767) compileError(fn.loc, "too many vm.scripts");
87 assert(vm.scriptASTs.length == sid);
88 // reserve slots
89 vm.scriptPCs ~= 0;
90 vm.scriptASTs ~= null;
91 vm.scriptNum2Name[sid] = name;
92 vm.scripts[name] = sid;
93 return sid;
97 uint pc () { return cast(uint)vm.code.length; }
99 uint emit (Op op, ubyte dest=0, ubyte op0=0, ubyte op1=0) {
100 auto res = cast(uint)vm.code.length;
101 vm.code ~= (op1<<24)|(op0<<16)|(dest<<8)|cast(ubyte)op;
102 return res;
105 uint emit3Bytes (Op op, uint val) {
106 assert(val <= 0xffffff);
107 auto res = cast(uint)vm.code.length;
108 vm.code ~= (val<<8)|cast(ubyte)op;
109 return res;
112 uint emit2Bytes (Op op, ubyte dest, short val) {
113 auto res = cast(uint)vm.code.length;
114 vm.code ~= (val<<16)|(dest<<8)|cast(ubyte)op;
115 return res;
118 uint emitJumpTo (uint addr, Op op=Op.jump) {
119 assert(addr <= 0xffffff);
120 auto res = cast(uint)vm.code.length;
121 vm.code ~= cast(uint)op|(addr<<8);
122 return res;
125 // this starts "jump chain", return new chain id
126 uint emitJumpChain (uint chain, Op op=Op.jump) {
127 assert(chain <= 0xffffff);
128 auto res = cast(uint)vm.code.length;
129 vm.code ~= cast(uint)op|(chain<<8);
130 return res;
133 void fixJumpChain (uint chain, uint addr) {
134 assert(chain <= 0xffffff);
135 assert(addr <= 0xffffff);
136 while (chain) {
137 auto nc = op3Byte(vm.code[chain]);
138 vm.code[chain] = (vm.code[chain]&0xff)|(addr<<8);
139 chain = nc;
143 void opReplace (uint pc, Op op, ubyte dest) {
144 vm.code[pc] = (vm.code[pc]&0xff_ff_00_00)|(dest<<8)|cast(ubyte)op;
147 assert(fn !is null);
148 assert(fn.ebody !is null);
149 assert(fn.name.length);
151 bool[256] slots;
152 foreach (immutable idx; 0..VM.Slot.max+1) slots[idx] = true; // used
153 uint firstFreeSlot = VM.Slot.max+1;
154 uint maxUsedSlot = firstFreeSlot-1;
156 ubyte allocSlot (Loc loc, int ddest=-1) {
157 if (ddest >= 0) {
158 assert(ddest < slots.length);
159 return cast(ubyte)ddest;
161 foreach (immutable idx; firstFreeSlot..slots.length) {
162 if (!slots[idx]) {
163 if (idx > maxUsedSlot) maxUsedSlot = cast(uint)idx;
164 slots[idx] = true;
165 return cast(ubyte)idx;
168 compileError(loc, "out of free slots");
169 assert(0);
172 ubyte allocSlots (Loc loc, int count) {
173 assert(count > 0 && count < slots.length);
174 foreach (immutable idx; firstFreeSlot..slots.length-count) {
175 bool ok = true;
176 foreach (immutable c; idx..idx+count) if (slots[c]) { ok = false; break; }
177 if (ok) {
178 if (idx+count-1 > maxUsedSlot) maxUsedSlot = cast(uint)idx+count-1;
179 foreach (immutable c; idx..idx+count) slots[c] = true;
180 return cast(ubyte)idx;
183 compileError(loc, "out of free slots");
184 assert(0);
187 ubyte reserveCallSlots (Loc loc, uint resnum) {
188 foreach_reverse (immutable idx, bool v; slots) {
189 if (v) {
190 if (idx+resnum+1 > slots.length) compileError(loc, "out of free slots");
191 return cast(ubyte)(idx+1);
194 compileError(loc, "out of free slots");
195 assert(0);
198 void freeSlot (ubyte num) {
199 if (num >= firstFreeSlot) {
200 assert(slots[num]);
201 slots[num] = false;
205 ubyte[string] locals;
206 uint[string] globals;
207 Loc[string] vdecls; // for error messages
208 ubyte maxArgUsed; // maximum `argumentX` we've seen
210 // collect var declarations (gml is not properly scoped)
211 visitNodes(fn.ebody, (Node n) {
212 if (auto vd = cast(NodeVarDecl)n) {
213 foreach (immutable idx, string name; vd.names) {
214 if (name in locals) {
215 if (vd.asGlobal) compileError(vd.locs[idx], "conflicting variable '", name, "' declaration (previous at ", vdecls[name].toStringNoFile, ")");
216 } else if (name in globals) {
217 if (!vd.asGlobal) compileError(vd.locs[idx], "conflicting variable '", name, "' declaration (previous at ", vdecls[name].toStringNoFile, ")");
219 vdecls[name] = vd.locs[idx];
220 if (vd.asGlobal) {
221 globals[name] = 0;
222 } else {
223 // don't allocate slots for locals here, we can remove some locals due to arguments aliasing later
224 //firstFreeSlot = allocSlot(vd.locs[idx]);
225 //locals[name] = cast(ubyte)firstFreeSlot;
226 //++firstFreeSlot;
227 locals[name] = 42; // temporary value
231 return VisitRes.Continue;
234 void findUninitialized () {
235 bool[string] inited;
236 bool[string] used;
238 void processExpr (Node n, bool asAss=false) {
239 if (n is null) return;
240 visitNodes(n, (Node nn) {
241 if (auto n = cast(NodeBinaryAss)nn) {
242 if (cast(NodeId)n.el is null && cast(NodeDot)n.el is null && cast(NodeIndex)n.el is null) {
243 compileError(nn.loc, "assignment to rvalue");
244 return VisitRes.SkipChildren;
246 processExpr(n.er); // it is calculated first
247 if (auto did = cast(NodeId)n.el) {
248 inited[did.name] = true;
249 used[did.name] = true;
250 } else {
251 processExpr(n.el, asAss:true);
253 return VisitRes.SkipChildren;
255 if (auto id = cast(NodeId)nn) {
256 if (argvar(id.name) < 0) {
257 if (!asAss && id.name in locals && id.name !in inited) {
258 compileError(nn.loc, "using uninitialized variable; declared at ", vdecls[id.name].toStringNoFile);
261 inited[id.name] = true;
262 used[id.name] = true;
263 return VisitRes.SkipChildren;
265 if (auto n = cast(NodeFCall)nn) {
266 if (cast(NodeId)n.fe is null) compileError(n.loc, "invalid function call");
267 if (n.args.length > 16) compileError(n.loc, "too many arguments in function call");
268 foreach (immutable idx, Node a; n.args) {
269 // no assignments allowed there
270 processExpr(a);
272 return VisitRes.SkipChildren;
274 return VisitRes.Continue;
278 void processStatement (Node nn) {
279 if (nn is null) return;
280 return selectNode!void(nn,
281 (NodeVarDecl n) {},
282 (NodeBlock n) {
283 foreach (Node st; n.stats) {
284 if (cast(NodeStatementBreakCont)st !is null) break;
285 processStatement(st);
286 if (cast(NodeReturn)st !is null) break;
289 (NodeStatementEmpty n) {},
290 (NodeStatementExpr n) { processExpr(n.e); },
291 (NodeReturn n) { processExpr(n.e); },
292 (NodeWith n) {
293 processExpr(n.e); // can't contain assignments
294 // body can be executed zero times, so...
295 auto before = inited.dup;
296 processStatement(n.ebody);
297 inited = before;
299 (NodeIf n) {
300 processExpr(n.ec);
301 auto before = inited.dup;
302 processStatement(n.et);
303 auto tset = inited.dup;
304 inited = before.dup;
305 processStatement(n.ef);
306 // now copy to `before` all items that are set both in `tset` and in `inited`
307 foreach (string name; inited.byKey) {
308 if (name in tset) before[name] = true;
310 inited = before;
312 (NodeStatementBreakCont n) {},
313 (NodeFor n) {
314 processExpr(n.einit);
315 // "next" and "cond" can't contain assignments, so it's safe here
316 processExpr(n.econd);
317 processExpr(n.enext);
318 // yet body can be executed zero times, so...
319 auto before = inited.dup;
320 processStatement(n.ebody);
321 inited = before;
323 (NodeWhile n) {
324 // "cond" can't contain assignments, so it's safe here
325 processExpr(n.econd);
326 // yet body can be executed zero times, so...
327 auto before = inited.dup;
328 processStatement(n.ebody);
329 inited = before;
331 (NodeDoUntil n) {
332 // "cond" can't contain assignments, so it's safe here
333 processExpr(n.econd);
334 // body is guaranteed to execute at least one time
335 processStatement(n.ebody);
337 (NodeRepeat n) {
338 // "count" can't contain assignments, so it's safe here
339 processExpr(n.ecount);
340 // yet body can be executed zero times, so...
341 auto before = inited.dup;
342 processStatement(n.ebody);
343 inited = before;
345 (NodeSwitch n) {
346 // "expr" can't contain assignments, so it's safe here
347 processExpr(n.e);
348 auto before = inited.dup;
349 foreach (ref ci; n.cases) {
350 processExpr(ci.e); // can't contain assignments
351 // and this one can
352 if (ci.st !is null) {
353 inited = before.dup;
354 processStatement(ci.st);
357 inited = before;
359 () { assert(0, "unimplemented node: "~typeid(nn).name); },
363 processStatement(fn.ebody);
365 // now show (and remove) unused locals
366 //static struct Info { Loc loc; string name; }
367 //Info[] unusedLocs;
368 foreach (string name; locals.keys) {
369 if (name !in used) {
370 { import std.stdio; writeln("removing unused local '", name, "'"); }
371 //unusedLocs ~= Info(vdecls[name], name);
372 locals.remove(name);
375 //import std.algorithm : sort;
376 //unusedLocs.sort!((ref a, ref b) { if (a.loc.line < b.loc.line) return true; if (a.loc.line > b.loc.line) return false; return (a.loc.col < b.loc.col); });
377 //foreach (ref nfo; unusedLocs) compileError(nfo.loc, "unused local '", nfo.name, "'");
380 findUninitialized();
382 /* here we will do very simple analysis for vm.code like
383 * var m, n;
384 * m = argument0;
385 * n = argument1;
386 * ...no `arument0` and `argument1` usage after this point
387 * we can just alias `m` to `arument0`, and `n` to `argument1` then
390 string[16] aaliases; // argument aliases
392 uint firstBadStatement = 0;
393 foreach (immutable idx, Node st; fn.ebody.stats) {
394 if (cast(NodeStatementEmpty)st || cast(NodeStatementExpr)st || cast(NodeVarDecl)st) {
395 firstBadStatement = cast(uint)idx+1;
396 } else {
397 break;
400 if (firstBadStatement > 0) {
401 bool[string] varsused;
402 // scan statements, find assignments
403 foreach (immutable idx, Node st; fn.ebody.stats[0..firstBadStatement]) {
404 if (auto se = cast(NodeStatementExpr)st) {
405 if (auto ass = cast(NodeBinaryAss)se.e) {
406 // wow, assignment
407 auto lv = cast(NodeId)ass.el;
408 auto rv = cast(NodeId)ass.er;
409 if (lv !is null && rv !is null) {
410 // "a = b"
411 { import std.stdio : stderr; stderr.writeln("found assignment: '", lv.name, "' = '", rv.name, "'"); }
412 if (argvar(rv.name) >= 0 && argvar(lv.name) < 0) {
413 // "a = argumentx"
414 if (lv.name in varsused || rv.name in varsused) continue; // no wai
415 if (lv.name !in locals) continue; // not a local
416 auto ai = argvar(rv.name);
417 if (aaliases[ai].length && aaliases[ai] != lv.name) continue; // already have an alias (TODO)
418 aaliases[ai] = lv.name; // possible alias
419 } else {
420 // check for reassignment
421 if (lv.name !in varsused) {
422 // not used before, but used now; remove it from aliases
423 foreach (ref an; aaliases) if (an == lv.name) an = null;
424 varsused[lv.name] = true;
431 // now check if we have any assignment to aliased argument
432 foreach (immutable idx, string an; aaliases) {
433 if (an.length == 0) continue;
434 visitNodes(fn.ebody, (Node n) {
435 if (auto ass = cast(NodeBinaryAss)n) {
436 if (auto id = cast(NodeId)ass.el) {
437 auto ai = argvar(id.name);
438 if (ai >= 0) aaliases[idx] = null;
439 return VisitRes.Stop;
442 return VisitRes.Continue;
445 // remove aliases from locals (we don't need slots for 'em)
446 foreach (immutable idx, string an; aaliases) {
447 if (an.length == 0) continue;
448 locals.remove(an);
450 // dump aliases
452 import std.stdio : stderr;
453 foreach (immutable idx, string an; aaliases) {
454 if (an.length) stderr.writeln("'argument", idx, "' is aliased to '", an, "'");
460 // now assign slots to locals
461 foreach (string name; locals.keys) {
462 firstFreeSlot = allocSlot(vdecls[name]);
463 locals[name] = cast(ubyte)firstFreeSlot;
464 ++firstFreeSlot;
467 void emitPLit (Loc loc, ubyte dest, Real v) {
468 uint vpidx = uint.max;
469 if (v.isReal) {
470 // number
471 import core.stdc.math : lrint;
472 if (lrint(v) == v && lrint(v) >= short.min && lrint(v) <= short.max) {
473 emit2Bytes(Op.ilit, dest, cast(short)lrint(v));
474 return;
476 //FIXME: speed it up!
477 foreach (immutable idx, Real vp; vm.vpool) if (vp == v) { vpidx = cast(uint)idx; break; }
478 } else if (v.isString) {
479 // string
480 //FIXME: speed it up!
481 auto sid = v.getStrId;
482 foreach (immutable idx, Real vp; vm.vpool) if (vp.isString && vp.getStrId == sid) { vpidx = cast(uint)idx; break; }
483 } else {
484 assert(0, "wtf?!");
486 if (vpidx == uint.max) {
487 vpidx = cast(uint)vm.vpool.length;
488 if (vpidx >= 0xffffff) compileError(loc, "too many constants");
489 vm.vpool ~= v;
491 if (vpidx < ushort.max) {
492 emit2Bytes(Op.plit, dest, cast(ushort)vpidx);
493 } else {
494 // special form
495 emit2Bytes(Op.plit, dest, cast(short)ushort.max);
496 emit3Bytes(Op.skip, vpidx);
500 uint allocStrConst (string s, Loc loc) { return newInternalStr(s); }
502 int varSlot (string name) {
503 auto avn = argvar(name);
504 if (avn >= 0) return VM.Slot.Argument0+avn;
505 switch (name) {
506 case "self": return VM.Slot.Self;
507 case "other": return VM.Slot.Other;
508 default:
510 // argument aliases
511 foreach (immutable idx, string an; aaliases) if (an == name) return cast(int)VM.Slot.Argument0+idx;
512 // locals
513 if (auto v = name in locals) return *v;
514 return -1;
517 // options for expression
518 static struct EOpts {
519 int ddest = -1; // >=0: put result in this slot
520 bool dna; // use `ddest` only if we don't need to allocate more slots
523 // returns dest slot
524 // can put value in desired dest
525 ubyte compileExpr (Node nn, int ddest=-1, bool wantref=false) {
526 ubyte doBinOp (Op op, NodeBinary n) {
527 auto dest = allocSlot(n.loc, ddest);
528 auto o0 = compileExpr(n.el);
529 auto o1 = compileExpr(n.er);
530 emit(op, dest, o0, o1);
531 freeSlot(o0);
532 freeSlot(o1);
533 return dest;
536 ubyte doUnOp (Op op, NodeUnary n) {
537 auto dest = allocSlot(n.loc, ddest);
538 auto o0 = compileExpr(n.e);
539 emit(op, dest, o0);
540 freeSlot(o0);
541 return dest;
544 nn.pcs = pc;
545 scope(exit) nn.pce = pc;
546 return selectNode!ubyte(nn,
547 (NodeLiteralNum n) {
548 auto dest = allocSlot(n.loc, ddest);
549 emitPLit(n.loc, dest, n.val);
550 return dest;
552 (NodeLiteralStr n) {
553 auto dest = allocSlot(n.loc, ddest);
554 auto sid = allocStrConst(n.val, n.loc);
555 emitPLit(n.loc, dest, buildStrId(sid));
556 return dest;
558 (NodeUnaryParens n) => compileExpr(n.e, ddest, wantref),
559 (NodeUnaryNot n) => doUnOp(Op.lnot, n),
560 (NodeUnaryNeg n) => doUnOp(Op.neg, n),
561 (NodeUnaryBitNeg n) => doUnOp(Op.bneg, n),
562 (NodeBinaryAss n) {
563 // assignment
564 if (cast(NodeId)n.el is null && cast(NodeDot)n.el is null && cast(NodeIndex)n.el is null) compileError(n.loc, "assignment to rvalue");
565 if (auto did = cast(NodeId)n.el) {
566 // try to put value directly to variable slot
567 auto vdst = varSlot(did.name);
568 if (vdst >= 0) {
569 auto dest = compileExpr(n.er, ddest:vdst);
570 freeSlot(dest);
571 return 0;
574 // normal assignment
575 auto src = compileExpr(n.er);
576 auto dest = compileExpr(n.el, wantref:true);
577 //emit(Op.rstore, dest, src);
578 switch (vm.code[pc-1].opCode) {
579 case Op.lref: // load slot reference to dest; op0: slot number
580 opReplace(pc-1, Op.lstore, src); // store value *from* dest into local slot; op0: slot number
581 break;
582 case Op.fref: // load field reference; op0: obj id; op1: int! reg (field id); can create fields
583 opReplace(pc-1, Op.fstore, src); // store value *from* dest into field; op0: obj id; op1: int! reg (field id); can create fields
584 break;
585 case Op.i1ref: // load indexed reference; op0: varref; op1: index; can create arrays
586 opReplace(pc-1, Op.i1store, src); // store value *from* dest into indexed reference; op0: varref; op1: index; can create arrays
587 break;
588 case Op.i2ref: // load indexed reference; op0: varref; op1: first index; (op1+1): second index; can create arrays
589 opReplace(pc-1, Op.i2store, src); // store value *from* dest into indexed reference; op0: varref; op1: first index; (op1+1): second index; can create arrays
590 break;
591 default: assert(0, "internal compiler error");
593 freeSlot(src);
594 freeSlot(dest);
595 return 0;
597 (NodeBinaryAdd n) => doBinOp(Op.add, n),
598 (NodeBinarySub n) => doBinOp(Op.sub, n),
599 (NodeBinaryMul n) => doBinOp(Op.mul, n),
600 (NodeBinaryRDiv n) => doBinOp(Op.rdiv, n),
601 (NodeBinaryDiv n) => doBinOp(Op.div, n),
602 (NodeBinaryMod n) => doBinOp(Op.mod, n),
603 (NodeBinaryBitOr n) => doBinOp(Op.bor, n),
604 (NodeBinaryBitAnd n) => doBinOp(Op.band, n),
605 (NodeBinaryBitXor n) => doBinOp(Op.bxor, n),
606 (NodeBinaryLShift n) => doBinOp(Op.shl, n),
607 (NodeBinaryRShift n) => doBinOp(Op.shr, n),
608 (NodeBinaryLess n) => doBinOp(Op.lt, n),
609 (NodeBinaryLessEqu n) => doBinOp(Op.le, n),
610 (NodeBinaryGreat n) => doBinOp(Op.gt, n),
611 (NodeBinaryGreatEqu n) => doBinOp(Op.ge, n),
612 (NodeBinaryEqu n) => doBinOp(Op.eq, n),
613 (NodeBinaryNotEqu n) => doBinOp(Op.ne, n),
614 (NodeBinaryLogOr n) => doBinOp(Op.lor, n),
615 (NodeBinaryLogAnd n) => doBinOp(Op.land, n),
616 (NodeBinaryLogXor n) => doBinOp(Op.lxor, n),
617 (NodeFCall n) {
618 if (cast(NodeId)n.fe is null) compileError(n.loc, "invalid function call");
619 if (n.args.length > 16) compileError(n.loc, "too many arguments in function call");
620 auto dest = allocSlot(n.loc, ddest);
621 // preallocate frame
622 // we can do this, as current slot allocation scheme guarantees
623 // that we won't have used slots with higher numbert after compiling
624 // argument expressions
625 // `reserveCallSlots()` won't mark slots as used
626 auto frameSize = cast(uint)n.args.length+VM.Slot.Argument0;
627 auto fcs = reserveCallSlots(n.loc, frameSize+1); // +1 for script id
628 // put arguments where we want 'em to be
629 foreach (immutable idx, Node a; n.args) {
630 // reserve result slot, so it won't be overwritten
631 assert(!slots[fcs+VM.Slot.Argument0+idx]);
632 slots[fcs+VM.Slot.Argument0+idx] = true;
633 auto dp = compileExpr(a, fcs+VM.Slot.Argument0+idx);
634 if (dp != fcs+VM.Slot.Argument0+idx) assert(0, "internal compiler error");
636 // now free result slots
637 foreach (immutable idx; 0..n.args.length) freeSlot(cast(ubyte)(fcs+VM.Slot.Argument0+idx));
638 // make sure that our invariant holds
639 if (reserveCallSlots(n.loc, 1) != fcs) assert(0, "internal compiler error");
640 // put script id
641 // emit call
642 uint sid = sid4name((cast(NodeId)n.fe).name);
643 emit2Bytes(Op.xlit, cast(ubyte)(fcs+VM.Slot.Argument0+n.args.length), cast(short)sid);
644 emit(Op.call, dest, fcs, cast(ubyte)n.args.length);
645 return dest;
647 // variable access
648 (NodeId n) {
649 // keep track of maximum argument we've seen
650 if (maxArgUsed < 15) {
651 if (auto ai = argvar(n.name)) {
652 if (ai > maxArgUsed) maxArgUsed = cast(ubyte)ai;
655 if (wantref) {
656 // load reference
657 auto dest = allocSlot(n.loc, ddest);
658 auto vsl = varSlot(n.name);
659 if (vsl >= 0) {
660 // this is local variable
661 emit(Op.lref, dest, cast(ubyte)vsl);
662 } else {
663 // this is `self` field
664 auto fid = allocSlot(n.loc);
665 emit2Bytes(Op.ilit, fid, cast(short)allocateFieldId(n.name));
666 freeSlot(fid);
667 emit(Op.fref, dest, VM.Slot.Self, fid);
669 return dest;
670 } else {
671 // load value
672 auto vsl = varSlot(n.name);
673 if (vsl >= 0) {
674 // this is local variable
675 if (ddest < 0) return vsl; // just use this slot directly
676 auto dest = allocSlot(n.loc, ddest);
677 if (dest == vsl) return dest;
678 emit(Op.copy, dest, cast(ubyte)vsl, 1);
679 return dest;
680 } else {
681 // this is `self` field
682 auto dest = allocSlot(n.loc, ddest);
683 auto fid = allocSlot(n.loc);
684 emit2Bytes(Op.ilit, fid, cast(short)allocateFieldId(n.name));
685 freeSlot(fid);
686 emit(Op.fval, dest, VM.Slot.Self, fid);
687 return dest;
690 assert(0);
692 (NodeDot n) {
693 // field access
694 auto aop = (wantref ? Op.fref : Op.fval);
695 auto dest = allocSlot(n.loc, ddest);
696 if (auto oid = cast(NodeId)n.e) {
697 // we know object name directly
698 if (oid.name == "self" || oid.name == "other" || oid.name == "global") {
699 // well-known name
700 auto fid = allocSlot(n.loc);
701 emit2Bytes(Op.ilit, fid, cast(short)allocateFieldId(n.name));
702 if (oid.name == "global") {
703 auto oids = allocSlot(n.loc);
704 emit2Bytes(Op.ilit, oids, -666);
705 freeSlot(oids);
706 emit(aop, dest, oids, fid);
707 } else {
708 emit(aop, dest, (oid.name == "self" ? VM.Slot.Self : VM.Slot.Other), fid);
710 freeSlot(fid);
711 return dest;
714 // this is some complex expression
715 auto fid = allocSlot(n.loc);
716 emit2Bytes(Op.ilit, fid, cast(short)allocateFieldId(n.name));
717 auto oids = compileExpr(n.e);
718 freeSlot(oids);
719 emit(aop, dest, oids, fid);
720 return dest;
722 (NodeIndex n) {
723 assert(n.ei0 !is null);
724 auto dest = allocSlot(n.loc, ddest);
725 if (n.ei1 is null) {
726 // one index
727 if (auto id = cast(NodeId)n.e) {
728 auto vid = varSlot(id.name);
729 if (vid >= 0) {
730 // this is local variable
731 compileError(n.loc, "indexing locals is not supported yet");
732 assert(0);
735 // not a local
736 auto i0 = compileExpr(n.ei0);
737 auto refs = compileExpr(n.e, wantref:true);
738 emit((wantref ? Op.i1ref : Op.i1val), dest, refs, i0);
739 freeSlot(refs);
740 freeSlot(i0);
741 } else {
742 // two indexes
743 auto islots = allocSlots(n.loc, 2);
744 auto i0 = compileExpr(n.ei0, islots);
745 assert(i0 == islots);
746 auto i1 = compileExpr(n.ei1, islots+1);
747 assert(i0 == islots+1);
748 auto refs = compileExpr(n.e, wantref:true);
749 emit((wantref ? Op.i2ref : Op.i2val), dest, refs, islots);
750 freeSlot(refs);
751 freeSlot(i0);
752 freeSlot(i1);
754 return dest;
756 () { assert(0, "unimplemented node: "~typeid(nn).name); },
760 uint breakChain; // current jump chain for `break`
761 uint contChain; // current jump chain for `continue`
762 bool contChainIsAddr; // is `contChain` an address, not a chain?
764 void compile (Node nn) {
765 assert(nn !is null);
766 nn.pcs = pc;
767 scope(exit) nn.pce = pc;
768 return selectNode!void(nn,
769 (NodeVarDecl n) {},
770 (NodeBlock n) {
771 foreach (Node st; n.stats) compile(st);
773 (NodeStatementEmpty n) {},
774 (NodeStatementExpr n) {
775 freeSlot(compileExpr(n.e));
777 (NodeReturn n) {
778 if (n.e is null) {
779 emit2Bytes(Op.ilit, 0, 0);
780 emit(Op.ret, 0);
781 } else {
782 auto dest = compileExpr(n.e);
783 emit(Op.ret, dest);
784 freeSlot(dest);
787 (NodeWith n) {
788 assert(0);
790 (NodeIf n) {
791 auto cs = compileExpr(n.ec);
792 freeSlot(cs); // yep, free it here
793 emit(Op.xtrue, cs);
794 uint jfc = 0;
795 // simple optimization
796 jfc = emitJumpChain(0, Op.jump);
797 compile(n.et);
798 if (n.ef !is null) {
799 auto exc = emitJumpChain(0, Op.jump);
800 fixJumpChain(jfc, pc);
801 jfc = exc;
802 compile(n.ef);
804 fixJumpChain(jfc, pc);
806 (NodeStatementBreak n) {
807 breakChain = emitJumpChain(breakChain);
809 (NodeStatementContinue n) {
810 if (contChainIsAddr) {
811 emitJumpTo(contChain);
812 } else {
813 contChain = emitJumpChain(contChain);
816 (NodeFor n) {
817 freeSlot(compileExpr(n.einit));
818 // generate vm.code like this:
819 // jump to "continue"
820 // body
821 // continue:
822 // cond
823 // jumptostart
824 auto obc = breakChain;
825 auto occ = contChain;
826 auto cca = contChainIsAddr;
827 scope(exit) { breakChain = obc; contChain = occ; contChainIsAddr = cca; }
828 // jump to "continue"
829 contChain = emitJumpChain(0); // start new chain
830 contChainIsAddr = false;
831 breakChain = 0; // start new chain
832 auto stpc = pc;
833 // increment
834 freeSlot(compileExpr(n.enext));
835 // body
836 compile(n.ebody);
837 // fix "continue"
838 fixJumpChain(contChain, pc);
839 // condition
840 auto dest = compileExpr(n.econd);
841 freeSlot(dest); // yep, right here
842 emit(Op.xfalse, dest); // skip jump on false
843 emitJumpTo(stpc);
844 // "break" is here
845 fixJumpChain(breakChain, pc);
847 (NodeWhile n) {
848 // nothing fancy
849 auto obc = breakChain;
850 auto occ = contChain;
851 auto cca = contChainIsAddr;
852 scope(exit) { breakChain = obc; contChain = occ; contChainIsAddr = cca; }
853 // new break chain
854 breakChain = 0;
855 // "continue" is here
856 contChain = pc;
857 contChainIsAddr = true;
858 // condition
859 auto dest = compileExpr(n.econd);
860 freeSlot(dest); // yep, right here
861 emit(Op.xfalse, dest); // skip jump on false
862 breakChain = emitJumpChain(breakChain); // get out of here
863 // body
864 compile(n.ebody);
865 // and again
866 emitJumpTo(contChain);
867 // "break" is here
868 fixJumpChain(breakChain, pc);
870 (NodeDoUntil n) {
871 // nothing fancy
872 auto obc = breakChain;
873 auto occ = contChain;
874 auto cca = contChainIsAddr;
875 scope(exit) { breakChain = obc; contChain = occ; contChainIsAddr = cca; }
876 auto stpc = pc;
877 // new break chain
878 breakChain = 0;
879 // new continue chain
880 contChain = 0;
881 contChainIsAddr = false;
882 // body
883 compile(n.ebody);
884 // "continue" is here
885 fixJumpChain(contChain, pc);
886 // condition
887 auto dest = compileExpr(n.econd);
888 freeSlot(dest); // yep, right here
889 emit(Op.xfalse, dest); // skip jump on false
890 // and again
891 emitJumpTo(stpc);
892 // "break" is here
893 fixJumpChain(breakChain, pc);
895 (NodeRepeat n) {
896 // allocate node for counter
897 auto cnt = compileExpr(n.ecount);
898 // allocate "1" constant (we will need it)
899 auto one = allocSlot(n.loc);
900 emit2Bytes(Op.ilit, one, cast(short)1);
901 // alice in chains
902 auto obc = breakChain;
903 auto occ = contChain;
904 auto cca = contChainIsAddr;
905 scope(exit) { breakChain = obc; contChain = occ; contChainIsAddr = cca; }
906 // new break chain
907 breakChain = 0;
908 // "continue" is here
909 contChain = pc;
910 contChainIsAddr = true;
911 // check and decrement counter
912 auto ck = allocSlot(n.ecount.loc);
913 freeSlot(ck); // we don't need that slot anymore, allow body to reuse it
914 emit(Op.ge, ck, cnt, one);
915 emit(Op.xtrue, ck);
916 breakChain = emitJumpChain(breakChain); // get out of here
917 // decrement counter in-place
918 emit(Op.sub, cnt, cnt, one);
919 // body
920 compile(n.ebody);
921 // and again
922 emitJumpTo(contChain);
923 // "break" is here
924 fixJumpChain(breakChain, pc);
925 // free used slots
926 freeSlot(one);
927 freeSlot(cnt);
929 (NodeSwitch n) {
930 // switch expression
931 auto expr = compileExpr(n.e);
932 if (n.cases.length) {
933 // has some cases
934 uint defaultBodyAddr = 0; // address of "default" node body (even if it is empty)
935 uint lastFalltrhuJump = 0; // this is the address of the Op.jump at the end of the previous case node
936 uint lastCaseSkipJumpAddr = 0; // this is the address of the Op.jump at the failed condition of the previous case node
937 // new "break" chain
938 auto obc = breakChain;
939 scope(exit) breakChain = obc;
940 breakChain = 0;
941 // now generate vm.code for case nodes, skipping "default" by the way
942 foreach (immutable idx, ref ci; n.cases) {
943 uint nodeSkipChain = 0;
944 // check condition
945 if (ci.e !is null) {
946 // jump here from the last failed condition
947 fixJumpChain(lastCaseSkipJumpAddr, pc);
948 auto cond = compileExpr(ci.e);
949 // trick: reuse "cond" slot
950 freeSlot(cond);
951 emit(Op.eq, cond, cond, expr);
952 emit(Op.xtrue, cond);
953 // new skip chain
954 lastCaseSkipJumpAddr = emitJumpChain(0);
955 } else {
956 // this is default node, jump over it
957 nodeSkipChain = emitJumpChain(0);
958 // and save info
959 defaultBodyAddr = pc;
961 // fix fallthru jump
962 fixJumpChain(lastFalltrhuJump, pc);
963 // the body is here
964 compile(ci.st);
965 // new fallthru chain
966 lastFalltrhuJump = (idx < n.cases.length-1 ? emitJumpChain(0) : 0);
967 // fix "default skip" chain
968 fixJumpChain(nodeSkipChain, pc);
970 // we can free expression slot right here
971 freeSlot(expr);
972 // do we have default node?
973 if (defaultBodyAddr) {
974 // jump there from the last failed condition
975 fixJumpChain(lastCaseSkipJumpAddr, defaultBodyAddr);
976 } else {
977 // jump here from the last failed condition
978 fixJumpChain(lastCaseSkipJumpAddr, pc);
980 // fix last fallthru jump
981 fixJumpChain(lastFalltrhuJump, pc);
982 // fix "break" chain
983 fixJumpChain(breakChain, pc);
984 } else {
985 freeSlot(expr);
988 () { assert(0, "unimplemented node: "~typeid(nn).name); },
992 if (auto sid = fn.name in vm.scripts) {
993 if (vm.scriptPCs[*sid] < 0) return; // can't override built-in function
996 uint sid = sid4name(fn.name);
997 /*debug(vm_exec)*/ { import std.stdio; writeln("compiling '", fn.name, "' (", sid, ")..."); }
998 auto startpc = emit(Op.enter);
999 fn.pcs = pc;
1000 compile(fn.ebody);
1001 emit(Op.ret);
1002 fn.pce = pc;
1003 // patch enter
1004 vm.code[startpc] = (locals.length<<24)|((maxUsedSlot+1)<<16)|(maxArgUsed<<8)|cast(ubyte)Op.enter;
1005 vm.scriptPCs[sid] = startpc;
1006 vm.scriptASTs[sid] = fn;