App Engine Python SDK version 1.9.12
[gae.git] / python / google / appengine / api /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 #
11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 # limitations under the License.
21 """Used to parse app.yaml files while following builtins/includes directives."""
34 import logging
35 import os
37 from google.appengine.api import appinfo
38 from google.appengine.api import appinfo_errors
39 from google.appengine.ext import builtins
42 class IncludeFileNotFound(Exception):
43 """Raised if a specified include file cannot be found on disk."""
46 def Parse(appinfo_file, open_fn=open):
47 """Parse an AppYaml file and merge referenced includes and builtins.
49 Args:
50 appinfo_file: an opened file, for example the result of open('app.yaml').
51 open_fn: a function to open included files.
53 Returns:
54 The parsed appinfo.AppInfoExternal object.
55 """
56 appyaml, _ = ParseAndReturnIncludePaths(appinfo_file, open_fn)
57 return appyaml
60 def ParseAndReturnIncludePaths(appinfo_file, open_fn=open):
61 """Parse an AppYaml file and merge referenced includes and builtins.
63 Args:
64 appinfo_file: an opened file, for example the result of open('app.yaml').
65 open_fn: a function to open included files.
67 Returns:
68 A tuple where the first element is the parsed appinfo.AppInfoExternal
69 object and the second element is a list of the absolute paths of the
70 included files, in no particular order.
71 """
72 try:
73 appinfo_path =
74 if not os.path.isfile(appinfo_path):
75 raise Exception('Name defined by appinfo_file does not appear to be a '
76 'valid file: %s' % appinfo_path)
77 except AttributeError:
78 raise Exception('File object passed to ParseAndMerge does not define '
79 'attribute "name" as as full file path.')
81 appyaml = appinfo.LoadSingleAppInfo(appinfo_file)
82 appyaml, include_paths = _MergeBuiltinsIncludes(appinfo_path, appyaml,
83 open_fn)
86 if not appyaml.handlers:
88 if appyaml.vm:
89 appyaml.handlers = [appinfo.URLMap(url='.*', script='PLACEHOLDER')]
90 else:
91 raise appinfo_errors.MissingURLMapping(
92 'No URLMap entries found in application configuration')
93 if len(appyaml.handlers) > appinfo.MAX_URL_MAPS:
94 raise appinfo_errors.TooManyURLMappings(
95 'Found more than %d URLMap entries in application configuration' %
96 appinfo.MAX_URL_MAPS)
97 if appyaml.runtime == 'python27' and appyaml.threadsafe:
98 for handler in appyaml.handlers:
99 if (handler.script and (handler.script.endswith('.py') or
100 '/' in handler.script)):
101 raise appinfo_errors.ThreadsafeWithCgiHandler(
102 'Threadsafe cannot be enabled with CGI handler: %s' %
103 handler.script)
105 return appyaml, include_paths
108 def _MergeBuiltinsIncludes(appinfo_path, appyaml, open_fn=open):
109 """Merges app.yaml files from builtins and includes directives in appyaml.
111 Args:
112 appinfo_path: the application directory.
113 appyaml: the yaml file to obtain builtins and includes directives from.
114 open_fn: file opening function to pass to _ResolveIncludes, used when
115 reading yaml files.
117 Returns:
118 A tuple where the first element is the modified appyaml object
119 incorporating the referenced yaml files, and the second element is a list
120 of the absolute paths of the included files, in no particular order.
125 if not appyaml.builtins:
126 appyaml.builtins = [appinfo.BuiltinHandler(default='on')]
128 else:
129 if not appinfo.BuiltinHandler.IsDefined(appyaml.builtins, 'default'):
130 appyaml.builtins.append(appinfo.BuiltinHandler(default='on'))
134 runtime_for_including = appyaml.runtime
135 if runtime_for_including == 'vm':
136 runtime_for_including = appyaml.vm_settings.get('vm_runtime', 'python27')
137 aggregate_appinclude, include_paths = (
138 _ResolveIncludes(appinfo_path,
139 appinfo.AppInclude(builtins=appyaml.builtins,
140 includes=appyaml.includes),
141 os.path.dirname(appinfo_path),
142 runtime_for_including,
143 open_fn=open_fn))
145 return (
146 appinfo.AppInclude.MergeAppYamlAppInclude(appyaml,
147 aggregate_appinclude),
148 include_paths)
151 def _ResolveIncludes(included_from, app_include, basepath, runtime, state=None,
152 open_fn=open):
153 """Recursively includes all encountered builtins/includes directives.
155 This function takes an initial AppInclude object specified as a parameter
156 and recursively evaluates every builtins/includes directive in the passed
157 in AppInclude and any files they reference. The sole output of the function
158 is an AppInclude object that is the result of merging all encountered
159 AppInclude objects. This must then be merged with the root AppYaml object.
161 Args:
162 included_from: file that included file was included from.
163 app_include: the AppInclude object to resolve.
164 basepath: application basepath.
165 runtime: name of the runtime.
166 state: contains the list of included and excluded files as well as the
167 directives of all encountered AppInclude objects.
168 open_fn: file opening function udes, used when reading yaml files.
170 Returns:
171 A two-element tuple where the first element is the AppInclude object merged
172 from following all builtins/includes defined in provided AppInclude object;
173 and the second element is a list of the absolute paths of the included
174 files, in no particular order.
176 Raises:
177 IncludeFileNotFound: if file specified in an include statement cannot be
178 resolved to an includeable file (result from _ResolvePath is False).
181 class RecurseState(object):
187 def __init__(self):
188 self.includes = {}
189 self.excludes = {}
190 self.aggregate_appinclude = appinfo.AppInclude()
193 if not state:
194 state = RecurseState()
197 appinfo.AppInclude.MergeAppIncludes(state.aggregate_appinclude, app_include)
200 includes_list = _ConvertBuiltinsToIncludes(included_from, app_include,
201 state, runtime)
204 includes_list.extend(app_include.includes or [])
207 for i in includes_list:
208 inc_path = _ResolvePath(included_from, i, basepath)
209 if not inc_path:
210 raise IncludeFileNotFound('File %s listed in includes directive of %s '
211 'could not be found.' % (i, included_from))
213 if inc_path in state.excludes:
214 logging.warning('%s already disabled by %s but later included by %s',
215 inc_path, state.excludes[inc_path], included_from)
216 elif not inc_path in state.includes:
217 state.includes[inc_path] = included_from
218 yaml_file = open_fn(inc_path, 'r')
219 try:
220 inc_yaml = appinfo.LoadAppInclude(yaml_file)
221 _ResolveIncludes(inc_path, inc_yaml, basepath, runtime, state=state,
222 open_fn=open_fn)
223 except appinfo_errors.EmptyConfigurationFile:
225 if not os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(inc_path)) == 'default':
226 logging.warning('Nothing to include in %s', inc_path)
229 return state.aggregate_appinclude, state.includes.keys()
232 def _ConvertBuiltinsToIncludes(included_from, app_include, state, runtime):
233 """Converts builtins directives to includes directives.
235 Moves all builtins directives in app_include into the includes
236 directives list. Modifies class excludes dict if any builtins are
237 switched off. Class includes dict is used to determine if an excluded
238 builtin was previously included.
240 Args:
241 included_from: file that builtin directive was found in
242 app_include: the AppInclude object currently being processed.
243 state: contains the list of included and excluded files as well as the
244 directives of all encountered AppInclude objects.
245 runtime: name of the runtime.
247 Returns:
248 list of the absolute paths to the include files for builtins where
249 "x: on" directive was specified, e.g. "builtins:\n default: on" ->
250 ['/google/appengine/ext/builtins/default/include.yaml']
252 includes_list = []
253 if app_include.builtins:
254 builtins_list = appinfo.BuiltinHandler.ListToTuples(app_include.builtins)
255 for builtin_name, on_or_off in builtins_list:
257 if not on_or_off:
258 continue
261 yaml_path = builtins.get_yaml_path(builtin_name, runtime)
263 if on_or_off == 'on':
264 includes_list.append(yaml_path)
265 elif on_or_off == 'off':
266 if yaml_path in state.includes:
267 logging.warning('%s already included by %s but later disabled by %s',
268 yaml_path, state.includes[yaml_path], included_from)
269 state.excludes[yaml_path] = included_from
270 else:
271 logging.error('Invalid state for AppInclude object loaded from %s; '
272 'builtins directive "%s: %s" ignored.',
273 included_from, builtin_name, on_or_off)
275 return includes_list
278 def _ResolvePath(included_from, included_path, basepath):
279 """Gets the absolute path of the file to be included.
281 Resolves in the following order:
282 - absolute path or relative to working directory
283 (path as specified resolves to a file)
284 - relative to basepath
285 (basepath + path resolves to a file)
286 - relative to file it was included from
287 (included_from + included_path resolves to a file)
289 Args:
290 included_from: absolute path of file that included_path was included from.
291 included_path: file string from includes directive.
292 basepath: the application directory.
294 Returns:
295 absolute path of the first file found for included_path or ''.
304 path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(included_from), included_path)
305 if not _IsFileOrDirWithFile(path):
307 path = os.path.join(basepath, included_path)
308 if not _IsFileOrDirWithFile(path):
310 path = included_path
311 if not _IsFileOrDirWithFile(path):
312 return ''
314 if os.path.isfile(path):
315 return os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(path))
317 return os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, 'include.yaml')))
320 def _IsFileOrDirWithFile(path):
321 """Determine if a path is a file or a directory with an appropriate file."""
322 return os.path.isfile(path) or (
323 os.path.isdir(path) and
324 os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, 'include.yaml')))