App Engine Python SDK version 1.7.4 (2)
[gae.git] / python / lib / django_1_4 / tests / regressiontests / i18n / commands / templates / test.html
1 {% load i18n %}
2 {% comment %}Translators: Django comment block for translators
3 string's meaning unveiled
4 {% endcomment %}
5 {% trans "This literal should be included." %}
6 {% trans "This literal should also be included wrapped or not wrapped depending on the use of the --no-wrap option." %}
8 {# Translators: Django template comment for translators #}
9 <p>{% blocktrans %}I think that 100% is more that 50% of anything.{% endblocktrans %}</p>
10 {% blocktrans with 'txt' as obj %}I think that 100% is more that 50% of {{ obj }}.{% endblocktrans %}
12 {% comment %}Some random comment
13 Some random comment
14 Translators: One-line translator comment #1
15 {% endcomment %}
16 {% trans "Translatable literal #1a" %}
18 {% comment %}Some random comment
19 Some random comment
20 Translators: Two-line translator comment #1
21 continued here.
22 {% endcomment %}
23 {% trans "Translatable literal #1b" %}
25 {% comment %}Some random comment
26 Translators: One-line translator comment #2
27 {% endcomment %}
28 {% trans "Translatable literal #2a" %}
30 {% comment %}Some random comment
31 Translators: Two-line translator comment #2
32 continued here.
33 {% endcomment %}
34 {% trans "Translatable literal #2b" %}
36 {% comment %}
37 Translators: One-line translator comment #3
38 {% endcomment %}
39 {% trans "Translatable literal #3a" %}
41 {% comment %}
42 Translators: Two-line translator comment #3
43 continued here.
44 {% endcomment %}
45 {% trans "Translatable literal #3b" %}
47 {% comment %} Translators: One-line translator comment #4{% endcomment %}
48 {% trans "Translatable literal #4a" %}
50 {% comment %} Translators: Two-line translator comment #4
51 continued here.{% endcomment %}
52 {% trans "Translatable literal #4b" %}
54 {% comment %} Translators: One-line translator comment #5 -- with non ASCII characters: áéíóúö{% endcomment %}
55 {% trans "Translatable literal #5a" %}
57 {% comment %} Translators: Two-line translator comment #5 -- with non ASCII characters: áéíóúö
58 continued here.{% endcomment %}
59 {% trans "Translatable literal #6b" %}
61 {% trans "Translatable literal #7a" context "Special trans context #1" %}
62 {% trans "Translatable literal #7b" as var context "Special trans context #2" %}
63 {% trans "Translatable literal #7c" context "Special trans context #3" as var %}
65 {% blocktrans context "Special blocktrans context #1" %}Translatable literal #8a{% endblocktrans %}
66 {% blocktrans count 2 context "Special blocktrans context #2" %}Translatable literal #8b-singular{% plural %}Translatable literal #8b-plural{% endblocktrans %}
67 {% blocktrans context "Special blocktrans context #3" count 2 %}Translatable literal #8c-singular{% plural %}Translatable literal #8c-plural{% endblocktrans %}
68 {% blocktrans with a=1 context "Special blocktrans context #4" %}Translatable literal #8d {{ a }}{% endblocktrans %}
70 {% blocktrans with a=1 %}Blocktrans extraction shouldn't double escape this: %%, a={{ a }}{% endblocktrans %}
72 {% trans "Literal with a percent symbol at the end %" %}
73 {% trans "Literal with a percent % symbol in the middle" %}
74 {% trans "Completed 50% of all the tasks" %}
75 {% trans "Completed 99% of all the tasks" context "ctx0" %}
76 {% trans "Shouldn't double escape this sequence: %% (two percent signs)" %}
77 {% trans "Shouldn't double escape this sequence %% either" context "ctx1" %}
78 {% trans "Looks like a str fmt spec %s but shouldn't be interpreted as such" %}
79 {% trans "Looks like a str fmt spec % o but shouldn't be interpreted as such" %}
81 {% trans "Translatable literal with context wrapped in single quotes" context 'Context wrapped in single quotes' as var %}
82 {% trans "Translatable literal with context wrapped in double quotes" context "Context wrapped in double quotes" as var %}
83 {% blocktrans context 'Special blocktrans context wrapped in single quotes' %}Translatable literal with context wrapped in single quotes{% endblocktrans %}
84 {% blocktrans context "Special blocktrans context wrapped in double quotes" %}Translatable literal with context wrapped in double quotes{% endblocktrans %}