App Engine Python SDK version 1.8.9
[gae.git] / python / google / appengine / ext / datastore_admin / templates / confirm_backup_import.html
1 {% extends "base.html" %}
2 {% block title %}Confirm Import of backup information{% endblock %}
3 {% block body %}
4 <h2>Datastore Admin: Import backup information</h2>
5 {% if error %}
6 <div class="ae-errorbox">{{ error|escape }}</div>
7 <a href="{{ datastore_admin_home }}"><button>Back</button></a>
8 {% else %}
9 {% if not other_backup_info_files and not selected_backup_info_file %}
10 <div class="ae-errorbox">No backup information files were found.</div>
11 <a href="{{ datastore_admin_home }}"><button>Back</button></a>
12 {% else %}
13 <form action="{{base_path}}/{{form_target}}" method="post" style="width:39.39em;">
14 <input type="hidden" name="xsrf_token" value="{{xsrf_token|escape}}">
15 {% if not other_backup_info_files %}
16 <b>Confirm import of:</b>
17 <input type="hidden" name="gs_handle" value="{{selected_backup_info_file}}">{{selected_backup_info_file|escape}}
18 {% else %}
19 {% if selected_backup_info_file %}
20 <b>Confirm import of:</b><br/>
21 <input type="radio" name="gs_handle" value="{{selected_backup_info_file}}" checked>{{selected_backup_info_file|escape}}</br>
22 {% else %}
23 {% if backup_info_specified %}
24 <b>Requested backup was not found, available backups:</b><br/>
25 {% else %}
26 <b>Select an available backup:</b><br/>
27 {% endif %}
28 {% endif %}
29 {% for backup_info_file in other_backup_info_files %}
30 <input type="radio" name="gs_handle" value="{{backup_info_file}}">{{backup_info_file|escape}}</br>
31 {% endfor %}
32 {% endif %}
33 {% if run_as_a_service %}
34 <input type="hidden" name="run_as_a_service" value="{{ run_as_a_service|escape }}">
35 {% endif %}
36 <input type="Submit" name="Import" value="Add to backup list">
37 <input type="Submit" name="Restore" value="Restore from backup">
38 <a href="{{ datastore_admin_home }}">Cancel</a>
39 </form>
40 {% endif %}
41 {% endif %}
42 {% endblock %}